The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

95. Come Back to Home After a Long Time.


After spending a day in the base world, both Kaito and Ravel finally come back to High School DxD on the next day to do a task that has been assigned by Aika for them. Although Ravel wanted to spend more time in the base world, she was aware that the task is more important for the chat group's future so she can only give in and follow Kaito back.

"Ah, we are back..." Ravel said, looking at her surrounding has changed to Kaito's room again even though they were inside the mansion a while ago.

"Yes, it is."

"And the time is freezing as you said, the chat group is amazing." Ravel continue said, as she pointed toward the clock. When they are leaving this world, it was still 8.30 PM and the time is still the same when they also come back.

Hearing Ravel's excitement, Kaito just wryly smiled and asked, "Uh, so what should we do now Ravel-sama?"

Unlike the first come back into high school DxD, right now Kaito didn't feel any excitement like Ravel did, but rather felt anxious since they come back to solve the problem on their hand.

"Wait... Ravel-sama?" Ravel stared at him with sharp eyes and corrected, "Kaito, between us, you are the one I should call with -sama? After all, you are the leader of the chat group." 

"Don't do that please." Kaito shook his head, and refused her proposal, "If anyone hears you call me with that suffix, especially your brother,  I don't know how to explain to him."

"Pffft." Hearing his explanation, Ravel can't help but chuckle, "My bad. But I will call you Kaito-sama when you finally recruited me to your peerage."


"Yeah." Ravel nodded and explained, "Your plan to get all of your harem members to your peerage, right? Or do you want to leave me alone?"


Kaito did have a plan to ask Ravel to join him, so her initiative to ask him to join is good for him. Although Kaito really wants to correct her statement earlier, since he is sure that not everyone in his peerage would be his harem member. After all, among the candidates, Itachi and Kazehana were married to each other, and Kaito was pretty sure that Aika isn't interested in him in a romantic way.

"Thank you, Kaito!" 

Kaito who didn't feel deserved her thanks just shook his and changed the topic, "Anyway, the time is still night here and neither of us is sleepy. What should we do?" 

Looking out the outside window, Kaito remember that when the first time leaving he also left at night too, leaving him with almost nothing to do at night. At that time, he spends the whole night cuddling with Est. Now he thinks about, all of these 2 days... he has been forget with Est, which made him feel bad and scared at the same time.

After all, if Est was dissatisfied with him, she could beat him anyway-- since despite being categorized as his equipment, Est is still one grade stronger than him...

"Maybe we should sleep..." Kaito muttered.

"It's not that late at night, Kaito. And my brother is still outside..." Ravel denied his idea, and then suggested, "Ah, follow me!"

"Follow you?"

Ravel nodded, pulled his hand, and explained, "I want to repay your kindness to invite me to the amazing chat group!"

"Where we are going to go?" Kaito asked while raising his eyebrow.

"Kitchen! Let me bake a cake for you!" Ravel quickly answered with excitement.

Hearing his answer, Kaito remembers that Ravel was indeed quite good at baking a cake in original and sure nothing different in this world either. Although he didn't feel hungry, he doesn't want to reject Ravel's attempt to sincerely thank him

And he is also not a person who would reject free food anyway.



On the next day, since they have a week to spare before getting the evil pieces-- Kaito asked Riser and Ravel for permission to get back to his home in the human world. Although he doesn't have anyone waiting for him back there, he still wants to go back to his own home as it's the place where he spends years living. Besides that, he doesn't forget his other purpose to discover the mystery of his identity in this world, and for start, he needs to find out the identity of his 'parents' first.

As for the progress of the plan, Ravel promised that she will ask her parents to help contact satan so Kaito could be rest assured the plan is still going and he could go back with peace in his mind. In fact, at first, Ravel wanted to follow him to visit his home but sadly Riser disagree with her request--- saying yesterday was enough for his sister to accompany him to the human world.

Well, Kaito also doesn't want Ravel to follow, as he is not sure if it would be safe for him to go back home. If the identity of his parent is an exorcist or anyone comes from a biblical faction-- this is possibly going to be a dangerous trip for Kaito.


"Finally, I have time to go home now."

After getting permitted, Riser allows Kaito to come back to the human world via teleportation, and he appeared alone in the location where he was burned alive by Riser.

"That chicken, it must be his bad taste to teleport me here." Kaito muttered, looking at the surrounding area carefully, "Though, I admit, the devil really great when it comes to removing traces.

Even though he was getting burned alive here along with other people, there is a burning mark anywhere either on the wall or the ground at all. There is also a burning smell or even a corpse on the ground too here-- making Kaito feel impressed at the magic that Devil mastered to do this.

"Well, that's enough for nostalgia. Time to go back."

Having enough of admiring the devil's magic work, Kaito decides to go back home since he only has a few hours to go back before he needs to come back to the underworld. After that, as planned, he walked through the passage between buildings, come out to the main street, and go back to his home in the human world.


After walking for about 15 minutes, Kaito finally arrived at his house which was a normal 2-level medium size residential house with several rooms and even its own house yard. Looking at his house which Kaito had not seen for several years, it brought tears to his eyes even though in this world only a few days had passed.

