Chapter 20: Chapter 20: A Place to Call Home
He heard conversation between two individuals. One of them sounded like an adult, but he couldn't tell for sure. All he did know was that his head was throbbing, his hand felt like it was on fire, and his entire body ached, but at least he could feel pain, that was something. He found it difficult to open his eyes, not because of a bright light, but because it was taxing on his physical state to do so.
"You're not," he heard the faint sound of a boy around his age. He felt like he'd heard the voice before.
"Not what?" The other voice snapped at him.
"Not the greatest sorcerer in the world..." the first voice said. "Sorry to disappoint you and all that, but the greatest wizard in the world is Albus Dumbledore. Everyone says so-" he stopped hearing the voice, there was a ringing in his ears that was deafening.
He tried to move his body, but found that his arms and legs were bound in place. He struggled against the binds that held him in place. He focused his magic, building it so that he could break free.
"He's not as gone as you might think!" A voice said. It was the voice of Harry Potter, one of his best friends.
Jake Fernandes opened his eyes, letting his magic loose and breaking free from his bindings. He hit the floor with a thud, and the other two stopped talking, but not because of him, they all heard the sound of singing. Jake stood up slowly and leaned up against a pillar. He walked around it until he saw a Phoenix carrying a hat, the Sorting Hat.
"That's a Phoenix..." the ghostly figure said.
" Fawkes ?" Harry said breathlessly.
"And that -" the man pointed towards the Sorting Hat, "that's the old school Sorting Hat..."
The man began to laugh, "This is what Dumbledore sends his defender? A song bird and an old hat?" He laughed again, "Do you feel brave, Harry Potter? Do you feel safe now?"
"I should be asking you that," Jake said, getting their attention.
"You!?" The man standing up said, "But you died!"
The memory flooded back into Jake like the sky suddenly opened up and released all the water in the atmosphere. He recalled being hit with a spell, the incantation was Avada Kedavra . If he was supposed to be dead, then it must be a Killing Curse or something. "I don't know how I'm not, honestly..."
"No matter, you and Harry Potter will die here, but please, humor me for a moment, tell me your name before you die?" The man asked him.
"And why would I tell Tom Riddle my name?"
"How did you-" Tom asked him.
"That is not your concern... but my name is Jake Fernandes," he said and his eyes began to glow, he knew Tom Riddle was dangerous, and that he was Voldemort, "Descendant of Merlin Ambrosius, the greatest wizard to ever live."
"Merlin...?" Tom Riddle seemed afraid for a moment. In desperation, he spoke in Parseltongue. To his right, a gigantic stony face of Salazar Slytherin was moving. Jake clenched his fist in anger, knowing what was about to come out of that statue head.
The moment he saw the nose of the Basilisk slither out, Jake closed his eyes and he heard Tom speak in Parseltongue again, "Jake! Run!" Harry yelled.
That must've been what Tom said to the Basilisk, to kill him.
Jake opened his eyes, glowing red, and stared the Basilisk down. He didn't know why he tried to intimidate it, considering the size difference, or why he opened them at all, because what if his glowing red eyes hadn't saved him? He blindly tried to hit the Basilisk with spells, before his memory informed him that the hide was impervious to spells.
Before he had a chance to do much else, he heard Tom shout something in English, "No!"
He looked over and saw that Tom was furious, and Fawkes was pecking the eyes out of the Basilisk. It was safe to not have his eyes red, but he was furious and didn't know how to stop them on his own. Angry at Tom, Jake broke one of the columns and hurled a huge chunk of rock right at him, but it went right through him. He redirected the rock and flung it at the Basilisk, but it did minimal damage.
Tom hissed at the snake and Jake began to maneuver his way away from it. He led it into a long sewer system and he crept through it quietly to try and lose it in there. He heard the slithering of the large beast, debris being cast aside as it moved. Jake stumbled back out of the Sewer upon finding an exit and saw Harry reach for the Sorting Hat. He placed it on his head, which Jake didn't readily understand, but when Harry removed the hat, a Sword appeared from underneath the hat. Jake walked his way over to Harry, Riddle was taunting Harry. Jake's leg wasn't feeling so great, he fell onto the stone floor when he got to Harry, grabbing the sword from him, "Jake? Your eyes, they are no longer red... wh-what are you..." Harry trailed off.
