The Journey That Changed A World.

2. Transmigration. Final Edit.

An ambulance rushed towards the local hospital.

As it pulled up outside the emergency bay doors, doctors rushed out and started working on Archer as he bled out.

Noah was known to the two teens.

He was obsessed with Alexa, but never harmed anyone before now.

She entered the hospital alongside the two police officers.

They took her to a private room, Archer would be brought here after his emergency operation.

''Miss can you tell us what happened please? We need all the details.''

Alexa didn't know what was happening.

She was in shock and couldn't believe Noah had done that.

She told him many times she wasn't interested in him but he never stopped.

The police called her and she came out of her stupor and shook her head as she struggled to get her words out without a stutter but failed.

''W-w-w-we were on a date and had just made our relationship official, we decided to go home and that's when Noah ran up behind us and Archer pushed me to the side and Noah attacked him instead.''

''H-h-he kept stabbing him and didn't stop until I kicked him in the face.''

She couldn't control her tears as they fell to the floor.

''H-h-he didn't s-s-stand a chance, Noah surprised him and I had no idea that he would do such a thing.''

As she was having difficulty speaking clearly, the police stopped asking her questions.

That's when a woman in her late 20s, with brown hair like her entire family including Archer, rushed up to Alexa and hugged her tightly.

This woman was Archer's elder sister Ellie, Alexa whispered her name while tears was streaming down her face.


Once she calmed down, she told her that Archer saved her life as she was the one being targeted by Noah and not him.

She started apologizing but Ellie cut her off.

''It's not your fault Alexa, it was the bastard who stabbed him.''

That's when the rest of Archers family rushed in, all five sisters, three brothers, and his mother and father.

They all crowded around Alexa and asked what had happened until Ellie stopped them.

''Come on guys! Stop crowding her and I'll tell you what happened''

After she told them what happened they all started crying and praying to whatever god would listen to make sure Archer was fine.

Alexa was getting more upset, she cried silently while thinking about all the good times they had.

Several hours later, when the doctors came in, they was pushing a hospital bed into the room with an unconscious Archer on top.

They told the family not to get close to him, as he is still at risk.

When the doctors came out and told the family what injuries Archer suffered.

''Mr and Mrs Stevenson, your son suffered catastrophic injuries, to be honest he is lucky to still be alive....''


The doctors look panicked and everyone's faces turned pure white as the doctors rush back into the room.

Alexa followed them and saw Archer having a fit on the bed as the doctors tried to help him.

Blood pouring out of his mouth.

She broke down seeing him like this and lost strength in her knees as Archer's mother rushed up to her with tears in her eyes.

Archer's mother cuddled the girl while whispering.

''He will be fine, he will be fine.''


Everyone fell silent as the machine beeped.

The doctors tried their very best, but he couldn't be saved.

He was declared dead shortly after, they then read out the time of death.

''Time of death, 23:39pm.''

He then turned to his family.

''I'm so sorry for your loss. He was too young to die like this.''

Alexa finally broke and started crying even worse.

Archer Stevenson passed away on the day he got the date and girl he always wanted.

Darkness swallowed him whole.

But what he didn't know that this is the start of his journey.

[On a planet far from earth called Thrylos]


A boy who was lying in a king-size bed awoke screaming.

He calmed down as he started taking deep breaths.

Looking around the boy was confused.

He definitely wasn't in his house or anywhere else he's ever been.

His hands were pale white and tiny, shaking his head to clear the cobwebs, he examined his surroundings.

He was in a medium sized room, all the furniture was made of red colored wood, there was a window to the left side of his bed.

Getting out of bed made his little legs hurt.

He shuffled over to the window and opened it, and what he saw stunned him.

The boy looked at a medieval looking city that stretched into the distance.

It bordered a massive forest.

He examined the city and noticed most of the houses was made out of stone with wood pieces here and there.

As he watched the scene, he was struck with a massive headache that sent him to the floor with a thud.

Rolling around on the floor in pain, as broken and fractured memories that didn't belong to him flooded his brain making his situation even worse then it already was.

He began to realize what was happening as some of the new memories settled in.

''Ahh so he actually killed me huh, so transmigration is real.''

