The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1154

Ii194. The prime minister plotted

So this is the key I left with you.

“And then, from Chloe to Jeanne,” Tomorrow, you will definitely come and say thank you directly to us “…Just a message to my classmate, Jeanne.

Captain Alan and Lieutenant Eric, who were returned by Master Stale’s special abilities, filled the room with unspeakable air.

The two of you, who had a vague smile on their faces since they returned, said that the refusal to rent the house itself provided a room in the dorm where Croy was a privilege student.When I heard that you had been refused a house, I was a little disappointed, but I didn’t expect this.

Thios and Chloe, and my sister Helene.I’ve been involved with three of them twice, but I think it turned out pretty interesting.I only assumed whether they would be rejected or not, but they certainly had three free rooms on campus.Moreover, in view of Nate’s predicted circumstances, dormitories are more convenient than the Ninro Farnham family.It is a dormitory that is provided free of charge to everyone up to the elementary school age, but other rooms are still available.

Since all current school students have secured a size that is not a problem even if they live in dormitories, there is no problem at this time even if it is put on hold for special students who do not use dormitory rooms.Lending and borrowing are not tied by regulations as long as there is no exchange of money.

“I see… Captain Alan and Lieutenant Eric, thank you very much.”

Both of you lowered your heads to the words of Pride, who received the key with the same expression as the Knight of the Guard when he returned.

Next door, Tiara-sama also said, “That’s good!As he played his voice, Mr. Stale smiled satisfactorily, “It would be convenient for Nate if it were a dorm.”

Although not as expected, it turned out to be possible to rent a room.From the time I was a tutor, I had the impression that I was a little older and twisted than Dios, but I wonder if that’s where he was nodded by Pride Stream.Not only did I know Dios and Miss Helene, but I also gained the trust of Croix, even though I haven’t known her for a month.

Still, I move from pride to pride, who seems to be still suffering from laughter.To change your mind, gently separate the conversation with your pussy and hands.

“Now, let Nate work in the dorm.You won’t even know where the dormitory is, so you’ll need guidance.Since the men’s dormitory is forbidden for girls, can you show Captain Column and observe him later? ”

The dormitory for boys is the same as the dormitory for girls, but the building is clearly separated.To prevent problems between men and women, we made it a separate building.

It is also permissible to specifically admit heterosexuals under the supervision of a teacher, after reporting and authorizing the dormitory mother and administrator, but this is also basically due to the degree of in-dormitory tours, relocation work, and luggage.You cannot be invited as a guest, even if you are a family member.

Naturally, only a woman, Pride, is not allowed to enter the dormitory.And it will be difficult for Pride’s assistant, Stale, and his escort, Arthur, to move away from Pride.It seems that the two of them are already uncomfortable even if they just leave for a short time in separate classes for men and women.Moreover, Stale is a prince even though he is Pride’s assistant from the standpoint.Arthur is pride, and it is impossible for Stale to keep watch over Nate.It is problematic for the royal family to remain without escort for long periods of time…. well, in fact, even if Stale acted alone, he would be able to avoid all sorts of crises, including technology, judgment, and special abilities.At your original age, you have the strength to win against the Knight of the Corps rather than the man behind the family business.

Captain Column agrees to my proposal in one word.He looked at me with his arms tied together and said, “I agree with that.”

“I don’t think Nate would bother to be bad in the room…. I’m still worried. If Captain Column regularly watches Nate as a “teacher,” there’s nothing more to be relieved of.Under the supervision of my teacher, Captain Column, not only Arthur and I, but also your sister, will be able to see Nate in person. ”

While saying that, he raised his eyebrows halfway along the way, and smiled unexpectedly like a distracted Stale.

You may have noticed that it complements my thoughts.As Pride and Arthur nodded convincingly, Captain Column raised his hand modestly beside his face.If I say “please”, Stale and Pride will throw their gaze behind them.

“I have no objection either.However, as you know, I am only on campus as a teacher for the second and third time in combination with Eric at this time.Therefore, I would like to ask you to take measures to monitor Nate within the first and fourth limits. ”

“Of course. In Nate’s opinion, it was only a week before the invention was completed.If that’s the case, ask the Commander of the Knights Brigade to talk to him at the convenience of the school. ”

It is easy such as about a week.

Now that there is a problem in the school, it is better to say that the Knight Captain Column has asked the “School side” to dispatch between the limit and the limit for security and student guidance.That kind of tenderness has been foreseen from the beginning.If it is necessary in the future, the chief of the Knights will also take care of it for the special lecturer for this month.

Meanwhile, Pride, who is supposed to be escorted, is studying in his room.If only there were a room in a heavily guarded palace, as well as Kingsguard Knight Arthur and Kingsguard Jack, no one would doubt that much.Only Lieutenant Eric will be one of the outward-facing Kimikaze during the round-trip to pick up Captain Alan’s relatives…. in the meantime, if you want to escort Pride, the knight’s hope may come true.Until now, I have heard little about the competitive rate of the Kintetsu Knight’s substitute escort.

The only thing to think about is in the unlikely event that the Knight of the Guard on duty is witnessed elsewhere during the Guard mission to Pride.

Knights are still dispatched to the school gates as guards.Or when you encounter a knight walking around the castle by chance.When they witness Captain Column, there is no problem if they make a front that can be explained from the mouth of themselves and the Knights.

Simply suggesting that to Pride and the others, Pride returned a strong smile.

Perhaps he was a little afraid of involving the Knights.It can be seen that Pride has been a kind friend to the Knight Commander for a long time now, and that at the same time, there are some places where he cannot raise his head.Like his father, Albert, he doesn’t want to upset Pride.

Mr. Stale also had his eyebrows between his eyes, but eventually he was given permission to do so.

“Well, Nate, Captain Column will take a look around.If you find out anything about him, report it to us. ”

I lowered my head to Captain Column, who was afraid of Master Stale’s instructions.

It was far from the original purpose, but I was right to put this person on the teacher’s side.Besides, Captain Column is fortunate to have an honest character and already seems to have a lot of trust from teachers.Rikishi was chosen as the best knight…. no, that’s not all.

As soon as I thought so, my thoughts quickly turned to a different fact from what was before me.

It’s not just a boy named Nate.The same is true of the evaporation of the Anchorsons and lower-level students who were honored to be entrusted by Pride, but it is now more convenient than ever for unforeseen events at school.

Information on the teacher side from the knight Captain Column, information gathering and leaping behind by the courier Val, the current situation on the student side from Pride and more accurate information than ever.Thanks to the fact that we have been able to solve the problem without delay since we opened the school.I doubt that any problems or information would have reached the castle without going back to me.

The original purpose was to rescue the students that Pride predicted, but if this works….

“… well, let’s start tomorrow where we can catch Nate.It’s hard for him to find out about the suspension before he knows about the dormitory. ”

“Yeah, and I have to thank the Farnham sisters and brothers.I wish I could apologize for thanking you… ”

Thoughts came back to reality to be cut off by Stale’s words.

I also advised Pride’s eyebrowed face that “I think Pride will be fully delighted just by his gratitude.”

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