The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 27: How Human Malice Manifests

Zane Greenwood POV:


Is it the right place at the wrong time? Or the wrong place at the right time? My name is Zane Greenwood, and my life has been defined by the burden of being the family scapegoat.

Growing up, I was always shunned by society and the other kids. I was different, and that made me an easy target for their cruelty. Even my own family found me weird and distanced themselves from me, leaving me feeling alone and isolated.

It was during those lonely days that I first started hearing the voices in my head. At first, I thought they were just my imagination, an imaginary friend to keep me company. But as time went on, the voices became more intrusive and malicious, whispering dark thoughts and encouraging me to embrace my darkest desires.

I tried my best to ignore the voices, to push them away, and pretend they weren't there. However, their influence grew stronger with each passing day.

One fateful day, consumed by rage and desperation, I gave in to the voices and took the life of the person who had tormented me relentlessly.

The rush of power and control I felt at that moment was intoxicating, and it marked the beginning of my descent into darkness.

From that point on, I became immersed in my newfound obsession with violence and death. I sought out more victims, reveling in the fear and dominance I could instill in others, but my reign of terror was short-lived.

The authorities finally caught up with me, and I was sentenced to death for my heinous crimes. The end seemed inevitable until a man named Rick intervened.

He offered me a twisted lifeline, sparing me from execution and instead taking me to a secret facility where no one cared about the atrocities I had committed.

Rick revealed that I would be subjected to experiments and torture in this facility, but what intrigued me the most was his revelation that they wouldn't mind if I continued my obsession with destruction and killing.

In fact, he even provided me with a name, a person named Xeno, whom he despised and wished to see suffer. He also told me that the chief of the facility would provide further details when I met him

The news filled me with ecstasy, an overwhelming elation. It meant that I could continue indulging in my darkest desires without consequence. It meant that I could swim in a sea of blood without restraint. I no longer cared about what would happen to me, whether they would break my body or my mind. I was already broken, shattered by a world that rejected me. All that mattered now was feeding my obsession, satisfying the insatiable hunger within me.

As I was cuffed and a bag was placed over my head, I didn't struggle. Instead, a wide, sinister smile spread across my face. The anticipation of what awaited me was almost unbearable. I was being taken to a place that embodied human malice, where all wrongs were right, and where human lives were insignificant. It was my heaven, my paradise.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally arrived. I couldn't contain my excitement, and a squeal of delight escaped my lips. Rick shouted to the guards, demanding they open the door. As it swung open, revealing a large, illuminated metallic corridor, my senses were assaulted by the sounds that filled the air.

The screams of agony, pain, pleasure, and insanity set my soul ablaze. I trembled with anticipation, my very being resonating with the cacophony of suffering. I turned to Rick, unable to contain myself, and asked, "Is this heaven?"

Rick's smile widened, an insane glint in his eyes. "Oh, it's about to get even more interesting," he replied cryptically. The journey had only just begun, and I could hardly contain my anticipation for the horrors that awaited me.

We approached a door larger than the rest, a door that held the promise of new experiences and untold darkness. Before we entered, Rick grasped my shoulder, his voice filled with a warning. He instructed me to be polite and respectful, addressing the person I was about to meet as the chief. It was crucial that I obeyed his every command, making it my top priority. I nodded, acknowledging his instructions, my mind already consumed by thoughts of destruction and control.

With anticipation coursing through my veins, we stepped through the door, and my eyes widened at the sight before me. The office exuded opulence, a place that could only be found in the grandest of mansions or castles. It was a sanctuary of elegance. But what truly captivated me was the massive desk, crafted from black marble and adorned with intricate gold engravings. Behind it sat an old man, engrossed in his work with a holographic tablet.

As our presence caught his attention, he set aside his device and greeted us with a smile. His gaze shifted towards Rick, and he inquired, "Good work as usual, Rick! Is he the person you told me about earlier?"

Rick returned the smile and replied, "He sure is, chief. What surprised me even more is that he exceeded my expectations. He has fully embraced the darkness within him. When he heard the screams, he looked at me with sheer excitement and happiness, asking if it was heaven."

The chief turned his attention towards me, his laughter echoing through the room. With a touch of madness in his eyes, he said, "So, you are the infamous Zane Greenwood that I've heard so much about. Nice to meet you, young man. I'm sure Rick has already briefed you on what will happen to you in this facility, and it seems you couldn't care less. That's good, that's amazing, that's incredible. I've always wanted someone like you to join us."

Leaning forward, the chief continued, "Listen, kid, I have an assignment for you. Rick will soon take you to your cell, where an annoying and despicable brat and two twins reside. I want you to make his life a living hell. Harass him relentlessly. Break him. Make him suffer. And it's not just him I want to suffer. I want those twins to suffer as well."

A wicked grin spread across my face as I eagerly responded, "Nothing would make me happier, chief."

Satisfied with my answer, the chief nodded and added, "Oh, just as a heads up, if you do an exceptional job of breaking him and those around him, I will not only grant you the authority to eliminate anyone deemed useless, but I will also make you one of us, sparing you from further torture and experiments. Isn't that a wonderful deal, my dear Zane?"

My head nodded in agreement, a surge of elation rushing through me. "This is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will do whatever it takes to obtain it. No matter what."

At that moment, a pact was sealed, and I reveled in the prospect of unleashing my malevolence upon the brat and the twins. The chief's words echoed in my mind, fueling my determination to break them, to make them suffer. It was a twisted path I had chosen, but it was one that promised power, freedom from torment, and the ultimate satisfaction of my darkest desires.

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