The Male Wife

Chapter 326 - News

Pei Cheng had just returned to the house, and it was not long before he heard people say hello to Jiang Rongzhi outside the house, saying: “Did you have received the news long ago, why not go out and see?”

“The Chen family must eat a lesson now.” Jiang Rongzhi took the little baby that Pei Cheng was holding in his arms, holding it in his arms, his eyes full of love, then bent down and kissed on Pei Cheng’s mouth. a bit.

Pei Cheng stood on tiptoe and kissed the man’s mouth. Then he said: “The Chen family’s arrogance is indeed arrogant, but I don’t know if it is really necessary.”

In fact, Pei Cheng lied.

Just now Mrs. Chen’s performance in the lobby, the arrogance also threatened Pei Cheng with secret tone, which made Pei Cheng feel very dissatisfied that Pei Cheng didn’t want to worry about a woman, let alone a woman who was wholeheartedly thinking about her husband. , So I did not take this matter to heart, nor did I intend to sue in front of Jiang Rongzhi.

Did you know that Jiang Rong knew from the housekeeper’s mouth what had just happened in the front hall, “I thought you would send someone to the study to find me.”

Pei Cheng chuckled, “I’m not stupid, I know why the group of people came to see you specially, how could they still find you.”

Jiangyan was dissatisfied with being ignored, and even more dissatisfied that he was now lying in Jiang Rongzhi’s arms. The spoiled Jiang Yan was completely disliked Jiang Rongzhi’s hard-hearted embrace without a trace of fatherly love. Compared with Jiang Lingzhi’s arms, Jiang Yan obviously prefers Pei Cheng’s arms.

Jiangyan struggled to reach Pei Cheng, trying to make Pei Cheng hug himself.

Pei Cheng unconsciously reached out to hug the little guy, but Jiang Rongzhi escaped without trace.

Pei Cheng and Jiang Yan couldn’t help but reveal disappointment in the depths of their eyes.

Jiang Rinzhi Jiang little guy put it on the low couch, then picked up the rattle and shook it in front of Jiang Yan.

Boom Boom Boom.

The little guy’s eyes were immediately attracted by the rattle, and he looked at the waves without blinking. The corner of his mouth opened, and a silvery white silk slipped out.

The little guy especially likes rattles.

Pei Cheng lay on the low couch and said, “When are you going to leave them hanging? You can’t keep them hanging all the time, that’s not good.”

Jiang Yanzhi walked in with a small school bag on his back. The seven- or eight-year-old young man Lang, now under the long-term lash of his indifferent father, is now thriving into a civil and military young man.

Jiang Rongzhi handed the rattle to Jiang Yanzhi, “You coax him.”

When Jiang Yan saw Jiang Yanzhi, he immediately shouted in excitement, obviously Jiang Yanzhi was very welcome to take care of himself.

When Jiang Yanzhi saw the excited Jiangyan who could not own himself, he couldn’t help but show a happy face on his expressionless face. He bent down and hugged Jiangyan up, then hugged him to play the waves.

Pei Cheng, who was just liked and discarded the next second, pouted, and stood up to chat with Jiang Rongzhi.

Jiang Rongzhi is playing chess, a person, playing black and white chess, one of Jiang Rong playing chess, the remaining light in the corner of his eyes swept to Pei Cheng who came in from the outside, and made a move, saying: “Why not stay with you outside.”

Pei Cheng sat down and accompanied Jiang Rong to play chess.

Pei Cheng’s chess skills are poor, but this time after Jiang Linzhi’s careful training, when fighting now, it will not be like the beginning, it will be shouted to end at the beginning, and there is no need to call it blatantly. Jiang Rongzhi gave himself chess pieces.

Although he still lost, he still managed to fight.

While drinking tea, Pei Cheng said, “The Chen family is turning too fast now. Doesn’t the second man think this is a coincidence?”

Jiang Rinzhi naturally knew that this matter must not be as simple as it seemed, but he did not expect that Pei Cheng could see that it was not simple. He thought that Pei Cheng must not be able to see it.

Jiang Rongzhi’s indifferent look showed obvious alienation, obviously he didn’t want to talk about the Chen family, but because of Pei Cheng, he reluctantly discussed it with him. Jiang Rinzhi said: “Know how, I don’t know how. If it is Chen If the family did not take the initiative, we will have to spend more time to solve the Chen family, but now the Chen family takes the initiative, but it saves us a lot of effort. “

Pei Cheng frowned, he felt that Jiang Rongzhi didn’t tell the truth to himself. “But let Pei Cheng ask Jiang Rongzhi directly and ask him if he didn’t tell the truth, but Pei Cheng was embarrassed to speak directly. .

