The Moon Thief

Chapter 166: Battle Credit

Hit by fierce lightning and scorching fires, the Ogre was in a chaotic environment it had never encountered before. As fierce lightning pierced through its skin and into its bones, it also found himself in a pool of lava that surrounded it.

"Woooooooo!" The ogre cried out in pain.

An elemental energy field formed in its immediate vicinity, which soon turned into a powerful layer of fire and exploded outward.

Everything in that vicinity, including the lava pool created by the Infernal Fireball, was destroyed by the violent explosion. Hundreds of meters of ground blew up as if a huge volcano had erupted and spread to the surrounding area.

Heinald shielded his face with his arm to regain his vision, which was blocked by the gust of wind blowing toward him. The fierce wind made him grind his teeth in pain when it touched his burned skin.

Heinald cast a spell called Akreem's Eye Stone, which has been around since the spells he had learned just recently. A stone protruding from the ground appeared in front of him.

A transparent energy field appeared that was constantly rotating in a wide circle. Small sparks were occasionally seen in this transparent energy field. Various runes were shining on this stone.

"Any fire skill he uses will now be 30% less effective." A cold look appeared in Heinald's eyes.

"Your tricks are endless, little rat!" The ogre roared and started running towards him. The ground trembled with every step it took, and the tremor was no less.

"I'm going to kill you!" Heinald roared with all his anger, and with one thought, his ax reappeared in his hand.

The ogre engulfed its fist in flames again and swung at him in full fury. Its fist was so fierce that; the air around it was torn, making its fist look like it was covered with a transparent layer. At the same time, a terribly hot layer of fire also surrounded its fist.

Heinald decided to use his favorite feature of his newly acquired attack-type treasure. Through this feature, he would absorb some of the damage of its fist.

Heinald gripped the ax tightly and swung it sideways. The ax flashed like a silver streak of light and stabbed directly into the Ogre's fist.

*BAM!* Under the impact of the violent collision, a shock wave exploded and the surrounding area collapsed, blasting tons of earth into the air.

Although this Ogre had the strength of a Level 3 Ainsar, it still did not have the strength of the body to easily resist High-Rank spells.

Heinald was also incomparably stronger than an ordinary Level 2 Ainsar. This being the case, the Ogre was badly injured and its strength was greatly reduced. The fire in its fist was no longer strong enough to harm Heinald, but its physical strength was far above him despite its severe wounds.

"Arghh!" The bones in Heinald's arms shattered into pieces from the violent collision. He flew back hundreds of meters, coughing up a large amount of blood.

Ogre's condition was also not good. The ax had cut his right arm in two.

Wuoaaarr! I will kill you! I will kill you!" The ogre was completely insane.

Heinald struggled to his feet as his entire body trembled in pain and shouted out, "You're the one who going to die!"

The ogre roared as her ran towards him, its left arm completely covered in dark blue fire, clearly putting all its remaining power into this attack.

Heinald immediately cast the spell called Frost Wave. Freezing ice particles appeared around him and exploded outward. Immediately after, he cast his spell called Indignation of Ice.

Frost Wave hadn't been able to freeze this Ogre for even a second, but it had somewhat reduced his running speed and the fierce of his flames.

Heinald's arm was completely covered in a layer of ice, and a fist-shaped ice shot out from his arm, flying straight towards the Ogre.

Ice fumes covered a large area when he collided with the ogre's fist. The surrounding temperature dropped drastically and the ground was covered with a thick layer of ice.

As the condensed ice fumes began to dissipate, the Ogre appeared to be completely frozen.

Heinald knew it was still alive. the energy waves emanating from it could still be clearly felt; however, the power of these energy waves was gradually decreasing.

The thick layer of ice surrounding the ogre was covered with cracks.

*Crack!* The thick layer of ice exploded like a dropped glass bottle and a blast of freezing cold air swept over the environment.

"Wuuaaarr!" The ogre roared in anger and dashed towards Heinald.

With one thought, Heinald immediately activated the Blood Nightmare Shield. The area around his body was covered with a pale red barrier before the Ogre's fist hit him.

"BAM!" When the Ogre's fist hit the barrier, the already heavily cracked barrier shattered into pieces.

"Ugh!" Out of breath, Heinald flew backwards and crashed into the large boulder behind him.

His ribs were broken.

The Blood Nightmare Shield was able to absorb most of the punch's damage, but this Ogre's physical strength was unbelievable.

"Puah!" The Ogre stumbled and fell to his knees, coughing up blood, after when it began to run towards Heinald again.

After taking a deep breath, the Ogre got up and continued running towards him.

Heinald cast a spell called Fire Vines, pushing the limits of his mind and body, completely numb with pain.

As the ogre rushed, fire vines emerged from underground and wrapped it. It tried to resist with all its might, but it was also badly injured and had completely run out of energy.

With trembling legs, Heinald barely stood up and managed to lift his fully-broken arms, enduring the incredible pain.

A ray of fire, hot as hell, shot out from his hands and directly hit the Ogre's head.

"Wuaaaarrghh!" The ogre roared in pain. It tried to get rid of the fire vines that gripped its whole body, but it couldn't.

The devastating fire ray hit into its head for seconds, and finally succeeded in piercing its head.

Life was completely gone from the ogre's body, and its huge body fell to the ground.

Heinald couldn't take it any longer and fell to the ground. He immediately took out the healing potion from his dimensional pocket of his robe and tried to bring it to his mouth with trembling hands.

He was too badly injured to hold even a fairly light bottle to his mouth. After taking the potion to his mouth, enduring intense pain, he consumed all the liquid inside.

He was aware that his eyes were darkening as he put the bottle down, the only thing he felt before he passed out was the intense itching in his bones and skin.


Heinald opened his eyes after being unconscious for an unknown amount of time. As soon as he regained consciousness, the only thing that greeted him were the terrible aches in his body.

"Arghh!" He straightened, gritting his teeth. He looked over to see that his robe was completely covered with burns. He saw that the burnt skin on his hands had crusted over and fell off.

The healing potion he had consumed was taking effect.

Another healing potion appeared in Heinald's hand. This was the last healing potion he had.

He consumed it all at once.

Although his burned skin was starting to heal, he still felt intense pain in his bones. Consuming one more potion would make his healing process much faster.

"So you've finally come to your senses!"

Heinald was startled by the sound he heard. Looking around quickly, he saw to his right the giant tiger he had seen earlier walking towards him.

This tiger had told him that he was the guardian of these ruins.

Seeing Heinald staring at him with cold eyes, it chuckled and continued, "It was quite an exciting fight, it was worth the wait!"

"What do you want?" Heinald asked.

The giant tiger looked directly at him, "Me? Nothing... I'm here to give you your reward. After all, you passed the test..."

"What's the reward?" Heinald asked.

When the huge tiger lifted its claw, a pearl appeared in front of its claw. Although no warmth emanated from this pearl, no one would dare touch it. It looked like a little sun.

The light emanating from it was the kind of light that could destroy even the deepest darkness.

Heinald couldn't take his eyes off this pearl. It was as if his soul was being drawn into this pearl.

When the huge tiger lifted its claw, a pearl appeared in front of its claw. Although no warmth emanated from this pearl, no one would dare touch it. It looked like a little sun.

The light emanating from it was the kind of light that could destroy even the deepest darkness.

Heinald couldn't take his eyes off this pearl. It was as if his soul was being drawn into this pearl.

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