Ginny stirred a moment, but she was still out of it. Jake looked over, only now realizing she was there, before looking back to Harry, "I'm gonna kill this fucking snake..." his hand turned red from how hard he was gripping the handle, "for what it did to Hermione..."
The Basilisk re-emerged and Riddle hissed at it, and it started to come right towards them. Jake, forcing himself to his feet, began to run at the Snake. His head was pounding, his legs were aching, his arms felt like they were going to fall off, but he only had one goal in mind, and he willed his body to keep moving. He gripped the sword with both hands as he ran. The snake lunged at him, mouth wide open. Jake jumped when he wasn't far away from it and brought the sword around in an arc swing. The sword sliced through the snake like a hot knife through butter. It pierced through the roof of its mouth and out the top a little before it cleaved through the throat of the Basilisk, and down into its lower mandible.
Blood sprayed all over Jake, even spitting some out of his mouth. He turned around and saw an angry Tom Riddle standing next to a shocked looking Harry Potter. He limped over to them, eyes glowing red again, before collapsing before them, he let go of the sword and rolled onto his back. It must not be just the venom in the Basilisk that's deadly. He could still taste the blood, his vision going. He heard Tom and Harry arguing, but couldn't make out their words. He saw Harry beside him grab the sword, but after that he didn't know. It was a moment when he then saw Ginny above him; she must've been crying, because he felt something hit him in the face. The last thing he saw was a Phoenix standing above him before he blacked out.
Jake awoke to the ceiling of McGonagall's Office staring back at him. The very moment he tried to move, his ribs felt like they had been hit with a sledgehammer. He groaned in pain as McGonagall knelt down to check on him, "Fernandes, are you alright?"
"No..." Jake groaned out, "My ribs..."
McGonagall pulled her wand out and aimed it at his ribs, "This will hurt, Episkey ."
He let out a sharp sound of intense pain. Nothing had ever hurt so much before that moment. McGonagall stood up and looked at Mr. Weasley with pursed lips.
She looked back to Jake, "Potter and young Miss Weasley explained what happened down in the Chamber of Secrets. Your name was found on the wall in a message next to the original message from Halloween night. Truth be told, I knew you hadn't taken Ginevra Weasley, but some," she glanced again at Arthur, "were not so ready to have rational thought."
"That explains the pain..."
"The Heir of Slytherin framed you, by making us think you had been the Heir all year long," McGonagall explained.
"Yes, it would appear that... this diary had enchanted Miss Weasley, and possessed her to do things she could never have done herself," Dumbledore said, sitting behind McGonagall's desk. "And Mr. Weasley here, even after I explained that I don't believe you could ever be capable of doing such a thing as kidnapping Miss Weasley or attacking those four students, especially as one of them is your best friend, when he saw your motionless body, he lost control temporarily and kicked you rather hard," Dumbledore finished with not a hint of kindness in his voice.
"So is Tom Riddle gone? The ghostly figure of him?" Jake asked, ignoring Mr. Weasley.
"Yes, after the remarkable description Harry gave us of your ending of the Basilisk, and your apparent immunity to its deadly gaze, Harry stabbed the book with the Sword and ended Riddle's reign of terror on Miss Weasley," Dumbledore was smiling, "and by extension, it's petrified victims."
"Has Madam Pomfrey gotten the Restorative Draught ready to go?" Jake asked him.
"She will have it ready in a few moments. Then the people and cat petrified will be awake and well, including Miss Granger," Dumbledore said, lifting a huge weight off of Jake's shoulders. "Speaking of Poppy, I believe Miss Weasley should be taken up to her so that she may be looked at. There will, of course, be no punishment towards her; older and wiser Wizards have been hoodwinked by Riddle before," Dumbledore smiled again, his eyes twinkling. He rose from the chair and opened the door so that Ginny could be taken to the Hospital Wing, "Bed rest and perhaps a large, steaming mug of hot chocolate. I always find that cheers me up."
Molly and Arthur then took Ginny out of the office, "You know, Minerva," Dumbledore said thoughtfully, "I think all this merits a good feast . Might I ask you to go and alert the kitchens?"
"Right," she said crisply, also moving to the door, "I'll leave you to deal with Potter, Weasley, and Fernandes, shall I?"
"Certainly," he said and she left.
Jake looked at Dumbledore, holding his side as it was still in pain, despite McGonagall's spell usage.
Dumbledore, however, only addressed Harry and Ron, "I seem to remember telling you both that I would have to expel you if you broke any more school rules."
