The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 24: The Meeting Arrangement

I woke up the next morning, a sense of unusual refreshment coursing through me.

It was all thanks to Eve, who had alleviated most of my concerns and assured me of her unwavering support. Grateful for her presence, I found the twins already awake and engaged in conversation.

Their faces lit up with joy as they noticed my awakening, their energy contagious. Ha-Eun was the first to inquire: "What do you usually do to pass the time in this place?"

I replied: "Well, I usually train my body and practice mixed martial arts. Then I take a bath, meditate, and delve into reading about various subjects."

Ha-Eun's looked confused as she scanned the room, searching for any tablets or books. "How do you read? I don't see any devices or books around."

I chuckled, realizing I had forgotten to introduce them to Eve.

"Oh, I forgot to mention Eve. I read on the virtual screen that the AI, whom I named Eve, projects for me. Hey, Eve, come out and say hello to the twins."

With my permission granted, Eve materialized her virtual screen, introducing herself to the twins.

"Hello, young master's friends. My name is Eve, and I am the young master's friend, partner, and assistant. If you need anything, please feel free to ask the young master, and if he grants permission, I will gladly assist. However, please keep my existence a secret, as owning or using an AI is prohibited in this facility. If my existence becomes known, it could jeopardize the young master's safety and, consequently, my own. By the way, how do your injuries and old burn marks feel? The young master asked me to inject you with nanomachines to aid in the healing of your wounds and scars. I believe you should be nearly fully healed by now."

The twins appeared baffled by Eve's words, but upon inspecting their arms, legs, and faces, they discovered that the bruises, burns, and scars had nearly vanished. Overwhelmed with gratitude, they expressed their thanks to Eve.

"Thank you so much, Eve. You have no idea how much this means to us."

Eve responded with a hint of pride: "It was nothing for me, and you should thank the young master. He was the one who requested your treatment. He also cleaned your wounds and removed the dirt while you were unconscious."

I interjected, wanting to downplay my actions. "Hey, Eve, you didn't have to mention that. I did it because I wanted to."

Upon hearing Eve's revelation, the twins threw themselves at me, embracing me tightly. In unison, they expressed their gratitude: "Thank you, Xeno. You're truly a kind and caring person."

Feeling slightly embarrassed, I changed the subject, urging the twins to take a bath.

"It's great that you appreciate what I did, but it's time for you to clean up. The blood and grime from your injuries won't disappear with just a wet cloth. Wait until Ryuji brings the food. He's aware of your arrival and will bring fresh clothes for you to change into. The bath is equipped with soap, so feel free to use it. Don't worry, I won't peek while you bathe. You can close the curtains and dress behind them."

Blushing with embarrassment, the twins released their grip on me and playfully hit my arms with their small fists. "You jerk! Xeno, you dumb jerk! How can you say such things to young ladies like us?"

I burst into laughter, patting their heads affectionately. "I didn't mean anything by it. You're both plenty cute, so don't worry. I just care about your health. Keeping all that dirt and blood could lead to infections and diseases. So, relax."

Their faces flushed with embarrassment, the twins nodded and returned to their beds. As expected, an hour later, Ryuji knocked on the door, bringing fresh clothes and meals. He also carried bandages, antiseptic, and alcohol. When I inquired about the additional supplies, he explained that Lana had sent them, expressing her concern and well wishes. I laughed, asking Ryuji to convey my regards and assure Lana that I missed her, despite my aversion to the sick bay.

Locking eyes with Ryuji, I made two requests. "Ryuji, I need two things from you. First, arrange a meeting with the chief. Let him know I need to speak with him. I believe he already understands the nature of our conversation, so he should agree. Second, I want to have a private conversation with you, just the two of us. I prefer transparency and dislike hidden agendas. I appreciate everything you've done and continue to do for me, but I sense there may be ulterior motives behind your actions. If you don't disclose your intentions or what you hope to gain from assisting me, I'm afraid I won't be able to accept your help any longer."

Ryuji appeared taken aback by my words, but he nodded in response.

"We'll have that conversation when the time is right, away from prying eyes. For now, trust me and bear with it. I don't want to harm you or use you."

Satisfied with his answer, I left the door and rejoined the twins, who eagerly awaited our meal. Settling into my seat, I was about to take a bite when Hana blurted out, "Who's Lana, Xeno? And why does she miss you so much? Don't tell me you're a secret Casanova hiding behind that innocent face!"

Startled, I nearly choked on my water, feeling my face grow warm. Sputtering, I managed to respond, "She's just the nurse from the sick bay. I've known her for a long time, and she's been kind to me. And no, I'm not interested in any of that. Right now, all I care about is finding a way to escape this place alive. Hana, you may appear sweet and delicate, but you can be quite merciless at times."

Hana and Ha-Eun giggled at my flustered expression, teasingly remarking, "Oh, we understand. You're playing hard to get for now, but maybe you'll turn into a Casanova given the opportunity. Anyway, enough teasing. We've had our revenge for what you did to us before. As for Lana, we'll have a nice chat with her when the time comes."

I chose not to engage in further discussion, unable to decipher their logic and, quite frankly, uninterested in doing so. Instead, I focused on my plate, silently savoring the meal.

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