The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 3

3. My princess saves His Royal Highness the King.


I jumped out of bed with momentum.

All the samurai in the room look back and even the guards outside the door pop up.

What’s wrong with your mouth? We’ll get together, but not yet.

Where’s Father?

“If His Royal Highness the King, His Majesty the Queen sent me to report earlier…”

Not good, not like this…

“Stop now and don’t put him in the carriage.”

“Ha… Her Majesty would be in the royal family, so there’s no need for a carriage.”

No, no. Though the First Princess’s maid of honor, she doesn’t grasp the queen’s plans in detail. Especially since you’ve been stuck with me ever since I fell.

You can see the garden as you ride yourself out the window. And the carriage was stopped in front of it, and now Father was just about to ride there.

Because the queen went down to the castle on urgent business, a carriage was prepared for her father to follow.

No, don’t go on that carriage!


Shouting like that for as long as you can, your father’s leg stops.

Waving in swallowing.

No, it’s not a drop-off. Even if I told you not to get in the carriage, I’m sure you’d only think the kid was wasting his time.


Step out with your feet on the window frame. He was also surprised by the boulder and turned completely towards me.

Rock First Princess’s room. It would be higher than on the roof of a house. Regardless of the pride you’ve grown into Las Boss, if an 8-year-old jumps from here, you may be seriously injured. Still.

“Princess, please don’t. Princess.”

“Don’t come! I won’t forgive you if you stop.”

I yell back at the samurai as best I can, and benevolently stand completely on the window frame. It would remain upside down like this if I fluttered even once.

The wind hits me directly from the front as it winds across the street. I can’t breathe because my long hair is tangled up in my face and neck.

My father is changing his blood phase from the bottom, “Stop, Pride.”

Good, you totally paid attention to me.

Hold the pillar firmly with one hand to avoid falling, inhaling heavily. Father, let your voice reach you.

“Father! Don’t get in that carriage. The carriage is broken! You’ll fit the accident before you meet your mother.”

From a distance, I knew very well that Father was surprised. That’s my second stunning face today.

As soon as I ran out of words, armored hands grew from behind me. Guards. They dragged me inside the room when they caught my body as it was.

As I was poking about for a moment, I was relieved to hear Father’s cry “Check the wheels immediately” from outside the window.

Good, that’s a relief.

In the game, Pride’s father sends out a carriage to tell the Queen of Pride’s safety and predictive capacity awakening as soon as possible, where an accident occurs and he is seriously injured because of a broken wheel. Immediate death was spared, but when it was carried to the castle, it was already a bug breath, and it was best to connect it until the queen returned. And when he dies, he tells the queen that he has a sister about his pride’s ability to predict, and he takes his breath away.

In the game Pride could not have predicted his father’s accident. But I knew the game in my previous life, so I could still pull it off. Good, really good.

Thinking that far, the guard’s hand was loosened because I didn’t resist. I noticed all the time, and there was a strange voice “hiccup” when I didn’t think to look around the room.

A samurai yelled the other way trying to stop me nodding and crying on the spot.

The other samurai around also seem unable to move off the spot and stand up, but they are all blue-faced. And only the guard who retrieved me to my room called out, “Are you hurt?” Before replying to that voice, now a slightly older samurai cracks in front of the grumpy samurai and falls flat. “I’m sorry, sir, this girl is not going, please, this disrespect…” she apologizes many times, shaking her body.

Shit, this could have been too much for a boulder.

As I have said many times, I am now the First Princess. And before I regained my memories of my previous life, I was quite my own daughter. That’s what I yelled “I won’t forgive you if I stop you”. And it was stopped so much by the guards.

I guess it’s just horrible to imagine from a samurai what eight wins you can be punished for.

It scared me.

Also of pride, so much for my endeavor…


The more I think about it, the more I panic my head.

If you look closely, the guards would have come in to stop you, ready to be punished by pride, too. For me, the beloved daughter of my precious queen and queen.

“Oh… I’m so sorry.”

Is it because my emotions have dragged me to my eight-year-old body? I couldn’t stop crying if I thought something painful was coming up.

The guards and the samurai are all trying to grate.

Then I kept apologizing to all the samurai and guards who even bothered me crying until my father changed his blood phase and came back to my room.

I know it well because I have memories of a previous life that I have lived for eighteen years. The horror of having power. The spiciness of those who swing by it.

It’s only ten more years of life, but I just want to make sure I don’t forget about this.

Because I am the first princess of this country.

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