The Law of the Silent Gentleman

Chapter 56

Chapter 56 – Trial

The next day Theodora took leave of General Suveta, thanked him for his hospitality, and took Constantia back to the hotel where the scholars were staying. Antoine stayed and stayed with Giuliano and the others. Constantia was obviously reluctant to part with her, but she was forcibly pulled away by the teacher. Giuliano and Enzo didn’t talk to each other, and Antoine, who was as slow as Antoine, could detect that the atmosphere between them was not right. Of course, he never dared to ask what happened, Enzo’s eyes were so scary, if he asked, he would die.

The day of Fernando’s trial is fast approaching. According to the usual practice, the trial will be held in the “Hall of Justice” in Zanodia. That building can accommodate 500 people, and as long as they apply, they can obtain the qualification to observe the trial. Usually the 500 seats are always full, but now there are no empty seats. Because the Fangsong family is a famous family with a long history in Zanodia, its headed family will be accused of a crime! The curious people almost stepped on the threshold of the Hall of Justice, and some even sold the seats they grabbed at high prices.

Giuliano, Enzo, Reci and Antoine got four seats in the front row with a good view because of their relationship with General Suveta. The assassin and his apprentice still wouldn’t speak to each other, so Recie and Antoine had to be caught between them. The young swordsman was so nervous that he had goosebumps all over his body, for fear of being pierced by the eye knives flying from the left and right. The bard looked as usual, even talking and laughing with Antoine as if nothing had happened.

“Look, Antoine, there are three pairs of holy emblems of the gods hanging on the top of the synagogue.” Like a conscientious tour guide, he explained the various arrangements in the synagogue to Antoine, “the most central one is the ‘Road of Justice and Vengeance’.” God’, the patron saint of the law. The one on the left is the ‘God of Immortality and Rebirth,’ protecting the oath of eternity. The one on the right is the ‘God of Truth and Falsehood,’ protecting facts and truth.”

When he heard the names of the last pair of gods, Giuliano was so stiff that he didn’t even dare to lift his head.

Leixi also talked about the history of the Hall of Justice, when and why it was built, and it has been rebuilt several times. Giuliano wasn’t interested in listening. After a while, the time was almost up, the three judges and ten jurors were seated one by one, and the bustling hall fell silent. Everyone present was wearing a white mask, looking around, there was a sea of expressionless masks in the audience.

The trial was conducted according to some ancient practice, with a strong ritual. The judges never spoke loudly. When they wanted to speak, they first whispered to a herald, who then conveyed what he said. After the herald announced the opening of the court, the accuser, General Suvita, and the accused, Fernando Infonçon, entered through the doors on the left and right sides of the hall respectively. Neither of them was wearing a mask, so they could see each other’s faces. Most people hire surrogates for themselves when they go to trial, but some (especially the nobles) go to court in person in order to show their eloquence and erudition. Neither Suveta nor Fernando hired a representative.

The judge whispered a few words to the herald, who asked loudly: “Gian Suveta, the accuser, is this man across from you the one you want to accuse, Fernando Infançon?”

Su Weita was dressed in a straight military uniform, and bowed to the judge: “Yes.”

The messenger asked Fernando again: “The accused, Fernando Infonçon, do you know the accuser across the way?”

Fernando replied politely: “Yes, I know him. He is Joan Suveta.”

“Hean Suvita, you came to the Hall of Justice and asked for a fair trial. The Hall of Justice granted your request and granted you permission to come to the gods and people to seek justice. What crime do you accuse Fernando Infançon of committing ?”

“There are three crimes in total, Your Excellency, the crimes of murder, collaborating with the enemy and treason, and selling stolen goods.”

There was an uproar in the auditorium. The herald picked up a golden staff and thumped the ground vigorously: “Quiet!” Everyone fell silent. He continued: “Then tell me one by one. The first is murder. Why do you accuse Fernando Infançon of murder?”

“Fernando Infonçon attempted to murder me, Your Excellency. He invited me to a masquerade ball he was giving, and sent assassins to murder me at the ball, but we all know that the crime of the assassin is the responsibility of the employer.”

“Accused, Fernando Infançon, do you disagree with what the accuser said?”

“Yes, sir. I did not do that. It is a false accusation.”

“The accuser, Joan Suveta, the accused denies the crime. Do you have evidence to support what you say?”

“Yes, sir. First an anonymous letter. After I accepted Fernando Infançon’s invitation, I received a letter saying that he tried to assassinate me at the ball. I thought it was a prank, but my The adjutant did not dare to take it lightly, so he took precautions in advance.”

“Present the evidence.”

A masked official holds a silver tray with a letter on it. He presented the letter to the judge and all the jurors, and asked them to read it in turn.

Suweita said: “The second piece of evidence is the two assassins who assassinated me. They failed in the assassination and have been detained and interrogated in Jackdaw Tower.”