Ron opened his mouth in horror.
"Which goes to show that the best of us must sometimes eat our words," he went on smiling. Jake smirked as well, "You all three will receive Special Awards for Services to the School and - let me see - Yes, I believe One-Hundred and Fifty Points each for Gryffindor will be appropriate."
Ron went as brightly pink as Lockhart's valentines flowers and closed his mouth.
"But one of us seems to be keeping quiet about his part in this dangerous adventure," Dumbledore said, "Why so modest, Gilderoy?" He asked and looked to the back of the room.
Jake turned as well and only just realized he was in there as well, "Professor Dumbledore," Ron said quickly, "There was an accident down in the Chamber of Secrets. Professor Lockhart-"
"Am I a Professor?" Lockhart asked in mild surprise, "goodness, I suspect I was hopeless, was I?"
"He tried to do a Memory Charm and the wand backfired," Ron said.
"He had your wand did he?" Jake asked and Ron nodded, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually glad you crashed into the Whomping Willow. Had you not..."
"Dear me," Dumbledore said, "Impaled upon your own sword, Gilderoy?"
Jake laughed, "So he was a Fraud like I suspected."
"Indeed. Everything in his books happened, that much is true, but he added so much flair to the real events that other people managed to do... the good news is he won't be doing it anymore," Dumbledore smiled. He turned to Ron, "Would you mind taking Lockhart to the Infirmary as well, Mr. Weasley? I'd like a few more words with Harry and Jake."
Lockhart ambled out and Ron cast a curious look back at them as the door closed.
"Jake, can I ask you to wait outside? I'll have Harry send you in when I'm done talking with him," Dumbledore asked him and he did so without hesitation.
While waiting outside for a while, Lucius Malfoy suddenly showed up, looking rather furious, and he was being followed by a Small House Elf. Jake assumed this to be Dobby, "Something wrong?"
"Don't pester me, Fernandes, you won't like it," Lucius responded.
"That's a threat I don't think you can back up," Jake said with a smirk, "You know, I've got recently unbroken ribs, a sharp pain still coursing through my hand, aching pain throughout my whole body, and I bet I could still tear you apart with my magic."
Lucius sneered at him and opened the door beside him so hard, it hit the wall. The Elf followed him in, and Jake stood up, to see inside.
"Good evening, Lucius," Dumbledore said pleasantly. Jake walked in as it looked like Harry and Dumbledore were done talking anyway.
"So!" Lucius said hotly, "The governors suspended you, but you still saw fit to return to Hogwarts?"
"Well, you see, Lucius," Dumbledore said, smiling serenely, "the other eleven governors contacted me today. It was something like being caught in a hailstorm of Owls, to tell the truth. They'd heard that Arthur Weasley's daughter had been killed and wanted me back here at once. They seemed to think I was the best man for the job after all. Very strange tales they told me, too... Several of them seemed to think that you had threatened to curse their families if they didn't agree to suspend me in the first place."
Lucius went even paler than usual, but his eyes were still slits of fury, "So - have you stopped the attacks yet?" He sneered, "Have you caught the culprit?"
"We have," Dumbledore smiled.
" Well ?" Lucius almost demanded, "Who is it?"
"The same person as last time, Lucius," Dumbledore said, and Jake could almost swear he saw the Headmaster's mouth twitch into a smirk, "But this time, Lord Voldemort was acting through somebody else. By means of this Diary," he held up the small black book with a large, sword shaped slit through the center, watching Lucius closely.
Jake watched him as well, but his face didn't change to anything that gave way to suspicion, even though Jake knew it was him. His attention was caught by the House Elf, Dobby, who began hitting himself with his hands. He didn't know a whole lot about House Elves, but he now wanted to read up all he could on them.
"I see..." Lucius said slowly to Dumbledore.
"A clever plan," Dumbledore said in a level voice. He continued to stare at Lucius, "Because if Harry here," Lucius shot Harry a swift, but noticeable look, "Jake here," Lucius shot him a swift look as well, "and their friend Ron hadn't discovered this book, why - Ginny Weasley might have taken all the blame. No one would ever have been able to prove she wasn't acting of her own free will..."
Lucius said nothing, his face suddenly became masklike.
