The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 86: A Spar

The next day arrived and what happened yesterday was still on my mind.

It… made no sense. She's telling me to go near Katrina, someone who is a half-angel, half-human hybrid. That's not even why I can't go near her, it's because she emits divine energy, and I can't go near divine energy. There is a reason why I tell Ravyn not to use divine energy when I'm near.

I sighed as all of this was hurting my brain. What does Celestia think I am? I'm not some kind of a womanizer…

Anyway, this morning when I woke up, I was startled by the sound of sword clashing.

I turned to look at the clock and it seems that I woke up past 10 am. Well, I did stay up late to read some books in the library.

As I wore my clothes, I went to the courtyards to see what was going on and I saw Akane and Katrina engaging in combat with each other.

I was confused as to why they were fighting but seeing Katrina in her Altima form and Akane's red aura spilling everywhere was not a good sign.

I was going to interfere but Celestia stopped me.


"Akane grows by sparring correct? Katrina needs a sparring partner in order to train and she usually does it with her grandfather. However, she is overwhelmed because Francis is an experienced fighter who can quickly register his opponent's moves. Not to mention that his power level soars above Katrina's."

"And what are you implying?" I asked her.

"Francis holds back and that also holds Katrina back. Katrina needs a partner that is serious and doesn't hold anything back. I've borne witness to countless mock duels, and I have seen how others work with those who hold back against those who don't."

"So… you are saying she can't grow because Francis holds back… and because he holds back, Katrina won't be able to find her true potential?"

"Indeed. I know exactly how to break her astral chains. It is when she is in a dangerous situation. When she was only 4 years old, which was 20 years ago, she was attacked by an imp. At that time, her fighting ability hasn't awoken yet as they usually awake at the age of 6. However, the imp tried to attack her and at that moment, the powerful dormant blood inside her awoke as a response, and she entered into Stellar state. But remember what I said yesterday."

Right, she can enter the Stellar state, however, being a hybrid and not purely angel, it is negated due to her consciousness interfering with her subconsciousness. You know, this kind of reminds me of something else but I just can't wrap my head around it.

"Due to that, she was nearly killed but Francis managed to save her in time. This had traumatized her and she is unable to forget that experience. Whenever she is around Francis, she feels safe and feels that she is able to do anything, but training with him is another thing. She fears that she won't be able to fight even if she had the strength. She could've killed the imp with her awoken powers, but losing them right as soon as she got them nearly led to her downfall."

That is… complicated.

"But she can eventually get rid of her fears, right? Anyone could."

"Yes, anyone could. In this case, Francis plays an important role in making her feel safe, but-"

"But what?"

"But Francis is running out of time. I believe you know what that means."

…I see.

Losing someone close to you…

"Without Francis, she will continue to remember that same traumatizing event. No one, not even Layla, her own mother who is an angel will be able to calm her down."

Celestia would then turn her attention to me and smile.

"And that is where you come in."

"Really, that again? I thought it was a joke."

"No, you are really doing it."

"But don't you think it is a little forced? Both to Katrina and me?"

"Hmm, I don't remember you complaining so much. Were you always like this?" Celestia said as if she noticed something different about me.

"What? No, of course not."

"Look, Nero, you don't have to be intimate with her, maybe just be… friends! Close friends! I'm sure you and her have something in common. Does that make you feel better?"

I scratched my head and thought about it. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Though-

"I'll agree, but what do I get out of this?"

"Hmm… how does money sound?"

"How much exactly?"

"Umm… at least 1,000 platinum coins?"





I turned and stared at the wall. 1,000 platinum coins… now… that actually sounds alright.

"Alright then, guess I can work with that."

"If you want, we can up the prize up to tenfold."

"I'm definitely in."


Damn it, I fell into my own greed. Oh well, it'll be worth it. Though I still don't like the idea that I'm going to be befriending a Duke's daughter for money, but business is business.

Now then… this fight is rather interesting to watch.

I watched as Akane tackled Katrina with a barrage of red slashes. She was wrapped in armor that looked like it was made of blood and she gave off a rather intimidating aura.

I noticed that her blade was quite different than before. It was longer in size and the guard was looking more like a real dragon head, just smaller.

Every time she swung her blade, I could feel my heart stop at every moment. I've never seen her in this state before.

"That is Akane's Active Skill, Muramasa Ryuu," Celestia said.

"Muramasa Ryuu?"

"Yes, activating this skill grants the user immeasurable strength and speed. Not to mention that it gives off the aura of a dragon. Every swing that she delivers can cause a person's heart to stop for an instant. Of course, this is able to kill, however, I don't think Akane has enough mastery over this technique of hers. But if she is able to do it to you from there, then she must've used it at some point. I expected nothing less from a Dragon Oni."

"I see."

"I think from now on, Akane should spar with Katrina. Like Katrina, Akane must fight someone who isn't holding back. I expect that you hold most of your power sparring with her, correct?"

"I guess so."

I guess it does make sense. I always do hold back against her because I worry I might hurt her. Basically… I intentionally let her win because I can't bear to use my full strength at her. The best I can do is use an exceptionally small fraction of my power against her.

Anyway, I've been talking for too long.


Akane performed an upper slash which left a trail of red energy. Suddenly, that trail began to spin around, creating an attack that acted like a razor-rotating wheel. That wheel dropped to the ground and slashed the ground as it raced towards Katrina. Katrina swung her blade and a shockwave collided with that wheel, dispersing it in the process.

Amazing… she has never used these skills against me. I wonder why.

"Well, it may be because she cares about you and she doesn't want to hurt you. It also might have to do with you being a woma-"

"Shut up Celestia." I quickly interrupted as I didn't want to hear it.

Katrina quickly dashed around and she seemed to be appearing in multiple places at once. This was either Afterimage or Breakneck Movement, which is like Afterimage except you move where you appear.

As Katrina moved around in light speed, Akane closed her eyes and began concentrating all her energy into the center of her chest. Then she took a deep breath before performing a 360-degree slash.

Her sword would return to normal before she sheathed it. Katrina who had stopped using Breakneck Movement at the moment Akane swung her blade, was closer to Akane than before.

Now that I think of it, didn't she use that move on me before? An attack that can pull in enemies, shortening the distance.

Katrina and Akane exchanged gazes before they both fell to their knees.

I guess that's it. Kind of a bummer I missed most of it but I guess the girls can tell me the story.

"Wow, you're strong and fast. I almost couldn't keep up with you," Katrina complimented.

"Same with you. Usually, I never have difficulty fighting an opponent," Akane replied.

…wait, is she saying I'm too easy for her?

"Alright you two," Celestia said, "From now on, both of you will be sparring partners."

"Umm, but what about my grandfather?" Katrina then asked.

"Your grandfather is going to be very busy. He said to find another training partner for you and he will come train with you when he is free. Is that clear?"



"Celestia, does she not know yet?" I whispered.

"Are you an idiot? Do you know how devastated she would be?"

"I see... so, is he-?"

"Of course not, he's bedridden. If she were to find out, she would lose all hope. I've hidden his presence with the help of Layla so Katrina won't be able to sense him."

"I see."

"Anyway, you know what to do right?" She asked and I hesitated for a second before nodding my head.

Well then, here goes.




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