The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 605

Chapter 499: : Tony’S Surprise

The latest website: Since both Tony and Banner were fooled by Li Wei to do scientific research, at least one third of the various plots that Li Wei is familiar with have disappeared, and the development of the Avengers has also stagnated.

This period of time was calm, except for some restless criminals who were still dancing, there were basically no major cases that could shake the world.

During this time, Natasha skillfully invited Li Wei out, had a cup of coffee together, and asked him what Tony was doing mysteriously recently.

Li Wei, who just came to drink coffee, used a mysterious brushstroke, only to say that when the research results are made public, the world will be shaken.

Natasha changed the subject suspiciously and chatted with him about magic.

Then Li Wei taught Natasha a few magic tricks. By the way, he introduced magic power to help her activate her spiritual energy, so that she could use arcane magic through spiritual stimulation, and used a virus to form a magic book and threw it to Natasha. Later, she also fell into the painstaking research in the new field.

Sure enough, learning can make people forget the disturbances of the outside world. Even if the parade outside does not stop for a day, they still live happily.

The only unpleasant person is probably only Pepper Potts, the president of Stark Corporation, who was abandoned by her boyfriend.

By the way, Thor has returned to Asgard with the mind scepter, ready to put the cosmic treasure back into the treasure house.

Before the mind scepter was brought back, Li Wei touched the gem. It was very special and mysterious, but it did not have much effect on him.

What he needs is the soul gem and space, time, and reality.

These three gems are really exaggerated props. The most powerful ability of the Mind Gem is estimated to be to spy on the voices of others, as well as mind control. These small skills can also be done by Li Wei with magic.

After a quiet year and a half…

Tony’s laboratory in the suburbs. After nearly a year of detailed planning and the layout of the past six months, he felt that the time had come, so he found Li Wei.

Li Weizheng and Dr. Banner, who were in the operation room of the biological laboratory, were discussing whether the black light virus should be targeted and cultivated. Seeing that Tony was looking for him and Banner in the communication, the two also temporarily put down their work.

Dr. Banner started his research a little later than Tony, but a year later.

At the request of Li Wei, Dr. Banner carried out the following research projects, the strengthening of the black light virus, the fusion experiment of the black light virus and the desperate virus, the interaction between the black light virus and the Hulk’s blood, and the research on anti-venom and special drugs. make.

The black light virus and the desperate virus have completed the fusion, and the conclusion is that the black light virus has won, and the problem of overheating of the biological reactor has been solved.

Another one, the progress of the interaction experiment between the black light virus and the Hulk blood is in a stalemate, because the two things have been entangled, you kill me, I kill you, it is estimated that it will take some time to get the results.

The development of anti-venom and special drugs was the slowest. During the research, Dr. Banner tried to destroy the virus several times to find a better way to strengthen the human body, but was finally persuaded by Li Wei.

Because the black light virus is difficult to eliminate, no matter how many materials and methods Banner tried, the impact on the black light virus was minimal, and only Godzilla’s cloudy liquid still had obvious effects.

It’s just that in Li Wei’s experience of perseverance and constant death, Godzilla’s scorching has begun to be delayed.

When Li Wei and Banner came to Tony’s exclusive laboratory, Tony had already taken a rare shower, his head was wet and he was blowing his hair with the hairdryer carried by the robotic arm, while he was sitting on the sofa eating cheeseburgers while Looking at a paper document.

When he saw Li Wei and Banner coming, he chewed the cheeseburger in his mouth and pointed to the burger and fried chicken set meal on the table.

Li Wei and Banner were also welcome. They sat down to eat, and while they were eating, they picked up the other two prepared documents to check.

Then they found out it was a speech…

After looking at it for a while, Li Wei showed a smile that I liked and gave Tony a positive look.

Banner also felt his blood boil after reading it.

After the hamburger was finished, the three of them began to talk about whether it was appropriate to announce the news at this time.

Li Wei feels very suitable. After all, there will be a long time for industrial upgrading in the future. There is a lot of content in the speech, including the resolution that Stark Industries will disclose artificial intelligence technology and templates.

Artificial intelligence is a technology that all countries are researching, but Tony is sure that Stark Industries’ artificial intelligence technology is definitely at the top level in the world.

As long as there is the assistance of artificial intelligence, most of the workers in the factory can be freed to do the rest of the work.

The use of technology shared by Stark Industries has a premise that its companies must comply with certain pressure reductions for employees and achieve average vacation standards.

The future era is not only about the gross industrial production, but also about the upgrading of diverse cultures and ideas.

If people are still struggling below the food and clothing line, they have no time to think.

At least this is a try…

Banner said that top biological experts from each village are very much needed to work together on black light viruses and body strengthening agents, as well as anti-radiation drugs.

At a random time, Tony recruited all the reporters he could find in New York, whether they were from the United States or from other places, all of them were welcome.

The agreed location was set at the park of the Stark Industrial Science and Technology Expo, and the empty garden in the center was urgently renovated, erected around it, anti-gravity giant transparent billboards, and the lights cruising around are basically anti-gravity systems.

The anti-gravity system provided by Li Wei is cheaper, and it is countless times easier to use than the one Tony tinkered with. Moreover, in the future, Stark Industries will cooperate with various villages to build Dyson spheres and develop clean energy materials for the moon. Energy will no longer be available in the future. It’s something that humans need to worry about.

The outer layer of Stark Technology Expo was covered with holographic image disguise, and only a few people knew that it was dressed up as the future.

The outside world is particularly concerned about Stark’s sudden invitation to invite reporters to the Stark Science and Technology Exhibition Because Tony, who likes the limelight, suddenly disappeared, and it has been more than a year since he disappeared.

When people were about to get used to his disappearance, Tony suddenly appeared again, and said mysteriously that he was going to give everyone a mysterious surprise.

Various media outlets have speculated about its purpose, and various TV shows and headlines have been re-occupied by Tony.

The heat is getting higher and higher as the appointed time approaches, and there is a feeling that the heat of the year will be used up in a few days.

After all, Tony was pleasantly surprised, and the playboy’s behavior changed a lot after he became Iron Man.

This time, he said surprise, people no longer think of bachelorette night parties.

So what is the surprise?

Days go by, and in the midst of all the attention, the time that Tony and the public agreed upon is here!


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