The Hidden World


“Do you swear to never betray her and always work for the betterment of your bond?” the man dressed in white robes asked. 

Before him stood two women, both of them elves. They wore elegant dresses with one the color of emeralds and the other an earthy brown. They were holding hands as they stared into each other’s eyes with smiles of delight. 

“I do,” the one in emerald said confidently. 

“Then I pronounce you two partners for life. May you never break that oath,” the man said.

He spread his arms like a conductor, a thread of magic coming out from him as it formed a knot around the two women. Then they kissed a long and deep kiss. Yuki watched with a small smile from the stands along with a dozen other people.

From where the two elves stood, a bright green sprout emerged from the earth to commemorate the oath. The sprout almost seemed to shine under the night sky, but Yuki wasn’t certain if it was because of the magic that made it grow or the light of the full moon above. 

When the two broke apart, the crowd rose to their feet and went over to the newly paired couple to congratulate them. Yuki took a place in line to wait for her turn. Akira popped up behind her along with Erica, Yuna, and Ember. 

“That was nice,” she whispered to Yuki. “Our own bonding was a tad bit less ceremonial.”

Yuki giggled, placing a hand over her mouth.

“It didn’t even take place in a real area,” Yuki replied with a smile. “Ember’s and mine wasn’t much better, wasn’t it?”

“That basically took place in prison,” Ember grinned. “But the place doesn’t really matter.”

“True. I would prefer to have it be in a nicer place though.”

“I think ours was quite nice,” Erica said. 

“Also true,” Yuki nodded.

“What are we doing in this line?” Yuna asked, her voice low as she watched the first person chatting with the new couple.

“We congratulate them,” Yuki said. “It’s different from Libra. We normally also bring gifts, but Alex said that I didn’t need to so that’s why I told you not to bring any.”

“You brought one though?” Akira said with a raised brow.

“That’s because I felt like they were being too nice. They’re close friends. Not giving them a gift would be horrible.”

“I understand that.”

“Mhm. So, Yuna. What did you think about the ceremony?” Yuki asked. 

“It was...nice,” she replied. “It was all very pretty. I liked that it was out in nature. In Libra, many just do it in buildings so that they can party after.”

“Yeah. I think a ceremony out in a forest surrounded with soft lights under the moon would be my personal idealistic setting. How about you?”

They moved up a few places in line as Yuna pondered Yuki’s question. The others stayed silent as they waited for her answer.

“That sounds beautiful,” she nodded. “Maybe by a waterside. A lake? I like the sounds of water as it washes up along banks.”

“I thought you would say that,” Yuki smiled. 

They made their way to the front of the line a few minutes later after some idle chatter. Alex smiled at Yuki as Karie gave her and the rest a big hug. 

“I’m glad you all could make it,” Alex said. “I was worried that you would be busy. I heard you have a lot going on right now at work.”

“I do, but I can always find time for friends,” Yuki replied. “I brought you two something.”

She snapped her fingers and summoned from her ring a dagger adorned with jewels and intricate designs. The sheath looked much the same. Karie took it gently and examined it with wide eyes. 

“It’s magical,” she breathed. 

“Yes. It’s not just for show. If you need it to defend yourselves, it will cut through near anything. I hope it serves you well.”

“Thank you, Yuki” Alex said. “You didn’t need to.”

“I know, but I wanted to give you something memorable and useful,” she said. “I hope you two can live long lives together.”

They smiled and thanked her. Akira, Erica, Ember, and Yuna followed Yuki’s lead and congratulated the two elves on their marriage. Alex and Karie thanked them all in kind. Then they moved forward to give the others in line time.

“So what now?” Erica whispered. “I’m not familiar with elven culture.”

“There isn’t an afterparty if that’s what you’re hoping for,” Yuki said with an amused smile as Erica’s face fell. “The two will go by themselves and enjoy a private night. The rest will go leave and return home.”

“So we’re going back?” Yuna asked. 

“Not quite,” Yuki said. She took Yuna’s hand. “We’re going to go someplace else for a bit. Come.”

She pulled Yuna along as the others followed and gave each other knowing looks. Yuki led them into the forest and followed a mental path she had laid out days before. Then the trees cleared, a small lake spread out before them. It lapped at the dirt shore with gentle waves. 

Yuki turned and faced Yuki, pulling her a bit more until they stood underneath the light of the moon. 

“I know that you were getting worried that I had forgotten,” Yuki whispered. “That I wasn’t going to go through. But I stand by what I said those months ago. I love you Yuna.”

Yuna’s eyes widened as a hand went to her mouth. Yuki pulled her closer and smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. 

“Tonight, we will make it official,” she said. “Let yourself go for tonight. There’s no one watching.”

From Yuna’s back, a pair of white wings spread out and wrapped around Yuki as Yuna hugged her tight. Yuki hugged her back, her arms wrapping around Yuna’s waist.

“I didn’t really think this would be happening,” Yuna whispered. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to worry now,” Yuki said back. “We’ll always be together now. You. Me. Akira. Erica. And Ember. All of us. We’re family now. Officially.”

There will be a little letter or something tomorrow. So look out for that. Like I said before, it'll have some explanations for why somethings went the way it did.

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