The Last Commander of the Red Alert

Chapter 577: Whose Home Does the Emperor of Shadows Fall to?

Marshal only had a faint inkling that the Red Alert Empire was indeed setting a trap for him. However, he never could have fathomed that Prince Hewlett was also involved as an accomplice.

Su Chen had refrained from taking action against Marshal all this time, waiting for this very moment.

The public's anger was directed squarely at Marshal, and Prince Hewlett remained unscathed. In fact, capturing Marshal had further boosted his popularity among the common people. It was safe to say that even if other Princes stepped forward now, it wouldn't jeopardize Prince Hewlett's chances of becoming king.

Many wealthy individuals who had not invested in Prince Hewlett from the outset were now consumed with regret. If only they had invested early, their futures would be unimaginably different.

It was clear to everyone that it was too late to invest now; Prince Hewlett's ascension to the throne was an unshakable fact!

Many were watching closely, wondering if Prince Hewlett, having captured Marshal, would tear up the recently signed agreement and launch a direct assault on the Ghost Clan.

But no.

Prince Hewlett was wholly at Su Chen's command. Su Chen had yet to order Prince Hewlett to take action because a grand spectacle was about to unfold, with three main actors, each playing the role of a spy.

The first spy, who had acted as the City Lord for so long, could finally free himself from that role. He faked his own death, appearing elsewhere with a new identity: a hidden powerhouse within the Emperor's clan, surpassing Marshal in strength.

This first spy went by the simple name "Number One."

With King dead and most members of the Emperor's clan falling to the Ghost Clan, only a few remaining members would know that Number One was an imposter. Even if his identity was incorrect, his strength was unquestionable. Only those with a lapse in judgment would oppose him.

On the other side, the second spy's identity was now confirmed as a lifeless one. He had become the Ghost Clan's second hottest proxy, second only to the elderly Proxy.

As for the third spy, he had feigned death and escaped during a battle, subsequently assassinating Ghost Clan's Ninth-level Peak Ghost Master Jim, with the help of the second spy.

With all the preparations in place before the curtain rose, it was time for the actors to make their entrance!

First, Prince Hewlett pretended to be unable to resist the countless requests from the people to eradicate the Ghost Clan. He sent out the first spy, posing as a skilled member of the Emperor's clan, to lead a massive army in exterminating the Ghost Clan.

This action brought joy to humanity, for they felt uneasy as long as the Ghost Clan remained. On the Ghost Clan's side, Number Two and Number Three, who now controlled the Ghost Clan's authority, jointly declared war on humanity!

The two sides engaged in a earth-shattering battle in an open field, deploying nearly tens of millions of combatants. It became a meat grinder, with humans and Ghost Clan members falling in droves. Even powerful individuals above the eighth order suffered significant casualties.

The sky seemed stained red, dripping with blood, and the ground was littered with limbs and gore. It seemed that the wind carried the wails of those about to meet their demise.

At first glance, one would think that such actions would only enrage both humanity and the Ghost Clan further. However, Prince Hewlett had secretly ordered someone to spread the idea of a ceasefire among the humans.

Previously, they had no idea that eradicating the Ghost Clan would come at such a great cost. If they truly wiped out the Ghost Clan, how many humans would be left?

Not everyone could bear to see their loved ones perish on the battlefield.

Similarly, the Ghost Clan faced the same predicament. Their reproductive capacity was inferior to that of humans, and with such massive casualties, how long would it take for the Ghost Clan to recover?

At first, it was only a small faction that opposed the war. But with tacit approval from both sides, the voices against the war grew louder and soon reached the ears of both factions.

Upon hearing this news, they didn't immediately cease fighting; they continued for two days and nights before finally withdrawing. However, the battlefield had already turned into a nightmarish scene, a sight too gruesome to bear.

In just one week of combat, both sides had lost nearly millions of warriors, without accounting for other losses. The impact of this direct confrontation was immense.

The Ghost Clan could no longer look down upon humanity, and humanity realized that even if they wiped out the Ghost Clan, they too would suffer heavy casualties and require many years to recover.

The term "peace talks" emerged, and at first, Prince Hewlett and the individual posing as Jim, the Ghost Master, vehemently denounced those suggesting peace, declaring their unwavering commitment to a fight to the death.

As the number of supporters grew, both among the high-ranking members of the Ghost Clan and humanity, opposition to the war became widespread. They suggested peace and living together on the same planet in the future.

At this point, humanity had come to understand that their ancestors had been aggressors, and Yan Yun Star had originally belonged to the Ghost Clan. Even if they knew the universe was inherently cruel, some couldn't escape feeling guilty about their actions, as they hadn't personally committed such acts.

It was akin to the descendants of criminals not being responsible for their ancestors' crimes but still feeling shame for what their forebears had done.

The second round of peace talks began, and no one could have imagined that all the representatives at the table were actually on the same side!

Number One Spy, Number Two Spy, Number Three Spy, along with Prince Hewlett, all gathered here. It was on the edge of the battlefield, not an ideal place for negotiations, as the scene was too gruesome to bear.

Honestly, at this stage, even the Spies, who had been acting superbly throughout, couldn't help but chuckle.

"It seems our performance was quite impressive," Number One Spy remarked.

"How we performed, only Commander knows. I'd really like Commander to evaluate and tell us whose acting is better," Number Two Spy had always wanted to compete with Number One Spy, a healthy rivalry that Su Chen had never discouraged.

"Let's take advantage of this opportunity and have Commander judge who acted the best. What do you think?" Number Three Spy chuckled.

"Good idea!" Number One and Number Two's eyes lit up.

So, Su Chen found himself with a task. In recent days, he had indeed observed the performances of the three Spies. He had to admit that all three had done exceptionally well, portraying their roles so convincingly that even the people around them hadn't suspected.

Whose home does the Emperor of Shadows fall to?

Su Chen only had to think for a moment before making a decision. "The best performance this time goes to... Number Three Spy."

Number One and Number Two were slightly taken aback. They had expected the title of Emperor to go to one of them and not to the unassuming Number Three Spy.

"Commander, may I ask why?" Number Two Spy asked curiously.

"It's quite simple. Number Three Spy consistently portrayed roles that weren't originally their own, especially in the beginning when assuming the identity of a Ghost Master carried a considerable risk. In that situation, she managed to avoid revealing her true identity. Just this alone sets her apart from both of you," Su Chen explained. (To be continued.)

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