Chapter 12: Chapter 12
Amity couldn't be happier. She was Luz's girlfriend! They could do girlfriend things together, like... Hold hands! And hug in public and no one will think it's weird. And maybe, when Hexside goes on break, they could even... Dress up and travel together!
The first few days after Grom were a little awkward. While couples getting together at Grom wasn't unheard of, getting together while defeating Grom was another matter entirely. As such, 'Hexside's newest power couple' was the focus of much discussion, and in those first few days people just. Would not. Leave them. Alone.
...Though admittedly the look on Luz's face when the girl from the Human Appreciation Society asked if the spell they'd used to finish off Grom had been a deliberate reference to an "animated documentary of human space colonization and the politics thereof" had been adorable.
(After being shown the video in question, Luz explained that it was a work of fiction and that humanity did not, in fact, determine which nation ruled the world with a giant robot martial arts tournament. She then asked how exactly the HAS had figured out how to work a 'vee-see-are.')
But, eventually, things calmed down enough that the two young witches were able to talk and feel out how they wanted their new relationship to go and... Luz was so very sweet and affectionate and even if it made the blood rush to Amity's face it was all worth it. Amity swore that she'd do her best to prove that she was an awesome girlfriend who was worthy of Luz's love. She'd started by reading some of those human books that Ms. Eda had sold to the library, she wanted to know more about the world Luz had come from.
As she got ready for school, Amity felt that nothing could ruin her mood.
"Mittens, a word?" Came the condescending voice of Amity's mother just as Amity was about to walk through the door.
"Yes, Mom?" Amity replied.
"I understand that you have started... Seeing someone?" Her mom asked.
If it was safe to do so, Amity would have cussed. Instead, she very carefully didn't react, except to put on a mask of aloofness. She was good at masking her feelings, she'd been doing it for years. "That's correct. Is there a problem?"
"Oh, no no no no," her Mom insisted with the sweetness of poisoned candy. "I just want to meet the young girl who captured my princess's heart, that's all."
Amity's blood froze. "I'll speak with her about it and see if we can find a good time."
"Try to have her over this afternoon, for a little chat," her Mom requested in a way that was more of a command.
"Of course."
"And Mittens?" her Mom added.
"Yes, Mom?"
Her Mom did something that could be easily confused for a hug if someone didn't know better. It was too stiff to be a hug, too cold to be a hug. Even the fake hug Lilith used to plant the power glyph on Amity had an inkling of affection but this was an empty gesture. "You know that everything I do is for you. Even if it hurts."
"Yes, Mom."
Amity left for school fearing for Luz's life. Her nerves were not settled at all by the time she got to Hexside. To the point that she didn't quite realize where she was going and ran into another student.
"Sorry!" She apologized.
"Watch it!" The other student turned around and revealed herself to be Boscha... Wearing her letterman jacket. Right, grudgby season started today. "Oh, Amity... Are you alright? You look..."
"I'm fine," Amity lied. "Have you seen Luz?"
"No, just got here," Boscha replied. "Why, did she do something? ...Did she hurt you?" Boscha said, suddenly angry. "I warned her—"
"No!" Amity insisted. "It's... Wait, when did you? Never mind, I'll see you later."
Amity then wandered off in search of Luz, pausing only to wave at Willow when she passed the other girl using plant magic to conjure fruitlike likenesses of other students.
Eventually, Amity found Luz in front of her locker. The human girl saw Amity and immediately launched into theatrics.
"Oh dearest mother," she declared with a dramatic wave of her arm and a similarly exaggerated tone, "I cannot do my weaving, for slender Aphrodite has crushed me with longing for this," Luz shifted around Amity and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, "tender youth!"
Amity felt the heat rise to her face even as she smiled. "That was... Did, did you write that?"
"I wish!" Luz declared. "I was paraphrasing Sappho of Lesbos, an ancient Greek poet whose works were studied for centuries after her death. She wrote a lot of love poems addressed to other women and even thousands of years later we use words like 'sapphic' to describe women who love other women or 'lesbian' for women who are only attracted to other women."
"That's a pretty word," Amity mused, "sapphic... Wait, humans have special words for that?"
