The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 216

Xiang Qingshan took the meeting ticket, Hongchang ticket number and Tailong ticket number cooperated, he is also the big owner of Hongchang ticket number. Therefore, you don’t need to take a closer look, you can tell that this ticket is true just by the feel.

Since then, the doubts have finally been swept away, and at the same time, the determination to make this business with Roberts has been strengthened.

What he valued was not just the benefits of the business this time, but the identity of Roberts’ “Royal Merchant” and the continued cooperation after that.

“Then it is so decided, Mr. Roberts, please rest assured that one month later, please bring the ship to pick up the goods. It is not enough to have a single ship, at least ten or twenty.” Feeling relaxed, Xiang Qingshan actually had a mood to play jokes with Roberts.

Roberts smiled: “Mr. Aoyama, don’t worry, I must come on time.”

Roberts returned soon, and Xiang Qingshan and others took their own boats. Wu Wanqiong did not leave with Roberts, but stayed, she still has things to discuss with Xiang Qingshan.

“Boss Xiang is satisfied with this business?”

Xiang Qingshan smiled with his beard: “Girls are good means, and Dazhi is not under men.”

“It’s easy to say, easy to say, but it’s just a coincidence. However, since this business has been negotiated, should we also talk between the Wu family and Hongchang ticket?”

“What does the girl mean?” Xiang Qingshan’s eyes flashed a bit of anger, but he quickly covered it.

In fact, without Wu Wanqiong’s elaboration, Xiang Qingshan also understood what she meant. Elsewhere, Xiang Qingshan didn’t know, but the smuggling business in the Suhang area, the Wu family has always appeared on the Hongchang ticket number.

With only one name, Wu Jiabai accounted for 30% of Hongchang’s stock.

In fact, the reason why the Hongchang ticket number allowed the Wu family to account for 30% of the dry stocks was nothing more than a last resort.

As a small business, no one is looking at you, but when the business grows, who is behind it? If you want to be supported, you must get the confession without being troubled by some bulls, ghosts and snakes.

How to make a confession?

The best way is nothing more than eating dry stocks.

This means that there is no need to invest, just wait for the money. Even if this 30% of the stocks did not make money this year, they had to pay for their own money. Do n’t look at Xiang Qingshan ’s respect and respect for the Wu family, but in fact it is a lie to say no complaint.

The relationship between Xiang Qingshan and the Wu family is more complicated because of the maritime trade. Nothing else. In fact, every year Hongchang tickets are earned from the sea, and nearly seven of them have entered the Wu family.

It was originally decided that each accounted for 50%, and the 50% Wu family was net, and the remaining 50%, from the account on the Hongchang ticket number, the Wu family had to divide 30%, and Xiang Qingshan also had to order below Some little officials.

In other words, only 30% of Hongchang’s ticket number can be earned. However, if these 30% are not achieved, it is necessary to use the money flowing on the account of Hongchang ticket company to carry in and out of various goods, even at your own risk.

This time, because the goods were being detained again and again, the Wu family not only did not come forward, but sent people to ask for dividends, and Xiang Qingshan accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart.

Now Wu Wanqiong mentioned the matter again, how could he not be angry.

However, he certainly will not turn his face with the Wu family. In fact, although these 30% are not many, but with these 30% and the Wu family’s influence in the Jiangnan area, Hongchang ticket is not without benefits. From being one of the ticket numbers in Jiangnan before, to squeezing out everyone, it became clear that it became the largest ticket number.

Xiang Qingshan talked about what happened recently and the Wu family sent people to ask for dividends, and said: “It’s not that the old man is stingy, but there is no money on the books. And this trip wants to make Roberts’ business, the old man also wants Go back and find a way to raise money. If you can’t raise money, this business will definitely be impossible. “

Wu Wanqiong didn’t believe it and broke him: “The Dadongjia said that, there was some ignorance. Whoever didn’t know the ticket number was doing unfunded sales. But for a short time, your Hongchang ticket number will issue a few more meeting tickets. Now. “

Xiang Qingshan’s old blood was in his heart, and he smiled a little distortedly: “The girl said it was easy. This is so simple. It is necessary to make a careful calculation based on the cash in circulation on the book. Use one or two. The previous batch of detained goods has moved nearly two million two silvers on the book, and another one million old men filled their coffins in order to maintain the most basic operation.