“But did you forget the **** before?” Pei Cheng frowned and put the chess piece down. “The **** rushed from the capital city to the new southwest, which must be cheating, and you seem to have followed me before. It has been said that the **** rushed from the imperial capital to the New Southwest, and the great possibility is that they made a special trip to cooperate with the Chen family and report the news. “

“I will solve this matter.” Jiang Rongzhi probably had other treatments in his heart, but he did not tell Pei Cheng. Of course, Pei Cheng looked at this man’s indifferent side, and he can probably guess. It is concluded that this man does not intend to tell himself what the solution is in a short time.

Pei Cheng knew that the man just wanted to let himself rest in the backyard without worrying about things, but this was not what Pei Cheng wanted.

“The Chen family must have had a relationship with the imperial city before, otherwise, they would never have the courage to do this kind of thing one after another. Moreover, before the decree came down, the Chen family was still planning to confront us, but now It’s too fast to go back, it’s too fast. “Pei Cheng said worriedly,” Some coincidences are too coincidental, it’s not coincidences, but calculations concealed by coincidences. “

“I didn’t intend to let you blend in. Why should you take these troubles.” Jiang Rongzhi put the sunspot down and looked at Pei Cheng helplessly.

Pei Cheng pursed his lips and said: “But now, everyone is in this vortex, who can really leave. You let me ignore it, but how could I know nothing.”

Talking, Pei Cheng looked at Jiang Rongzhi’s eyes, “You have been saying before, let me touch the backyard of Jiang Zhai more, so let me know your dark bank, let me hold your key , Let me learn the housekeeper with the housekeeper, but seldom tell me anything about the inorganic cabinet, you do n’t want me to be exposed to the inorganic cabinet, you do n’t want me to know Chunwanglou, ever, since the son of Qingyue, you It will no longer make people look up at Chunwanglou in front of me, Jiang Rongzhi, are you doing anything with me behind you? “


Pei Cheng did not believe him, “If it is true that nothing is carried on my back, why have you been secretly restricting the number and time of Chen Fei and Chen Fan Chen Shu meeting with me? Things, even if there will be concealment, but they still know everything, but now they are reluctant to directly mention the matter of the inorganic cabinet in my face. Even if I speak, they still have to fight this haha. Turn things over and do n’t want to tell me more. You said, is it true that you do n’t have your calculations? “

“Some things you can’t know now.” Jiang Rongzhi avoided talking about it.

“I don’t know anything about it now. I want to ask why.” Pei Cheng was also angry. “You must be angry now that I can’t succeed?”

Jiang Linzhi was silent, apparently making up his mind not to tell Pei Chengduo.

At the beginning, Pei Cheng, who simply wanted to discuss with Jiang Rongzhi, couldn’t help but get angry. Chen and these two stood up and walked out with their clothes on, with apathy in their expressions.

Jiang Rongzhi looked at Pei Cheng’s back, disrupted the chessboard, and then got up and followed Pei Cheng’s back.

Pei Chengman walks on the street aimlessly. The three streets next to Jiangzhai is a city street. The daytime is usually lively and lively, and now it is naturally no exception.

Jiang Rongzhi followed Pei Cheng’s back.

Pei Cheng knows that he has become a bit eccentric during this time, which is the opposite of his cold and cold posture that has always seen through the world. In addition, Pei Cheng still loves to lose his temper, Even following Jiang Rongzhi also made a lot of chaotic temper. He knew that he had done a little too much during this time, but he never thought about converging.

This temperament can’t hold back, if you force it back, I’m afraid it will accumulate in your heart for longer and longer, and you will become more depressed and unhappy.

Pei Cheng glanced at Jiang Rongzhi who didn’t know when to catch up, lowered his eyes, and concealed the helplessness and loss that flashed under his eyes. “You catch up and do something, I just come out and turn around.”

“Your temperament has become more and more uncontrollable over the past two days. Would you like to ask a doctor to check your pulse?” Jiang Rongzhi remained silent for a long time, but only said this.

Pei Cheng continued to walk forward, “Did you not take the medicine for a while, now you don’t need to take it anymore, the knot in your heart can’t be opened, and it’s useless to eat more things.”

“It’s not that you don’t know what is going on in the Pavilion right now, but you can’t know it. After this period of time, if you want to know, I will tell you.” Jiang Lingzhi’s tone of explanation explained with tension and at a loss.

He thought that Pei Cheng was really concealing his vitality for himself during this time.

Pei Cheng shook his head and said, “You know I won’t be really angry about these little things. I now need a quiet time to be alone, and you and I know that I have a strange temper this time and can’t help it I’m going to get angry. You give me a quiet time first, and I will slowly adjust it, Jiang Rongzhi. “

“But you like this, how can I rest assured you alone.”

“But you keep me tied to your side, but you don’t let me know anything, and you will be happy in my heart?” Pei Cheng said, “I know you are worried about me, but I am also worried about you.”

Pei Cheng continued to walk, and did not look at Jiang Rongzhi again, “You neither let me worry about you, why do you worry about me.”

The hearts of the people are made of flesh. Pei Cheng simply wants to know what Jiang Rongzhi did with the inorganic cabinet, instead of being kept secret by these people next time, only knowing what they let themselves know.

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