The judge whispered something to the herald, who asked loudly, “Have they confessed the name of their employer?”

“Unfortunately, no. But I found out the identities of the two assassins, or their disguised identities, which can indirectly prove that they were instructed by Fernando Infonson. The autumn ball of the Infonson family was held in the city Fu Shengming, the entrance and exit of the dance party is strictly restricted, and no one without an invitation letter is allowed to enter. So how did those two assassins sneak into the dance party? I checked the list of the dance party and checked all the people present one by one. Finally, I found that the two assassins They were actually among those invited. They were spice merchants Bartolomeo and Mario from the city-state of Dorothenia. They were invited because they were business partners of Fernando Infançon. I sent someone to The spice guild in Dorothenia inquired, but found that Bartolomeo and Mario did not exist. In other words, the identity of the ‘spice merchant’ was fabricated. Fernando Infantson is a businessman If those two are really his business partners, how could he not have found out? Unless he knew about it a long time ago and deliberately fabricated two false identities to help the assassin mix into his ball. I will submit the list and invitation letter as evidence , and also invited the president of the Spice Guild of Dorothenia as a witness.”

“Invite witnesses to court.”

The president of the Spice Guild is a fat man with a big belly. When he appeared in court, he swore, at the order of the herald, that he was telling the truth, and then testified that the two men were not in the Sanhedrin. After the list and the invitation were passed around before the judge, the herald asked Fernando: “Fernando Infonçon the accused, do you have any objections to the evidence and the testimony of the witnesses?”

Fernando lowered his head and said, “I was negligent. They only had business dealings with me recently. Because of their generous spending, I trusted them and did not confirm with the Spice Guild. I think these two assassins should have planned it long ago. It is to cheat my trust so that they can sneak into the ball and assassinate the general. But I swear, I never hired them. If General Suweita accuses me of neglecting my duties and not doing a good job of checking the identity of the guests, then I absolutely admit it and am willing to be punished. But murder? I never did that kind of thing!”

The inquisitors whispered among themselves, and the herald, listening to their whispers, said: “The accuser, Joan Suveta, the judge has accepted the defense of the accused, Fernando Infonçon. Do you have any more evidence to support your accusation?”

“Can I give evidence for the other two charges first?”

“Yes. Why do you accuse Fernando Infançon of treason and treason?”

“Your Excellency, Fernando Infonçon colluded with the pirates who were making trouble in the waters near the city-state, planted spies in the army, leaked military secrets to the pirates, and helped the pirates escape the navy’s pursuit many times. Sell stolen goods to make huge profits.”

“Do you have evidence?”

“Yes. I have the Yinfangsong family’s account books and several letters as evidence. In addition, I have asked the master of the Shipbuilders Guild as a witness. He can prove that there is a problem with the Yinfangsong family’s account books.”

Holding the silver tray, the officials presented the ledgers and letters that Giuliano found to the judges for review. The master of the shipbuilders’ guild went to court and testified that the purchase volume recorded in the ledger was far less than the total amount of materials required by the Infanson family shipyard.

The herald asked Fernando: “Do you disagree with the accuser’s evidence?”

Fernando stared at Suveta: “Where did the books and letters come from?”

Su Weita replied with a smile: “It was stolen from the mansion of the Infonson family.”

There was an uproar in the auditorium. The herald had to order the crowd to be silent again, and asked Fernando: “Hean Suveta admitted that he stole your belongings. Do you want to accuse him in court?”

“No accusation, sir. I don’t claim that those things belong to me and are presumably forged.”

There was a lot of discussion in the auditorium. Antoine asked Leixi in a low voice: “Why didn’t he accuse? General Suweita admitted it!”

The bard replied: “Suveta is really cunning. If Fernando accuses Suveta of stealing, it is tantamount to admitting that the books and letters are indeed his property. Of course Suveta will be punished, but he will not escape treason and treason.” Selling stolen goods is two major crimes.”

This time the judges discussed for a long time, and it took a while to reach a consensus and hand it over to the herald. The herald said to Suveta: “The judge accepted Fernando Infonçon’s defense. The books and letters can be forged. Do you have any more evidence to support your allegations?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. I also have two witnesses who can prove that Fernando Infonçon was in collusion with the pirates, and sold the stolen ships stolen by the pirates to others.”

“Invite witnesses to court.”

The two witnesses entered the synagogue escorted by guards. One of them was dignified and calm, obviously someone who had seen big scenes; the other was dressed in ragged clothes and had a stooped back, which could hardly hide his nervousness. The two stood side by side, forming a stark contrast.

“Witnesses please state their names and identities.”

The handsome man said, “My name is Diego Gombet, a merchant from this city-state, and the owner of the merchant ship Chimeweed.”

The man in rags said, “Yes, lord Timon, a sailor, rudder, rudder, helmsman on the Pansy and the Chickweed.”

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