“The deposit and withdrawal of the ticket number only dared to use the ticket number because some customers temporarily cannot use the money. What they do is credibility, that is, if someone comes to exchange the silver, we will definitely be able to take out the money. It ’s all used. Sometimes someone came to exchange the silver, but the ticket number could n’t get the silver. Once the credibility was smashed, the ticket number collapsed instantly. ”

Wu Wanqiong didn’t understand these reasons. She just thought that the old fox with this surname was doing nothing, and her face was cold.

“Is this Dadongjia bluffing? I am not mistaken. If you remember Honghong ticket more than the business at sea, can’t you mobilize it from elsewhere?”

Of course it can, but it’s a slack. For example, Hongchang ticket number is in Shanxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other places, and there are mines, salt mines and other businesses. The problem is that those who ca n’t turn into cash at that time, and silver adjustment also takes time, but Roberts can only promise delivery One month deadline.

With such a large amount of goods requested by Roberts, the entire Dachang dare to take over the Hongchang ticket number, I am afraid to change to any one, and dare not boast of such a large Haikou, so much goods can be obtained in a month.

In fact, since Xiang Qingshan agreed, there is naturally a way, but he was against the blood-sucking of the Wu family, and his heart was in conflict, so he deliberately did nothing.

These Wu Wanqiong do not understand, but it does not mean that Amber is not aware of the seriousness of it.

He stopped Wu Wanqiong’s accusation and asked, “Who is the Wu family who took the bonus? Why don’t I and the girl know about this?”

“It’s Wu Heng.”

Wu Heng, like An Bo, is a slave of the Wu family. Since Wu Heng came forward, it means that the money was taken by Wu Ge.

Seeing this, Wu Wanqiong was also aware of some of the seriousness: “Then, as you said, this business cannot be done?”

Her mood seemed a little difficult to calm down, and she said: “Why not do it, I finally talked about it. Once it was done, it was all entry!”

Wu Wanqiong is naturally not so excited because of Yinzi’s relationship, but because this is the biggest business she has ever done. She has always been struggling with Zhao’er, thinking that the other party can do it, she can naturally do it, but now she suddenly told her that she can’t do it, how can she accept it.

“It’s not impossible to do it, girl.” Amber placated. She took her aside and explained the key points to her.

“That means you need cash to buy now?”

The same can be said, so Amber nodded.

“How much money can be used on the book now?” This book refers to the book of the Wu family, and is also the book of business in the Jiangnan area controlled by Anbo.

Amber estimated it in his heart and said, “That’s six or seven hundred and twenty thousand.”

Wu Wanqiong soon had a charter and walked to Xiang Qingshan, saying: “I can take 700,000 two, and you can find a way for you. All in all, this business must be done!”

After leaving this sentence, she left the cabin, and Amber quickly followed.

Leaving Xiang Qingshan alone is annoyed by Wu Wanqiong’s attitude, but it can be regarded as rare to think about allowing the Wu family to take out the money.

There is still a large gap, it seems that we can only continue to use the money on the books. However, Xiang Qingshan is not unsure. The reason why he will set a delivery time of one month, in addition to Roberts is in a hurry, is also the time he does not want to embezzle too long.

It’s just a month, as long as you get the silver on Roberts’ side, you can fill it in here.

Although it is a bit risky, it should not happen.

That being said, after Xiang Qingshan went back, he still called all the tents below.

He quickly found out how much money he could use this maximum limit according to the results given in the following account room, and it really didn’t differ from what he thought.

Since then, he no longer hesitated, issued instructions one by one, let the following people follow suit.

As the day passed, every day a team came to Suzhou, and then through Suzhou to Chongming Island. Like ants, the warehouse where the Hongchang ticket number is located here was filled up a little bit.

