The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 74

After lunch, Zhao’er started to pack things.

The county test has a total of five exams, which means that they have to stay in the county for at least five days. The clothes of the two of them and their daily debris, as well as Xue Tingyan’s personal belongings, must be discarded.

Zhaoer prepared two big bags, and two small bags were carried by them. Xue Tingyan saw his head and shook his head again and again, untied the burden and cut things.

“You don’t need to bring so many clothes, enough for three people, and you don’t need to bring the mattress, the inn has. You are doing these things, do you plan to live longer?”

In fact, Zhao’er also felt a little too stupid, but she didn’t expect that she would pack up so much.

Outside, Xue Qinghuai had already packed the car, and he was responsible for sending them to the county on this trip. There is also Xue Juncai. Xue Juncai also took the exam and went with them on this trip.

Soon, Gao Sheng also came, and several people drove up to town in two cars. Arriving in the town, picking up Mao Badou, Li Datian and Chen Jian, they turned around and drove to the county.

At this time, a lively and prosperous scene in the county, scholars wearing student shirts can be seen everywhere, and inns everywhere are overcrowded. Zhaoer was a careful man. He had booked an inn earlier, but only booked two rooms. Now, there are more fathers and sons such as Mao Badou and Xue Juncai.

Xue Juncai asked the store for a room, and there was only the last room left. There was no need to live in two separate rooms.

After paying their own room fees, Mao Badou repeatedly staggered: “The room money is too expensive, what about cannibalism?”

Li Datian glanced at him: “I want to know, maybe you won’t be able to live in a room even if you have money.” Because there are too many scholars coming for the exam.

“Fortunately, we made a fortune with Zhao’er sister last year, otherwise we should die of distress, but there is only one room, how can we sleep for so many people?”

“Playing on the floor, how can you sleep. You can rest assured that I won’t grab the bed with you. You sleep with Ajian, I will sleep on the floor.”

When it came to Zhaoer’s turn, Xue Tingyan pondered: “So, Sishu and Shengzi and Uncle and Juncai are in the same house. I and Zhaoer are in the same house.”

Xue Qinghuai nodded briskly: “OK.”

No one else disagreed, so this matter was settled. But Mao Badou’s eyes were a little weird, and he looked at Xue Tingyan and Zhao’er several times.

Xue Tingyan and Zhao’er’s room were together with Mao Badou and others. Xue Juncai’s room was far away, and there were many rooms. But now there is nothing to pick out, especially the countrymen who can afford to suffer, but there is nothing to pick out.

After settling down, a few people planned to go out and take a look at the situation in the county.

But there were too many people in the county. People were hit by others. After going out for a while, a few people lost interest. They simply went back to read books, and they were temporarily holding Buddha feet.

When it was dark, several people went to eat. Generally, the inn is always a place to eat, although it is much more expensive than the outside, but the left and right pictures are convenient.

At this time, the lobby is very lively, there are almost no empty tables, most of them are a table for several people, and there must be at least one scholar, one of them is the family who came to accompany the exam. Of course, there are also a few scholars sitting at the same table and talking about it, but those who do n’t know think it is a heavy minister who cares about the country and the people.

In fact, it’s just the trend nowadays. If the readers don’t talk about current affairs, going out is almost embarrassed to say that they are scholars. Mao Badou saw a few scenes of such steamed buns, and heard it with great interest.

However, at the end of the day, the people in the lobby were almost all gone. They would get up to take the exam tomorrow morning, and they all wanted to take a rest early to refresh themselves.

Back in the room, Zhaoer realized that there was only one bed in the room.

This bed is not the Kang of the country, and the Kang of the country will not feel crowded when sleeping for five or six people, and this bed just sleeps one person, but sleeps two but it is reluctant.

Zhaoerguan buddy borrowed the cover, and after asking, he realized that it was gone.

There are too many people who come to live in the hotel. In order to make money, not only the chalet is lived, but the futons are rented out to make the floor, that is to say, the two can only stay on one bed.

How to do?

Xue Tingyan didn’t even think that he had taken the initiative to make the bed. The children here were still in the ink and traces. The shop guys were puzzled. They always felt that this teenager was really a lot of things, not a woman. Two big men crowded one What’s wrong with the couch.

“You take a break early, and the little one is still busy.” After that, the guy ran away at a speed that did not respond.