"And imagine," Dumbledore continued, "what might have happened then... The Weasley's are one our most prominent pure-blood families. Imagine the effect on Arthur Weasley and his Muggle Protection Act, if his own daughter was discovered attacking and killing Muggleborns... Very fortunate the diary was discovered, and Riddle's memories wiped from it. Who knows what the consequences might have been otherwise?"
Lucius practically had to force himself to speak, "Very fortunate indeed," he said stiffly.
"And do you want to know where she got the Diary from, Lucius?" Jake suddenly spoke up.
"You will show me respect, boy-"
"You have done nothing to earn that respect," Jake said in a calm voice, cutting off Lucius, "She got the Diary out of her cauldron after it was given to her back at Diagon Alley before the year started. It was given to her... by you, Lucius," Harry was nodding in agreement and Dumbledore was eyeing him, "When you were insulting the Weasley's for having to buy Second-Hand school supplies, you took a book out of her Cauldron. When you put it back, the Diary went with it," he eyed Lucius for a moment, "I'm right, aren't I?"
Lucius clenched and unclenched his hands, "I want you to prove it."
"Oh, that's quite impossible. No one will be able to do that," Dumbledore said quickly, smiling at Jake, "Not now that Riddle has vanished from the book. On the other hand, I would advise you, Lucius, not to go giving out anymore of Lord Voldemort's old school things. If any more of them find their way into innocent hands, I think Arthur Weasley, for one, will make sure they are traced back to you..."
Lucius Malfoy stood for a moment, as though thinking of doing some brash, when he turned to his House Elf, "We're going, Dobby!"
He wrenched open the door as the elf came hurrying up behind him, he kicked him right through it. Jake's anger flared for a moment; his mind made up, he would definitely be looking into House Elves over the summer, if he had the time.
Suddenly, Harry spoke, "Professor Dumbledore?" He said hurriedly, "Can I give that Diary back to Mr. Malfoy, please?"
"Certainly, Harry, just don't dawdle too long," Dumbledore said calmly. Harry then grabbed it and ran out, Dumbledore then turned to Jake, "I believe we have a fair bit to talk about..."
"I believe we do, sir," Jake went and sat down in front of the Headmaster.
"So, Harry told me that Riddle was surprised when you were alive?" Dumbledore asked him.
"Yes, sir... when we figured out where the entrance to the Chamber was, I ran back down there to try and find a way to open it. I ran into Ginny, she wasn't herself, controlled by Riddle... she aimed her wand at me and said... ' Avada Kedavra ,'," Dumbledore's eyes widened, " it wasn't of her own volition, so she shouldn't be punished... but I don't know what compelled me to, but I raised my hand and... this sounds so ridiculous saying it out loud... but I grabbed the spell out of midair... closed my fist around it, and was blasted back into the wall. I guess Tom thought I was dead at that moment and took me down into the Chamber to be feasted on by the Basilisk," Jake looked over at Fawkes, who was resting nearby, "I only woke up moments before Fawkes arrived to help."
"Most peculiar..." Dumbledore stroked his beard, "My dear boy, I wish I had an explanation, no book about Merlin has ever recorded something like this before."
That got Jake thinking about something, "Sir... why didn't you tell me all ten books you gave me were blank?"
Dumbledore suddenly looked older than he usually did. He put palm to palm and leaned forward, "You read them?"
"I glanced at the first few pages of them, and they were blank..." Jake wasn't ready to divulge the information of him being able to read them for being Merlin's true Heir. If Dumbledore could keep secrets, Jake would keep a few of his own, "You gave them to me, knowing they were blank..."
"I am sorry..." Dumbledore looked deeply apologetic.
"I think I'm owed an explanation on some things: Who exactly my family was, besides being related to Merlin, and the person who owned the Twin to my wand," Jake said, wanting answers.
"Well, we have a feast to get to soon, how about I tell you the wand owner, and I can answer the familial question at a later date?" Dumbledore offered him.
"The first day of term, September 1st," Jake gave him his terms.
"Alright, I'll tell you then..." he took in a breath before exhaling slowly, "The person who owned the Twin to your Wand, was buried with it per his own request. That man... was Merlin himself. The Twin wands chose both Merlin, and you. I believe there is a good reason, but I cannot say for certain..."
'I have a good reason... I believe it's because I am Merlin's True Heir, that's why the wand chose me,' Jake was lost in thought for a moment.
"Well," Dumbledore suddenly said, "let's get to the feast, shall we? I'm famished and I'm sure you will want to see Miss Granger again?"
