The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 352 - To be named

Probably because there were more and more people around, the two old men who were immersed in the old account finally realized that they were now at the door of the hospital. The old face blushed and snorted at each other while raising their feet towards the hospital Going, but when they found that the other party was the same as themselves, they accelerated their speed, so they refused to lose and kept accelerating. Finally, they could only see two afterimages flashing beside them. The speed was young. No one can help but admire for a while.

Although the two of them were temporarily suspended because of the onlookers, but they still looked at each other, but now in their hearts, the grandson is the first priority. As for the smelly / dead old man, after returning home, take a good lesson “.

“Hello, this is Luo Lingxing’s grandfather. I came to see the grandson.” Mr. Luo walked to the front desk and said to the people inside.

The nurse at the front desk received many relatives visiting the children every day, so he quickly checked the identities of Mr. Luo and Mr. Han, and then led them to the nursery of the children raised by Luo Lingxing and Han Junzhan.

When the two old men saw the “children” inside, they couldn’t help but lie down on the nursery, with a loving and happy expression on their faces.

“It’s so cute, looks like a little star.” Mr. Luo looked at the “child” inside, his face full of smiles.

“This looks like that stinky kid.” Mr. Han said to one of the children, with a gentle and loving smile on his face.

The leading nurse: …

The nurse looked at the nursery, looking at the two elderly people with love, who could not help smoking, how did they see who came from a small piece of meat?

However, she has seen more of these people. After all, everyone is full of expectations for a small life. Such obvious “open eyes and nonsense” situations often exist, and the psychological qualities of nurses are not trained to be generally strong.

There is no limit to the time you can visit a child in a nursery, especially parents who encourage their children to visit the child and talk with the child, because the longer the time with the child, the better the development of the child of.

So, since the two grandfathers saw the great-grandson, they had to stay in the hospital. Although the great-grandson is still only two small pieces of meat, in their eyes, they seem to have seen the great-grandson born. I can walk and call grandpa sweetly, so the loving smile on my face has never been interrupted.

If the two old men at this moment were seen by their former subordinates, they would definitely not recognize this as the stern officer who had been severe and serious towards them.

In the evening, Luo Lingxing came out of Junling Building very late, and Han Junzhan was already sitting in the car waiting for him.

“I’ve been here for a long time, why didn’t I go up and wait?” Luo Lingxing said after getting in the car.

“It hasn’t been long since I arrived.” Han Junzhan responded with a smile, and then kissed Luo Lingxing.

In fact, he had been here for two hours. The reason why he chose to wait in the car instead of going upstairs was to worry about pressure on Lolo and make him anxious.

Luo Lingxing enjoys nesting in Han Junzhan’s arms, and does not dismantle his “lie”, but his heart is warm.

“Let’s go and see the small meat ball.” Luo Lingxing said to Han Junzhan.

Although it’s a little late now, I have always developed a habit. I have to look at two small meatballs every day in order to sleep and feel at ease.

“Okay, you squint for a while, and I will call you when you arrive.” Han Junzhan was very distressed to see Luo Lingxing’s tired expression.

“Huh.” Luo Lingxing responded, and then found a comfortable position in Han Junzhan’s arms and closed his eyes.

After Han Junzhan set the route of the speeding car, he used automatic driving, and then lay Luo Lingxing half on the seat.

In these two days, Luo Lingxing can be said to be very busy in order to busy the awarding ceremony of the Military Department and the Golden Rabbit Film Festival, but no matter how late they are, they will go to the hospital to see the small meat group, and the two small meat Tuanzi talked and then went home to sleep.

The doctors and nurses in the hospital are no strangers to Luo Lingxing and Han Junzhan. After all, these two are also very well-known public figures. Many nurses and doctors liked them before.

Since the two have nurtured the next generation in their hospital, they have become more fond of the two.

Although there are prenatal education in the nursery that simulates the children ’s mother ’s uterus, they will regularly play some soothing music or tell stories to stimulate the child ’s hearing and the development of various organs, but these are not comparable. The parents of the child come to accompany the child in person, talk to the child, and cultivate feelings.

Ordinary couples have time after work every day, but they do n’t necessarily come to accompany their children every day. However, the busy Jun Lingfu, no matter how late he is busy, will come over. This behavior makes nurses all I am so amazed that I like to support them even more.

Yu Ying is an ordinary nurse in a nursery, and she is also an ordinary Luofen. Before, she used to be a pair of Jun Lingfu in silence, but since she learned that Jun Lingfu came to their hospital After the baby, she was in a state of euphoria, especially Jun Lingfu would come to the hospital every night to see her children. In order to see a lot of idols, she even took the initiative to ask for night shifts.

That evening, after Han Junzhan and Luo Lingxing entered the nursery, Yu Ying couldn’t help but opened a Weibo and posted a post.

