The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 115: Ice Fortress

The ice that emerged from beneath the fortress began encasing the fortress walls. It continued to expand until it looked like some sort of sinister castle composed of only ice and using the fortress as a base.

I heard screams and noticed that near the entrance of the fortress, there were countless people impaled by ice protrusions.

I estimated around 10-20 of them were dead and around a hundred of them were injured. Those that weren't touched by the ice went to help the injured.

Turned my attention back to the ice structure, I noticed two figures standing at the very top of the tallest ice tower. I used Mystic Eyes of Interspace to enhance my vision and inspected these two figures.

One of them was a female elf wearing a black bodysuit with half of her body fused in with the ice. At the end of her flowing, long, white hair was what looked like blades. In her hand was a crooked wand made of black metal.

The second figure donned black clothing similar to that of a ninja so I was unable to determine what gender they were. They wore clothing suited for heavy winter which was strange because ice elves are supposed to be resistant to the cold. At first, I assumed whoever this is was not an ice elf but that idea was quickly erased once I saw their ears.

The female sank into the ice before appeared in front of the injured. Spikes then protruded from the ground, killing the ones still trapped in the ice.

It looks like she is the one that created this giant ice fortress. Seems she has a high mana capacity if she managed to do that.

The uninjured ones drew their weapons and attacked the female. However, with a snap of her finger, several were impaled with ice and others trapped in them.

The female then spoke.

"Seems you humans are as naive as we thought. Are you all really in a hurry to meet your doom? How pitiful."

She then held her wand out.

"Today, let's dye this place in red."

With a swing of her wand, people were bombarded with a barrage of ice spells. As she said, the ground was stained with blood and corpses. The female began laughing as screams could be heard. It wasn't until she was hit by a ball of bright light.

She stumbled back, sinking into the ice before appearing on top of the fortress walls.

I focused my attention on where the ball came from and I saw Ravyn rush towards her at high speed. When did she become that fast?

With a flash coming from her eye, bones erupted from the ice but the female managed to dodge them in time before she was struck.

"And who the hell are you!?" The female shouted as she emerged from the ice.

Ravyn didn't speak as a bright light appeared from behind her. Dashing towards the female was Katrina who aimed for her neck.

Again she dodged but not without receiving a kick across her face.

The female after appearing higher in the ice fort screamed in frustration.

"I don't know where you two came from, but you are pissing me off!"

The female swung his wand again, this time, creating sinkholes from the fortress ground. Emerging from the sinkholes came creatures made of ice and ice elves. Looks like she summoned the army.

Katrina shot towards the female, attempting to hit her but was countered by the female's bladed hair. 

While Ravyn and Katrina kept the female occupied, I turned my attention back to the figure at the very top of the fortress. I noticed that two figures were making their way up the fort. I eventually recognized those two to be Kiyomi and Akane.

The figure seemed to notice the two but ignored them. I turned my attention back to the female who turned, noticing the two climbing the ice.

"How persistent."

Another swing of her wand and Kiyomi and Akane were met with ice spikes which they both managed to evade, however, that messed up their footing and they both slipped. I teleported to them and caught them from falling.

"You two alright?" I asked and the two nodded.

"You two take care of that woman. I'll go to the guy up top."

They nodded once again. When I dropped them safely on the ground, I headed up towards the figure.

I activated Angel's Crimson Hand and shot Piercing Red towards them. As soon as they turned, they were impaled and fell, plummeting to the ground.

Though they had a giant gaping hole in their stomach, they were able to maneuver themselves away from the ice fortress and rolled across the ground as they landed.

I flew towards them and brought out Raiden, shooting towards them. The sound of a thunderclap could be heard as I performed Thunder Beast Flash.

Appearing behind the figure, Thunder Beast Flash ensued, slashing them countless times. When I turned around, the figure was still standing. He then turned around, the clothing concealing his face torn off by my attack.

He was a male wearing some kind of metal mouth covering.

"So you are the one who killed my brother." He said, speaking in a cold, deep voice.


"Myran, the man you slaughtered. Don't you remember?"

I see, so this is his brother.

"Yeah, so what? Are you going to avenge him by trying to kill me?"

Myran's brother shook his head before chuckling lightly.

"Of course not. I know you can't be killed considering Hall was slain at your hand. Though I can't kill you, there are other ways that can suffice."

"Such as?"

"Well, I don't know yet, but I can think of something. I just need the right materials for this."

Myran's brother drew two black sai from his back. He then bowed.

"I almost forgot. My name is Jeredal, though you wouldn't really care since you'd kill me anyway. The woman who forged this structure is Neia. She's the woman over there fighting four girls which I'm assuming are associated with you since you caught two of them earlier."

Jeredal spun his sai before getting into a fighting stance.

"I never liked my brother, so I don't bear any form of hatred for you. However, family is still family, so what I have in plan for you is different than my father's intention."

I got into a stance, sensing something was wrong when suddenly, Jeredal appeared next to me, his sai slicing a bit of skin off my neck.

"My father sired the three of us, Myran, Lyndis, and me. However, unlike Myran and Lyndis, I did not bear the aptitude to wield ice. Hence I was labeled a failure by my father. It might be tragic for me but then there was hope."

Suddenly, I felt numbness around where my skin was sliced off.

"The blood coursing through my body is composed of a myriad of poisons and venom which can be weaponized. I was at first used, having my blood and poison extracted to coat the weapons used by assassins. Then, I was made into an assassin as I developed the ability to coat anything I touch in poison at will. The numbness you are feeling right now is only one of my weakest poisons. I have many more in-store, one which is able to put you, an immortal, to severe pain. Heh, even resistance to poison won't work. That is just how potent my poison is. Despite my father making me of use to his army, he still despises me for not being able to wield the element of ice. So, I'll be using you as a test subject to show him just how dominant my poisons are. I hope you are ready."

The numbness eventually faded away. Jeredal stared at me with malicious intent. I clenched my daggers, a drop of sweat trickling down the side of my face.

[Level 67,492]

Of course, looks like this won't be an easy task. He's several hundred levels higher than me. I speculate his speed to be a little higher than mine despite having Raiden equipped. And even though I have resistance to poison, his poisons are still able to take effect.

I'll have to be careful and try not to get touched by him.

Jeredal dashed forward and I did the same, performing Thunder Beast Flash.

When we passed each other, I received two slashes on my left arm while he was bombarded with lightning-fast slashes.

I activated Thunderous Overcharge, charging a crazy amount of lightning around me before repeatedly using Thunder Beast Flash, zipping and zapping all over the place while dealing damage to Jeredal. I notice that even though he was being barraged with sharp cuts, he didn't seem affected. Then I realized that he was healing faster than I could cut him.

So he's also immortal, huh?

I eventually stopped and withdrew Raiden, Jeredal looked at me, beckoning me as he taunted.

"Is that all?"

I stood there for a second before smirking.

"No, I'm just getting started."




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