The Monkey King

Chapter 10

Chapter 9:

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!” After finally digesting those pessimistic emotions, the monkey stood on the top of the mountain and shouted.

spread his legs, he set off.

With almost no preparation, he set off despite Canary’s concerns.

Perhaps there is a pessimism behind this extremely strong action. There is quite a sense of tragic and solemnity of “the wind is Xiaoxiao and the water is cold, and the strong man will never return”.

kept saying pep talk, ostensibly to the canary, but in fact to himself.

Can we reach Xieyue Sanxingdong smoothly?

In fact, where is the bottom line in his heart?

The world unfolding in front of us is obviously full of surprises, and everything is beyond the scope of a “Journey to the West” book.

He just stayed in this place like this, he couldn’t move in and couldn’t retreat, how could he be reconciled?

As expected by Canary, there are wolves in this desert.

Not long after, the monkey was trapped on a dead tree in the desert.

He curled up tremblingly, a hungry wolf underneath.

These ferocious animals circled around the dead wood, digging at the torso of the dead wood with their claws, dripping with saliva.

That howl sounded like a hammer hitting the monkey’s chest.


As long as one accidentally falls, he will let the wolves gnaw down to the bone.

At that moment, the monkey squatting on the dead tree felt like walking on a tightrope. Although the ability to climb the tree has been practiced superbly, it still feels like it will stumble at any time.

For a moment, the monkey regretted and was shaken.

Maybe he really shouldn’t be in such a hurry… But is regret useful at this time?

For three full days, during those three days, the canary kept running back and forth, bringing him bitter wild fruits and even two drops of water.

From her dark eyes, the monkey saw exhaustion, but forced a smile.

Feeling a little sour in his heart, the monkey said, “Quieer, I’m sorry.”

He no longer called her “tits” or “sparrows”, not “canaries”, but sparrows.

This naturally became her name.

“I’m sorry for what?”

“I shouldn’t have dragged you along.”

“What are you talking about? Didn’t you say that you want to cultivate immortals and marry me? Do you want to go back? My mother pecks you to death!” Queer rushed towards the monkey angrily.

The monkey hurriedly dodged, but laughed happily, so that the wolves below were inexplicable.

That sentence made him sweet to the bottom of his heart. Here, he is not alone.

On the third day, the equally hungry wolves had no choice but to disperse. Queer led the monkeys to find the oasis at the fastest speed, and he was saved again.

Drinking the sweet spring water, the monkey who came back from walking around the gate of **** once again stood on the stone and solemnly swore: “I swear, when I have completed the seventy-two transformations, I will marry Queer as my wife!”

“What if you succeed in my cultivation but I can’t?” Queer asked worriedly.

“Can’t you do it?” The monkey thought for a while: “If you can’t do it, I’ll steal the elixir of Laojun Taishang. You can become an immortal by eating one of those things. In the past, there was a girl named Chang’e who ate this and became a fairy. Fairy!”

The nearly collapsed Queer giggled, she didn’t know if it would come true, but she liked to hear it.

How silly.

It took them more than a month to successfully cross this desert.

What followed was not a lush forest, but a dead wood that looked lifeless. Except for some drought-tolerant plants, the rest were all dead – it has not rained here for a year.

In this lifeless world, almost everything is a yellowish color, the yellow land, the yellow sky, and even the greenness that you see by chance is also entrained with withered yellow.

The air is filled with the same despairing smell as ever.

“It didn’t rain?” The monkey thought: “Shouldn’t the rain in this world be controlled by the Dragon King? Could it be that the people here have done something to offend the heaven?”

Along the way, you can occasionally see the skeletons of some large animals such as horses, cows, deer and so on. That feeling, as if that piece of death Gobi did not end, but continued.

“It is said that fire and water are ruthless, and heaven doesn’t seem to be more affectionate than nature.”

They wandered through the woods tremblingly.

Vultures hovering in the sky forced the monkeys to carry a stick with them.

Eagles may have little interest in aggressively attacking monkeys, but they are definitely interested in aggressively attacking canaries.

This also directly led to the reduction of Canary’s vision. In order to avoid these ferocious carnivores, she must always control the distance between herself and the monkey within a certain range, and can no longer act as the monkey’s scout.

“How long will it take to cross here?” the monkey asked.

“I don’t know either.” Queer said: “When I passed by here more than a year ago, this place was not like this… There is a human village in front of it, and some hunters live in it. We’d better avoid it.”

“I’m very doubtful, can they still hunt animals in such a place? Maybe they have left and fled long ago.” The monkey grinned.

The truth is, things always don’t surprise the monkeys.


There was a harsh whistling sound, and a sharp pain came from the abdomen. The monkey slowly lost consciousness. In a trance, he felt the bird screaming and flapping its wings.

A figure walked towards him.

When he woke up in a daze, the sky was full of stars.

He curled up on the cracked mud in a strange position.

The bonfire next to    was roaring, and the black firewood burst into flames with a crackling sound. On the fire, there was a broken but not leaking iron pot, and the pot was boiling water.

In the light of the fire, a thin, ragged man was sharpening a knife with his back to him not far away, with a bow beside him.

“That’s great…that’s great…I didn’t expect there are monkeys in the woods…that’s great…that’s great…”

The voice was dry and hoarse, like a ghost.

Monkey was surprised.

A tingling pain came from his abdomen, and the pain made the monkey sweat.

It was a **** wound, the arrow had been pulled out, and the wound left was shocking, but fortunately the bleeding had stopped.

The monkey has indeed become the prey, and the one in front of him is obviously the hunter.

He struggled violently, and found that his hands and feet were so tightly bound that he couldn’t move at all.

Oops! It’s over!

After thinking for a while, the monkey decided to speak.

A talking monkey, this must be enough to keep him alive.

“Big brother! This big brother!” The monkey shouted loudly despite the pain in his abdomen.

The man turned his head slowly, and seemed to be in a panic to search for the source of the sound.

“It’s me! Big brother! Look here, monkey!”

The    monkey would have almost waved, if his hands weren’t tied.

But the moment he made eye contact with the man, he realized that his thoughts were ridiculously naive.

The man’s face was bloodless, and his body was so thin that only bones remained, like a skeleton.

The deep-set eyes are hollow, and there is nothing but hunger in the eyes.

Those are a pair of cannibalistic eyes, even if the person bound here is a human being, the monkey has no doubt that the owner of those eyes will eat him!

The hunter gasped heavily, stared at the monkey for a long time, then turned around sharply, sharpening his knife faster than before!

“It’s over, it’s over! It’s really over!” The monkey struggled.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind: “Don’t move…”

“Queer? Queer? Is that you?”

“Shh! Don’t move!”

“Can you break the rope?” The monkey was delighted.

“Let me try.”

One by one, the sparrow pecked on the grass woven rope with her small beak.

Every time    pecks off a little bit, but she doesn’t give up.

After a long time, the harsh sound of sharpening the knife on the opposite side gradually subsided.

The hunter stood up and lightly dipped the blade with his hand.

When he turned around, the monkey already understood.

The moment of death finally came, and he began to struggle with all his might.

“Run… run… bird run!”

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