The Hunter That Returned From Hell

Chapter 140: Weak Points

The noise that the impact made, when the legs of the golem landed on the ground of the cave, was deafening to say the least. The ground where the golem pounded its legs upon had a huge circular crater around it. From Kang-Ho’s perspective, it seemed like the golem was roaring because of the wide open mouth. It seemed the stone holding the mouth together was broken because of the force that impact created.

It seemed like the description of the golem wasn’t joking when it mentioned the lava stone wasn’t that strong, after all it just broke because of the momentum of the golem. While the lava stone broke because of the golem’s momentum, the legs which were mostly made up of the crystal wasn’t even scratched after the huge explosion it created. This just further proved that trying to cut through the hard crystal would just be worthless.

Crystal was strong wasn’t the only fact that was proven after the huge explosion, after the incident when a piece of lava stone broke off of the golem’s mouth, it repaired itself within 5 seconds after it broke off. So, it seemed like on top of being absolutely tough, the golem also had the ability to restore its body, well that at least what it seemed like to Kang-Ho after some observations.

After the huge explosion, the dust particles that came out of the crater covered Kang-Ho’s entire view of the golem and what was behind the golem altogether. Kang-Ho didn’t let his guard down yet, rather he became more on guard, not because his field of view was totally covered, it was because Kang-Ho could suddenly hear the sound of glasses breaking. It was weird as there were no glasses present inside of the cave, the only thing that could explain this was if the crystals were being broken, but even that seemed unrealistic as Kang-Ho couldn’t believe that the golem had the strength to do so, he had roughly estimated that even with the golem’s strength it wouldn’t be able to break the crystal that easily as breaking glass.

Suddenly in desperations, Kang-Ho took several steps back, he had suddenly felt something was coming towards him at an extremely fast rate while cutting through the air. From where Kang-Ho stood he could see the dust clouds was changing shape right in front of his eyes, he was alerted when he heard multiple objects ripping through the air. As soon as Kang-Ho landed on the ground, he took position to defend himself, as soon as he did within a split second, multiple broken crystal shards came towards his direction while ripping through the dust cloud that had blinded Kang-Ho’s front view completely.

After the dust was cleared Kang-Ho witnessed something that he didn’t expect would happen but, he didn’t have the time to evaluate that situation at the moment as he still had to take care of the multiple crystal shards that threatened to tear his body apart. There were just too many crystal shards that were in the air and moving towards Kang-Ho, that the entire pathway of the cave was covered by the shards.

Kang-Ho had two options available for him right now one was to fall back to the point where the cave was turning so that he could get away from the path of the shards, but this option was not viable as the turning point of the cave seemed a little too far away from where he stood. So, the only thing Kang-Ho could do was to stand where he stood and defend against all of the crystal shards, and that was exactly what he did.

On one hand Kang-Ho grabbed the short sword and with the other hand, he grabbed a crystal piece that laid on the ground next to him. With both the sword and crystal shard in his hand, he started to swat away all of the crystal shards he possible could have. The speed at which the crystal shards came towards Kang-ho was just too extremely fast, he had hard time following all of the shards at the same time as he also had to concentrate on swatting away the ones that targeted his weak points with utmost precision.

Although Kang-Ho had managed to swat away most of the crystal shard that targeted his body, there were still a lot of them which didn’t lose its target. Kang-Ho currently losing a lot of blood, there were a lot of shards that poked out of his body at this moment. From shoulders to feet his body was totally covered crystal shards. If Kang-Ho could see himself in the mirror, he would describe himself as a porcupine as he currently resembled like one, after shards pierced his body.

‘Surprisingly, even though the speed of the crystal shards were so fast, it doesn’t seem like it carried the damage it was supposed to do. Maybe the weight of the crystal shard was the factor that reduced the damage drastically, if this shard was 2 times the weight it is right now and came at me, at the same speed I think half of the shard would be sticking inside the wound.’ Kang-Ho quickly evaluated the wound done to him by the shards, it seemed like even though he was hit many times in different places on his body he didn’t suffer any life-threatening injury. Although he was bleeding profusely from all of the fresh wounds, which was troublesome to say the least, it might even be considered life threatening as he was currently losing a lot of blood every second that went by.

Kang-Ho took out a healing potion from his storage pouch instantly and drank it all at one go. But something surprising happened that dumbfounded him, none of his wounds recovered except for the one from which he had pulled out the shard from.

“This is going to be annoying….tsk” Kang-Ho was audibly very frustrated at the turn of event as he figured that he would need to pull all of the crystal shards out of his body one by one only after that could he recover the wounds by drinking the potion.

There was one more problem that was on Kang-Ho’s mind which was that the golem’s shape had changed drastically, right now all the crystal on its body were like sharp daggers, even the legs of the golem looked like sharp swords. All of the crystals that were on its back were like sharp swords, the golem right now in front of Kang-Ho didn’t even resemble the golem that Kang-Ho was fighting a little while back.

Kang-Ho figured that the golem had used mana to shave off all of the crystals on its body. While Kang-Ho started to take out all of the crystal shards one by one on his body, it seemed like the golem didn’t want him to do what he was doing, so the golem pounced towards him in an unimaginable speed.

Unlike before, this time the golem was much faster, it didn’t even take a second to reach where Kang-Ho was standing. This took Kang-Ho by surprise as he was busy plucking all of the shards off of his body.

“F**K” Kang-Ho yelled as he was flung back by the golem’s attack. Kang-Ho didn’t expect the attack but he still managed to defend against it at the last moment. But that attack wasn’t the main problem, the problem was some of the shards were pushed deeper because of the attack.

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