The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 628

Chapter 521: : Banner’S Biochemical Army

The black light virus really deviates from reality, and after Li Wei’s multiple enhancements, it even becomes a bit magical. But it’s all true, if you don’t believe it…

“You can go and have a look, Banner should know what to do!”

Li Wei shrugged and didn’t say much, it was more efficient to let them see the reality directly.

Seeing his sworn appearance, Tony and the others also hesitated. After all, he is a person who can master magic and light-speed engines beyond imagination. I can’t be sure that it is true. Wouldn’t the earth be saved?


However, a virus that expands directly and infinitely has magical powers, is it in this river?

Forget it, let’s go take a look.

Tony stopped talking, put on the mask, asked Jarvis to find Banner’s location, and went straight out to find Banner.

Seeing this, the others followed suit and left with their own magical powers.

As for the decisions made by Nick Fury and the joint executives, they won’t be able to influence the decision even if they stay here, and they will know about it later, so let’s just watch the fun first.

In New York City, the vanguard guards and all kinds of miscellaneous soldiers all hid in the building bunkers, waiting for thirty minutes to pass, so as to give mankind the last thunderous attack.

There are still a huge number of various types of aircraft suspended in the sky. If the people on earth do not hand over the Infinity Stones, the planet will be destroyed.

Banner, who jumped out of Stark Tower, relied on his newly acquired ability to come to the Central Park of New York, and swept it with a pulse covering the entire city, and easily saw the distribution of aliens.

Most of those aliens gathered on buildings and the sky, which greatly facilitated his movement.

Feeling the surging power in his body, Banner lowered his head and began to brew. After the virus took over, the calculations in his brain became as delicate as a supercomputer.

He counted how many Vanguards, how many Chitauris, how many siege beasts were in New York City!

It also calculated how many virus spores would be needed to carry out coverage strikes on the soldiers of the Thanos Legion.

Banner shook his head. The next moment, he split into thousands of clones. These clones did not look like Banner’s body, but were just a dark figure similar to Li Wei’s armored form.

Thousands of clones burst out with the scorching high temperature light of the bioreactor at the next moment, and in an instant, it spread to all directions, surpassing New York City, and quickly arrived in various places in the United States, ready to implement the full map coverage Dafa.

Tony, who just flew nearby, witnessed the scene of Banner’s split, and saw Jarvis’ exaggerated analysis of the speed of the split, and his head was blinded.

“No way?!”

In less than three minutes, Banner’s split body arrived at the place where all the Thanos Legion was covered, and the induction forces were connected to each other, and finally weaved a large induction network covering the entire territory.

After confirming the positions of all the aliens, Banner exhaled, then his face turned red, and he began to hold back.

Glancing at Tony’s armor, he said loudly, “Don’t let ordinary people run around, I’m about to start!”

Colonel Roddy also came to Tony’s side at this time. He looked at Banner’s face blushing and shouted worriedly, “Are you sure you’re all right?”

Puff puff!

The answer to him was the countless black and red spore bombs instantly ejected from Banner’s body the next moment. The flying spores dragged the dark red tail and attacked the entire city, including the alien lifeforms in the sky.

Densely packed, like locusts flying all over the sky.

The superheroes who had not come to Banner saw this scene, stopped in surprise, raised their heads, and looked at the spores flying all over the sky.

Thirty minutes have passed and twenty-five minutes have passed. Nick Fury is still wrangling with the United people, and the superstar hiding in the temporary headquarters has discovered Banner’s clone.

At the defense lines of the invaded land, the tired soldiers raised their heads and watched the spores constantly spraying and flying in the sky of the city or town.

Soon, they found that this worry was unnecessary. These spores flying in the sky all hit the aliens with no IQ, and caused bursts of explosions.

The exploding spores turned into a hedgehog ball, which instantly penetrated the bodies of the Thanos Legion soldiers, and pulled the bodies of the soldiers together, forming one cocoon after another.

Bang bang bang!

With the continuous explosion of spores, there are more and more large cocoons.

The semi-biological and mechanical Leviathan monsters in the sky were also infected, the metal shell was blown open, and the spores penetrated deeply into the body of the Leviathan monsters, so that these huge monsters were like falling whales. , smashed into the city and caused great damage.

At the last minute of the meeting, the spores had cleaned up the entire American territory of the Thanos Legion.

Even the underground parking lot where the superstar is hiding was attacked by spores, but she was not penetrated by the virus spikes with her nimble skills and high-tech equipment.

Knowing that human beings are ready to continue to fight stubbornly, the supergiant is angry and sends a signal to attack the earth with all his strength, and no longer limit the battle to one place.


The flying flying in the sky first destroyed human eyes and satellites, and then spread wildly all over the earth. Orbital strike weapons have also been put into use, of course, the United States is the first to bear the brunt.

The sensor network covering the United States noticed this change, and Banner was still anxious. He continued to blushed and squeezed, but he could only make the cocoon hatch faster.

After all, he is not Li Wei. He has just become a special infected body and there are not so many viruses in his body, which can support him to quickly produce a biochemical army, and his control power is not as good as Li Wei. It is difficult to spawn a batch of cannon fodder in a short time.

Just as the bombs that fell in the sky passed through the clouds, Li Wei gave Banner a boost, and the cocoons of viruses burst one after another, and giants flew out one after another.

The images of these giants refer to the Hulk that has terrified Banner for several years, and are almost identical except for the color and the pipes on the limbs.

The giants in the sky met the falling bomb with their bodies, opened their mouths wide, and spat out a laser, detonating the falling bomb in advance.

The early appearance of the cannon fodder class has given protection to the United States. The infected body that looks like the Hulk is almost the same in strength as the low-profile version of the Hulk.

They can’t jump hundreds of meters, but they can fly.

It can be difficult to overturn a Chitauri dropship with a single punch, but they breathe atomically and can easily melt the outer armor of a dropship.

The emergence of the biochemical army has made America extremely safe.

When the half-mechanical, half-biological Chitauri also flew from the ground, the battle became a horizontal push, and all troop carriers and aircraft approaching the earth were attacked by atomic breath.

After the situation was under control, Banner took the initiative to send these biochemical soldiers with space combat capabilities to space to take the initiative to confront the Thanos Legion.

In New York City, Tony and Steve were stunned, unable to say anything, they could only look up dumbly, watching the chaos in the sky.

What Li Wei said is actually true, but… this is obviously unreasonable!


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