"Um... Remember how I said that humans aren't good about people who are different...?" Luz began. "People like us or Willow's parents aren't exactly considered normal... I still haven't told my Mom that I'm bi. I know she wouldn't care but... It's a lot better than it used to be," she suddenly reassured, "but... In generations past folks like us had to form our communities and that meant we had to have names for ourselves."
"Okay," Amity acknowledged. "So, what does 'bi' mean in this context?"
"That I like both," Luz explained.
"So... I only like girls," Amity reasoned out, "so I'm a lesbian... But you like both, so our relationship is a sapphic relationship, not a lesbian relationship."
"You got it!"
That was interesting—kind of sad how it came about, but interesting.
"...did Boscha say something to you recently?" Amity asked suddenly.
"Oh, yeah," Luz said with a shrug, "The other day she threatened to feed me my own squeedlyspooch if I ever hurt you. Joke's on her, humans don't have those! ...I think."
"...I'm going to have to have a long talk her with later," Amity decided out loud. "Speaking of talks um... Are you free this afternoon?"
"I'm probably gonna have some homework to do but other than that my schedule's clear," Luz answered. Then she gasped. "I just realized, we can have study dates!"
"Yeah, that'll be fun but... My Mom wants to meet you," Amity said. "Today. And..."
"Okay," Luz agreed immediately.
"Luz, that... My Mom can be a little..."
"I remember what you told Willow," Luz replied. "But when we got home after Grom Eda told me that if your mom ever gave us any trouble to tell her that Eda still has the necklace and will rat her out if she gives her a reason, so. No clue what that means, but I trust Eda."
Amity froze briefly as she realized that the Owl Lady did, in fact, know exactly what the necklace was.
"Amity? Are you alright?" Luz asked with sudden, wide-eyed concern.
"Fine just... Really nervous about my Mom meeting you."
Luz patted Amity on the back. "It'll be fine. I'll come over after school, we'll get it over with, and then maybe you can come back to the Owl House and I'll get my instrument from Bard Class and play you the gooiest, cheesiest love song in all the human realm."
Amity blushed again. "I'd like that."
"Okay, I need to get to history class so see ya later," Luz then leaned in and placed a quick kiss on Amity's cheek before leaving, which left the young witch slightly dazed for a few moments.
Amity had gotten home from school half an hour ago, changed into her casual clothes, and then started pacing. Any moment now Luz would be arriving and then... If Mom disapproved of Luz, the best-case scenario would be if Mom abused her power as head of the PCA and the clout that came with the Blight name to have Luz expelled and then forbid Amity from having any contact with her ever again. Worst case... Amity didn't want to think about it.
She got an alert from her texter, "IM HERE" and, very carefully, so as not to rush or seem anxious, Amity went down to greet Luz and bring her to the sitting room.
"Swanky place you got here," Luz commented.
"I'll assume that's a compliment?"
Amity's Mom was already in the sitting room when they got there and Amity made sure she was sitting next to Luz on the sofa rather than letting Luz take one of the guest chairs.
"Ah, you must be Amity's new paramour," she said in a tone that made Amity's skin crawl. Amity knew that Luz wasn't stupid, but she didn't know if she was smart enough not to fall for her Mom's fake politeness.
"Yep, that's me," Luz replied cheerfully. "Name's Luz. Luz Noceda."
Mom hummed. "Humans have such interesting names... Do names have meanings, in the Human Realm?"
"Yeah," Luz replied. "Literally my name means something along the lines of 'light of the walnut grove' but my Mom says that it means 'the light that never gives up.'"
"Interesting," Amity's Mom continued. "Now, do you know why I asked to meet you?"
"Yeah," Luz continued, "and Eda insisted that I let you know that she still has the necklace and that she made me take 'every anti-toxin known to witches and some that are only known to giraffes' before coming over."
Mom laughed. "Oh, that Edalyn. Always such a troublemaker... You know, they used to call her 'Calamity' back in our school days."
"Oh, I know," Luz replied.
"But no, I'm not looking to cause any trouble," Mom continued, "I just want to get to know the young woman who stole Mittens' little heart. Make sure she picked out a good match for herself.." Amity's heart sank. "That's all."
"Good match?" Luz asked.
