The Light That Follows Darkness

Chapter 13: EVE

Short chapter I apologize, however next chapter will be filled with information, and I hope you are ready.

P.S Eve is one of the characters that I love and i hope you will love too.


I had always fantasized about owning an HT terminal, those sleek, smart, and incredibly versatile devices that could fulfill any desire. But sadly, I had never had the chance to get my hands on one.

The price of an HT terminal was more than a year's worth of tuition at Corvious High School, which I had to work tirelessly to earn a scholarship for. Owning an HT would have been like winning the lottery for me.

Filled with excitement, I couldn't help but ask the AI, "Can I give you a name?"

To my surprise, the AI responded in a slightly taken aback tone, "If that is what secondary user Xeno wishes to do, then I have no objections."

With sheer delight, I declared, "From this day forward, you shall be known as EVE."

The AI's response was filled with joy, as it no longer concealed its emotions. "The name EVE has been registered. May I refer to you as young master from now on?"

The unexpected personality and emotions displayed by EVE caught me off guard. I wondered if it was programmed that way or if it had developed them on its own. Deciding to play along, I asked, "Sure, EVE. You can call me young master. But why do you want to call me that?"

EVE responded playfully, "Because you are the secondary user of my primary user, Ryuji, and I believe it suits you. You are young, intelligent, courageous, and for now, you are my master."

Intrigued by EVE's capabilities, I inquired, "What functions and services can you provide for me?" EVE replied, listing a range of functions and services:

  • Data storage and retrieval: I can store and access any information you need, such as maps, documents, and contacts.
  • Communication and hacking: I can connect and communicate with any device or network, and even hack into systems or security protocols.
  • Entertainment and education: I can play any media or game you desire and teach you any skill or knowledge you seek.
  • Health and wellness: I can monitor and regulate your vital signs and administer medication or treatments through nanomachines.
  • Defense and offense: I can activate various modes and features to protect you or attack your enemies.

These were just a few of the functions and services I could provide. You could customize and adjust them according to your preferences. However, please note that some functions may be restricted or disabled within this facility due to surveillance and interference. Use caution and discretion when utilizing them.

Curious about the unrestricted functions, I asked EVE, "Which functions are neither restricted nor disabled?"

EVE responded, "The functions that are neither restricted nor disabled within the facility include data storage and retrieval, health and wellness monitoring, and entertainment and education. You can freely use these functions, as long as they comply with the facility's rules and regulations. None of these functions are monitored or recorded by the facility, as per primary user Ryuji's strict orders. You can trust and use them with confidence."

Relieved to know that my activities wouldn't be tracked, I felt gratitude towards Ryuji for his instructions. It meant I still had a chance to escape. Taking advantage of the situation, I asked EVE, "Check my vital signs and administer any necessary drugs for recovery."

After a brief analysis, EVE replied, "Your body condition is critical, but no drugs are required. Lana has already injected you with nanomachines to accelerate healing and applied high-grade ointment to restore your skin. We expect a 98% recovery, although some scars may remain."

Realizing that Lana had already taken care of my well-being, I appreciated her thoughtfulness. Scars were insignias of honor for warriors, so I wasn't bothered by them.

Since I couldn't move, I decided to explore the books Ryuji had added to the AI archives.

"Eve, what books do you have in your archives?" I asked, eager to delve into Ryuji's knowledge collection.

Eager to assist, EVE replied, "Young master, I have an extensive collection of books covering various subjects such as mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, philosophy, martial arts manuals, meditation manuals, weapon manuals, and most importantly, monster biology and ecology. Which subject would you like to explore?"

Considering my immobility, I pondered between meditation and monster biology and ecology. Seeking EVE's recommendation, I asked, "What do you suggest, Eve?"

"For your benefit, I recommend delving into monster biology and ecology. In this world, understanding these creatures and their habits is crucial, especially for humanity. This knowledge will enhance your chances of survival in battles against them by approximately 45%," EVE explained, expressing concern for my safety.

Taking EVE's advice, I requested, "Please load the books on monster biology and ecology. Thank you for everything you've done for me so far, Eve."

"It's my pleasure, young master. I am here to serve you," EVE replied, displaying loyalty and devotion.

With Eve’s last words, I could see a plethora of digital books being searched through, ready to provide me with a wealth of knowledge on monster biology and ecology.

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