The Monkey King

Chapter 32

Chapter 31:

The wind chimes hurriedly pushed open the door that the monkey had hidden, and the room was empty.

She was stunned.

The monkey is not there, neither is Yang Chan.


The wind chimes panicked, so anxious that tears rolled in their eyes.

At this time, a commotion came from a distance, it was on the other side of the mountain.

She turned back suddenly and looked into the distance in horror.

“Monkey…is a monkey…”

In the moonlight, she is like a helpless child.

bit her lip lightly, she turned and ran into her room, opened the wooden box, and took out a wooden box.

The moment she opened the wooden box, she hesitated for a moment, but it was only for a moment. The next moment, she gritted her teeth, opened the wooden box, and put the medicine pill in her mouth.

On the edge of the reeds, the monkey grinned and let out a low roar like a beast. His hands were slightly open, and sharp nails were showing.

Scarface shook his head, posing as if he were fighting with his bare hands.

“We just acted on orders and offended, Shishu.”

Behind him, the one-eyed dragon’s hand had already pressed on the handle of the sword, but he was not in a hurry to unsheath it.

The sound of footsteps in the distance is getting closer and closer. Once they are really surrounded, there will be no chance to escape.

turned around and jumped, and the monkey quickly jumped onto the Qingyan, which was one meter high.

The one-eyed dragon just stroked the handle of the knife and stared at the monkey coldly, but had no intention of catching up.

And the scar face has already jumped to Qingyan with the monkey.

Before he could stand still, with a roar, the monkey had already swept over in the air.

Scar’s face was calm, his body shrank slightly, and he grabbed the monkey’s ankle.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.

The monkey is desperate like a beast that has fallen into a trap, the caught foot shrank hard, and the whole body was brought to the front of Scarface.

This is simply an unconventional way of fighting, and it should even be said that this is not a human fighting method at all.

Up close, Scarface could clearly see the roaring face covered with blue veins, like a ghast roaring from the underworld.

At that moment, his heart skipped a beat, he was scared, he was really scared.

released the monkey’s foot, and the punch that should have been thrown also turned to cover his face.

The two collided heavily.

The monkey grabbed Scarface’s wrist, and blood splattered.


Under the heavy impact, the two flew away from Qingyan and fell towards the ground.

One zhang high, it may not be a big deal for immortal cultivators, but it is not enough to ignore it completely.

For these low-level cultivators, they should have retained their instinctive fear.

But there is no monkey.

There is no fear in the slightest, just like an unsheathed knife, only the attack is left without knowing the fear.

Even if he was flying in the sky, even if he was falling at a high speed, his movements did not stop at all. When attacking, there was only attack left, and it was an incredible attack, so pure that only instinctive attacks were left.

The only remaining eye of the one-eyed dragon was as if it was about to fall. He opened his mouth wide and stared at the scene in front of him in a stunned manner, even forgetting to help his comrade.

Monkey’s attack is the simplest and most direct, scratching with nails and biting with mouth.

In the panic, only the scarred face of the defense was left, and the monkey was tightly entangled by the monkey before he could even get away from it.

He clamped Scarface’s waist with his feet, and the monkey pressed his entire body towards Scarface, biting frantically.

fell heavily on the ground, and Scarface groaned, but the monkey who was also injured didn’t even give him a chance to scream, and immediately jumped up again.

pounces on its prey like a wild beast. .

In front of him, Scarface was only defensive. Although as he expected at the beginning, if everyone beat the monkeys in an upright manner, it would not be his opponent, but in the blink of an eye, Scarface had already lost in terms of morale, and lost completely. The only thing left is to struggle.


The hysterical scream finally awakened the one-eyed dragon who was standing beside him. He hurriedly waved his hand, and with a harsh whistling sound, the machete wrapped around his waist flew out into the air. With the one-eyed dragon’s hand pinching, the machete seemed to have a With a spiritually swift spin, he spun toward the monkey.


In order to avoid the whistling machete, the monkey had to stop biting at the face of the scar, jumped up to the side of the rock wall, stepped on the rock wall, grabbed the hanging vine with one hand and hung it in the air, Make a posture of attacking at any time, blue veins appear, grin and roar.