"You know, compatible," Mom said with a fake smile. "The Blight family has a reputation to uphold and something as unseemly as a bad breakup... No no no, that just wouldn't do."
"I would never... Amity is..." Luz didn't seem to know the words to express what she was trying to say. "I don't know... I don't want to think about breaking up, but... I can't imagine doing anything to hurt her."
"Says the girl who humiliated Mittens at the covention," Mom replied with a poisonous smile. Luz sank into her seat.
"That wasn't Luz's fault," Amity insisted in the bravest tone she could manage. "I was the one who started that conflict, I was the one who underestimated her power, and it was Lilith who felt the need to cheat."
"Fair," Mom agreed, "but wasn't she the one who cost you your top student position the week before?" Luz sank further.
"While Luz did help Willow cheat—"
"Sorry about that," Luz mumbled.
"—Professor Hermunculus was the one who didn't see through it, the one who arbitrarily revoked my position and gave it to Wilow after one grade, and the one who didn't listen to my protests. Also," Amity finished, "I was not particularly well-behaved that day either. I lost my head over an arbitrary sign of a teacher's favoritism and made a fool of myself... Luz, did I ever apologize for almost getting you dissected?"
"Water under the bridge," Luz insisted.
"You seem a little eager to defend her, Mittens," Mom noted. "Tell me, Luz, what does my daughter see in you?"
Luz hesitated for a bit. "I don't know."
"And what do you see in her?"
"She's... It's hard to put into words. She's cool and classy and smart and... Not a lot of people look at me and see a person instead of just an annoyance. I like her a lot and if she likes me then I want to do right by her."
Amity reflexively took Luz's hand in her own.
"If that's the case," Mom continued, "then why are you putting her future at risk?"
"You are the apprentice of Eda the Owl Lady, are you not?" Mom asked Luz. "The most infamous criminal on the Boiling Isles."
"Yeah," Luz acknowledged.
"And you don't think that that association, through you, might damage my daughter's reputation?" Mom asked in a way that wasn't asking. "Her impulsive decision to leave Headwitch Lilith's tutelage has already jeopardized her chances of entering the Emperor's Coven in the future. I understand that you've already been caught up in her legal troubles..." Mom gave a knowing glance at Luz's bandaged forearm. "If you really care about Mittens, do you really want to put her at risk like that?"
Luz didn't answer. Neither did Amity, no matter how much she wanted to. All she could make herself do was squeeze Luz's hand tighter.
"Or worse," Mom continued, "put her at actual risk. What do you think might happen if the Coven Scouts raid the Owl Lady's shack while Mittens is visiting with you? The best-case scenario is she gets tossed in the Confomratorium for associating with criminals and I have to go out of my way to bail her out. In the worst-case scenario, she ends up sharing whatever punishment the Emperor plans to bestow upon your mentor for the crime of collusion. My daughter is in danger from being with you and I just want to know if the risks she's taking are worthwhile."
The warm, safe feeling that Amity almost constantly sensed from Luz cut out. It was very quickly replaced by feelings that Amity knew all too well. Guilt. Shame. Self-hatred.
Luz started stammering. "Amity, umm... She, she... Has a... I'm so—"
Amity's blood began to boil and she felt her heart rate increase as pressure built up in her head and then something snapped.
The next few seconds were a blur, but when Amity came to her senses her entire body felt weird. Everything around her felt too small, too. It was only when she realized that she had her mother by the throat that she understood why. More specifically, she noticed that her hand wasn't made of hand, but rather a lavender-lilac-colored variation of abomination slime.
Part of her mind went off on a tangent about how rare a talent like abomination metamorphosis was but she clamped down on it hard. She had important work to do while she still had the upper hand... Even if another part of her enjoyed she could feel that her Mom was the scared, powerless one for once.
"I know what you're doing," Amity started, her voice rumbling and echoing. "Stop it. Just stop it! Luz is my girlfriend and you have no right to talk to her like that. Whatever risks there are are mine to take, not yours, and I am sick and tired of you trying to run my life. So here's what's going to happen. I am going to date who I want to date, namely Luz. I am going to be friends with who I want to be friends with, and you... Do not... Get a say. If you do anything to try and drive away the people I care about, who care about me, who make me think about the kind of person I want to be!" Amity wasn't sure if she needed to breathe in abomination form, but se felt herself starting to hyperventilate and had to force herself to breath normally before she could continue. "...I'll run away again. I'll drop out of school and become a wild witch. I'll drag the Blight family name through the mud behind me and make sure that everyone knows that it was because I'd rather be a criminal than put up with you."