Everything is so methodical, it seems the same as before.

Dinghai County, that apprentice’s hall, today is a rare bright lights all night.

There are such a group of people under each big ticket number. They are good at calculations and can calculate how much cash expenditure they need in the short term based on the accounts of each semicolon for nearly a year. In this way, the live silver on the book can be used as much as possible, without letting the ticket number go down.

There are Hongchang ticket numbers and Tailong ticket numbers.

However, the team of Tailong’s ticket is not as good as Hongchang. Apart from the few old tents invited, there are only these apprentices from the apprenticeship.

In the large hall, there were many articles lined up one by one, with a person lying in front of each one.

There were many books on the plan, with an abacus on the side. With the crackling of the abacus, the night grew deeper.

The lights were bright in the hall, and the wick had been cut several times, and the sound of the abacus beads had been heard for a long time, giving people a sense of tension and anxiety for no reason.

“Master, figure it out.”

Someone kept saying this, holding the account book and going to show Xue Tingyan.

Under the light, Xue Tingyan’s sunken eyes were faintly blue. He hadn’t slept well for a long time. Gao Sheng, Xue Qinghuai and others were waiting by the sidelines, but unfortunately they didn’t understand this at all and could not help at all.

Xue Tingyan looked at it while writing something on a blank rice paper.

The Tailong ticket number naturally cannot see the account of the Hongchang ticket number, but Xue Tingyan had sent people as early as before, and went to the semi-colonial squat points in Hongchang, mainly in the Jiangnan area, staring at the flow of people entering and leaving the daily Hongchang ticket number.

Regardless of the amount of access, the small amount is not mentioned, the large amount of silver cannot be carried on the body, so there must be traces. How much you have entered and how much you have paid out so that you can calculate the live silver currently available for each semicolon.

Especially recently, Hongchang ’s head office has transferred silver from various places. These are all in the eyes of the people who are interested. These are all collected and sent back to Dinghai.

“How many tickets has Hongchang issued for Tailong ticket now?” Xue Tingyan asked without looking up in silence.

Gao Sheng busy reported a number to him.

“It’s not enough, continue to let people collect, collect large amounts.”

“Sir, we have no cash available on our books.” Gao Sheng was not.

Xue Tingyan looked up at him and waved his hand again. Then someone came up and led all the tents and apprentices below, leaving only a few of them in the hall.

“In this way, I will first give you a cash deposit from the Shibao Bank. I received this amount …” Xue Tingyan paused, smeared the number on the rice paper, and wrote a new one. “Take this number as Yes, you can stop when you have received enough. “

Gao Sheng looked at the number and couldn’t help but moisturize his lips.

He is also not a rookie in a shopping mall, knowing how incredible this number is, and even filling in all the industries under the Tyrone business, I am afraid that he can’t make up such a large sum of money.

Between the world, only Dinghai Shipping Company, which is rich in the world, can have so much cash. However, these silvers are not owned by the city shipping company, but are courts, but they are temporarily stored in the city shipping company, and the household department will pick them up every few months.

What he cared about was not fear that the Tailong ticket would not flow in cash, but Xue Tingyan, what on earth did he want to do?

The various actions of Xue Tingyan these days are too confusing. Gao Sheng knows that Xue Tingyan wants to deal with Hongchang ticket number, but how can such a big ticket number be easily dealt with?

“Ting Yan, what do you want to do?” Xue Qinghuai asked.

Xue Tingyan smiled: “Four uncle, someone bit me, I plan to stew him down.”

Such a rural slang term, Xue Tingyan has not spoken for a long time.

After Xue Qinghuai heard it, he couldn’t help laughing: “Which dog is so bold, he goes to the bar when he drinks. But you are an official of the court, be cautious in everything, don’t just …” All in all, you need to count in your heart, and these four uncles do n’t understand, but what do you say, let ’s do it. ”

“Four uncle, rest assured, I know.”

In a flash, the month of January came.