Jake nodded, wanting nothing more than to see Hermione okay. He stood up with Dumbledore and walked down to the Great Hall.
Jake sat in the Great Hall, Harry and Ron across from him, wondering when the victims would be arriving down to the feast. He hadn't seen Hermione in so long, not counting seeing her on the Hospital Bed in a petrified state, and he didn't know how he'd react to her being okay. He picked at his food until he heard the doors open. He looked up immediately, but realized he couldn't see over everyone else. He was about to stand up when Harry and Ron both leaned back and saw her. They saw her before he did. They stood up and ran over to her. Jake got off the bench and went around the long way, not really wanting to cause a scene by climbing over the table. He walked around the table and saw her bushy brown hair. His head began to pound and he could practically feel his heart thumping in his chest, his nerves were fried, but he had to see her.
As he walked forward, she turned around after Harry motioned over to him. When he saw her face, her smile, her shining eyes, he felt tears streaming down his face. He ran to her and she threw her arms around him. He cried into her shoulder, clutching her robes, not wanting to let go, "I-I'm so s-sorry, Her-Hermione..."
"What are you sorry for?" She asked in bewilderment.
"F-For not keeping you s-safe... for letting you g-go alone... you figured it ou-out before I did..." he somehow managed to get out.
She rubbed his back soothingly, letting him cry it all out. She didn't care if people stared, she was just happy to see her best friend alive and well.
Professor McGonagall had announced that, as a treat for enduring the year, exams were canceled. Normally, Hermione would've been mortified to hear that, but seeing how her absence had taken a serious toll on her best friend, she wasn't concerned about it.
One thing to brighten Jake's day, other than Hermione being perfectly okay, was seeing Draco Malfoy no longer acting like he owned the place after his father had been sacked as a School Governor. Seeing Ginny not looking pale and actually lively also made him smile, knowing she was free from Riddle's influence.
A few days later, they were back on the train, heading towards King's Cross. Jake had intention to go back to the Leaky Cauldron for only the evening, for once night fell, and no one was in the main bar area, he was going to be going to the place Merlin had asked him to. He was, of course, going to tell Tom the Barman that he no longer had need of the room he was staying in, but he wasn't going to tell Tom where he was going, he didn't want anyone to know about the location he would be staying at, unless he felt like they needed to know.
Jake watched Nightshade fly beside the train with Hedwig, and he noticed both of them had been getting along well. Easily best friends with the way they interacted. When they were almost back at King's Cross, Harry had brought up something, "Ginny - what did you see Percy doing that he didn't want you to tell anyone?"
"Oh, that," Ginny said, giggling as she did, "Well - our dear older brother has got himself... a girlfriend !"
Fred and George stopped what they were doing immediately, Ginny having their full attention, "It wouldn't happen to be the girl Hermione had been petrified with, would it?" Jake asked.
"You either already knew, or that was an incredibly lucky guess," Ginny said in awe.
"Lucky guess, I'd say," Hermione said playfully.
"Yeah, I walked in on them kissing in an empty classroom one day. He was so upset when she was - you know - attacked. You won't tease him, will you?" Ginny asked the twins.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Fred said, looking like his birthday had come early.
"Definitely not," George said, snickering as he did.
The train finally pulled into the station and the Weasley's all left first, Harry giving Ron his phone number, or rather, the Dursley's phone number. Harry's family showed up next and Jake scowled at them the whole time; the way his Uncle treated him, grabbing his arm like that, dragging him along. It angered Jake, but he knew he couldn't lose himself in front of Muggles.
He and Hermione sat down on a bench until her parents arrived, "You going to be alright by yourself at the Leaky Cauldron all summer?" She asked him.
He began to fidget, "W-Well..." Did he tell her, his best friend, that he wouldn't be there? Hermione was incredibly intelligent, she would figure out he's not there pretty easily. In the end, he resolved to tell her, "I won't be staying there for more than the evening today..."
"Where will you be staying?" She asked inquisitively.
"Um... somewhere I won't be bothered by anyone, unless I want them to have access there," he explained.
"Ooh, sounds secretive," she said, now intellectually intrigued.
"That's what Merlin said at least," he said intentionally. He wanted her to know what was special about the place he'd be going to.
"Oh, is it a property of Merlin's?" She asked.
"One of three that he himself owned, yes, that's not counting the properties and estates that his descendants, my ancestors, acquired across the centuries," Jake explained to her.