He read many novels about it but never thought it would happen to him.

That's when he started piecing the information he received together.

This worlds name is Thrylos, It's similar to earth but different at the same time.

The one thing that stood out in his mind was that this world had magic.

It had many continents and islands, many were left unexplored and mysterious.

He knew the continent he was on was called Peloria and it is to the west of the central continent of Doshia.

It's home to the Avrinyth Empire and the Dragon-blight Empire.

The strongest elf and human empires in the world.

He realized he shared the same name as his previous life, Archer, a 13 years old boy and the 4th son of Count Leonard Ashguard.

Archer's mother was the 2nd wife of the Count, he had 12 children altogether but four of those children are with his mother including himself.

The Count rules the west side of the Avalon Empire guarding the border against the Lazica, Lionheart and Sabat Kingdoms, ruling the Duchy from Vassia city.

The Avalon Empire is ruled over by Emperor Osoric Avalon and his Empress Chloe Avalon, a cat demi-human from the southern part of the empire.

The Empire is the strongest force on the continent.

It has a mixed population focused on trade and economy, but the Empire is not weak, they have a powerful army at the emperor's fingertips.

After remembering the basic information, he slowly started lifting himself off the floor and struggling to sit on the bed.

Bringing his hand to his head, he realized it was covered in cotton-like bandages.

He looked around and saw a mirror on the wall by a wooden door.

Slowly standing up as he walked over to it.

Upon reaching the mirror, he looked into it and saw snow white hair and long pointy ears.

They were longer than the usual elf ears in anime.

Archer saw a pair of beautiful bright violet eyes staring back at him.

He was really handsome, he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd.

''Wow what lovely color eyes, oh I'm extremely handsome as well Hehe.''

That's when he remembered why the original Archer ended up getting hurt and passing away.

His father uses beasts he captures to train his children and soldiers.

Two months ago the original Archer was forced to fight a feline-like beast.

They fought but the beast hit him in the head rather bad, probably causing some brain damage.

But before he could pass out he remembered his father looking at him in disgust before walking away.

Even his own mother didn't come see him when he was injured, as a dragon-kin she is very proud of her identity and values strength above all else.

As she considered him weak she didn't bother.

As Archer was trapped in his thoughts, he coughed loudly to clear his chest.

When he did, a maid rushed in and stopped when she saw him.

''Young master Archer!''

The maid made him jump by shouting.

He turned to see a girl of about 13 years old.

She had short blonde hair, with sky blue eyes sitting on a heart-shaped face.

And what shocked him even more was the pair of pointy elf ears but not as pointy as his.

When Archer saw her, the first thought that came to his fuzzy mind was.

'A Loli maid, so cliche Haha'

''Yes, I am awake''

The girl got excited and rushed forward before skidding to a stop before sitting next to him.

''So how do you feel young master Archer?''

The boy shook his head and laughs.

''It seems like I've lost a lot of memories, for example I don't know your name?''

When he said that the girl looked hurt for a second before smiling.

''Young master, let me introduce myself again.''

The girl then stood up in front of him and gave him a small bow.

''I'm Ella, young master, your personal maid, assigned to you by your mother lady Ashguard''

After that, she stood up straight and smiled at him.

Archer was dumbfounded by her pretty smile.

Shaking his head before asking.

''Could you bring me some food and water please?''

She smiled and ran out the room to go get the stuff he asked for.

Then he turned back to his thoughts and remembered that there was a system in this world like RPG games back on earth.


[Archer Ashguard]


[Age: 13]


[Experience: 000/1000]

[Level: 0]

[HP: 200/200]

[Mana: 800/800]


[Strength: 45]

[Constitution: 30]

[Stamina: 60]

[Charisma: 150]

[Intelligence: 80]

[SP: 0]

[Spells: Creation]

[Skills: Mana Regeneration]

He stared at the screen and was pissed off.

In his mind the stats were shit.

But he knew he could train them to be better.

The original soul left behind knowledge of the world he could use.

Archer knew magic was based on imagination and practical knowledge.

He promised himself he would train and return to earth to reap revenge on the man who killed him and take revenge for the way the old Archer was treated in this life.


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Editor: Ayce-o-Spade.

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