Chapter 3: Vol. 1 Chapter 3 - Life on the Farm
Kingdom of Northumbria, Old Ragnar's Farm
Days, months, and years pass by and it's already been 3 years since we've lived here on the farm. People soon noticed I was a different breed altogether. I had filled out my 2m frame at 18 years old I was born for war no doubt. I wasn't just big and strong, I was wise beyond my years and moved with deliberate grace of a martial arts master. I had very few encounters with stray bandits on the farm but every chance I got I finished off my enemies with swift brutal justice. As far as battles with wildlife on the other hand I had all the action I could ask for. I had grown rich off of the furs and meat I hunted from bears to wolves all kinds of critters and beast.
Uhtred and Brida had grown much in these years. I trained both of them daily to be able to protect themselves and hunt to feed themselves. I also taught them their letters and made sure they could speak both danish and Saxon. I told them every story I knew of the Norse gods and I taught them about the Christian god and the word of god even though I was an obvious pagan from my Norse tattoos courtesy of Thyra Ragnar's daughter and the Thor's hammer amulet I wore around my neck.
Ragnar's family grew to love us like their real children I couldn't ask for more. I made friend with Ragnar the younger and helped old Ragnar with farm. I listened to and exchanged old stories and knowledge of the world with old Ravn. I really liked the farm it was nice here.
By far what I liked the most was the daughter of a blacksmith named Brunhilda I had met at a market town not too far from the farm. I made quick work of making her my woman she is my first wife now and already pregnant with Uhtred's oldest niece and nephew I knew it would be twins a pair of dragon and phoenix siblings. They would be born soon and I would be a father.
I used my of new found wealth to upgrade the log cabin into a proper hall for my family. I also bought 2 Saxon boys Aeric and Aestan both only 10 years of age 3 years younger than Uhtred and Brida to be their first companions. I would bring them up to be the same as my siblings strong, smart, and swift and they would in turn follow me and respect my orders.
I informed the kids I had to speak to old Ragnar about the coming times and left our hall. Once I reached my liege lord's hall I was greeted immediately by Ragnar the younger "Haha Aethred my little brother sent by the gods themselves.. how are you brother?
"All is well young lord.. I wish to speak with your father." I informed him.
"He went to Kjartan's farm to find what he knows of the bandits that have been attacking our lands he should be soon"
At the sound of the doors to the great hall opening I turned me head to old Ragnar entering with serious face to say "Poor Scots stole another head of cattle from Kjartan's farm. Call the men.. we will track them down to the last one of this little group and end them."
I realized it was time for my first real fighting for my new lord with excitement I turned to old Ragnar to say "M'lord let me and Fenrir dispatch them to their heavens.. I haven't got to fight for you yet lord.. let this be my gift to you for taking in my siblings."
This obviously surprised him "Thank the gods for sending you to me boy. Very well.. I look forward to receiving my gift."
I then proceeding to return to my home inform the kids of what I was to do. They promised to stay safe and be good while I was gone. I saddled Roach, grabbed my gear, whistled for Fenrir, and got on the road to find the tracks I needed to hunt down this band of Scot raiders.
By the time I reached Kjartan's lands and found the tracks I had Fenrir scout the surrounding area and prepared a temporary camp for it was close to night. I needed my rest before night came and I would begin my work as a shadowwalker. Night came and I woke to put out the fire and get accustomed to the darkness and sounds of the forest at night.
So peaceful to walk amongst the darkness heading towards your enemies to send them to the next world full of terror and despair. There's something special to watching your enemies eyes lose light as the slip from this life. I was truly blessed by the gods and my enemies would soon know this to be true.
I had made quick work of tracking them down to a small camp the fools barely had any guard set up. I practically walked up to the edge of where they were camped and just stood still listening to the sounds taking in every detail of their camp. I spotted out who I needed to get rid first. The only 2 who were awake, I dispatched one while Fenrir silently dealt with other.
The rest of the surviving were dealt with either in their sleep or as they were rousing from their sleep. I left one alive to take back to Ragnar's hopefully he would let him live so he can then go on to spread the story of what happened here and my first of many legends to be spread through the lands in my name.