The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 63

Chapter 63 – Robbery

“How could there be pirates? Didn’t they all be wiped out by General Suveta?”

“Probably some fish that slipped through the net.”

“How dare they attack the warship?”

The guard glanced into the depths of the prison: “I’m afraid they are here to rob the prisoners!”

“Prisoner robbery!” Giuliano was shocked, “You stay here, I’ll go up and have a look!”

He went up to the top deck. All the sailors were awakened, and the quartermaster was distributing arms. The night sky was covered with overcast clouds, and there was no light from the stars and the moon. Only the lights on the boat could be used for illumination. There was a three-masted sailing ship approaching on the port side of the “Moon Rising”. The ship did not display any flags, and the top of the mast was bare. Many grapples were thrown from the ship, hooked on the railing of the “Rising Moon”. The sailors slashed at the sight of a grapple, but more grapples followed. A rain of arrows was shot from the pirate ship, and the sailors of the “Rising Moon” fell down one after another. In the darkness, only a loud command was heard: “Hold the shield!” A group of sailors picked up a tower shield as tall as a man, rushed to the port side, set up a shield wall to block flying arrows, and another group of sailors hid behind the shield wall , cut off the flying grapple. Another command was heard: “Fire the arrows!” The third group of sailors held bows and arrows and shot a round of arrows from the gap between the shields. There were several screams from the pirate ship on the opposite side.

The sailors of the “Moon Rising” were well-trained, but the two ships were getting closer and closer, so close that the people on the pirate ship could swing on the rope and land on the deck of the “Moon Rising”.

“Listen, people on the other side!” Someone shouted on the pirate ship, “Hand over Fernando Infantson, and I will let you live! Otherwise, don’t blame our ruthless men!”

The captain of the “Rising Moon” boarded the bow and pulled out the saber at his waist: “Shameless bandits, wishful thinking! Soldiers, don’t be timid! Think of how many of your compatriots died by pirate swords! Now is the time to avenge them Timing! Never bow to pirates!”

The sailors roared in unison, and for a moment, the deck was full of white light reflected from the weapons. Giuliano ran to the quartermaster: “Give me a weapon too!”

The quartermaster threw him a sword: “You must be careful!”

The people on the pirate ship sneered: “I don’t know what’s good and what’s wrong! Brothers, come on! Kill all these sons of bitches!”

There were thunders in the sky, and the sea was rough. The “Rising Moon” was sinking and floating among the undulating waves. The icy sea water washed up on the deck and overflowed the tarpaulin covering the deck fence. Countless figures on the pirate ship climbed onto the mast, grabbed the ropes and swung to the “Moonrise”. The soaring shouts of killing overwhelmed the roar of the sea waves.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning pierced the sky and illuminated the sea instantly, illuminating everyone like blue and white ghosts. The heavy rain suddenly poured down. They have sailed into storm-ravaged seas.

Giuliano wiped the rain from his face and raised his sword to meet one of the pirates. The cold rain like steel needles fell on him, like ghost hands from the nether world, trying to take away the last trace of warmth from a living person. The blades collided and the intensive attack left Giuliano with no time to breathe. These pirates may not have systematically learned the subtleties of swordsmanship, but they have been immersed in plundering and fighting all year round, giving them tyrannical strength and keen intuition.

However, an ordinary pirate is no match for an apprentice apprentice after all, not to mention that this apprentice studied under one of Vanessa’s best silencers. Giuliano cut off the pirate’s neck, and the gushing blood was immediately cooled by the rain. He faces the next enemy. If only Enzo and Antoine were here. Enzo alone can block a large group of people, Antoine can cooperate with Giuliano, and no one can get close to them. It’s a pity that the two were sleeping soundly in the cabin. This is the worst possible time.

The pirate ship approached from the port side of the “Rising Moon”, but there were also many more grapples on the starboard railing at some point. Someone shouted: “Small boat!” It turned out that some pirates approached the warship in small boats in advance in the dark, and then landed from the starboard side. The soldiers of the “Moonrise” had to separate part of them to deal with the enemy climbing up from the starboard side.

Although the “Rising Moon” is a warship, it is only a two-masted ship used to **** prisoners. It is not equipped with many people, and the number of pirates is almost twice that of them. In addition to the advantage of surprise attacks at night, the “Rising Moon” is overwhelmed. . Soon, the barrier leading to the cabin was breached, and a group of pirates rushed into the lower deck, of course, to rescue Fernando.