At this time, he was already covered in blood, the blood of others, under the moonlight, his face became more and more hideous.

One-Eyed Dragon hurriedly ran over to support Scarface.

shivered and sat up, before Scarface put down the hands that were covering his face.

At this moment, he was shivering, covered in blood, his hands, chest, and even his face were covered with scratches, and a piece of flesh was even torn off from his forearm.

That piece of meat was hanging from the corner of the monkey’s mouth.

Everything just happened too fast and suddenly, so fast that the one-eyed dragon didn’t even have time to react and was already frightened.

Although they also call monkeys beasts in private, they never imagined that this is really a beast.

At this time, both of them were too shocked to speak.

The monkey’s eyes turned slightly to one side, and this small movement was quickly captured by the one-eyed dragon. Following the direction of the fingertips, the machete circled back and forth in the air, quickly blocking the monkey’s path.

Obviously, this machete is a magic weapon.

Monkey wiped his mouth, discarded the piece of meat hanging by his mouth, and roared, “Do you want to continue?”

That face, that expression, madness and a hint of provocation, made these two cultivators, who were far more than him, tremble in their hearts, and couldn’t help but move back.

Cultivation of immortals is for life, not for death, and the Tao of the enlightened seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. They have never encountered a mad cultivator like a monkey, who is always in a desperate posture.

People like    probably died before reaching the pinnacle of cultivation. And fighting against such people, they have no interest at all.

But Dantongzi has an order, let it go, it is absolutely impossible!

Scarface finally regained his strength, struggled to stand up, and separated from the one-eyed dragon to both sides, staring at the monkey cautiously, but did not dare to take any further action, as if waiting for other Taoists to arrive.

These injuries did not make Scarface lose his combat power. Although the Tao of Enlightenment is not good at fighting, the cultivation between the two is a whole step behind.

And, right now, it’s two to one!

In the distance, in the shadow of the trees, Yang Chan sat in the grass and stared intently at everything in front of her, covering her mouth with her hands. After a long time, Fang sighed softly: “This monkey… is wild enough!”

After saying that, the surprise on his face slowly turned to joy, and he actually giggled, seeming to be more interested.

The noise in the distance was closer, and there seemed to be a lot of people.

“Get out of the way!” The monkey growled at the two of them.

The roar made Scarface tremble with fear, but that was all. He had no intention of retreating at all. Instead, he took out two one-foot-long three-blade iron claws from his sleeves and put them on his palms.

This should be his magic weapon.

No, can’t wait any longer. Once those people arrived, it was impossible for the monkeys to run away again. No one knows what will happen next.

The monkey stomped on the rock wall with both feet and shot out like an arrow from Li Xuan, and what greeted him was the machete that had been prepared!

Seeing that the machete was about to slash the monkey’s head, Yang Chan began to hesitate whether to rescue him. After all, if the monkey died like this, it was not what she wanted.

However, at the moment when she hesitated, the monkey directly stretched out his hand and smashed the machete.

A sharp whimper sounded.

At that time, the timing was extremely accurate, blocking the attack of the machete directly, throwing it several meters away, and the price was monkey hair all over the sky.

When    landed, the two of them could clearly see blood oozing out from the bare forearm of the monkey. Obviously, it wasn’t just a bunch of monkey hair that was shaved off – there was also a thin layer of flesh!

“Crazy crazy!” Yang Chan couldn’t help laughing. This fighting style is simply… pure animal nature?

She completely believed that no one in Heaven would like such an opponent, even if the cultivation base was slightly higher, those Da Luo immortals would be defeated completely in the face of such an opponent – this is simply a fighting machine – fighting with instinct !

The two of them haven’t reacted yet, enduring the severe pain, the monkey has already started running towards the road where it came, running with both hands and feet!

At this time, in the distance behind the monkey, a large number of Taoist disciples have arrived. They are holding torches and holding various strange weapons, even wooden sticks and sickles.

But what if it arrives?

The monkey is about to hide in the woods, let alone those ordinary Daoists in the contemplative state, these are the two who are in the divine state. Do they have the courage to search for such a monkey in the woods?

At this moment, the monkey suddenly felt that his feet were off the ground and he was hanging in the air, as if a pair of invisible hands were pulling him behind him, pulling him back to the stone wall!

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