The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 379 - Zerg attack

“This is another ten days of calendar training. If we get the Golden Dragon Egg, then we can complete four tasks. This achievement can be ranked ahead.” Gao Zhiquan couldn’t help complacent.

“No, there is no other team like ours who has been hit by such a task. This is running on the ground, flying in the sky, swimming in the water, and they are all complete. If they are not in front, I will go find them. The principal goes theoretically, “Jia Yunpeng said screamingly.

When he first saw this task, he almost didn’t lose his breath. The task goal was very difficult, even if it was included in all fields. Is this really an experience rather than a terrible one?

“It’s too early to say this, the shadow of the Golden Dragon hasn’t been seen yet, and we can’t do the task of this sharp shark. The time is simply not enough.” Liu Quanming said calmly, and finally there was one that was not found The accident gave me a dizzy head.

“Although the task of Sharp Shark can’t be done, we have completed the task of Red Crystal. The result is already very good.” Jiang Ceqin also said.

Ever since I accidentally met Red Crystal, and then defeated an excellent class team, everyone was in a very good mood. I almost felt cute when I saw everything, and I always had a smile on my face. If it was seen by others, I thought the people in this team were stupid because the smile was so stupid.

After a long walk, Gao Zhiquan couldn’t help but ask: “Captain, we have been walking for so long, how come we haven’t reached the cave of Golden Dragon, is it so far?”

“Looking at the signs on the map, it should be almost there. We are continuing to walk up.” Lu Yunming glanced at the map and said.

Everyone had to go on for another hour or two before finally reaching the place marked on the map.

Two surveying students carefully explored the surroundings, looking for the entrance to the Golden Dragon Cave.

Golden dragons are very powerful and have strange living habits. Their cave entrances are usually hidden and not easy to find.

At this moment, everyone was on the mountainside, looking for a blank and safe place. Everyone took a break and waited for the two surveying professional members to return.

Soon, Jia Yunpeng and Jiang Ceqin returned, and brought good news to everyone.

“I found a cave, but I’m not sure if it’s the Golden Dragon’s cave. I didn’t dare to go in and explore. Wait a minute to see it together.” Jia Yunpeng said.

Jinlong’s strength is so strong, and his temper is fierce. Both he and Jiang Ceqin are of low military value. It is just like the food delivered by Bai to the door.

“Okay, everyone will fix it first, and we will confirm it later. If it is the Golden Dragon’s cave, then we can start to discuss the strategy.” Lu Yunming said.

After eating and drinking, the seven people came to the caves discovered by Jia Yunpeng and Jiang Ceqin, and carefully observed the caves in case there was any movement in them and found their existence.

The mouth of the cave is relatively hidden, and it is covered with plants. If you do not look closely, it is easy to be ignored. This is very consistent with the habits of the Golden Dragon.

However, after waiting for a long time, no movement came out, so everyone decided to get closer.

Came to the gate of the cave, Luo Lingxing walked first, so that even if he met the Golden Dragon, he could protect his teammates to the greatest extent.

Several people carefully converged their breath and walked into the cave carefully.

“This must be the Golden Dragon’s cave.” Gao Zhiquan whispered.

Just from the outside, the opening of the cave is not small, but it turned out that the space inside is larger, which is more in line with Jinlong’s habit of choosing caves, because the size of Jinlong is still quite large.

“Everyone should be careful,” Luo Lingxing urged.

The further you go, the more you doubt the previous guess. The reason is that it is because the cave is too quiet.

If this is really a cave of the Golden Dragon, it must be impossible to be so quiet. The most important thing is that they have come here. If the Golden Dragon has discovered them for a long time, but now there is no movement, it makes everyone a little puzzled. .

“Shall we enter an empty cave?” Gao Zhiquan couldn’t help but doubt.

“I always feel that something is wrong, but what’s wrong is specific but I can’t say it.” Lu Yunming watched around, frowning.

“Let’s go back, we have all walked so far. If it is really the cave of the Golden Dragon, we will definitely be able to hear the voice long ago,” Liu Quanming suggested.

However, at this moment, the quiet cave finally moved, and the “buzzing” sound moved from far to near.

“What sound? Is it the Golden Dragon?” Li Mingqi immediately tightened his body and asked.

“This is not the voice of the Golden Dragon.” Lu Yunming frowned more tightly, his heart beating suddenly, as if something big happened.

And the next moment seemed to confirm his hunch, the vibration was louder, and even the cave started to vibrate.

Lu Yunming finally remembered what this voice was, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted at his teammate who was still bewildered: “Everyone run, run out! It’s a Zerg!”

Everyone is no stranger to Zerg, because that is the enemy of all mankind. All children of the empire will learn about Zerg from childhood, especially military school students, and the knowledge of Zerg is a must.

