The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen Who Will Become the Source of Tragedy Will Devote Herself for the Sake of the People

Chapter 1112

Third Anniversary, Special Tales.

“No… it’s not for me, Albert.Please reconsider. ”

The office of the king. So the young prime minister stepped down against the wall, and on that day unusually rejected the word of the king.

Having been appointed prime minister with an unusual youth and biography, he is undoubtedly a good prime minister if he is inexperienced and even young.He has emerged since he began working at the castle, but after being given the position of prime minister with unusual youthfulness, he has achieved more grades than required.

It is no exaggeration to say that he now also got the fiancée and the mansion of the Earl’s family, and that he got everything that everyone in the civilian population yearned for.His birth is not known on the table, but it is also due to his arm that no trouble was born against him who was suddenly allowed to stand beside the supreme headquarters of the country.

I gained trust not only in the positions I was given, but also in the current king and queen from the people around me.Excellent and rare special abilities are recognized, and trust from the castle is strong, including the arm that can be called perfect.

Naturally, he continues to respond well to requests for consultation and requests from the top management, as well as requests from Wang Qi.He was given such perfect arms and power.

“Don’t say that, Jilbert. I’ve been busy lately, too, and I can leave it to others.”

“Please don’t go on…I’d be happy to help you with anything.But that’s not the Prime Minister’s job.

Filling a step further from the Jill Bale down by the wall, the King’s Wizard once again brought his sharp gaze closer to the tip of the Jill Bale.

Although Jill Vail was used to his poor eye contact, which seemed to be staring at him, he was now distracted by his chin readiness.The palms of both hands were slightly opened in front of her chest to prevent Albert from coming any closer.

Regarding bare hands self-defense, I am confident that he can win against royalty, but I do not intend to swing it to the Lord Albert.

However, if Albert kept his distance as a slight resistance, Albert would not have stopped any further.Still, it’s already close enough to feel the pressure at the tip of the nose.

The noble scent of the royal male perfume clearly reached the nose of Gilbert.It was a Jill veil that was rarely stuck so hard, but I still couldn’t think of nodding.

Even if I do not nod, I have no right to disobey myself if it is an order from a formal ruler, but it is still a desperate resistance.The mouth that always had an elegant smile is slightly convulsing now.I even sweated from my forehead to cheeks.

Until then, I didn’t want to nod about what Albert had asked me.But Albert keeps staring at him with a sharp look.Demonstrate willingness not to return to public service until you accept this.

“I’m not asking you to take care of Pride.You can go and see me instead. ”

I can’t… and I returned it with a weak voice for Jill Vail.

Pride Royal Ivy, the young First Princess of the Kingdom of Freesia.

The girl, still called “Princess”, had been distanced from her mother for some reason.In addition, loving fathers have been busy with business for many days and have had difficulty seeing each other at first sight lately.The work on the desk where Gilbert’s assistant arrives is still going around.However, recent guests from neighboring countries who are conducting alliance, peace, and exchange visits from the Kingdom of Freesia have continued to stand up here.Not only the queen in charge of diplomacy and the Regent, but also the King’s Matron were the guests, and even if they had a few bodies, they were not enough.

Because of the Queen’s intentions, I cannot remain immobile to deepen my ties with other countries, nor am I a king’s mate.As a result, the frequency of visiting my dear daughter has decreased dramatically recently.

“Recently, pride has increased as before due to the decrease in the number of times I go to see people, and the reach for myself and my employees has become stronger.A maid moved again the other day.If you get along, she’ll fit in a bit. ”

“This doesn’t make me your father’s replacement, does it?Albert, you know, I’ve never been in a childcare relationship, even though I’ve been a servant. ”

“I know that!What will I do if I don’t fill my parents’ hole? She’s lonely.If you’re good at getting into people, you’ll be able to easily solve your pride. ”

“Princess Pride is a child who can’t even read words yet.I can’t babysit.I’ve never been involved with children.He’s not even willing to have kids. ”

Give me that, please. Negotiating with people, reading minds, socializing, and grasping minds is Jill Vail’s freedom, but not just letting Albert give up in front of him.

Gilbert, who dared to ask Albert as a friend rather than as a king, gradually became harder to refuse.Gilbert is weak not only in his original position as an assistant, but also as a friend and an invaluable benefactor.Besides, the loneliness of not seeing your parents is the love daughter of a friend and a great benevolent queen.At the same time, she is the daughter of a friend of Marianne’s, her beloved fiancé.

Besides, Jilbert, the prime minister, knows that there are two younger sisters in Pride, but not in the first place.Regardless, Albert knows that Rosa has actually visited Tiara several times because she has turned down her relationship simply because she is busy on official business.

Even though she was weak, her sister took away her mother’s pride, and her contact with her father was drastically reduced.There is plenty of room for sympathy.However, when I was told that I was dealing with a child, my resistance was strong.For Gilbert, it is an unknown organism.

