The Last Boss Witch Will Keep Her Past Self’s Crush Until Her Dying Day

Chapter 64

11 Curse Blessings

A lot has to go on at the same time, and I’ve been busy all at once.

He wanted to confuse the kingdom, and when he taught him how to do the curse, Zeoli quickly made a plan and made it look like a demonic disease to build a corpse.

I wonder how glad you were that I relied on you. [M] Too tense and scary. I’m too fast to kill you than I planned…… well, come on. Data on the spell gathered quickly and I was steadily preparing to kill the king.

Next to receiving the report, I snuck up on Emelda and messed with her brain. Emelda had already predicted what was going to happen and was badly upset. I only leave predictive footage that is convenient to me, and erase any inconvenient parts.

Ever since I met Sonia, Emelda’s heart has been swirling with fierce hostility. He seemed to hate Sonia potentially, not just the jealousy surrounding Prince Rain. Maybe Grandma Jebella’s consciousness, what a scary imagination.

I also get a report from Celesta.

Although I can’t infiltrate the inside of the cruise because of the junction, they don’t have any noticeable movement as far as the view from the outside. They also looked into Sonia’s reputation locally. Classy and wise lady. It seems that many of Azrite’s inhabitants have bad feelings about the prince who unilaterally broke his engagement.

In the second circumference I also looked into the living Sunnig Aspinel. I was greatly surprised by the fact that he once had the right to inherit the throne. It’s a complicated mood that that ability caused a coup twenty years ago, but hatred doesn’t boil in particular.

But you seem to be more cordial with Sonia than you need. Be careful.

I will not forget to hold back the king’s movements.

We need to make sure that Kruge is safer than Ville is by Sonia. Ville needs time to calm down.

According to Nefra’s information, Sedonil is advising the King to eliminate Sonia immediately. Even so, he said he’s spreading his anger with a brush talk because he doesn’t have a voice. Looks like he has quite a grudge of having his ribs broken and his throat crushed.

Some threatened Sonia with the imminent appearance of Sedonil. It is only natural that an elite warrior of the king’s children was defeated by one little girl without skin.

It’s very troublesome when the Kings move independently for kung fu, though not necessarily by the opinion of “Don’t Kill Sonia”.

Out of the way. I decided to let Sedonil lose her legs without misery.

Sedonil has received the King’s secret orders so far and has done a lot of black work. Expose it under the daylight and prove how dodgy Cedonil was doing his job. In fact, I politely erased evidence and witnesses, and from what I can tell, it was a pretty good job, but any cover-up is pointlessly close in front of all the people I know.

He also dressed up for expenses and crushed intentional information, so he subtly taught Sedonil’s political enemies.

This is how I let Sedonil brand me incompetent subordinate.

Then, a few days later, Sedonil had fallen ill and had left his job. That’s an ostensible story, and it can really be that you’re not already in the world. Really, the king doesn’t live up to his expectations.

When Cedonil, who had the toughest attitude among the kings’ sides, disappeared, the moderates’ opinion prevailed that we should join hands once and for all rather than eliminate Sonia. Apparently the prudent king agreed to that, too.

If you turn all the witches in the Kruge against your enemies, it could be a civil unrest that rocks the country. I guess you don’t want to show weakness to other countries right now.

“And as my next messenger I went to Azrite territory to convey His Majesty’s intentions…”

Nefra came to report with a grinning smile.

Anything, they’ve been running for Sedonil’s cauldron to make things into things that everyone hates.

“Now you can meet Sonia in grandeur… hey, it’s good to see you…”

“No more stupid apprentices.”

I don’t know Nefra. The first time around, I went to see Sonia and didn’t go straight home.

It’s traumatic from me, but what’s with this float? It annoys me. On the contrary, I’m sticking around to give you a paper on space magic that I’ve been watching and doing in my spare time. Hmm. I don’t think Sonia understands that advanced sorcery ceremony.

“It’s okay. If you meet me at Aspinel’s mansion, you have eyes, and I will never do anything to anger Sonia…. but if you’re worried, will your master come with you?

“Can you go? Yeah, but, uh-”

As a measure of bitterness, I gave Nefra a remote peek crystal. Now I can see how the two are doing during the negotiations. I can’t protect you from being in a far away place where I get it… it’s better than doing nothing.

On the day Nefra and Sonia meet, I sip my solids and peek into a bucket of water.

I stroked my chest down for a moment because I saw Bill looking well. Oh, good. Recent reports seem to suggest that you may be buying out alone or having drinks with the crew members these days, and you don’t seem to be being treated badly and unreasonably. I mean, I’m a little surprised that I normally live there.

Sonia has normally donned to gifts from kings, promised not to leave Azlit territory, etc., and asked about princes and emerdas.

Nefra is happy to circulate information. Sounds like a lot of fun. I watched him harrassly if he didn’t say something strange. [M]

Yeah, well, the prince’s having a party looking for a new fiancée. Well, if you carry it according to my plan, it’ll definitely be canceled.

Not knowing that, Ville was badly upset. Shit. In this way Ville may return to the King’s Capital by showing Emelda……

But Sonia made a statement begging for Emelda’s commutation of her sentence, and that worry was useless.

“… do you seek refuge in those who tried to fall into your own

‘I told you, didn’t I? I don’t care about her. But I want to take care of the purity of my lovely squire. ”

I was relieved. [M] Sonia will keep tying Ville to Azrite territory.

