The Hunter Games: A Monster Hunting LitRPG

B1.CH38: Hot Springs

Evaluation week came and went, and now, we were certified and licensed monster hunters! What was a short seven days felt like an eternity. The road to official membership wasn’t easy for me and my team, but I was glad we made it out as a group. Felix’s team had their shortcomings too, and they stuck it out as well. Even Gun, who swore he was always bored to death, but tonight, he wouldn’t be because our sensei allowed us to use the hot springs for the first time.

It was totally Gun’s idea to ask and immediately jump on the offer. It was obvious why he was so anxious to dip in—he wanted to see Reina in her birthday suit. I was interested myself—not in naked Reina, but in the hot springs. Before dinner, we made plans, all five of us, where Naomi was the obvious party pooper who refused to join. After very little convincing from Gun who had invited all of us, I went back to my bedroom to try and get Naomi on board.

I knocked and she invited me in, where I found her sitting on the window nook with her little black book. “Hey, are you sure you don’t want to join? We are celebrating.”

“No thanks.”

“Are you super sure?”

“I’m not entirely interested in seeing indecency on a maximum level.”

I laughed. “Gun was just messing around.”

She craned her eyes to me and deadpanned. “Was he, though?”

“No one’s going skinny dipping, Naomi. Come on, you’ve rejected us every time we asked you to hang out. It’s not every day we’d get to celebrate becoming officially licensed hunters.”

“It’s not as big a deal as you’re making it out to be. I already knew you would pass.”

I chuckled. “I’m glad you had so much faith in me. But, just like you promised you’d help me make it to the top, I’d promised to help you socialize more. And this is an important step.”

“Seems like a pretty big important step. A complete nightmare for introverts.”

“No one said it was going to be easy.”


I sighed, a smile still on my face. “Well, all right. If you change your mind, you know where to find us.”

“I won’t be waiting up,” she said, and then I turned around and walked over to my futon. I slipped my t-shirt over my head, feeling Naomi’s eyes on my toplessness already. There was no mistake that she was taking in my dragon scales, seeing as it was the first time she’d seen all of it along my chest.

I took my phone from the nightstand and began to walk back out, before she abruptly stopped me and said, “Wait….”

She closed her book, and I turned my head around and asked, “Yeah, what’s up?”

Naomi’s face turned a tinge of pink as she clutched her black leather book against her chest, and she hesitated before saying, “I’ll go…. But only for a while….”

A smile spread across my face as I said, “Fantastic! You won’t regret it, Naomi. I promise.”

She nodded, not quite meeting my gaze, but I could see a flicker of anticipation in her eyes.

With that, I allowed her to prepare herself in the bedroom while I stood just outside the door. When she came back out, she had a white crop top on with a pair of black, boy shorts that looked like boxer briefs. It was the most skin I’d seen on Naomi, and even though I felt the need to comment on her outfit, all I managed to say was, “Who knew there’d be a pool out back, right? Didn’t pack any swim trunks or anything.”

“Is this appropriate?” she asked, and I was curious as to why she wanted my opinion.

Did she want my approval or a compliment?

“Look’s fine!” I said safely, trying to avoid being a creep.

“Just… fine?”

“Fine as in, fine?”

“Fine in what level of the definition?”

Naomi, what is this? Some type of word game?!

I caved in. “Okay, you look cute in that outfit.”

“Thanks,” she said simply. “You do, too….”


Cute wasn’t the word I was looking for, but I’d take it!

We headed out to the hot springs, where I expected Naomi and I to be the first ones there. But Gun was already inside of the water, with a cooler filled with what looked like beer bottles, some towels, and a small speaker sitting on the bench behind him. His face lit up with surprise when he saw Naomi trailing behind me, Gun moving closer toward the edge of the pool.

“Naomi, you decided to join us after all!” he exclaimed, then looked around us before asking, “Where’s Reina?”

“Wait a minute, how the hell did you get here so fast?!” I asked. We’d just been in the kitchen less than five minutes ago.

“I wasn’t going to wait around for you slow pokes!” he jested. “Figured I’d get a head start. Plus, the water’s just right!”

“Do you have any clothes on under there?” Naomi said sarcastically.

“Of course! Unless… you don’t want me to?” He smirked deviously.

“God, please, keep them on.” I cringed.

He laughed. “Seriously, where is Reina?”

“No clue. I went to my bedroom when I stepped out.”

“She left the same time you did, didn’t she?”

“Hey!” I heard Ash’s voice behind us, and when I turned, I noticed the girl wearing a tight pink tube top with matching underwear. “You guys are already here! I brought us some snacks!” she said, pulling out a basket of goodies from behind her. “They had white chocolate Kit Kat bars in that convenience store! I can’t wait to try them out!”

Well, someone replenished their secret stash quickly.

I snorted. “So much for Hayashi’s whole bit about discipline and controlling one’s urges.”

