Chapter 35: Chapter 35
"Hola Mami, Hola Herminita," Luz greeted.
"Hola, Mija," her Mom replied through the phone.
"Hi Luz," came from Vee.
"How are things going back on Earth?" Luz asked.
"Well," her mother replied, "I managed to talk to your old principal and get Vee enrolled at the high school, she'll need to take a couple of remedial courses but that's about it."
"Masha offered to tutor me in history," Vee added. "We tried to schedule things so that I'll have classes with at least one of my friends from camp, too, but that wasn't always possible."
"Well, if anyone gives you any trouble they'll have me to deal with," Luz added. "Picking on me is one thing but going after the people I care about is something else entirely."
"And as for you... I'm honestly surprised at how accommodating Principal Hall was," Mom added. "When the topic turned to your situation I opened by showing him part of that video you sent me. You know, the part where your new principal is praising you academically and says that your old schools didn't know how to teach you? Principal Hal... Agreed. He admitted that Gravesfield High doesn't have the resources for someone with your special needs and that if you found a new school that can accommodate you and help you channel your energy productively then that's best for everyone."
"So... He's not mad that I skipped out on camp?"
"It's very clear that he doesn't understand you," her Mom continued, "but... You know he could have had you expelled over the fireworks, right? He doesn't seem to mean you any ill will, he just... The Camp was supposed to help you but you found something better. Also, it turns out you're not the first student from Gravesfield High to study in another dimension."
"Really," her Mom confirmed. "He couldn't name names but said something about a dimension called 'Mewni' and how that exchange program had not ended well. Took a month to get the kid back from the parallel Earth he got stranded on. Was only a couple of years ago too. Anyway, he still had the paperwork, if you can pass an equivalency test at the end of your senior year you'll get a diploma from Gravesfield High, and whatever credentials you get from your new school should be recognized in most places."
"So that's all taken care of?" Luz asked to confirm.
"Yes. How are things going for you?"
"So let me tell you how my week went," Luz began dramatically. "Right after the last time we talked, Eda's mom came to visit. Turns out, they're kind of estranged because... So backstory, when Eda and Lilith were kids, they were like, apparently forced to compete with each other for something and Lilth out of desperation cast a curse on Eda thinking it'd only last a day and it did not."
"That's horrible," Vee observed.
"Yeah, she feels really bad about it," Luz replied. "The curse is basically like a chronic illness, as long as Eda takes her medication she can manage it but... That wasn't good enough for Gwen Clawthorne. Eda's mom was obsessed with finding an outright cure and fell down a conspiracy theory rabbit hole and not the fun kind. She was basically the local equivalent of an anti-vaxxer."
"What's an anti-vaxxer?" Vee asked.
"I'll explain later," Camila answered.
"Anyway, she showed up hawking the latest fake cure she got scammed into," Luz continued, "and Eda wanted nothing of it and sent her flying away which... I mean, I get it, Eda literally ran away from home when she was about my age because of how aggressive and invasive these 'cures' were. But..." Luz inhaled. "I can't help but think about how getting to spend some time with you is one of the things I want the most right now. But before Eda sent her off, she let slip that I wasn't the first human to live in Bonesborrogh and... Well, so, Amity's older brother and sister were here, too, because... Their Dad asked Eda to watch them while he talked with their Mom over the whole deal with the devil thing..."
"Right," her Mom acknowledged.
"And um... They were pretty grateful for what Amity and I did, and I told them that they don't have to repay me but..." Luz inhaled again. "According to Amity, their mother raised her children to think of everything as an opportunity or as a transaction. I've been trying to help Amity get over that but I guess the twins have a bit of trouble with it too because they went after Eda's mom to help her in the hopes that she'd tell them about the other human in Bonesborroh and that that could help me."
"Well, it sounds like their hearts were in the right place," Vee added.
"Yeah, and so was Gwen's but..." Luz continued. "I was supposed to be resting and so was Amity so we mostly ended up hanging at the house with Lilith and... Apparently Gwen was a little neglectful of her, emotionally. And it got worse after the curse, even though Lilith only confessed recently and only to Eda. We um... Had to stop her from eating all the ice cream from the back of the freezer. That's where Eda keeps the stuff from the Night Market that King and I aren't supposed to get into. She started trashing her mom for never giving her any praise, periodically apologizing to Amity for acting like that when she was teaching her—that's a whole other thing—and then they sort of ended up bonding over bad relationships with their parents... Until the stress of it all made Lilith flare up."
"Flare up?" her Mom asked.
