The Monkey King

Chapter 4

Chapter 3:

“You want to make me your king?” Stone Monkey suddenly felt that his mind couldn’t turn around.

“There can really only be one monkey king.” An old monkey rushed to the stone monkey and said.

“You guys figured this out after arguing all night?” Stone Monkey patted his head, feeling very speechless.

“Then how should we choose the monkey king?” the old monkey asked. This question is a bit esoteric to them, probably because the “monkey king” was raised by the stone monkey, so they chose to come to the stone monkey.

“Didn’t I say it yesterday?” Stone Monkey asked with a blank expression.

“Did you say it?” The old monkey faced to the left, and the monkey on the left shook his head.

“Did you say it?” The old monkey faced to the right, and the monkey on the right shook his head.

I’m probably excited, forget it.

Stone Monkey sighed, pointed at the waterfall and said casually: “There is a cave behind the waterfall. If you can go in and come out safely, you are the Monkey King.”

“But, can I go in?” the old monkey asked.

The monkeys shuddered when they looked at the rolling water: “It will die.”

“Will you die, aren’t they all monkey kings?” Stone Monkey said speechlessly.

The group of monkeys actually nodded one by one, as if they thought that what the stone monkeys said was very reasonable.

History seems to be back on track, connected in different ways, but at the same point.

The monkeys chirped again, and they began to discuss how to get into the cave, not even doubting that the cave really existed.

It can be seen that the monkey brain is not much stronger than the pig brain.

Of course, the discussion is fruitless, the human brain has not yet figured it out, let alone the monkey brain. But they were still reluctant to give up. The monkeys all yearned for the days when they didn’t have to pick the fruit themselves, and when someone caught lice, they could have as many female monkeys as they wanted.

Among the monkeys discussed, the old monkey who just talked to the stone monkey is naturally indispensable.

The old monkey took a bunch of fruit and put it on the edge of the deep pool, as if he was not a monkey king and would never give up. By the fate of saying a few words, the stone monkey shamelessly went over to eat, and all of a sudden he even ate yesterday’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When the stone monkey, who swore not to starve to death, started planning ahead for today’s dinner, the old monkey couldn’t help kicking him away and pretended not to know him.

Therefore, the stone monkey, who finally ate for the first time after coming to this world, also began to figure out how to become the monkey king without picking the fruit by himself.

When the sun was shining hot on the earth at noon, all the monkeys hid in the shade to enjoy the cool, and the stone monkey finally thought of a safe and secure way.

But this method cannot be done by one person, so the first politician in the history of monkeys was born, and this politician began to write a bad check frantically.

“Do you want to be a monkey general?” the stone monkey asked, catching a sturdy-looking monkey.

Another new term in the    monkey group was born.

“What is General Monkey?” the monkey asked while rubbing his head.

“It’s just…similar to the Monkey King, you don’t have to pick the fruit yourself, someone helps you catch lice, you can make other monkeys obey, but the monkeys only listen to the Monkey King.”

“Then can I choose which female monkey I want?” the monkey asked.

“Cough cough… Originally it couldn’t be done, but you are lucky brother, you can be my monkey general.” Stone Monkey looked at the monkey with two eyes, put his hands on the monkey’s shoulders, and said to him sincerely. : “Come on, as long as I become the Monkey King, you will be the Monkey General!”

“Want to jump the waterfall?” the monkey asked.

“No. As long as you do as I say, I guarantee you will become a monkey general.” Stone Monkey grinned and said.

After a while, he had successfully charmed nine strong monkeys, and when he was about to charm the tenth monkey, a monkey stopped him.

“Brother, do you want to be the Monkey General? Just like the Monkey King, but you don’t have to jump the waterfall!” the monkey said.

The black line on the face of the stone monkey. These days, there is competition for everything. These monkeys obviously don’t know what they want to do yet, but looking around at the moment, they have already formed a pile.

looked at the piles of monkeys, and then looked at the nine monkeys behind him, the stone monkey gave up the idea of bewitching one more.

With the only nine monkeys, the stone monkey started to move. He first found a few stones and sharpened them with all his might, and the rough stone knives were initially formed. Next, he taught the monkeys to use a stone knife to cut the longest and thickest vines, put these vines together, and weave them like whips, and then connect them, and soon two long and thick ropes were born.