"You're bluffing," her Mom insisted.
"A Blight always keeps their word," Amity practically sang. Mom often used that very lie to control Amity and her siblings and manipulate clients.
Amity felt, more than saw, three more people rush into the room. It seemed like her powers as an empath had gotten stronger, too.
"What's going on, I heard noise!?"
"Mittens, are you alright?"
"What in the Titan's name is going on here!?"
Edric, Emira, and Dad were all trying to talk at the same time.
Adrenaline spent, Amity dropped Mom and reverted back to flesh and blood.
Mom landed on her feet and immediately began to compose herself. "Honestly Mittens, there was no need for such histrionics. You're growing up. Of course you get to make your own decisions now. I was just concerned."
"Forgive me if my entire life means I don't believe that," Amity quipped back. "If you really mean it, then promise me right now that you won't interfere in my relationships anymore."
Mom rolled her eyes. "Fine. I promise that I won't interfere in your relationships anymore."
"Shake on it?" Amity asked.
Mom rolled her eyes again and extended her hand. Amity quickly drew a spell circle and dragged her mother's hand through it before shaking.
"The everlasting oath is sealed," she declared.
Mom took on a garlic-eating expression again but Amity didn't care, she got what she wanted. She turned around and it was only then that she realized that she'd upturned the sofa when she'd metamorphosed and Luz was crouched behind it, staring at her with wide eyes.
Awkwardly, Amity held out a hand to help Luz up. "Luz, are you okay?"
Luz accepted the help and awkwardly answered. "...Yeah."
"Edric, Emira," Dad began. "Take Mittens and her friend—"
"Girlfriend," Amity insisted. "Luz is my girlfriend." That felt good to say. "I'm her girlfriend." And that felt even better.
"My apologies," he corrected. "Edric, Emira, take Mittens and her girlfriend upstairs. I need to talk with your mother... And if you see one of the abomination-butlers, tell them to come here with the heavy-duty stain remover."
Amity then noticed the stains on the carpet where she'd been standing. A few splotches of blood, and a big patch of green. She pulled a lock of her forward and saw that it was her natural brown.
"Actually," Amity said again, "Luz and I talked about having a study date earlier." It wasn't technically a lie.
"Oh, then have fun," Dad replied.
"I might stay over."
"Remember to take a change of clothes."
Amity and Luz were then dragged out of the sitting room by Ed and Em.
Once up in Amity's room, Amity found herself sandwiched in a hug from her older siblings.
"Mittens we are so proud of you," said Emira.
"But you are going to be in so much trouble later," Edric added.
The genuine concern and affirmation that Amity felt from them... She still wasn't ready to fully forgive them, but... Soon.
"I know but... I just couldn't..." Amity squirmed for freedom and Ed and Em let her go. She then approached Luz. "I'm sorry, Luz. I was expecting that Mom would threaten you to make me... I never even thought that she'd try to... Are you okay?" she asked again.
Luz was still wide-eyed, still shocked. Just as Amity was wondering if her outburst had scared Luz, Luz spoke up. "Amity... That was... So cool! You just went glowy-eyed and then all 'grrr!' and then suddenly ''whoah' Slme Monster! and the slime monster form was just... so... Pret~tyy!" Luz continued to babble excitedly for a few moments, so Amity just hugged her.
"What she said wasn't true," Amity insisted. "I am not in danger just from being with you and even if I was that would mean that you're in danger for being you so if we're together we can keep each other safe."
The warm feeling Amity normally picked up from Luz started to come back. "I don't deserve you," Luz declared while returning the hug.
"Funny," Amity mused, "I feel the same about you." Then Amity felt a sick tickle in the back of her brain as dots were connected. "...Luz. The songs, the poems, the hugs... You're not, trying to earn my affection, are you?"