At this time Xue Tingyan’s bed was also made, he patted: “Not yet come to rest, we sleep in a place every day, why do we care about these days.”

This is not the moment. Zhaoer can only pass.

Xue Tingyan undressed and lay down, Zhaoer only took off his coat. She was still lingering, and Xue Tingyan, who had been lying down, dragged her over and hugged her: “This is the only way to sleep comfortably.”

Zhaoer struggled subconsciously: “What do you want to do?”

“I don’t do anything. Why, what do you want me to do?”

“If you don’t learn well, you are getting more and more slick!” Zhaoer scolded.

Xue Tingyan didn’t speak. Zhaoer was wondering if he was angry. His arms around her were tightened in vain. He rolled up and came up.

“Say my tongue slippery, right? I will let you know what a tongue slippery tongue is!”

He caught Zhao’er’s mouth with a sudden thunder.

This time, it’s not like trying it out just like before, but as ruthless as you want. Zhaoer couldn’t breathe and wanted to push him, but he didn’t have any strength, and he was already winding down.

Zhaoer panted heavily and pushed him. He did not panic. He grabbed her two hands and pressed against him. It was only after Zhao Er discovered that the little man was so powerful and so ruthless, her arm was sorely hurt because she was pressed under her body, causing her chest to move forward, and then she felt a neck pain and a burst of coolness .

“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time!” He muttered in his mouth.

Zhaoer’s head was full of paste, and he remembered the situation that day.

Her meat was actually eaten by the little man!

Eat so hard, so fierce.

At this moment, she suddenly felt something got in, just like that day and night. And the little man suddenly turned into a wild wolf, and wanted to swallow her into the abdomen in a vicious manner.

It took a long time for all the after rhymes to pass.

Zhaoer shivered, and tears came out.

Xue Tingyan was still panting, hearing the sound wrong, breaking her to see her.


“You stay away from me!” She flinched into the bed like a frightened beast.

Xue Tingyan just didn’t let her go and hugged her fiercely. After cuddling for a while, he reached out and dragged something under the quilt. Not long after, the two trousers were pulled out and let him throw at the foot of the bed.

Zhaoer was almost unobstructed and pushed him hard.

“Okay, go to sleep, I will get up early to take the exam.”

He rested his chin in her neck socket and just hugged her from behind: “Why panic, wait for me this time, let’s do the relatives.”

Zhaoer did not speak.

After a while, he said again: “We are just a couple, what happened to intimacy in advance.”

“Actually, you also like it, otherwise you would be the kind of reaction just now.”

“You get out!” After a while, Zhaoer suffocated.

“I’m not going to go! You almost killed me just now, if I hadn’t thought about it … I wouldn’t go anywhere, right here!”

Early the next morning, everyone got up.

Tomorrow is not bright yet, but there is a restless breath in the whole inn.

The shop buddies are too busy to come, but seeing that the time is coming, Xue Tingyan has not eaten breakfast yet. Zhaoer went directly to the kitchen and took the pot noodles under the stove.

Although it is noodles, it is extremely rich, with meat, vegetables and eggs.

Everyone was so enthusiastic about eating. Xue Qinghuai and Gao Sheng had put their cars in place. Xue Tingyan and others checked the test baskets and book bags, and finally in the enquiry of Zhaoer again, they made sure that all the belts were brought. Push out the door.

The outside of the door was still dark, with a slight yellowish light, which seemed to be very far and very close.

Zhaoer played a lantern in the front and touched the black man to get in the car.

The mule car quickly drove out of the back door of the inn and ran towards the examination room. No one talked along the way, it seemed all uneasy. After studying hard for many years, Han Chuang only looked at it for a while. Although he only said practice before, he really came here, and no one wants to win the first prize.

Mao Badou couldn’t bear to be lonely. He drove the curtain to look out, and saw the stars outside, but they were the lights held by the people who took the exam. There are wealthy people in the family, and there is a car to sit in. The poor in the family can only get up earlier than others and walk by themselves.

In addition to the sound of wheels in the dark, there are countless whispers, which seem to be the sound of family advice and relief.

By the time it reached the county government gate, it was almost just five days later.

Looking at the bustling front of the door, there are adults in their 30s and 50s, as well as children in their early twenties. According to the Dachang system, if you can pass the county and government twice, it is a child. If you have passed the county test, but the government test has not, then you are not even a child. If you take the exam again next year, you still have to start with the county exam.