“Boss, what’s next?” the monkey asked.

At this time, not only the nine monkeys who followed him were amazed, but all the monkeys stretched their necks curiously.

“Let’s go up the mountain!” Stone Monkey raised his hands and said.

Nine monkeys followed him up the mountain, and the other monkeys followed curiously.

When    reached the top of the mountain, the stone monkey tied one of the ropes to the middle of the other rope, tied the end of the other rope to a large rock, and tied the other end to a big tree on the top of the mountain.

“Good way!” The canary, who was still not far away, raised his head and swallowed the bug in his mouth, sighing, “This is the smartest monkey I’ve ever seen, and it’s on par with humans. already.”

Under the command of the stone monkey, the nine monkeys and the stone monkey carried the big stone step by step to the edge of the waterfall, and threw the stone down along the waterfall.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, huge splashes of water spurted, and all the monkeys screamed.

Stone Monkey tugged at the rope: “It’s very tight, so I don’t even have to tie it again.”

Immediately afterwards, he took a group of monkeys down the mountain and came to the deep pool again. He also pulled the other end of the rope tied in the middle of the rope that was hanging down to the deep pool and tied it to the tree trunk.

In this way, a suspended pattern formed by two ropes and a stone is formed.

All the monkeys watched silently, their eyes fixed, they had never seen anything so wise as they had never seen a human being.

Under the gazes of all the monkeys, the stone monkey pulled another vine, tied it to himself, and tied the other end to the big rope.

This is the safety rope, even if there is an accident, he will not die. Immediately afterwards, he stretched out his hand and waved, and the four monkeys climbed to the top of the mountain according to what he explained, holding stone knives in their hands.

Seeing four hairy heads protruding from the top of the mountain, the stone monkey stuck a stone knife on the vine at his waist and climbed up the flat rope.

“Ooooooooo~” The monkeys exclaimed in unison, waving their arms in excitement. In this wild place, the monkeys don’t have to think too much about things, and they howl loudly when they are excited.

Soon, the stone monkey climbed to the edge of the waterfall along the rope inclined at 20 degrees. The oncoming wind blew gusts of water vapor, the rope vibrated with turbulent water, and even some water droplets fell directly on his body, making his heart tremble.

There was a twitch in the corner of his eye, which was involuntary fear, but he did not retreat.

In this place, he can only go down this road, otherwise a monkey, what should he do?

Even he is not as good as a monkey, he can’t climb trees, he can’t hunt, he can only live on the alms of other monkeys. Even one day, the tiger at the foot of the mountain was no longer afraid of him, and swallowed the monkey who couldn’t climb trees. How easy it would be.

Behind him is the howling of a group of monkeys, and in front of him is a turbulent waterfall. He closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and continued to climb forward to meet the baptism of the waterfall.

The huge sound of water made him no longer hear the howling of the monkeys, and it seemed that he was the only one left in the whole world. The water that fell from the height hit him with great momentum, making him feel cold, and what was even more terrifying was the momentum!

He was mentally prepared, but the preparation was still not enough. Under the momentum, when he missed, he fell quickly.

“It turns out that it is so difficult for Sun Wukong to jump over a waterfall.” He thought to himself at that time.

The    safety rope saved his life, he hung in the air, and the loop on the huge rope quickly slid down and took him away from the range of the waterfall, and finally stopped halfway.

It took him a long time to relax. After wiping the water off his face, his roaring ears finally regained his hearing, and he heard the howling of the monkeys again, which made his heart a lot easier.

“I can’t give up.” He said, stretched out his hand and pulled the safety rope, climbed the huge rope and slowly climbed towards the waterfall.

The icy water hit him again, and he almost felt that what hit him was not water at all, but hail. These hailstones not only hit him, but also hit the bottom of his heart directly, washing the whole heart to nothing, except for the will to move on.

Finally, he failed again. This failure made him exhausted. When he slipped to the center, he didn’t move for a while, just hanging there.

The monkeys in the distance stopped howling, maybe they thought the stone monkey was dead.

For a long time, none of the monkeys remembered exactly how long it had passed, because they all held their breaths and the flow of time was so slow. The stone monkey moved again, and he climbed the giant rope again, still heading in the direction of the waterfall.

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