“Looks like the party is all here,” Felix said as he walked in. “I can’t believe Kenji’s actually letting us use this small slice of heaven right now.”

“Might be our only chance in forever, so make good use of it!” I smiled.

Ash and Felix jumped in, Ash doing the most with her reactions. Her back arched as soon as her body fell in the pool, her fingers curled, and a resounding ‘ahhhh’ echoed through the backyard. Goosebumps pimpled along her skin as the warm water enveloped her body. She let out a satisfying gasp, shaking her head to toss her wet hair back. Felix on the other hand executed a perfect cannonball, causing waves to splash over the sides of the pool and drenching everyone in the vicinity.

“You’re a maniac!” Ash said in bubbly laughter. “You can’t just jump in! You gotta let your body get acclimated.”

“Acclimation is for the weak,” he teased. “Man, this water feels awesome. Are you two going to jump in or what?”

“Yeah, sure.” I turned to Naomi. “Ladies first!”

“No, you go.”

“If I go in, you promise not to turn back around, right?”

She gave me a sarcastic glare.

“I’m serious!”

“No, I won’t run away,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Too bad I don’t believe you,” I said, then snatched her before she had time to react. My hand scooped her from behind her knees and I lifted her up, and then I turned around to jump inside with her. Poor Naomi didn’t yelp or scream, instead, she grabbed onto me for dear life. I then wondered if she knew how to swim, seeing how tense she was when she held onto me. We submerged inside the water for a short bit, the sound of our comrades laughing amping when we surfaced again. I whipped my hair back and forth and looked at Naomi still in my arms, and with a long smile on my face, I asked her, “See, it wasn't too bad now, was it?”

“I feel like a wet dog,” she said as she brushed her wet bangs away from her eyes, and then she looked up to me… completely mesmerized.

She blushed, again… and the second time, she didn’t peel her eyes away from me. Right then, I couldn’t help but think that she might have a thing for me. Little miss knock me over every week on campus interested in a nerd like me.

Now that I gave it some serious thought, it wasn’t too hard to believe. From that fateful registration day, she made it clear that she was out to help me. And now, I knew why….

She’d been messing with me for months because she liked me….

Okay, maybe Chen was right. I was oblivious as shit. I’d also lied to him when I’d said I wasn’t looking at her that way. Even if I did have a crush on her since the beginning of senior year, I had a feeling a giftless reg like me had no shot with her. It took being squad mates for me to understand her love language. Who knows, if I’d picked up on her hints earlier, we might have already been a couple by now.

But, I was getting a little too ahead of myself right now. I guess she wasn’t the only one excited. As she hung there timidly, looking away from me while we had a moment, I jested and asked her, “Comfortable?”

“I revoke my right to answer that…” she whispered, that blush on her face getting hotter. But her mood was due to change when I noticed Reina finally walking in, at 3… 2… 1….

“Why are you cradling her like that?” she hissed. “Will the witch melt if she remains in the water?” Reina tittered, my eyes glossing over her red bikini.

“God damn, Reina, you look smoking hot,” Gun blurted out, earning himself a playful punch on the arm from Ash.

“That’s not how you compliment a lady!” Ash retorted. “Can’t you tell she took the time to accessorize?” She turned to Reina with a smile and complimented, “You look positively radiant, Reina! A matching ruby ankle bracelet, matching flip flop sandals… and are those actual gold studs along the strap?”

“They are!” Reina beamed. “Thanks for noticing, Ashley.” Reina smirked, clearly reveling in the attention.

“Who packs a bikini on a hunter trip?” I asked, genuinely curious. The rest of us were clearly unprepared for this poolside experience, and yet, Reina had options.

“You couldn’t expect me to work on the clock every day, now, could you?”

I flat eyed her. “This isn’t a vacation.”

“Unlike you, I planned for a beach time escape.” She gave me a smug grin as she pinned her hands to her hips. “Don’t get upset with me because you didn’t consider it. I am half Japanese, and while I’ve been to my mother’s homeland on a few occasions, I’ve never been to Utoro. So I have every right to indulge. Just like you two…” She paused, eyeing Naomi suggestively. “It looks like I’m interrupting something,” she said as she raised an eyebrow at us.

“We were discussing strategy for our upcoming assignment,” Naomi lied.

Reina snorted. “Right. Because whispering sweet nothings and cradling each other is essential for taking down the enemy.”

“The strategy was to leave you stranded,” Naomi hissed, Ash back there stifling a laugh.

Reina however wasn’t amused as she glared at Naomi. “You know, you’re not as funny as you think you are. Hmph,” Reina sassed, before she walked toward the edge of the pool, dipping her toe inside to test the water. “It’s hotter than I expected.”

“It’s a hot spring, Reina,” I said, before letting Naomi go, the look on her eyes spelling mischief.

“Obviously! I’ve been to one before, just not one this hot.”

“Would you hurry up and get in already?” I asked, Reina hissing at me not to rush her. And that was when Naomi did it, the telekinetic girl using her powers to toss Reina into the pool.