Looking forward to the birth of the little male god: the male **** and the little prince came to see the child again, and it can be seen that both of them have been working for a day, and they are very tired, but they still insist on coming over to look at the child. ‘S birth, I also hope that the male **** and the little prince can take care of themselves, don’t be so tired [Jun Lingfu’s back]

Yu Ying wrote this Weibo just because I saw Han Junzhan and Luo Lingxing so late, so tired, but still came to visit the child and was moved, so I couldn’t help posting Weibo, but She also knows that she has few followers of Weibo, and this Weibo may not be seen by others.

However, when Yu Ying refreshed Weibo again, she found that the number of comments, likes, and reposts exceeded her imagination. After clicking it, she discovered that her own Weibo was actually reposted by a big v. Many fans followed and found her Weibo.

“Aoao … I envy bloggers for seeing idols and seeing the growth of the little male **** every day. May I ask if there is anything else you need to do in your courtyard, it’s also clean.”

“Do you still need a cleaner, the kind who has been to college?”

“Do you still need volunteers in the hospital? No salary, no meals, no accommodation, just let me see the little male **** every day.”

“Let me do whatever I want, but it’s okay to pay the money. I’m going to see the little male **** too.”

“Please ask the blogger to burst out the photos of the little male god. Is the little male **** looking cute?”

“Although I also want to see what the little male **** looks like, but the bloggers still don’t want to break photos, I don’t want the little male **** to be disturbed.”

“Looking forward to the birth of the little male **** must be very, very cute.”

“The goddess and the little prince are really good. I came to see the little goddess so late. I hope the two can take good care of themselves and not be too tired.”

“I feel so distressed to the goddess and Lolo that I work so late.”

“I want to go to Junling Entertainment’s official Boate Chen Da Da, so that he will not arrange work for the little prince, the little prince will soon be promoted to dad, and I need to spend more time with the little male god.”

“The one upstairs waits for me, and I will go together.”

“And I.”

“” So, the next day, Chen Hongliang got up and opened Weibo to see that the official blog and his own private Weibo were all rounded by Luo Fan Yefan, and there were many comments that made people cry and laugh, of course, these It was all afterwards and then turned the lens to the nursery room of the little male **** of the nursery school.

Han Junzhan and Luo Lingxing came to the nursery room of the small meat group and opened the nursery room. In addition to the two small meatballs still in the nursery, they also came with a gift. Two large old men.

“Grandpa?” Although the old man was facing away from the door, Han Junzhan and Luo Lingxing still called out in surprise.

In any case, they did not expect that they would meet two old men here. The main thing is that these two old men did not notify them when they came.

“Oh, Luo Luo is coming, let Grandpa see if he is thin.” Grandpa Han first stepped in front of Luo Lingxing.

Lord Luo is naturally unwilling to fall behind, not to mention … “This is my grandson, you have to watch to see your grandson.”

Han Junzhan & Luo Lingxing: …

“This is my grand-daughter-in-law, let me see what happened?” For the two grandchildren, Han Han held back for a day and didn’t continue to choke with Lord Luo, and finally couldn’t hold back.

“Fart, what grandson-in-law, he is my granddaughter-in-law.” Mr. Luo said pointing at Han Junzhan, his family must be above.

Grandpa Han looked at the big man Junjun Zhan, looking at Luo Lingxing’s small body, he couldn’t help but smoked.

“Grandpa, why didn’t you tell me why you came?” Luo Lingxing walked between the two old men and separated the two old men without any trace.

“I heard that you are too busy at work and have no time to take care of my little grandchildren, so I came to help you take care of them.” Mr. Luo said with a smile.

“Lolo, you and the stink boy have to work hard. I will take care of you for your grandson and grandson. You don’t have to worry about it.” Han Han said quickly. .

“Yes, don’t delay your work, but take care of yourself. You see, at this late hour, you don’t go back to rest. How can you work tomorrow, so I will take care of you for my grandchildren.” The old man “get along peacefully” in order to take care of the work of the great-grandchildren. When they saw the great-grandchildren, they didn’t want to return to Luo Yunxing.

Luo Lingxing and Han Junzhan looked at each other, and they saw helplessness from each other’s eyes.

“Grandpa, the little meatballs don’t need to be with them all the time, it’s so late, you don’t go back to rest, everyone will worry.” Luo Lingxing gently persuaded the two old men.

Although the two old men are still very tough, it is not easy to stay up late.

“It’s okay, I’m tough, but what did you just call them? Little Meatball?” Lord Luo asked uncertainly.

“Well.” Luo Lingxing nodded, not feeling anything wrong.

“Small meatballs are their names?” This time, even Han Han couldn’t help asking.

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