"That pain-sharing spell that Amity used on me last weekend? She learned it from watching Lilith use it to take half of Eda's curse. We kinda had to manage that, meanwhile, Eda was lured out of the house by an illusionary apple blood salesman—I think she has a problem—and subjected to a 'cure' that was just dangerous and made her curse act up and to make both problems worse, Gwen had her palisman sneak into the house and steal all the elixirs Eda uses to treat the curse thinking they were bad and... Yeah, not fun."
"Oh, ella es una de esas personas."
"Yep," Luz deadpaned. "But eventually she realized that something was wrong, went back to the scam artist who sold her the book of cures, caught him red-handed, beat him up, stole his money, used it to buy more elixirs to replace the ones she ruined, and apologized to Eda and Lilth, and helped them get through it... You know you want to dislike people like her, but it's really clear that she was just a mom out of her depths who was trying to do her best so it's kinda... Anyway, she realized how badly she messed up and Lilith went back home with her to make up for lost time, but not before making sure Amity knew how to contact her." Luz started smiling. "Amity's time as one of Lilith's students didn't end well, but they're gonna give it another shot."
"Well, at least something good came of it," Vee observed.
"Yeah," Luz agreed. "Gwen also mentioned that the human who lived here before me donated something to the library in town, where Amity works, but we all were worn out from the excitement so we put it on the back burner, spent the rest of the afternoon resting and in the evening Amity and her siblings went home and—Ooh! I almost forgot. Amity's brother Edric practices beast keeping magic as a hobby and Gwen's in the beast keeper coven so she taught him some stuff. He also got curious about how the elixirs work so Eda gave him a rash course in potions. And her sister Emira does healing magic and seeing how bad health care scams and medical misinformation can hurt people inspired her to double down on it so they're both multi-tracking now." Luz couldn't help but be pleased by how many students at Hexside were bucking tradition and studying all the magics they wanted and thought they could handle instead of just one.
Anyway, I was more or less fully recovered by the next day, which meant school and studying and that's been going well, and yesterday Amity texted me and called me to the library. She'd talked to her boss about the thing that got donated and... So it was in a place called the Forbidden Stacks, which is where they keep rare, valuable, or dangerous books and normally only the head librarian is back there but... Malphas is a nice guy, and Amity put in a good word for me, so he was willing to let me borrow it... If I passed some trials."
"What kind of trials, Mija?"
"Oh, you know, just some normal library chores like reshelving books," Luz began, "organizing files, taming a paper dragon."
"What!?" her Mother demanded.
"He was not fun," Luz observed. "But eventually, I proved myself and was escorted back into the Forbidden Stacks to retrieve the journal... and it'd been eaten by an echo mouse."
"Well, at least it was an echo mouse and not an eye mouse," Vee commented. "So you can get the information back."
"Yeah, that's what Amity said," Luz confirmed. "The little guy can project information from pages he's eaten so... Malphas was cool about it, he said I could just have the mouse and gave me some advice on how to take care of the little guy but I was only able to get so much out of him and he's gotta get used to his new home before I can get more." Luz then sent an image of her new pet in his habitat to her Mom's phone.
"Aye, que lindo."
"Yeah. Also, my friend Gus went on an adventure with some kids from another school and also this one kid from our school, Mattholomule, who was kind of a jerk but I guess he's cool now. He won't tell me what happened but he and Matholomule are friends now so that's nice. I spent most of today, before and after class, making sure the echo mouse was comfortable and practicing combos with my glyphs." Luz's mind turned to anticipation. "Eda says I should go to bed early tonight because something's happening at school nice and early and she insists that I don't want to miss it but won't tell me what it is."
"Well then, we won't keep you any longer. Te quiero, Mija."
"Te quiero Mamá, te quiero Vee."
Amity sat at her desk, staring at the blue-barked branch with a carving knife in her hand and no idea what to do. She'd had this all planned out, but now that she was actually sitting down to do it she was overwhelmed with doubt. What if the creature she carved didn't like her? What if it didn't get along with the palismen her friends were adopting today? What if her new partner didn't like the idea of the chips and shavings left over from its birth being used to help Luz? What if... What if she didn't do it right, and the palisman she carved never came to life?
No, no doubts. No insecurities. No... She had to do this. Bonding with a palisman was an important right of passage for any young witch, and the only shot she had of being strong enough to keep, to help keep all the people she loved safe.
Which she could never do if she couldn't get started... What to do when you don't know what to do? Her mother would just say to figure it out on her own, or give her precise instructions with no regard for what it was that she wanted out of this, but... Luz would say that it's not a sign of weakness to ask for help.
Amity took out her scroll and sent a DM to Lilith, asking if she was available and, if so, how long it would take her to get to Blight Manor.
Lilith immediately messaged back that she'd be right over.