"Welcome home, myself."

"Although I like hanging out within the base world with the rest of the chat group, nothing could beat your own home." Kaito commented while smiling.

Without wasting any more time. Kaito opened the gate of his house and headed for the door, can't wait to open his house and see if everything was alright. When he took the spare key he had hidden on the mat and was about to open the door, Kaito was surprised to find the door unlocked.

"Huh? The door isn't locked?"

*Click* *Click*

When Kaito opened the door and looked into his house, he saw a quite pretty black long-haired glasses woman in her 20s wearing a maid uniform looking at Kaito with an irritated look-- standing at the entrance of his home while folding both of her hands. He quickly recognizes the other party as Vienna- the maid was someone sent by her 'parents' to take care of his daily needs and can't help but feel a bit bad o her. To be honest, Kaito completely forgets about her existence but it can't be helped since recently his mind has been busy thinking about a lot of things.

"You finally remember that you have a home, young master? I was thinking to call the police if you keep missing for another day but I am glad you are still breathing." the maid said sarcastically to Kaito.

"Ah, Vienna. I am sorry. A lot of things happened." Kaito said in an apologetic tone to the maid, doesn't mind what she said since she is always been like that to Kaito as far as he remembers. 

The maid who hear Kaito's reasoning just rolled her eyes and rudely commented, "A lot of things? Well, I guess it's okay as long you are still alive and not found dead."

"Y-Yeah... ha... ha...ha..." Kaito awkwardly laughs while sweating a bit, wondering if the maid in front of him knows something. After all, it's the fact that he indeed died back then.

Vienna doesn't seems to care about his reaction at all, walked past him to the door, and comments, "Whatever. I guess I can go back now, right?"

"Um." Kaito nodded and then said, "Thank you for taking care of the home for me." 

"I don't care. I will make sure to ask your parent to raise my wage for all difficulties you have caused me in these few days."


Hearing her comment, Kaito can't help but twitch his mouth, appalled by this maid's attitude. However, Kaito also knows that he has no right to complain at all... since he caused the problem in the first place, to disappear and didn't inform her before. Fortunately, the other party didn't call the police for him, otherwise, he could only ask Ravel to help him 'clean up' the mess.

"Goodbye, young master."

"Have a nice day, Vienna-san."


After saying that, the maid leaves the house, leaving Kaito alone at the entrance of the house. Kaito actually wanted to ask her about the situation of his 'parents', especially when he managed to discover her identity just now. According to the system, (he spent a bit of point), although Vienna's identity is normal human, she also already awakens a sacred gear... making him convinced that the background of his so-called parents must be supernatural side. 

However, Kaito decides to ask later as Vienna deserves a rest after taking care of this house for a few days. It is also unknown if it would be dangerous for him to ask such a question to her, and because of that Kaito thinks that he should 'ask' after being prepared for an opposition. 

"Well, I guess I should have lunch first. It has been a while since I cook for myself." 

After that, Kaito decides to make lunch first since the time shown to be almost noon, before exploring the house to find the clue about the mystery of his parent identity.


While he making lunch by himself alone, not so far from it, 'Vienna' the maid currently gives a call to her immediate boss to report Kaito's current situation. As Kaito expected, Vienna indeed isn't just a normal maid, but a person who is responsible to monitor his situation and safety.

"According to his breath, it seems the news that the boy got reincarnated into a devil was correct. I also wanted to report that from his aura, he feels really strong, even compared to myself." 'Vienna' reported through the phone and asked, "What do you want me to do, boss?"

"Is it related to his unique sacred gear or something else? The boy who shows no potential before suddenly becomes strong after getting reincarnated and awakens a sacred gear. Very Interesting!" 

"I am not sure. I wouldn't be able to know that until I am able to gather more information." Vienna answered with a serious tone.

"Well... For now, keep observing and guarding him. I know the other forces actually also have been staring at him and I wouldn't be surprised if one of them reveal themselves and decide to kidnap him."

"This is going to be difficult. I probably need more help to do my task." Vienna said while frowning, wondering how many forces that staring at Kaito right now.

At this moment, Kaito didn't realize that the fact he was getting killed and reincarnated under Riser's peerage as the only male devil (at this moment is a rising star of peerage) would gather a lot of attention toward him. And it become more obvious after he was also shown to possess a 'sacred gear' that no one had seen before.

Knowing what his employee said is a truth, the man behind the call nodded and answered, "Don't worry, Of course, I will raise your wage. I will also contact slash dog to help you when it's necessary. Just give me a notice if anything happens to him."

Hearing her boss reassuring reply, Vienna let out a sigh of relief and feel better. After all, her strength has always been in 'espionage' not in combat so she is not that confident to execute the task on her own.

"That would be helpful boss. Thank you."

"You're welcome."



Writing 3 series at the same time is really hard, especially when I only have free time during the night. (I work 10 hours a day) so pardon me for the late update, or if the chapter feels boring.

Now back into the chapter, Vienna obviously just an OC like my mc so don't bother to find information about her in the wiki or something. However, her boss should be easily recognized-- especially for high school DxD fans. Oh well...

Thanks for reading.


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