The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 109: Leviathans

I was hovering over an empty body of water far away from land and there was some kind of vortex being formed underneath me.

Kainen was watching me from afar, just enough to watch the scene going on and Celestia was with him too.

Leviathans… you know… I've always had an irrational fear of the ocean because of sharks and other creatures. I was also kind of naive and even thought creatures like Leviathans existed. That was me in my past life.

Well… I can say they do exist now… and I might still be a little naive as I lack judgment.

Eventually, the vortex stopped, and out from the water came four Prince class Leviathans.

…I didn't get to let loose back then with those ice elves since I needed their aid. I had to quickly neutralize those spies. Otherwise, they would have fled, knowing that the two siblings have betrayed them.

Since these are Leviathans, monsters… I can do whatever I want.

As the first Leviathan neared me, I shot towards it and smashed it back into the water with a Distorted Fist.

The other three attempted to attack me all at once but they instead bumped into each other due to their size.

As they fell back into the water, I lowered my altitude and dropped an Atomic Fission into the sea. I saw a glimpse of the Leviathans and they scurried away but I managed to kill one with Piercing Red.

[Leveled up!(3)]

Huh… that is a message I haven't seen in months. Though it is a little disappointing to see that I'm only leveling up by a single digit, but I can understand.

The higher level you are, the harder it will be to level up… I usually didn't have a problem with that since I had Derivation.


The Leviathan that I killed had a level of 9,000. I shouldn't be so proud since I'm fighting Prince classes.

I turned to face the other three and fired another Piercing Red. This time I packed in more power and it created a wide gap. I spotted another Leviathan and dove into the water with Cursed White active.

Since I had Cursed White, I was able to create a barrier to keep out the water.

Another Leviathan came swimming up to me and I quickly evaded.

As I moved along in the water, I realized something.

I quickly equipped Raiden and stared at the water around me.

Water is a great conductor of electricity. I want to see it happen in front of my eyes.

I began generating some lightning before disabling Cursed White and performing Thunderous Overcharge, shooting lighting everywhere around me.

The Leviathans were instantly affected and in a few seconds, they were dead.

I only got 10 levels out of that. Oh well… at least I got some levels.

Anyway, guess that's all…

I flew out of the water and flew over to Kainen and Celestia's direction.

Suddenly, I heard a bloodcurdling roar emit from the depths of the seas.

That roar was enough to send chills down my spine. What the hell?

'I suggest you get out of the-' Celestia began but then she was interrupted.

Get out of the water? I think I'll do-

'No,' She said in my mind. 'Kainen requests you fight this Leviathan. I tried telling him you couldn't take on a Monarch class but he insisted.'

A Monarch class? How do you know that? Wait, don't they reside in the deep parts of the ocean?

'Yes, but it seems that whatever you just did must've awoken it. If I were to guess, you must've killed its children.'

Wow, I couldn't have been told that earlier? Now I have to deal with the parent?

This is just great... but it was kind of my fault since I did kill them.

Ah whatever, I'll worry later.

I cocked my head and heading straight towards me was a large tentacle with a pointed tip. I swiftly evaded and shanked it with Raiden. I discharged lightning into the Leviathan's tentacle and there was an explosion. A second later, the tentacle was disconnected from the body.

As it fell into the sea, more erupted from the water. I quickly dove and slashed them with breakneck speed and accuracy. In just a moment, the only thing left were pieces of its tentacles that could be made into sushi.

After I decimated its tentacles, it only sent more after me.

This thing... it didn't want to come out. Guess I'll just have to go after it.

I used Thunder Beast Flash, instantly cutting down the tentacles that were after me. After that, I dove into the water.

As I sank deeper into the ocean, I eventually spotted the Leviathan. When it spotted me, it continued to send tentacles towards me.

I quickly clenched my hands and used Black Magic to appear next to it. When I appeared next to it, I was staring it directly in the eyes and checked its level.

[Level 91,033]


The Leviathan roared and suddenly, it turned with its jaw wide open, flaunting off its many teeth.

I quickly flew away with Cursed White before it was able to devour me. I made my way towards its eyes once again and we had another staredown.

...this might hurt now... so don't move.