She shrieked, splashing water everywhere when she sank. By the time she resurfaced, Reina’s eyes blazed with fury. She was red all over, her skin more sensitive than ours. She wiped the water from her face, while I caught her gold studded sandals buoying along the pool before I tossed them aside.

Ash was doubled over laughing, clutching her stomach as Felix joined in, unable to contain themselves.

“Maybe that can wash off that terrible, self-glorifying attitude of yours,” Naomi taunted.

I snickered, watching that vein along Reina’s forehead strain. She was sputtering with rage. “Oh, you think it’s funny to toss a lady into a pool, do you? Just for that, I’m going to—”

“You’re not going to do anything,” I cut in with a grin. “Let’s not make it a habit of bringing Hayashi’s house down.”

“Oh yeah, my back is still killing me from fixing up his meeting hall,” Gun complained, stretching his waist back.

Reina was quiet for a moment, glowering at Naomi. Then she slowly began to giggle. It started as a low chuckle that quickly escalated into full-throated laughter. “Oh, I see what this is! It all makes sense! But sweetheart, you’ve got it all wrong, I’m not looking in the same direction you are. And I’m certainly not after what you’re after, either….”

Naomi squinted. “What are you talking about?”

Ohhh nothing…” she sang, tapping her finger along her chin as she eyed Naomi mischievously. “My only advice is that you start acting right with me, or you’d find things much harder for you….”

“Reina, what the hell are you talking about?” I asked her, confused.

“Naomi knows what I’m talking about, don’t you, Naomi?”

Naomi fed her a dark glare.

“Or I could be clearer, if she doesn’t?”


Reina’s smile widened. “Good! As long as she understands, that’s all that matters.”

“Heh, I feel like we are missing some huge context here,” Felix said sheepishly. “Did we skip a few pages in the book, or?”

“Forget it,” Naomi said, before she started to edge closer to the pool.

“Wait, where are you going? We’re just getting started?”

“I forgot I had… something important to do inside.”

“Are you sure?” Ash asked. “Got enough sweets for all of us!”

“Yeah. Good night.”

I watched her leave, knowing all too well that it had something to do with what Reina had said that made her back off. Reina was back there giggling, and when I turned to her, I gave her a look. “What the hell was that?”

“Oops! Guess she wasn’t ready excited about the pool after all. Such a shame, I truly will miss her.”

“Reina, cut it out. What did you mean when you said—”

“It’s nothing you should bother yourself with. Honestly, Nero. Quit complaining and simply enjoy yourself.”

“It’s okay, Dragon Head,” Ash said, handing me a bottle of beer. “She can hang out with us next time!”

I was finding it hard to enjoy myself knowing that Naomi was upset. I was the one who pushed her to join us. Ash and Felix insisted I not chase after her, and if anything, we could talk later. This was our celebration after all, and we ought to break loose and have fun.

After a few drinks, I could tell that the mood in the pool was getting there. Maybe, a little too loose. Ash, Felix, and I were deep in conversation about Marvel movies and Pop figures, while Gun was in the corner, putting the moves on Reina. She was all liquored up after only two bottles; the girl was unable to hold her alcohol. The once hard to get rich brat was all giggles and flirts with a guy she hardly looked at, Gun finally catching a break.

I chuckled to myself, shaking my head at them before I turned around, noticing a strange look on Ash’s face as she stared at them. “Hey, you good, Ash?” I asked her, the girl snapping her head back sheepishly.

“Oh, yeah! I’m livin’ it big! Wooo!”

Felix snorted, continuing to look at the couple. “I think we should give these two some space, yeah?”

“Agreed. I’m not in the mood to spectate,” I teased. “I’m already feeling like a third wheel.”

“Good idea!” Ash said, brushing off the faint touch of jealousy in her voice.

I went back to my room, expecting Naomi to be there, but it was empty. It was getting late, just about time I retired for the night. So I locked the door and turned back around to change, drying myself with my towel one last time. I was thinking of giving my folks a call before I knocked out, but then a strange feeling crept up my back as I stood at the foot of my floor bed.

The first thing that crossed my mind was a flesh eater. Out here, in the middle of nowhere, it should have been the last thing to consider. But the feeling was dangerous and… oddly sweet, like figs and honey.

Whatever was behind me caught me at a ridiculously bad time, my bare ass cheeks facing the threat as I clenched them impulsively. At this point, I’d been frozen still for a few seconds now. It knew I was onto it. So the only option I really had was to turn around and fight….

I pivoted around with the towel between my legs, ready to square off with a beast. But instead of finding a giant monster, I saw a giant woman!

I looked up to her and her height with a flush on my face as she stood there with her gorgeous melons casting a shadow over my indecency. She pinned her hand over her hip and batted her lashes at me. “Well, well, well,” she cooed, her gaze between my legs. “Is that a meta-ability, or are you just happy to see me?”

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