The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

105. Negotation with Satan and Getting Evil Piece Set.


After some random talk for a while, everyone was now ready to discuss their main purpose for coming here.

"Kaito-kun, although I really want to talk more with you. All of us are Satan undoubtedly can't spend a long time here so let's straight to the main topic." Sirzech stated.


Kaito nodded in understanding, aware their position must make them quite busy on a daily basis.

"Is there any problem with my proposal?"

"Part of it." 

Ajuka suddenly cut in and explained, "The thing is, the moment your news become Serafall peerage members came out to the public, they would demand the legitimacy and all of your information."

"Especially Serafall, who besides Satan also the the most popular woman in the underworld."


Hearing Ajuka's explanation, Kaito once again nodded in understanding. There is no doubt the moment his information came out, he would become really popular in the underworld-- and it might cause people to doubt his identity.

"So... what I should do?" 

"Ah, I like to talk with smart boys like you." 

Ajuka smiled at his reaction and putting something out of his magic storage, "Inside this black box is an evil piece set of yours."

"I will only agree to give you this set as long you also agree to follow my plan."

"A plan?"

"As I said before, the news about your status as a new satan peerage member is bound to be troublesome, especially since you have no convincing identity or a strong background."

"That's true."

After all, chronologically he only got reincarnated into the devil for a few days in this world. Technically, he was even lucky to get reincarnated instead of staying dead forever.

"So we come up with a good plan."

"On the day of your official promotion ceremony to High-Class Devil, I want you to show your strength in front of the public." Ajuka suggested, which made Kaito stunned.

"Your plan is... As long I show a worthy strength as peerage members of Satan, everyone could accept my identity..."

Without a doubt, his promotion ceremony would gain attention from the whole underworld--- and that's the right moment to gain recognition from the public. And showing his powerful ability is the easiest to do that.

Kaito is not against such a plan, in fact, it would benefit him in other ways. Although showing his strength would make more supernatural factions interested in him, it also could be a deterrent for them not to attack him wantonly out of the blue like the Hero faction did to him last night. 

What Kaito doesn't realize at this moment is that the news of him fighting against the hero faction has already been known to the group of satan, and another purpose why they are proposing such a plan is because they are also curious about his real ability and decide whether he is dangerous or not.


"Now I am convinced you are quite smart." 

Looking at Kaito who seemed to understand his idea, Ajuka reached his hand to Kaito and asked, "What do you think?"

"I have no problem with that plan, Ajuka-sama."

He accepted his hand, making them shake hands and indicating that he agreed to the deal that Ajuka proposed. Anyway, with how dangerous this world is his strength would revealed soon or later.

"Umm... Wait, when does the ceremony happen though?" Kaito asked after releasing his hand from the handshake.

"One week from now." 

"I see."

Hearing his answer, Kaito wasn't surprised or shocked at all. A week from now on in this world might be months for Kaito, considering he planned to start solving the situation of most chat group members right after he got the 'evil pieces' business done today.

"...Isn't it a bit too fast? Although I don't really mind about the time." 

"Indeed." Ajuka nodded in agreement, "Do you want to ask more time?"

"No." Kaito shook his head, obviously the time was never a concern, "I'm just curious how this going to work."

"In short, we are going to make you do a duel with someone." 

"Duel with someone..." Kaito put his hand on his chin and muttered, "That's indeed the easiest way to showcase all of my ability. But who is I am going to go against?" 

"As for your duel opponent..." Ajuka turned at his best friend, "Sirzech, can you?"

"I would like to."


Hearing Sirzech's confirmation, Kaito twitched his mouth and wanted to complain. Fight against Sirzech? There is no way he would be able to win against him since their strength difference is literally one dimension away!

Even Sakuya who has watched from the side also surprised at their condition, since even she is not confident about winning against Sirzech--- forgets if her master can do it.

Still, Kaito didn't panic and calmly asked for confirmation, "...I don't need to defeat Sirzech-sama, right?"

"Of course not, you silly boy!" 

Serafall quickly retorted, grabbing his shoulder, "No one expects you to win the duel. What we want is to give you a stage to showcase all of your abilities."

"...I see. Then it's doable."

Hearing Serafall answer, Kaito breathed out in relief, since Satan wasn't so unreasonable. There is no way Kaito would be able to defeat Sirzech unless he borrowed some of the chat group members' abilities-- and he didn't plan to do such a thing unless it's really necessary.

"So you didn't change your mind, boy?" Ajuka asked.

"It's okay." Kaito shook his head, "I wish I got an easier opponent but it's my pleasure to have a chance to fight a Satan."

"Don't worry, I will go easy on you. Maybe." 

"Don't use maybe. Please go easy on me, Sirzech-sama!"



"As much I would love to discuss more, We don't have much time left, so let's continue to hand over the ownership of your evil piece set." 

Knowing the deal has been completed, Ajuka then puts the box of evil pieces in front of Kaito in order to finish their business here.

"First, put your hand on this box and channel your magic energy on it."


Following the order from Ajuka, Kaito who knew the information on how this works, quickly put his palm on the top of the box, channeling his magic energy which makes it glow with the magical pattern. 

After a while, Ajuka told him to stop, indicating the process was complete, and then proceeded to open the box for him in order to see how his evil pieces went.


"No mutated evil pieces." Ajuka frowned looked at the result and commented, "Your luck is quite bad, boy, but here are your evil pieces."

"...I am disappointed but it is what it is." 

Kaito quickly receives the box, albeit not surprised by this result since he is aware of how his bad luck works. 

"Speaking of which, How about my piece ownership transfer, Serafall-sama" Kaito asked, change the topic but it's also important to him.

Since Serafall has fulfilled her part of the deal which is giving him ownership of the evil piece, Kaito also feels obliged to fulfill his part--- which is to become her peerage member.

"Don't worry about that, Kaito-chan! With our new deal, we can do that transfer ceremony next week when your high-class devil promotion happens in front of the public! Riser and Ravel-chan also agree to do that!" Serafall explained.

"For better publicity?" Kaito guessed, knowing it must be impactful to announce his identity on that day.

"Umm! I also want you to become a magical girl on that day together with me!"


Hearing her suggestion, Kaito can't help but take a step back unconsciously, obviously doesn't want to do such a shameful thing. Without a doubt, wearing a magical girl outfit as a man in public would make him a laughingstock in the underworld, even if his status is peerage member of Satan!

Unfortunately for Kaito, the other Satan took an interest in what Serafall just said to her.

"Speaking of that, I am very curious." Ajuka's eyes lightened up, "Can you show us your magical girl sacred gear, boy?"

"I also want to see it." Sirzech added, with a gleam in his eyes, "After all, that's the thing that attracted Serafall to you."

Getting confronted by 3 of Satan, Kaito retreated back once more and begged, "Can I refuse?"

Kaito thought his bad luck moment was over after last night, but it seems he really underestimated how far beyond his bad luck could go to make him suffer.



Unable to reject the 3 Satan's persuasion, Kaito had no choice but to follow their order. Once again, he was forced to open the cursed pink chainsaw and transform again--- despite he just done it last night with Serafall.

Fortunately, this time Sakuya not broadcasting to the chat group, otherwise Kaito also going to be humiliated again in the chat group.


Sorry for the late update,  my mother needs to stay in the hospital again so I barely have time to write since I need to guard her in my free time.

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