I quickly morphed into my Altima form and immediately, I shanked its eyes with Raiden. The Leviathan roared in pain as I traveled to the other side where I did the same.

As the Leviathan was now blinded, I appeared on top of its head before smashing my hands together.

Even without the daggers in my hand, I can still perform it.

I began discharging lightning around me which was colored purple. This was due to me being in my Altima. As that was happening, the light that was pouring into the ocean began to darken. Yes, the sky was darkening.

First, I formed a Lightning Rod Field. The rods had formed out of the Leviathan's head and the Leviathan continued to roar in pain. Well, it would be painful to feel something growing out of your head after all, but that is not all I have in store.

I then formed a Great Thunder Temple. The giant structure appeared on top of the Leviathan's head, discharging many bolts which then connected to the metal rods around it.

...I believe you know what is happening next, right?

With all the lightning generated from me, my Lightning Rod Field, and Great Thunder Temple, I shot everything into the Leviathan's head.

The entire body was encased in lightning bolts. The Leviathan roared in agony as the lightning continued to course through its body. Its roar slowly began to die down and a few seconds later, it was finally dead.

[Leveled up!(31)]

I took a deep breath before I realized I had dropped Cursed White and was inhaling in water. I quickly shot towards the surface and took a deep breath.

"Ough, Ough-Ough."

As I coughed and gasped for air, I noticed four blue glowing orbs with water-like particles. I noticed these were the souls of the Leviathan's I had killed earlier.

I extended my arm and the souls were absorbed into my hand.

[Souls absorbed into Spirit Soul!]

[Summons: Stormblitz(2), Leviathans(4)]

After I had enough air, I used Cursed White and dove back into the sea again.

As I reached the Monarch class Leviathan's body, I also retrieved Raiden and returned them into Ethos Arsenal. Eventually, I spotted the Leviathan's soul.

It was a bit bigger than the others and its glow was way different. It was a mixture of black and blue and it was surrounded by a stream of water. As I extended my hand, the soul slowly traveled towards my palm.

I felt a rush of liquid-like substances and energy travel through my body. It was the same sensation I felt when I acquired Osiris and Raiden.

[Soul Absorbed: Leviathan]

Huh... how generic... Let's see what it does.

When I summoned Leviathan, there was a long spear in my hand. The handle was completely made of black metal, the end was decorated with some sort of blue crystal and the spearhead was black which faded into a glowing dark blue at the tip. If I were to measure it, it would be 200 cm.

[Leviathan: A spear forged from pure liquid and energy from the ancient sea which is fused with the blood of a child originating from the first true Leviathan. This weapon grants the host excessive and superior control over water| Effect: Augments host's technique by 150% to 300% depending on status; Augments host's ability to manipulate water; All water attacks will be double; Host will be resistant to all water attacks when equipped| Alternate form: True Leviathan]

How interesting... so my ability to manipulate water is augmented. That is interesting... Wait a minute... an alternate form? I didn't have that on Osiris or Raiden. What does that do?

As I was wondering what an Alternate form was, Leviathan decided to show it to me.


...I see... how interesting...




[Leviathan Skill Set has been Unlocked!]

[Skill Obtained: Oceanic Serpent Wave(Lvl.1)]

[Oceanic Serpent Wave: Control the waves and use it to attack your opponents| Effects: Throw a wave of high-pressured water at your enemies| Conditions: Consumes 77 mana every use]

[Skill Obtained: Oceanic Serpent Flood(Lvl.1)]

[Oceanic Serpent Flood: Flood the land with water originating from the ancient sea and its descent| Effects: Completely submerge land with pressurized water for 15 seconds| Conditions: Consumes 777 mana every use]

[Active Skill Obtained: Oceanic Extinction Bomb]

[Oceanic Extinction Bomb: Throw a ball consisted of the ancient sea's energy that is powerful enough to cause extinction and watch it explode, taking out your enemies| Effects: Create a sphere composed of energy descending from the ancient sea and launch it towards your enemy before it erupts; Enemies that are hit by the explosion will receive colossal damage| Conditions: Consumes 77,777 to perform| Cooldown: 36 hours after use]




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