It’s good to smile at a certain distance, but it’s different when it comes to getting involved.I don’t know how many children have been left to die in the past, even those who had fallen into the lower classes and starved.

“Listen to Pride.You don’t have to listen to me, I give you permission.You’re my friend, so you can trust our beloved daughter. ”

“That dialogue is more cunning than an order….”

It was after more than an hour of questioning that my friend, who had never asked me to die, broke without Gilbert.

“Long time no see, Pride. My name is Jilbert Butler, and I am your father’s assistant.”

I’ve seen you several times before, but I don’t think you remember.Jill Vail talked with a smile as he continued his elegant movements.

For a young princess who’s only been alive for years counting with one hand.

“I don’t know. Go home. Bring your father, not your assistant.”

So the pride of not hesitating to say back to the adult returned to him with a cold look that did not seem like a toddler.

A royal palace that serves as the base for Jilbert’s work.But it was different from the royal palace, which now existed only for one young princess.Just relaxed in the room, she had lost interest since she learned that the Knock Lord was neither her father nor her mother.When I heard of the Prime Minister, I didn’t even feel like changing, and now I’m still lying face to face in my bed.

As expected, Jill Vail won’t break his smile.I have met him many times since Pride was born.However, because it was only accompanied by Albert, it did not enter Pride’s sight at all.

Because only her favorite father was always in her eyes.There’s no way you can leave your precious time in the hands of other statues.

I don’t have bad memories.However, for Pride, who had no further interest in Gilbert, even the shards of interest are still not boiling.

“I’m sorry, Pride.His Royal Highness Wang Yu also wanted to see the Princess, but he was busy and I came to say hello instead. ”

“Go home, Father. I don’t like you.”

At least in her face to face “hate”, Jill Vail still understands that “my princess” was true.

This is the first time that Jill Vail has ever seen her nature as a cat in front of her father.

Originally, I knew that Pride, like Albert, was clearly pretending to be a good kid, but it would be cleaner if he behaved differently so far.Even though they are not the parents themselves, if they do not repair what is close to them as an “assistant”, they still analyze them as young children.

The front and back are not fully used.If you really want to deceive your parents, it makes no sense to pretend to be a good boy just before the Prime Minister.I couldn’t hide the true nature of “my princess” from my parents with such lukewarmth.

Gilbert continues to observe the creature lying in front of him.There are still maids around Pride, but there are no nannies.As a result, no one was able to come out of pride, and no one pointed out his inaccuracy to himself, who is still the prime minister.It is a pole that either draws its eyebrows in mood while being frightened by the young princess’s words and deeds, or thoroughly erases its presence and thoroughly fills the air.The maid who sent a breeze to the princess by the side was also shaking her hand.

Pride sharpened his eyes even more sharply when the prime minister stared down at him without ever leaving.

The other servants’ shrinking gaze has no effect on Albert’s familiar gill veil.I’m more interested in seeing a face that looks like a father than a smiling face.To be honest, both parents didn’t have the impression that they were similar, but the idea has now changed.

“Hurry up or I’ll be the prime minister.”

“Oh, by the way, how exactly is that?”

Gilbert asks the pride of spreading his voice throughout the room with interest.

I thought it might be better for me, the prime minister, to report everything directly to Wang Yi from her hands.After all, there are limitations in the area that only employees with low positions can report.

It is normal to shut your mouth for fear of being fired or being punished for insulting your daughter.With Albert’s embarrassing permission, the young princess is no threat to Gilbert.Rather, I was more concerned about how such a child had caught up with many maids.

“I can go to my father for something terrible. My father will definitely be angry and you will be executed!”

“I don’t have enough information. If you don’t tell me exactly what terrible thing you’ve done, you won’t be punished.”

Twitching. It’s the first time I’ve seen pride in my eyes.

Until now, when I say this line, most people either apologize to themselves on their faces, mood to cry, or silence.However, I didn’t think they would return it.

Moreover, when you notice the teacher’s point, the jaw that was on your arm naturally rises apart.I don’t know what’s not enough for a young girl.I know that there is a “very heavy punishment” for punishment, but I don’t even know what kind of punishment there is.

Having confirmed that he had received a non-hate gaze from Pride, Gilbert decides to ask further questions there.

“What kind of behavior do you envisage when it comes to terrible things?If it’s an assault, the princess will have to make herself feel painful to forge the evidence, and I won’t recommend it. ”

“…………………… Me? Why?”

Nearly half of what adults say goes out without swallowing it.

However, I twisted my neck because I had to feel painful.The concept of evidence disguise is difficult for a young girl who thinks that her father is bound to believe, to say the least.

“In the case of assault, the evidence is important first.For example, Pride… no, let’s not go any further.Even if it is easily imitated, it will be troublesome.That’s what makes your father so mad at me. ”

Shrug your shoulders and stop halfway.

I don’t think we’re going to do it just to put someone we don’t like, but it’s really going to be a big deal if Pride creates a situation where he hurts himself.Behind his plain expression, Zilbert, who rounded his tongue, swallowed the concrete method of forging evidence.