"Where did you read about all of this?" She asked him.
Before he could answer, her parents showed up and greeted them. Hermione, for obvious reasons, didn't tell them about the Basilisk or being petrified, because they might not let her back at Hogwarts if she did. They took him and dropped him off at the Leaky Cauldron and Hermione hugged him for longer than her father approved of.
"Stay safe," she said after letting go, "no matter where you go this Summer," she smiled and before she got back in her parents car, he told her that he would write to her in a week's time, just in case the place he was going wouldn't allow Owl's to arrive without a person there. She got in the car and waved at him, and he waved at her, until they were out of each other's sight. He turned and walked into the bar, greeting Tom.
"Tom, as of today going forward, I won't be needing your room any longer," Jake said.
"Really? Got somewhere else to stay, do yeh?" Tom asked him.
"Yes sir, I do in fact have somewhere else I'll be going. I'll make my way there tonight after everyone has gone to bed," he said and Tom nodded in understanding.
"Don't want no one to follow, do yeh?" He asked and Jake shook his head.
He went up to his temporary room and dropped his stuff off before going to Diagon Alley, more specifically, Gringotts Bank. He needed the deed from his vault to be able to access Merlin's Tower. He walked up to the Goblin at the center desk in the back of the main room, "I'd like to access my vault."
"I assume you have the key?" The goblin asked him. Jake pulled the key from his pocket and handed it over, "Follow me." The Goblin led him to the minecart and there was a separate Goblin that he handed the key off to. Jake stepped into the minecart and they fast tracked all the way down to Vault #1. He waited for all the security devices to be undone.
Once he was finally able to access his massive vault with massive amounts of wealth, he asked the Goblin, "There is something in here that I have to sign a Blood Contract with in here, do you know how to do that?"
"Find the object you need to make a Blood Contract with and bring it to me. I shall let you know," the Goblin said and Jake walked into the back of his vault. Dumbledore said the assets were in the back. This would take a while of searching.
Indeed it did take an hour of searching to find the Deeds. They were in glass cases for some reason, each labeled with what Deed was in them. He opened the one containing the Deed he needed and reached in for it. Upon grabbing the document, words appeared on it. He skimmed through it and found that all he had to do was place his hand on the back of the Document, and the Blood Contract would be signed.
He flipped it over and there was a place for him to put his hand. The moment he did, he felt like a hundred tiny needles were stabbing into his palm and fingers. He tried to pull it away, but found he couldn't, not until a few seconds passed at least. When he finally pulled his hand back, his hand print was in blood on the Document, "The Blood Contract... has been signed... I guess?"
He took the Deed and stuffed it neatly into his pocket, making his way back to the entrance, "Have you recovered the Deed?" The Goblin asked him.
"I did, it was more simple of a Blood Contract than I expected," Jake said to him.
"Excellent, once all of these doors and securities are back in place, I shall take you up to the surface, just wait in the Minecart," the Goblin said and Jake went back to wait in the Minecart.
Once night fell, Jake grabbed his things and Nightshade's cage that she was in. She was awake and alert, knowing that they were going somewhere. Seeing the empty bar was nice; he walked over to the fireplace, had all of his stuff with him in it and had already grabbed a handful of Floo Powder. He raised his fist and tossed it down, " Merlin's Tower !" He was engulfed in a green flame.
He appeared in an old, medieval looking room that seemed to be used for some sort of advanced potions or something. He dragged his stuff around and sat it propped up against a table. He let Nightshade out of her cage and she flew up to a hanging chandelier, closing her eyes upon sensing no threats.
There was a book resting on a podium at the far end of the room. There were also three doors leading out of the room. He was more intrigued by the book right then and walked up to it.
"I was wondering when you'd show up," an old voice said behind him.
He drew his wand at record speed, turned around, and aimed it right at the mysterious man, who had a beard even longer than Dumbledore, "Tell me who you are now, or I will paint the walls red with your blood."
"My dear boy, I think you may have a hard time accomplishing that," he said with a light-hearted laugh, "You see, I'm not really here."
Jake snarled his nose, " Diffindo !" He yelled. The spell flew right towards the man and went right through him, but no wounds were present. He didn't even react to the spell hitting him. "What?"
"I told you, I'm not really here," he laughed again, "You don't recognize me?" The stranger asked him.
Jake glared at him a moment longer. His eyes widened when he realized, "Merlin!?"