Chapter 14: Fury
They were finally half a day's walk from Ousbury, so by the time they reached the city, they would be about five days ahead of the E.G.O. group.
At the moment, Sete was gazing at the reddish sky of that ruined world as she walked alongside the boys. They decided to follow a small side road that Thomas had spotted on his map. The surrounding area was remote, which guaranteed that no one relevant would be following the same path to the great ghost town.
To the right, the young deity could glimpse a vast rural area, with one or two simple houses hidden among huge gray infertile fields. To the left was dense lifeless forest, with a wide river of black water flowing silently by the side of the road. According to Thomas's map, that body of water rose near Ousbury, which meant that if they followed the river's course, they would eventually reach their destination.
Sete sighed, regret and helplessness at seeing nature so dead and corrupted standing out between her brown eyebrows.
To escape this line of negative thoughts, she decided to start a conversation about the convoy of prisoners. The subject wasn't the best, she knew. But she needed to better understand the forces she was going to fight against.
Sete asked why the E.G.O. was capturing heirs, a topic that had been on her mind since the day she arrived in the mortal world.
— They used to kidnap heirs of the Divinities in secret, but of course this eventually came to light. That's why they started making things up about us. — Thomas began to speak after a moment's silence, already accustomed to applying the nomenclature taught by Spring to refer to people with powers. — They say we're dangerous, out of control because of our powers. They have also said in press conferences that we are the cause of the environment being corrupted in this way. Nobody has proof, but people are so desperate that they end up believing it. After all, the world is ending, Sete.
Thomas' voice was hoarse and his brown eyes dull, a light breeze blew a few brown strands over his forehead and he pushed his hair away with his hand. Kai was listening quietly, which was unusual.
— We're not sure why they're capturing so many heirs like this, but we've heard a thing or two through the grapevine. — Thomas kept talking, used to the silence of the Spring. He kept walking, staring at his own feet as the soles of his boots crushed the gray dry leaves that accumulated on the sides of the asphalt. — These are bad, dark rumors. They say they experiment on these people and their powers, it seems they steal their energy somehow. Those who are caught are never seen again. And, as I said, nobody knows what they want to use our powers for. I doubt it's for good.
The young deity suddenly stopped walking, the boys also stopped and tilted their heads in doubt. The same gentle breeze made Sete's hair sway, her irises a mixture of fury, defiance and regret.
She was unfamiliar with this world and humans, but she wouldn't be able to ignore this situation. They couldn't ignore it.
— We'll sort it out. I'll help you. — Spring promised, resolute.
Sete knew that Maio, Dez and Juno would also accept the punishment imposed on them by the other Gods. They would do anything to regain their powers and find each other again. Completing Vez's missions, helping the heirs and fighting the E.G.O. were part of the objectives they had to fulfill in order to make it happen.
Spring had the impression that these things were just the beginning of a much bigger plan than she could imagine. She wondered what lay behind the intentions of the Order and Fate, what were these bastards' plans for the Four Seasons? What's more, the situation of the heirs was worrying. As Vez said before, it's likely that one or more Gods are involved with E.G.O., after all, the kidnappings and experiments are definitely not the result of human plans alone.
Among so many doubts, there was only one indisputable fact: she, Maio, Dez and Juno were going to get together to save the mortal world from the clutches of these cursed deities.