Pride, who stopped talking so much along the way, shouted, “What are you talking about?” But that’s what I didn’t hear.In the meantime, I think I’m starting to get a little interested in myself when I start waking up from lying down.

“Incidentally, assault crimes are particularly discrediting to children.Even though it is said to be a creature that is easily injured, it is troublesome to think of it as being caused by adults in half.Well, if you were as proud as Pride, you would have been able to make a noise or roughly make a story out of white to black to white.However, such a royal family will not be able to rely on Princess Pride to succeed either your father or your mother…. well, if it bothers you enough to get rid of my position, it’s easy to say one word without having to work on it. ”

Hey, Nina.

I don’t understand the pride of losing my focus on the way to Jilbert’s words, which he said shortly after a long, fast breath.But finally, I slowly slowed down the speed of words like invitations, and jumped to the “way to chase them away”, which was easy to understand.Visit the person directly how to embarrass the person in front of you like other servants.I’m not old enough to question that.

Pride finally got off the bed at Jill Vail, who dared to tie his lips and looked back with a slight glance.Landing with fine shoes and saying, “What is it?She grabbed the hem of the gill veil herself and clawed her toes.I can’t bear to keep it for the second time.

Hmm, Gilbert deliberately distracted himself by making him look like he thought.Slowly gazing down, she gazed at a toddler who stood upset at her feet.With a smile and an elegant surplus of laughter, she replied with a gentle voice to the young girl who was about to trap herself.

I think it makes more sense than I thought.Thoughts in your head.


“Gilbert, what’s the reason Pride recently sent me to tell me that you’re Kaigan, just like every day?”

Fufu…… ¡Ó, Jill Vail couldn’t stand it and laughed at Albert’s words.

His face was in time to turn against Albert, but then his shoulders trembled.Late he hid his mouth, but at the same time Albert held his engraved eyebrows with two fingers.After all, I understand it to a certain extent before Jill Vail asked about the situation.

Until now, I have heard complaints from servants or guards that they have been brutally fired by maids and guards, not directly from Pride, for having done terrible things.However, the only word that was sued by Pride for the first time was “Prime Minister Jilbert Keegan in Seoumei.”At first, I was interested in praising Jilbert for just seeing him once, but I wondered if he was a boulder for days.I was also worried about the response when I first told Jill Vail about it.

“I just don’t know what words mean.”

I thought he was always humble, but Albert was now convinced that he wasn’t.

Sure, I was surprised that the young daughter who still remembered the letters remembered the words “smart” and “smart eyes”, but that’s what happens when the lid is opened.

With a grunt… he pokes Jill’s veil at his elbow, still laughing.”Talk to me now,” Jilbert, who took a deep breath, immediately turned back to Albert with his usual smile.

“No, I didn’t think it would last for a month.As young as he is, he knows neither giving up nor getting tired of His Highness Albert’s daughter.

Don’t play with people’s daughters.

Albert glanced at Gilbert, who dared to finish his words.

I forgave to embarrass my pride, but I never thought I’d be played with.I thought I was enjoying it even though I hated it so much, but when I waited for a proper reply, I finally got a smile back on my shoulders.Apologize “I’m sorry,” and Jilbert opens his mouth honestly to the angrier lord than usual.

“Because it was better to remember and swallow than I thought.He was quite clever that year.I just taught you a bad word instead of a bad word. ”

I mean, are you going to keep that word to yourself?

That’s right, and Jill Vail just affirmed it.

I didn’t mean to cheat on Albert originally.It was just a joke to wonder how long Pride would keep suing Albert for the words and when he would point them out.I was going to be honest if I could get my babysitter back…. but…

“Why would Pride want to see you anyway?”

“… I don’t know… I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know.”

Jilbert returned all this with a quiet smile to the King’s Order, who assembled his arms and strengthened his gaze.

Once I met Pride, I repeated the visits twice or three times on behalf of my father, and someday Pride started to request it.Still complaining that Jilbert was smart and smart, he said, “If your father won’t come, call Jilbert!She nominates Jill Vail herself.That’s why Albert didn’t question his mysterious compliments for a month.

Moreover, since Jill Vail came through, his servants have really had fewer headaches.It’s obviously easier to work than before if I ask my servants how many times I care.Albert wanted to go to see what kind of hands he used, but he was originally busy, so it was Jill Vail.

Even though I asked for it, it was natural to wonder what I would have done if there had been any obvious change so far.The little girl, who had never acted with the love she had for Rosa, had improved surprisingly in just a month.

But to Albert, who just narrowly fixed his sharp gaze, Gilbert gave him the paperwork with an unfamiliar face.I am not a babysitter now, I am only in the Prime Minister’s business.

“Because Pride called me again after this.I’ll put together some paperwork for you first. ”

Speaking with such a subdued voice, Jill Vail was no longer able to round his back as heavily as on the first day.

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