The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 82: Display

We were located in the plains where there were no trees or grasses growing. The only thing that could be seen around us were hills, mountains, etc.

I stood in the middle of the field. Behind me were the girls, Celestia, the Oria household, and a few servants serving them wine, cookies, and whatnot.

Celestia brought us all here in order to show my abilities to the Oria household. After she told them I was a Warlock, they were interested in me for some reason.

Well, guess I shouldn't disappoint them.

'Are you ready, Nero?' I heard Celestia's voice echo through my mind.

I looked at her and nodded. Then she snapped her fingers.

In front of me, there was a strange humanoid which was a mixture of blue and red. It was a Cursed Tinge which was a mutated mixture of both blue and red void energy.

Guess it would make sense since my main Cursed Art colors are red and blue.

The Cursed Tinge looked around curiously before setting its eyes on me. It would get onto all fours and swiftly crawl towards me like a savage.

I'm guessing it starts here.

I clapped my hands, activating Angel's Crimson Hand and Devil's Blue Palm.

I clenched my red hand before launching a shockwave from my fist. The force of Oppression struck the Cursed Tinge, sending it flying into the air.

I would generate a small sphere in my blue hand. When Abyssal Blue was ready, I threw it at the Cursed Tinge. A moment later, a blue void appeared and began sucking the energy off of the Cursed Tinge.

The Cursed Tinge growled and suddenly, Abyssal Blue was dispersed.

Tch, this thing is strong. Guess I'll have to step it up.

I used Breakneck Movement and in an instant, I appeared in front of the Cursed Tinge and struck it in the stomach with Oppression.

It was once again launched into the air and this time I tried something different.

Banishment has an attractive force that can bring my enemies closer to me while absorbing their energy in the process. However, I consume a lot of energy while doing that. So…

What if I can make an attack to pull my enemies in using Banishment? If I remember, Akane could do the same with her Vacuum Slash, so I'll mimic that skill.

I began focusing Banishment to the entirety of my hand as I extended my fingers. The energy from my palm was spread out and when my hand was glowing at its brightest, I would put my left hand over my right and begin forging a blade made entirely of Banishment.


[Skill Obtained: Caustic Blue(Lvl.1)]

I stared at the bright blue blade which was formed on my right hand and smirked.

That's it… more power.

In excitement, I slashed the air in front of me and the distance between me and the Cursed Tinge was shorter. The Cursed Tinge fell after I had swung Caustic Blue and I took this chance to test out Caustic Blue.

I continued to slash the air with the blue blade and the Cursed Tinge involuntarily continued to move closer to me.

Eventually, I decided I was stalling too much time so I grabbed the Cursed Tinge and blasted it into the air with Oppression before charging Oppression into the tip of my fingers.

"Piercing Red."


The red stream of violent energy flew towards the Cursed Tinge and pierced it directly in the chest. After that, solid energy could be seen disappearing in thin air.

I took a deep breath and looked at my mana capacity before dropping on my knees.

[Mana: 263,407,958/1,560,000,000]


I looked over my shoulders and saw the Oria family except Katrina were clapping. Celestia walked over to me and placed her hand on my shoulder, my strength gradually returning to me.

"As expected of Celestia's student," I heard Francis say, "I think he might even surpass you as a Warlock!"

"Oh please," Celestia responded, "He is nowhere near my level."

"Are you sure you aren't being insensitive?"

"No, he lacks mastery of his Principles. Yes, he may be able to perform captivating tricks but he expels a heavy portion of energy to perform them."

Celestia looked down at me.

"I think it is best you use your Warlock abilities when you are in a dire situation."

I looked up at her and nodded.

"Really…?" I heard Francis say.

"Yes! Tch, I swear, you Orias get more annoying each generation," Celestia grumbled.

I scratched my head and turned to the others. The girls were adoring my display of strength. The jaws of every servant dropped, and the other Orias had impressed looks on their faces. Then I looked at Katrina. She had a wary look on her face, but then she nodded her cautious expression was replaced with a smile.

"Hmm, it's getting dark. Let's head back." Celestia suggested, and with her Omni-Teleportation, we teleported back to the estate.


After we returned, a feast was hosted for us. There was… well food. There were a lot of them and they all looked so delicious.

I didn't know any table manners since I was never taught them, so I must've put up a disgraceful appearance. I was even scolded by Celestia.

'Who taught you how to eat!? Do you even know what manners are?'

Tch, just let me eat in peace, woman! Yeah, I wasn't taught table manners so deal with it!

The girls on the other side were eating as if they were in a high-class restaurant. Everyone in the room except me was eating diligently.

…I feel left out, but oh well.

After that, we were shown to our rooms. There was one for each of us and the beds were queen-sized! They were extremely comfortable and soft. There was a clear difference from the beds at the inn.

It was 11 pm and I still couldn't sleep.


Well, I'm gonna go take a walk around the manor.

As I walked down the dark, empty hallway, I stumbled upon a large door.



I turned and standing next to me was Katrina, who was in a white nightgown.

"What does this place lead to?" I asked her curiously.

"Well, it's the library. It's where teacher likes to be."

"Teacher? Celestia? So this is the library…?"

Well, guess I'll know where to find her if I ever need her.

"So umm… may I ask why you are out late at night?" Katrina asked me.

"Hmm, I'd ask you that question, but since this is your house it would be a little informal of me. I don't feel tired and I can go without sleep for a day or two."

"I see…"

There was an awkward pause. Well, this is… weird.

"So…" I began, "I heard you are also being taught under Celestia. What is your training?"

"I am being taught to control and master my Altima form and also being taught swordsmanship."



"What are you guys doing so late at night?"

We were suddenly interrupted by Celestia who stood at the open doorway. She was wearing a black nightdress which revealed her curves.

Huh, so this is the beauty of a dark elf.

"What are you staring at?" Celestia grumbled.

"Nothing," I said as I looked away.

Celestia shook her head and turned her attention to Katrina.

"Katrina, it's late at night. If you have questions, just ask me tomorrow morning and as for you, you can come here tomorrow after my lessons with Katrina are done, alright?"

Katrina and I nodded.

"Great, now go back to your rooms."

Before I left, I raised my hand up.


"Where do you sleep? The library?"

"O-of course not! I have my own room."

"Oh, ok."

"Tch, just go already."

I chuckled and put on a smug face before walking away.

As I traveled back to my room, I remembered what Katrina had mentioned.

Altima… I wonder what that is. I would've gotten more information if Celestia hadn't interrupted us.

Oh well, I could just ask her since she is the most knowledgeable. Or maybe I could ask Yukie if she has the information.


[Should I explain to you what "Altima" is?]

Oh, I guess you do. Hmm, I would say yes, but I want to see it with my own eyes, otherwise, my expectations won't be as high after hearing what it does and seeing what it looks like.


I yawned and opened the doors to my room. Closing them behind me, I would flop onto the bed and attempt to sleep, but I still couldn't.

I'm still too stressed to sleep.


I heard knocking at my door and I got off my bed to walk over there. When I opened it, the girls were standing outside of my room.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Well... we were worried about you. You seemed stressed lately." Kiyomi said.

"And we would like to relieve that stress for you," Ravyn added.

I tapped my temple and sighed with a smile on my face.

"And you want to do that by-?"

"Sleeping with you." Akane finished.

I chuckled lightly and shook my head.

"Just what am I going to do with you girls...?"




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