After hearing Lu Yunming ’s words, everyone almost ran out without hesitation. Although they did not know why Zerg appeared, they knew that if they were really Zerg, staying in the cave would be even more detrimental to them. .

The buzzing sound is getting closer and closer, indicating that the Zerg are getting closer and closer to them, but they are still some distance away from the hole.

Everyone almost used the fastest speed of their life to run towards the hole. Once they ran out, they could take out the mecha, driving the mecha can still have a line of life against the Zerg, otherwise it can only be reduced to those here. Zerg’s nourishment.

The buzzing sound was close at hand. Everyone could not help but glance back at the process of running. If there was just a glimmer of hope, then what are the densely squirming bodies that we see now are not Zerg?

“Lying trough! What the **** is going on? How could Lilian Forest Li possibly have Zerg!” Gao Zhiquan simply wanted to scold his father. People have come to exterminate, but here is the territory of their empire, how can it allow the inferior Zerg to invade it?

“Don’t talk nonsense, save your strength and run at full speed!” Lu Yunming said.

“Can’t run out at all, those Zergs will soon catch up, instead of waiting to be caught up and swallowed, it’s better for us to take out the mech and fight them now!” Gao Zhiquan frowned, if all in the end Once he died, he would rather be killed in battle than eaten without doing anything. Before he died, it was worthwhile to be able to pull a few Zerg backs.

“Don’t say silly words, give me all the power to run out, after running out, how do you want to kill the insects at random!” Lu Yunming also roared. Although the internal space of the cave looks large, it is also relative to humans. The mech-like beasts can’t be displayed here at all. If you really use mechs here, you will definitely not be able to exert your strength at that time, and they will eventually be swallowed by the Zerg.

Luo Lingxing looked at the teammates running in front of him, and after looking at the Zerg who were chasing behind, his brow furrowed slightly.

He is not a native interstellar, and his hatred for the Zerg is not carved into his bones, but he does not hate the Zerg without representing him. For people like him, the Zerg ’s twisted and ugly body is really unsightly, especially for them Crawling on the ground non-stop, it will also produce some mucus, and the body is very dirty, which makes people feel sick after seeing it.

Luo Lingxing threw a small spirit ball towards the Zerg closest to him. As a result, the Zerg didn’t even struggle to resist and was purified by the spirit. The Luo Lingxing did not expect this scene. Those Zerg didn’t even think about it.

When the Zerg looked at Luo Lingxing, he was more alert and even slowed down, giving Gao Zhiquan and others more time.

These people running in front did not notice the movement of Luo Lingxing. They now only have one thought, that is, to run out quickly, and then drive the mech to wipe out all these **** zergs.

No matter what these Zergs appeared on this planet, as military students, future soldiers, as long as they encounter Zergs, they must not be merciful, that is, these **** Zergs, constantly waging wars, engulfed how many empires The lives of soldiers and people, their humans and Zerg are absolutely endless.

The hole was just in front of everyone, and everyone finally ran out. Although the chest cavity was pumping painlessly because of the violent running, the lungs were about to explode, but when I thought of the **** Zerg behind, everyone did not have any rest. Intended to take out his mech directly, enter the cockpit, and began to fire at the Zerg.

When the finger was pressed on the launch button of the hot weapon, everyone only reacted to one thing.

“None of our mechas have hot weapons. There are too many of these zergs. I ca n’t kill them with bare hands. I will send a message to the mentor now. You each take a teammate and continue to run forward Zerg. “Lu Yunming quickly ordered.

Although Gao Zhiquan and others are very unwilling, they also know that this is the best method at present, otherwise they will not kill the Zerg at all under their current conditions, and may even kill themselves and their teammates.

Luo Lingxing did not watch the game this time, but took out the mechs together and ran forward behind everyone, but he occasionally threw a few spiritual **** behind to stop the progress of these Zergs, and bought time for his teammates. .

At the same time, the first legion led by Han Junzhan also came to the Kodama galaxy. The planet attacked by the Zerg has been blocked by the defense forces of the Soda galaxy coming from nearby.

After understanding the situation of the planet, Han Junzhan wanted to go to the planet to see Luo Lingxing, but as the head of the First Army, he was ordered to deal with the Zerg, and he could not be favoritism at all.

Just when he was entangled, there was news of the emergence of Zerg from Lilian Planet. Han Junzhan did not delay for almost a second. He directly led the people of the First Army to Lilian Forest. praise.

“Notify the leader instructor of the Military Academy that this experience is over, let all students return quickly, and then withdraw from the experience planet.” Han Junzhan issued an order on the way to the experience planet.


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