The Journey That Changed A World.

80. Magic And Wonder.

Looking around, Archer spotted a campsite with numerous tents and soldiers guarding the area.

He saw Malia, Teuila, and Triton standing by a table where an older woman was cooking.

As he walked over to them, they all turned to him.

Malia and Triton smiled, while Teuila just watched him.

"Good morning," Archer greeted them.

Malia smiled at him and asked.

"Would you like some breakfast?"

He replied, "Yes, please."

Turning on his heels and starting to walk out of the camp, he suddenly heard Teuila's voice.

"Who's Ella?" she asked.

Archer stopped walking when he heard the question and turned around to reply.

"She was my personal maid."

Teuila noticed the longing look on his face as he walked away. She shook her head and got back to helping her aunt.

He started to walk away from the camp and opened a portal to his domain.

As soon as he stepped through, a red blur shot towards him, latching onto his head, and started licking his face in excitement.

Sera was making happy noises as she rubbed her head against Archer's, making him smile.

"Hey girl, I'm okay. I'm here now," he reassured her.

Grabbing the silly dragon, he started cuddling her, and Sera purred as she clung to him.

He placed her on his shoulder as he left the cottage and set out to find Jethro and Mohamet.

After searching for a while, he found the general training a group of Dragon-kin men and women.

As he approached, he saw the general screaming at a man who appeared to be struggling.

When he got closer, all the Dragon-kin who noticed him dropped to one knee.

The general turned around and smiled when he saw Archer.

"Your Majesty, what can I do for you?" he asked.

"I'm in the Aquarian Kingdom now. When I get to Sunhaven, we can look for your wife and children."

"Thank you," Mohamet nodded with a smile as he excused himself to get back to training.

Archer turned around and headed for Jethro's tent.

But on the way there, he bumped into the old man who turned around with a big smile on his face and bowed his head.

"Your Majesty, how can this old man help?" the old man asked.

He looked at the old man who bowed his head as he spoke.

"How are the Dragon-kin settling in, and how many have joined us?"

Jethro rubbed his chin.

"Everyone has settled in nicely. We get more and more joining every day, thanks to Sagana and Drogath."

Archer nodded his head as he closed his eyes and created even more tokens.

A large pile of white dragon tokens appeared.

Jethro shook his head. "I'll never get used to that."

"Give these to the two of them when you see them next. I'll be back in a couple of days."

He said, handing over some items to the old man.

The old man smiled as he bowed his head.

"Okay, your majesty. Enjoy your travels."

Smiling at the man as he opened a portal and exited the domain, appearing by some small trees.

Looking around, he noticed the guards looked tense, so he started to search for Malia and the siblings.

After a little while, he found them looking north. He walked over to them and asked what was wrong.

"What's wrong? Why is everyone so tense?"

Archer looked around at the faces of the three people, but no one answered his question.

He noticed that they were all staring off into the distance with a look of confusion on their faces.

Curious, he followed their gaze and turned his attention toward the horizon.

At first, he scanned the horizon but saw nothing unusual.

However, as he looked closer, he noticed a faint glimmer in the distance, something that caught his eye and piqued his curiosity.

Then, his eyes caught sight of a massive cloud in the distance.

It loomed ominously, growing closer by the second.

In an instant, Archer realized the danger that was approaching.

Something deadly was charging toward them.

He turned to the people in the camp, but they were already prepared.

They had taken out their long rectangular shields and were rushing toward the north.

As they reached the desert grassland, the soldiers lined up their shields with each other, creating a massive shield wall.

Most of the soldiers stood firm, while the commander paced back and forth.

A soldier ran up to Malia and reported what was coming.

"Your Highness, The Kagia Kingdom has invaded. Their vanguard is approaching. You must take the children and flee to Sunhaven. We will hold them for as long as we can to give you a chance."

Malia's heart sank at the news.

She didn't understand why the Kagia Kingdom was suddenly invading their kingdom. She quickly turned to the children, Teuila and Triton, and took their hands.

"We must go," she said, her voice urgent. "The royal army is stationed in Sunhaven, and we will be safe there."

But Teuila and Triton didn't move.

Malia looked at them, confused.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Teuila shook her head.

"How can we leave the royal guard to die here?" she asked, her voice angry.

Malia understood the girl's concern, but she knew that they had to think of their own safety first.

"We have no choice," she said, her voice firm. "We must go. The guards will do their duty.

Archer watched everything and spoke up.

"It will be fine."

All three of them, including the soldier, looked at him with questioning looks. He sighed and explained.

"Just wait and see what I mean."

He turned and walked away from the table, activating his Draconic Form.

"Draconis," he said, and all his Draconic features appeared.

Crouching down and launching himself into the air, he started flapping his wings as he flew toward the incoming soldiers.

As he rose higher and higher, he could see the battlefield spread out below him.

Hundreds of soldiers on horseback were rushing towards them, their swords glinting in the sunlight.

The ground shook with the sound of their hooves, and the air was filled with the sound of battle cries.

Feeling a surge of fear and excitement as he soared above them, he knew that he had to do something to help.

He had never seen anything like this before.

Archer watched as the small army charged forward, coming within 50 meters of the Aquarian royal guards.

'For the Dragon-kin,' he thought.

Suddenly, he felt a surge of power coursing through his body, and he let out a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield.

The ground shook, and the horses began to panic.

Archer took a deep breath and let out a stream of violet fire, blocking the soldiers' advance.

He grinned as he flexed his claws and turned to Sera, saying.

"Ready to burn some soldiers, girl?" She chirped in an excited tone, taking that as a yes.

"Hold on," Archer said as Sera clung to him like a baby monkey.

He flew a bit higher, looking at the soldiers. He raised his hand and cast Call Lightning right in the center of the small army.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder could be heard.

Violet lightning started striking soldiers left and right, Archer pulled his wings in and started diving toward the center of the formation.

[Teuila P.O.V]

Teuila looked at the strange boy and watched as he transformed into something that made her mouth drop open.

A pair of powerful-looking wings sprouted from his back, and a slender but strong gleaming white tail appeared, swaying around until he jumped into the air.

She watched him fly above the battlefield and let out the loudest roar she had ever heard, shaking the ground beneath her feet.

The caravan horses panicked but were quickly calmed down by the nearest guards.

Then, Teuila saw a beautiful violet stream of fire come out of Archer's mouth, cutting off the incoming soldiers from advancing or retreating.

The flames were so intense that they illuminated the dark sky, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield.

Teuila watched in awe as the boy she had just met raised his hand and cast some sort of spell right in the center of the Kagian soldiers.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and thunder could be heard in the distance.

Suddenly, violet lightning started striking soldiers left and right, sending them sprawling to the ground.

Despite having witnessed a similar storm before, Teuila was still amazed by what she was seeing. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

But here, right in front of her, was a boy who could call down lightning from the sky.

As the battle raged on around them, Teuila watched in amazement as the boy dove down, his claws flexed and ready for battle.

He was like a dragon come to life, fierce and powerful.

Feeling a surge of excitement course through her veins.

She had never been in a real battle before, but she knew that she wanted to fight alongside this boy, to be a part of his world of magic and wonder.

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