“Oops! Enzo and Antoine are also in the cabin!” Giuliano secretly yelled. The two of them were unconscious, and if a pirate touched their cabin, they would never even have the strength to fight back.

The battle on the deck became more and more intense, but Giuliano’s whole heart was hung on Enzo and Antoine, and he had no time to take care of the crew. He rushed into the lower deck and ran to Enzo’s cabin. On the road, I met a pirate who didn’t have long eyes, and he ended up with a sword.

In the cabin, Antoine and Enzo lay crookedly on the bed. No one else came. What a blessing. Giuliano put his sword back into its sheath, grabbed Enzo’s lapel, and shook it vigorously. “Wake up!”

Enzo frowned in his sleep, but did not respond.

Giuliano let go of him and turned to Antoine. The young swordsman did not know what sweet dream he was having, with a smile on his lips. Giuliano dragged him off the bed: “Wake up! Antoine! Wake up!”

“Hmm… Pheasant chicken floss buns… so delicious…” Antoine muttered, his eyelids moved and opened slightly.

“Don’t eat it! Eat your head! Damn, the pirates are coming! Wake up!”

Antoine was drowsy, but he still tried his best to support his body: “What…? What’s the matter…? Where’s the meat floss bun…?”

Giuliano slapped him. Antoine blankly touched his stinging cheek, and said aggrievedly, “Why did you hit me!”

Giuliano turns back to save Enzo. The Reticent slept soundlessly, and Giuliano would have thought him dead if he hadn’t been breathing from his nostrils. He shook it hard, and Enzo opened his eyes like a drunk, then closed them, then opened them again.

“What happened…what happened?” He slurred, “My head…so dizzy…so sleepy…”

“Don’t sleep! Get up! The pirates are coming to rob the prisoner!”

“What… what ball…”

Giuliano groaned in despair. Damn sleeping pills. Next time, even if Antoine vomited out of his stomach due to seasickness, he couldn’t give him some **** sleeping pills.

boom! !

A deafening explosion came from somewhere on the lower deck. Then came the second, and then the third. The hull shook violently, as if being thrown into the air by a hand. Giuliano could barely stand, let alone Antoine and Enzo.

After the explosion, the hull suddenly tilted to one side, and Antoine slid on the floor towards Enzo. He probably thought he was swimming, flailing weakly on his limbs. Giuliano took pains to lift them up.

“Take up arms!”

He hung Antoine’s luggage on the master, found the sword “Girissa” from it, stuffed it into the hands of the young swordsman, made him sit on the ground, and ran out of the cabin.

Water seeps everywhere in the corridor, and the water under my feet is already **** deep. The pirates must have detonated alchemy bombs on the lower deck, the ship was flooded, and it might not be long before it sank.

He went back to the cabin, where Antoine was trying to get up, staggering. Giuliano grabbed Enzo, put his hand on his shoulder, and dragged Antoine to the door. Antoine’s gait was so chaotic, and the ship’s tilt became more and more severe that he bumped into Giuliano at every turn.

This must be the hardest moment of my life. Giuliano thought desperately. It was more difficult than that night of Vanessa’s escape. After all, I only had to take care of myself at that time.

He didn’t know how much effort he had to carry and drag the two companions who had taken the wrong medicine to the deck. The “Rising Moon” was sinking slowly, the hull was tilted to starboard, and many corpses on the deck were sliding towards the sea. Giuliano could not count whether there were more corpses of pirates or soldiers. The “Rising Moon” is hopeless, and it is only a matter of time before it sinks. Normally in such a situation, survivors should flee in lifeboats, but Giuliano couldn’t find where the boats were.

He supported Enzo, pulled Antoine, and staggered towards the bow. Suddenly, a wave hit and overwhelmed the “Moon Rise”, pushing the crumbling ship into the abyss of eternal doom. Giuliano was carried against the side of the boat by the waves, and the cold, salty water gushed into his nostrils and mouth. He felt himself hit the railing, and his ribs ached so badly. He subconsciously grabbed Enzo and Antoine, but the sense of weightlessness seized him immediately.

The three of them were washed over the side of the ship by the waves and fell towards the dark ocean.

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