“After all the idlers have retreated, the horses and horses have also moved farther back to make room. There are fifty people in a team, one in the same town and the same hall, and all have a faster speed.”

There was a turmoil in the field, and Zhao Er was busy going to see Xue Tingyan and wanted to say something, but didn’t know what to say.

“You test hard, I’m gone.”

Zhaoer was about to turn around, Xue Tingyan took her hand. Taking advantage of the mess, he pulled her very close and said in her ear: “You wait for me to come back in the exam.”

Nothing was said later, and Zhaoer also understood what it meant.

“You have to take the exam before you talk, I have to go.” After that, Zhaoer mixed with the mule car into the evacuated crowd.

There were a lot of lights in front of the yamen, and many yashas came out with torches.

The huge field was empty, and there were hundreds of candidates who came to take the exam. A team of fifty people had already stood up and walked forward one by one under the guidance of the government. There is a bureau deputy responsible for searching the body to check if there is anything entrained.

The county search is not strict. The bureaucrats only checked the test basket and allowed the candidates to untie the robe to see if there was anything in the two-folded lining, and then let go. It is said that not only do you have to take off your outer shirt when you go to the hospital, but you also need to let the bureau carefully examine it, and even dissolve your hair.

Xue Tingyan and others waited a little longer and waited for almost half an hour before their turn.

The group was finally let go and went inside.

The test room for the county test is the Yagong Hall in the county, but the Yagong Hall in the county is limited, and several examination sheds are set up on both sides. Mao Badou and others were still blinded. Xue Tingyan was not panicked because of his dream experience.

The people were first led to the public hall and waited, only to hear a roll call and a pledge.

After Xue Tingyan and others, there was a bureaucratic roll call: “Xue Tingyan, Mao Badou in Huyang Township …”

He read a series of names, all of which were the students who came to Qingyuan this time. Of course, there are a few names that are very strange, but they were requested by outsiders. Generally speaking, to participate in the county test, you must have a student as a guarantee. If you do not have a student as a guarantee, even if you are a wizard, you will be sighed.

So every time this time, everyone who is born is very busy. Of course, it is not just a personal insurance, it must be a familiar and close person. Since the insurance, if there is any accident, it must be jointly and severally liable. Therefore, it is generally difficult and difficult to obtain insurance from Linsheng. It is not only expensive but also costly.

But if the teacher or husband is just a student, it will be much cheaper.

After reading his name, the government official said again: “Ling Sheng Lin Miao is the guarantee.”

While Xue Tingyan and others paid tribute, they heard a familiar voice: “Student Lin Miao as a security guard.”

Above, I heard what Xu County Commander was saying to Lin Miao. Some officials had sent test papers to the people and led them to their seats.

Xue Tingyan and others were immediately dispersed. Xue Tingyan followed the government to a seat. He had no luck. He was not divided into the examination shed, but got a seat in the corner of the hall. In the dream of Yao Kee, he was bad luck and was assigned to an examination shed next to the hut, forcing Xiao Xiao to say nothing, and even smelling the smell of the whole examination.

After sitting in the seats, there will be rounds of patrols, and it is forbidden to look left and right, whisper, even move seats, or change places.

Xue Tingyan spread the roll paper in his hand on the case table, and saw six blank papers as manuscript paper, and three other copy papers as the main paper. He heard the sound of Suo Suo around, but someone was already busy grinding, and then took the inkstone and ink ingot out of the book bag, and took out the bamboo tube filled with clean water.

As all the candidates entered, the sky gradually lighted up, and there were several rhythmic three-sound cloud sounds, and the audience was quiet.

By this time, if someone whispers or stands up to do something, it will be punished by cheating. However, anyone who dared to cheat in the county test had only one result. He was sent out to show his congregation, and then, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, he was sentenced to a ban on the test or several times of not allowing the test.

At this time, Xu County magistrate, the first in the public hall, spoke, and spoke a lot. Most of them were scenes of encouragement and promotion of the imperial court. It was almost a quarter of an hour, and there were a few cloud board sounds, and some servants walked down with the test question board.

Although all the candidates closed their mouths, they made a subconscious visit to the neck, and Xue Tingyan was still in his place. What is the use of visiting now, always come to the front.

Sure enough, the bureaucracy holding the test question passed in front of him, and he could see clearly the test question above—

Women and Hui also get better.

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