Now that everything is ready, only to be delivered tomorrow, even if it is a time-honored place, it can’t help but be agitated. For those who will go out with him tomorrow, he has already given them two days off in advance, just to keep them energetic.

On the next day, Xiang Qingshan took people to Chongming Island in advance, and waited for an entire morning before Roberts’ ship arrived.

A group of more than ten cargo ships, the hull of which is not large, can only be regarded as medium in the cargo ship. In fact, a huge ship that is too big cannot drive over. The giant ship can only be in the deep sea area. Such a shallow sea area can only allow ships with such a deep draft to travel.

Seeing Roberts standing on the bow of the ship leaning over and smiling at him, Xiang Qingshan’s heart reassured.

“Mr. Roberts.”

“Dear Mr. Qingshan, we meet again.”

The two stood on their own boats. Roberts’s boat couldn’t go any further and could only stop here, while Xiang Qingshan stood on a small sand boat and greeted him.

“Mr. Aoyama, will you come to me?” Roberts said.

Xiang Qingshan shook his head and refused, arguing that he would stare at the following people to load the ship.

Roberts withdrew his head and quickly lowered the ladder from the side of the ship. He climbed down the ladder and reached Xiang Qingshan’s boat.

“Since you don’t want to come, then I can only come to you. Mr. Qingshan is really too cautious.”

Both of them understood what they meant. Don’t look at the previous hello and my appearance, but mention the goods and silver, are very cautious.

For a while, they looked at each other and smiled.

Roberts patted the suitcase in his hand: “Mr. Aoyama is assured that I have brought the silver.” Then, he opened the suitcase to reveal the stack of votes inside.

Xiang Qingshan showed a surprised look.

“I heard Di said that you Hongchang and Tailong have a cooperative relationship, so I will store all the money in the Tailong ticket number, you can redeem it at any time with the meeting ticket. The amount of the meeting ticket here is really too small, the largest The face value of is only 12,000, you may have to count these for a while. “

Roberts said and squeezed his eyes at Xiang Qingshan jokingly. In fact, between Xiang Qingshan and his smile, he had already experienced a bit of sawing.

In general, maritime transactions have never used a meeting ticket. However, the Tailong ticket number and the Hongchang ticket number have cooperation, and the shipping department is its backstage. Xiang Qingshan is not afraid that the other party will evade the ticket. The only thing he has to do is verify whether these tickets are issued by the Tailong ticket number. .

In order to show fairness, when Xiang Qingshan verified the votes and counted the number, the person of Hongchang ticket number had passed the ship and shipped the goods to Roberts’ ship.

After Xiang Qingshan’s inventory was completed, the two had no intention of leaving. After all, the goods have not been fully loaded and unloaded, and each is considered a hostage.

The two talked and laughed in a variety of ways, from Tiannan to the north, during which the suitcase has been placed between the two, without leaving the line of sight.

Seeing that there was only half of the last cargo left, the two talking and laughing people were finally tired. Roberts stood up and was about to say goodbye to Xiang Qingshan, when a sharp horn suddenly sounded.

But I don’t know when they were surrounded by several warships. Because Roberts’s big ship obstructed his sight, Xiang Qingshan didn’t even see how the ship came.

On the mast of that ship, the flag of the Zhejiang Marine Master was hung.

“We are Zhejiang mariners. Everyone can’t move on the spot and accept the inspection.”

Still use check? This is directly stolen!

Xiang Qingshan’s face was very ugly, and he stared at Roberts with a split eyes: “Mr. Roberts, what the **** is going on?”

“How do I know what’s going on!” Roberts was more responsive than he was, rubbing his head and face anxiously in his mouth, walking back and forth on the deck, and looking at the man on the ship.

“Who the **** are you? I have the flag of Tyrone!” He jumped.

A warship approached slowly, with an absolute overhead view, the humane on the ship said: “After verification, there is a tycoon in the Tailong business firm, the owner of the business has already reported to the official, it seems that you are the foreign business?”

Xiang Qingshan’s face suddenly turned black.

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