Ten minutes later, Lilith having flown over at a breakneck pace, the older witch had joined Amity in her workroom. Her formerly former mentor took one look at the palistrom branch on Amity's desk and turned back to her. "You want my help with your palisman?"
"Yeah," Amity replied. "I, I know I made it sound more important than it is, if—"
"I'm honored," Lilith replied. "Carving your own palisman is a very personal endeavor and it is a privilege to assist in it in whatever capacity you wish."
Amity looked away. "So, the problem is... I can't get started. My thoughts just keep going and I know what I want to do but I keep thinking—"
"What if the palisman doesn't like you?" Lilith asked.
"Amity," Lilith reassured. "Every young witch has the same thoughts whether they're carving the palisman themselves or having it carved for them. I had that thought when I carved Mike," the white raven fluttered, "Edalyn asked our father that same question when they sat down to carve Owlbert together. Father told us that even he had that thought when he first carved his palisman, Toast."
"...Del Clawtorne named his palisman 'Toast?'" Amity asked incredulously.
"Yes," Lilith replied. "He very much did. The only witchlings who don't have thoughts like this are those who adopt a palisman, and even then there's the question of whether or not they can find a match. Now, to deal with these issues you simply need to calm your mind so I want you to close your eyes and try to take even breaths. In. And out."
Amity closed her eyes and breathed as Lilith instructed. After a few moments, Lilith spoke again.
"I'm going to ask you a few questions now. Is that alright?"
"Yes," Amity replied.
"Okay," Lilith began, "what's the worst-case scenario if you can't carve your own palisman?"
"My mother wouldn't let me go without one, it wouldn't look good for the Blight family. And she already invested in the palsitrom branch so a hand me down like Ed and Em got isn't an option. If I can't carve my own, she'd hire a carver, and... Any of the good ones would do their best to carve the palisman to my specifications, so that wouldn't be so bad..."
"Right. A palisman is a deeply personal thing, it's not uncommon to draw what you want so that the carver's work will match what's in your mind," Lilith lectured. "If you wanted, I could carve it for you and no one would ever have to know if you didn't want anyone to."
"I'd know," Amity answered. "I... It's not cheating, but acting like I'd carved it myself without telling anyone who really did it feels close enough, and... I'd hate myself for the deception. I have to at least try to carve my own or contribute in some way. Otherwise..."
"Alright, that's good to know," Lilth said warmly. "I never said this the first time around, but your integrity is one of your most admirable traits, and I never should have undermined it. So, if someone else carved it, you'd have to be honest. But would it be so bad if you had a staff carved by someone else?"
"No," Amity said surely. "The circumstances of a palisman's birth are irrelevant, it's an honor and a privilege just to have one whether I carved it myself, had one carved for me, or if ane listing palisman chose me. But I have to at least try to make my own. Or... At least make the first cut."
"Why what?"
"Why do you have to try to carve it yourself? Because it's expected of you?"
Amity wracked her brain, why did she feel like she had to? "No. It.. Is expected of me, but..." Why did she... "I have to try and carve it myself because... Because I want to."
Lilith laughed, just a little. "Alright. Now, do you have any familiarity with carving wood?"
"Yes," Amity confirmed. "I've been practicing for months in anticipation of this day."
"Alright, now... What kind of creature do you want your palisman to be?" Lilith asked. "If you could choose any creature in the world to be your partner, your friend, bonded for life... What would it be."
Amity smiled. "A cat. I've always liked cats... Even without the uh, purring thing, I've always sort of... Identified with them, I guess."
"What kind of cat?"
Amity had her ideal partner's image in her head. "White fur, short but fluffy. Periwinkle eyes. Thin but not too thin, with a long tale. An elegant, almost regal posture, but on the inside she should be affectionate and playful."
"Open your eyes Amity," Lilith said.
Amity did so, and Lilith gently handed her her carving knife. "You're ready. Start by stripping off the outer bark, and make the first cut. And I'll be here to provide any other assistance or guidance that you need."
Taking one last deep breath to steady her nerves, Amity got to work.
Hunter was not having a good time. The mission had been going smoothly, he got into Bonesborrogh undetected, landed at Hexside, attached the habitat of unclaimed palismen to the back of his airship, and managed to fly off.
...Then it turned out the human was in the habitat for some reason known only to the Titan, and had made her presence known by using the strange, symbol-based wild magic she employed to send him flying off into the distance like a rocket. He was starting to suspect that the near decapitation last weekend hadn't been an accident.