On the other hand, there is anxiety. I wonder if Sonia is seriously trying to miss Ville. Imagine Ville being completely kept and killed by Sonia, and he did so again.

Later on, Nefra, who returned to the King’s Capital, admired Sonia every time she opened her mouth, so that it would no longer grow larger.

I’m hiding in Nefra to sneak up on Sonia. I had a lot to worry about.

How can it be so different in the first and second circles?

What are you going to do about Ville?

Apparently, as much as they call it a beauty ghost locally, they have an obsession with beauty, but why show no interest in rose jewels.

I can’t conclude. As usual, Emelda’s full knowledge doesn’t allow her to pick up conclusive information.

I have no choice. Let’s just focus on avenging King Mistria.

The royal castle was confused once and for all when the prediction was conveyed that Prince Rain would be cursed and fall by Emelda. Nobody really believes in Emelda’s predictions. However, the content cannot be ignored solely by the content. Soon a woman was kept away from the prince.

Some keen explorers linked predictions with the recent outbreak of demonic disease in Mariala territory, prompting vigilance. It’s time to move on to action.

I went to see Nefra when he was guarding the prince’s private room. [M]

Now I’m not even given official business and spend most of my day in my private room. I feel a little sympathy for the way the prince completely lost his hegemony. Still, he smiled in front of me.

“Hey, Citrine. Thanks for coming. Are you alone today?

Even though he was cautious and locked inside the castle, the prince’s scope of action is even narrower. I don’t complain in front of Emelda under house arrest, but she seems to be getting a lot of depression.

I’ll help you with that worry. I’ve had a lot going on, and I’m already at my limit.

“I brought you some information to keep today. I’m sure you’d be surprised.”

As I grinned, the prince tilted his neck.

“I’ll tell you the truth about the King’s Capital raid twenty years ago. What your father did, how much Ville suffered.”

“… Citrine? What the hell?”

“I’m sorry. My real name is Ambert. It’s the first man-made demon in the world to be built by a black witch.”

I had predicted, but the prince laughed bitterly at the confusion. That’s right. It just hurts that a twelve-year-old suddenly made such delusional remarks. You can’t believe it.

I made tannins. [M] It’s a lot of hard going back to what it was now……

“Wait a minute. Oh, I borrow your clothes.”

Without waiting for a reply, I took the prince’s clothes out of the closet and hid in the clash to get dressed. It’s a rash, but if I go back to my original age, I’ll be just fine.

I sighed at the poor stepping. If I asked you as an adult from the start, I’m sure you won’t be able to catch me, and I don’t have a choice.

“Um, what are you doing?

“Don’t peek! Because it transforms!


After driving the prince far away, I temporarily sealed the rose jewels in my body. Cells all over my body shuddered and I almost screamed for too much pain. I barely had a voice, but my physiological tears tell my cheeks.

Oh, dull. The bounty of the rose jewels is completely stained on my body, and when I get back to where I was, I’m not half tired. There was a man about thirty years old on the windowsill. I’m older in real life, but because I’ve been young with jewels for years, my original figure hasn’t aged much, has it?

Wipe my tears and get my clothes ready before I show up in front of the prince.

“Ha… this is who I really am”

I find myself uncomfortable with my voice after a change of voice.

The prince looked out. But take a good peek in the back of the clash and look for Citrine. She said she hasn’t been replaced.

“Sure, there’s a shadow of Citrine, but no way this is happening… what the hell are you -”

“Because I’ll teach you right”

I slowly told the truth.

Rose jewellery, coup, birth of Ville, covenant of silence, material provision of jewellery by King Mistria, that Cedonil tried to kill Sonia and Ville.

I didn’t throw up, but I won’t tell you everything honestly. For example, don’t tell me that I’m Sonia’s father or that I made Emelda. ‘Cause if you hate me, I’m in trouble.

There is only one person the prince turns his hatred against, King Mistria is fine. Skillfully guide the story to grow hatred.

“Hey, don’t you think it’s awful? How many people your father drove to death…”

By the time I was done talking about it all, the prince was turning bright blue and trembling. There was a verse that came to mind, no objection.

“If you don’t believe me, just ask me directly.”

The prince nodded bewildered.

“Before I do, I want you to tell me. Why did you tell me the truth? What’s your purpose?

I answered frankly.

“Because I thought I should let you know to make the right choice, to protect your loved ones. It has to end now. We have to make amends.”


If you noticed, the prince’s gripping fist was white. I gently stroked Prince Rain’s head and gave him the curse.

“It’s okay. I’ll help you. You protect Emelda and Ville.”

Maybe the prince didn’t have any more decent judgment left.

That night, the prince gave him a guide to get out of his private room and sneaked him to the office where the king was.

It was very spectacular.

“What do you think of your people?” How many people have you sacrificed to be on the throne!

The king laughed with his nose as the prince inquired and pounded his anger.

So what?

At that moment, the hatred in the prince exploded and the curse was activated.

The king and his neighbors moaned in agony, and the prince himself fell, devoured by a black mole.

Oh, Cross. I think I can finally clear your mind. [M]

I was immersed in dark delights and late to realize what was important.

Just around the same time, Zeoli carried out a spell in the village of Azlit territory, involving Sonia and Ville.

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