"What? No!" Luz insisted. "I just... I remember what Grom said, about... You deserve to be loved, and I want to be able to make you feel loved... And you did say that you liked cheesy, so... Do you feel like you need to earn mine?"
"...A little bit," Amity admitted. "Do you want to know what I see in you? I see such a kind, loving, friendly person who... Even as I was writing the note I was expecting the answer would be no because how could such a good person ever l-like someone like me like that, and then..." Amity swallowed. "My whole life has been about working hard to be the best and it feels like nothing I ever do is good enough, but... When I'm with you, Luz, I feel like... I don't feel worthless."
"You're not worthless," Luz insisted.
"I know but... It's like there's this little voice in the back of my head telling me that I need to earn it, that I should be..." Wracked her brain for examples. "Baking you pies or taking care of you when you're sick or things like that."
"If that's how you want to show your love," Luz said with a smile, "I'll happily try anything you bake... but you should do things like that because you want to, not because you feel like you have to."
"I know."
"Though all cards on the table," Luz finished with a jovial tone, "part of me feels like I should have done a bunch of trials and tamed a dragon to prove myself before we started dating so I kind of get where you're coming from."
This prompted laughter from Amity, which Luz joined in on after a moment.
As well as an "Awwww" from the peanut gallery.
"...We really need to stop forgetting that there are people watching when we do stuff like this," Luz mused.
"Get used to it," Edric commanded.
"Face it, you two are adorable," Emira insisted.
"So, Amity," Luz began, "do you still want me to play that song for you?"
"Yes, but only if you want to," Amity agreed.
Other than Amity noticing that she was picking up more emotions, and more detail about emotions, from people, the trip across town was uneventful.
"Eda," Luz called out once they got to the Owl House. "We're back. It was um... Can Amity crash here tonight? I don't think she's running away," she looked back at Amity, who nodded, "but..."
"But Odalia was Odalia," Ms. Eda said as she came out of the kitchen. "Sure, Boots is welcome here whenever. But some ground rules, since you two are dating now: No making out, heavy petting, or other hanky-panky where impressionable young eyes can see you," she said with a thumb pointed to the table, where King was curled up asleep, "don't do anything I wouldn't do, don't do most of the stuff I would do, yada yada responsible guardian stuff responsible guardian stuff," she finished sarcastically. "So what happened?"
Amity looked away. "Mom tried to use your reputation to guilt trip Luz into... I think she was trying to make her break up with me. The joke's on her though, all it did was make us talk about our relationship and... I got really mad, discovered I can do Abomination Metamorphosis, and tricked her into swearing an everlasting oath to never interfere in my relationships again so... Net positive."
"Way to go Boots!" Eda declared with a hand outstretched. "Up top!"
Amity returned the strange, human gesture known as 'high five' that Luz had been spreading around.
"And I noticed your hair," Eda continued, "if you'd like I can brew you up something you can mix with dyes so you won't have to worry about it bleeding out again."
"Thank you," Amity replied. "Now um... Luz offered to play me a song from the human realm, so..."
"Got it, I'll leave you two alone," Eda replied with a knowing smile at Luz.
About five minutes later, Amity and Luz were sitting in Luz's room, the guitar she used for bard class held in the human's hand. The truth was, after the last hour Amity was exhausted, but...
Luz began to strum and sing. "I know I'm not that tall. I know I'm not that smart. But let me drive my van into your heart, let me drive my van into your heart!"
...This was perfect.
Shortly after the twins dragged Mittens and her human away, Alador looked at Odalia with an expression of resigned disappointment. He was so cute when he thought he had the moral high ground.
"Odalia, we talked about this," he began, "I know you want what's best for her, but if we push her too hard if she doesn't feel safe here, she's going to either run away again or break down completely. We need to compromise, let her act her age, and make her own choices. You only have yourself to blame for how she reacted."
Odalia just gave a knowing smile and focused on the vision she had while diving the optimal route to Mitten's best future. Mittens and her human as adults, in matching skin-tight black suits adorned with red dragons, lounging together on a stone throne beneath the Titan's beating heart and sipping from glasses of what was clearly a most decadent vintage as a broadsword as black as night dangled from the human's free hand.
"On the contrary, dear, that was exactly what I wanted to happen."