Luckily, his staff allowed him to return to the ship with haste, but now he had an issue. He didn't want to hurt the girl. Even if she used dangerous wild magic, even if she was an associate of the Owl Lady, she was supposed to be blessed by the Titan. They should be on the same side. They would be on the same side if he had anything to say about it. He was the head witch of the Emperor's Coven now that Lilith had gone awol, he'd make sure there was a place for her. And Blight, too. Such a brilliant display of bard magic, it'd be a shame to force the girl to pick. He just needed to convince them that their attitude about magic was backward and that the Emperor was the good guy. How hard could that be, teens had to love rules and authority, right?
"Okay human," Hunter began. "I'm sure that... This was a surprising course of events but.. I'm sure we can work this out. I can probably drop you off somewhere and—"
"Yeah, the only way we're working this out is if you turn this ship around and stop trying to kidnap these palismen," the human girl replied.
"I'm not kidnapping them," the Golden Guard replied.
"They're thinking, feeling creatures with all their own wants and needs and you're taking them to a secondary location without their consent," the human replied. "That's literally what kidnapping is! Especially when you do it for nefarious purposes."
"I know what the Emperor does with them," the human said with a glare. "What, did he run out of the ones he conned his cult out of?"
"Everyone's seen the report of the protest at the petrification ceremony," the human girl explained. "Where Steve told the whole Isles how being a Coven scout doesn't live up to the hype, he said that the Emperor takes your palismen. Do the scouts know what the Emperor does?"
...It had not actually occurred to Hunter where the Emperor's supply of palismen had come from.
"Look, sometimes sacrifices have to be made for the greater good," Hunter defended.
"When was the last time the Emperor made a sacrifice?" The human asked and Hunter didn't have an answer. He wracked his brain for one...
...And then a hand dragon attacked his airship.
Amity startled awake as she felt someone touch her shoulder. Confused, she looked about before her mind ought up to her and she recalled what had happened: She'd successfully carved her staff. Lilith had helped her apply the paint and lacquer, and then it needed to dry. Amity had gotten anxious waiting, and Lilith had suggested she sit down and try some breathing exercises. She most of dosed off or something.
"Amity," Lilith said, "it's dry. All that's left to do is for you to bond with it. If you will so kindly allow me the honor of formally presenting you with your staff?"
Amity blinked the sleep from her eyes and nodded.
Gently, Lilith lifted the staff Amity had carved from her work desk and carefully, with both hands, held it out to Amity. "Take it, the fruits of your labors, hold it aloft, and declare your heart's deepest desire."
Carefully, Amity took the staff, a purple staff topped with a regale white cat whose tail curled around it, and held it up. "I want to be a great witch!"
"Hmmm," Lilith observed. "Are you sure that's what you really want? Can you think of something more specific?"
Amity wracked her brain. "I want to be a great author, like Mildred Featherwhyle."
Still nothing.
"Okay, Amity, you can't just say something you think would be nice," Lilith began. "Try something that invokes real emotion in you."
Real emotion... "I want to protect Luz, and Willow. My older brother and sister, my dad, Boscha... Everyone. I want to protect everyone I love."
...Still nothing. "No," Amity said as panic started to rise in her. "I know that's something I want, I... The idea of not being able to protect everyone, it... I can't lose them! Luz is the best thing in my life, I just got Willow back as a friend, just got a better relationship with Ed and Em, dad's actually trying now, and I know that Boscha actually wants to be friends instead of just... I can't lose that. I want to be able to protect them all from..." Amity's mind wandered back toward Grom Night when the monster had thrown her off-guard by assuming the form of the killer from her nightmare going after the people she cared about.
"Do you want it because you want it?" Lilith asked. "Or do you want that because you're scared, and you're desperate for some sense of control?"
That question cut Amity to the bone.
She looked down at the staff, sadly, and lamented that the palisman she'd put so much effort into was likely to never come to life at this rate.
"...I don't know what I want," Amity admitted to herself. 'My whole life I've been controlled by other people. Told what to do, what to think, what to want, and what my future would be. Anything I chose for myself, my friends, the way I styled my hair, my books, my childhood toys could be taken away or destroyed at any moment for any reason, and now that I do have a say in where my life is going and who I share it with I'm scared to death that I'm going to lose it, lose them... I..."
She closed her eyes. "I don't know what I want or what my future holds. I just... Want to make my own decisions."
The staff vanished from her hand. She opened her eyes in shock, worried about how she could possibly have screwed this up, just in time to catch a cat. A cat with white fur, short but slightly fluffy, with periwinkle eyes. She was thin, but not too thin, with a long tale. Regal, but she nuzzled Amity's face in a way that was affectionate and playful.
Amity couldn't help but smile as she felt the bond with her palisman forming and the unconditional love that the creature she'd created felt for her. Her paliman purred and Amity couldn't help but purr back and...
"Her name is Ghost," Amity declared. "And she's perfect."