Chapter 29: Chapter Six, Part Nine: The making of a protegé
"I don't care what you think! You are mean, rude, and a jerk," I scowled.
Where was the freaking lie?
This guy has been nothing but a menace ever since I have met him. And yes, he is pretty handsome and ripped but he has zero personality. In fact he has a negative personality.
"You keep comparing me with Corin, as if you understand what it is like to be me!" I shot.
"You haven't been a girl. You don't know shit about problems. I am on a prescription for God's sake but what I absolutely dread is your existence! I hate you," I stormed out.
I can write this revamped novel by myself. I didn't need anyone's fucking pity. Not him. Not Professor Hank.
Nobody knew how to write my story any better than I did. How could they?
"And you know what?" I had to walk back in the middle of the class to complete the rest of my words.
"I don't want Corin to write it with me. You can have her. And her AI written smut scenes. You can jerk off to that!"
The class broke out in gasps and gossips. I watched eyes going wide, and expected a rebuttal of sorts. Maybe an order of suspension. But nothing came.
"Miss Wilson," he calls out calmly.
"Thank you for the masterclass in theatrics. I hope to see you with your manuscript in a month. Don't bother coming here again," he says.
"Very well," and then I went back to the bus stand. And then to my studio apartment. Completely unaware that something had gone wrong.
I hit the shower. The warm water hitting me in all the right places. Never once had I ever thought that I would say something like that to a Professor.
But Rafael was an asshole. He came to my workplace with a girl. He started rumours. He probably thinks I have something to do with Professor Hank. But here's the thing. What I hate the most about him is that he doesn't know shit!
It's as if he was born yesterday, and has the social intelligence of a baby. Even babies have more social intelligence than him!
When done, I wrap myself with a soft towel. My wet hair strands hang loose. By the time I gather my thoughts, I realised that the apartment's door wasn't locked. And when I had reached home, I hadn't touched the keys in my purse.
Someone was here.
I feel the hair on the back of my neck, standing in goosebumps. I rush to the kitchen. Nothing is touched.
Everything seems to be in its place. Just then, I reach into my closet. Dragging onto my set of pajamas, I try to dress up quick when I see a familiar silhouette in the background.
"Who- "
"I have been waiting for you, Jane," the familiar voice speaks to me.
I couldn't turn around to see the face of the man. I was scared. Could it be Camille's husband? How did he find me?
I clinged onto my towel, hiding my supple skin knowing well I was naked underneath.
"Don't be so surprised, I am here because you asked for me," he says.
I turn around and find Professor Hank. He watches me from head to toe.
"Professor?" I gasped, as colours rushed into my cheeks.
My first instinct is to scream. He has been behaving like a creep for long. But something about him made me feel like he is harmless.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"How did know my address?" I asked.
"You texted me. In the morning," he says. That couldn't be true. The whole morning I was busy. I hadn't picked my phone once. And I had left my bag with Corin...
Corin. Why did I have a feeling that she had something to do with this?
"How did you get in?" I asked, and he shows me the text.
Please take out the key from under the rug.
"Why didn't you say anything the whole time I was here?" I asked. It won't have freaked me out. I mean, not the way it did now.
"I dozed off on your bed. Hardly saw you enter. My bad," he says.
"Oh. Whatever this is, it feels so wrong! So freaking wrong," I tell him.
"Corin called. I am told what happened with Professor Rafael," he tells me.
"Are you okay?" He asks. "I heard you babble in the shower."
"Yes, and no. I am worried I might kill someone. And I have no freaking idea what you are doing here!"
I wanted to lowkey call the cops on him.
"Do you want me to leave? You can explain all of this later," he sounds mildly annoyed.
"How long have you been here?" I asked.
"Nearly three hours. I left from work early. Thought it might have something to do with your story," he says.
God. Why did it feels like my life revolves around this project now? First Rafael. Then him. And Corin. God, what's wrong with Corin?
"I have no idea. God. Can I please put on some clothes before I deal with this?" I beg of him, and he nods.
"I will be right out there. And I am sorry. For entering your apartment." He apologises.
"Well, I hope I don't have to call the cops on you," I say, as he leans by the door.
"I couldn't possibly hurt you. If anything, I am upset that this was a possible set up. I am sorry for that day in my office," he says.
I was naked. But Professor Hank was vulnerable. Whoever was tampering with my phone better be prepared.
"Did you come here because you felt obliged?" I asked.
"Yes," he says. "I had to made up to you. I missed you too. I am sorry," he says, as his gaze lowers. Colours rushed into his cheeks.
I didn't realise what had happened, but the towel had slipped off, revealing my bosom. Shit.
I panicked, trying to wrap it back. My stance was lost, as I tripped and hit my head on the edge.
The fuck.