The Hero of the Zerg is Not Easy To Be

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: Dispose Of

The entertainment reporter turned pale after hearing the verdict, and couldn’t help but look at Che Piaomang. He regarded Che Piaomang as an idol, so he followed the meaning of Che Piaomang and wrote that article, otherwise he would be so big. The courage to provoke Admiral An and the noble man!

Che Piaomang was also a little flustered. He had been smooth sailing for so many days, and every time he hit a wall on Chen Junhua, but although Chen Junhua’s response had caused him a lot of controversy, it became more popular and made more money. too much.

Having tasted the sweetness, he thought that writing a peach news is not a big deal. At most, Chen Junhua would let him lose a little more face, but he didn’t expect that Chen Junhua would come straight to the truth this time. Isn’t this kind of thing a quarrel? Is it over?

The punishment this time was too heavy even for him. He remembered the disdainful look in Chen Junhua’s eyes at the beginning of the court session. He had previously thought that this guy was really the kind of aristocratic aristocrat he hated.

But now he has to hope that Chen Junhua cherishes his face like other nobles. Che Piaomang said, “Chen Junhua Xiongzi is so aggressive, aren’t you afraid of being ridiculed?

Is it interesting for a big noble male to bully small nobles and females? “Chen Junhua looked at him and said coldly, “First of all, you started the matter first. I’ve let you go twice, but it’s no more than three things. Don’t be so shameless.”

Secondly, you are right, I am a great nobleman, so if you are willing to sincerely ask for my forgiveness, I can ease the punishment on you, make small punishments and big admonitions, and remember to be a worm in the future. ”

Che Piaomang secretly rejoiced, the nobles really want to be embarrassed, what’s wrong with shame? After a few years, everyone forgot about it, and they were still a good man. The role of the entertainment reporter also looks a little better.

Che Piaomang said, “If that’s the case, then we sincerely pray…” Chen Junhua interrupted them, “Wait a minute, you won’t just be begging for my forgiveness like this, right?” Che Piaomang’s face froze, “Then…then Chen Junhua How about the male?”

Chen Junhua knocked on the defendant’s table in front of him, “The meaning of law is not punishment, punishment is just a means, and the ultimate goal is to make the bug correct.

I think this punishment is a bit heavy for you, and it may keep you from turning over for the rest of your life. In this case, it is very difficult for you to have the opportunity and thoughts to truly change. In this way, fines, social labor, and punishments are halved, and apologies remain the same.

And the sincerity I want is, little reporter, your imagination and writing style are very good, don’t waste it, you write an article with you, Che Piaomang and his female insect as the protagonists every morning for a month. , The quality is not worse than my bed text, upload it to your account.

Then, every afternoon for a month, you performed the same article in the morning, and then you upload Che Piaomang to your account, and I will judge whether it is sincere or not. If not, how about adding another day to the time? ”

Che Piaomang patted the table and stood up, “You are too prosperous.” This is to kill them socially. As long as this kind of film is not too **** and cruel, the Zerg society will not care at all.

But it doesn’t mean that the Zerg can look down on the bugs who made this kind of film. The males are okay, at most they are ridiculed by the bugs. The reputation of the females is really bad. There must be many people who are willing to play, but let the males marry, the males are Not happy.

Chen Junhua said calmly, “What? You are only allowed to treat other bugs like this. If other bugs treat you like this, they are bullying? Then I don’t think there is any need to say a sincere apology, and the punishment will remain the same.”

Che Piaomang’s eyes flashed with struggle. The amount he has to pay is more than double his entire net worth. If it is halved, he will pay all of his net worth, and he can make up for the rest if he works hard to make money in the future. If he loses all of it, he really may not be able to turn over in this life.

Che Piaomang finally decided that the punishment must be halved, but he still wanted to struggle, “but we are just writing texts, it’s too much for you to ask us to make videos.”

Chen Junhua sneered, “Why don’t you feel that you are going too far when you provoke us for no reason? Besides, who are you and who are we?

With our writing, everyone’s popularity is naturally high, but if we write about you, a few bugs will read it, do you think I’m stupid? In a word, do or not? “Che Piaomang is still trying to struggle.” We forget it, but Zi…he is innocent. ”

Chen Junhua is also refreshing, “Yes, what influence can a female have on the male’s decision? And I heard that you love him very much, then I will take a step back, as long as he is not your female, I will not bring him this time. ”

Che Piaomang said, “He is a female slave. If we divorce, he will be miserable.” Chen Junhua looked at the seat of the auditorium, Zi sat on it, lowered his head, and couldn’t see his face clearly.

Chen Junhua hooked his lips “No, you still have a way, you can let him be your concubine, and then divorce, he can take 1/3 of your property freely, as for the compensation, you can pay it back later. ”

Che Piaomang froze, he trusts Zi very much, Zi knows most of his secrets, but… but that is because he knows that Zi is his female slave and will always be his property, and he will tell it all if he cannot escape.

If… if Zi was no longer his female slave, but left him with property and freedom, would Zi still be loyal to him? Will… betray him? Che Piaomang was struggling.

But the child in the audience stood up, “No need, he is my hero, and always will be.” The blessing of riding a car is floating, and now there are few insects who don’t know that he is a female slave of a car.

And everyone felt that Che Piaomang had a deep love for him, and if Che Piaomang really let him go, he would really leave with his property, leaving a big legacy for the hero who was single-minded to him. The debt of the pen, then he can’t stand in the Zerg.

And when Chen Junhua Xiongzi spoke, he didn’t stand up immediately to express his attitude, just because he still had a little extravagant hope, hoping that the heroic master who was hypocritical towards him still felt pity for him in his heart.

But when Che Piaomang was silent, he knew immediately that that person really only had himself in his heart, and his female slave was just a tool for him to make money. Since it was a tool, how could he be free?

Since he has to make a living under Che Piaomang’s hands in the future, he is not hypocritical, he has no time to grieve and suffer, and when Che Piaomang has made a decision to let him stay, he will be passive, so he immediately stands up and watches. loyalty.

Zi stepped down from the auditorium, walked over to Che Piaomang’s surprised and moved eyes, took Che Piaomang’s hand, and said to Chen Junhua, “Thank you Xiongzi for your kindness, but no need.”

Che Piaomang was moved, “Why are you so good, Zi, I will definitely treat you well in the future, and I won’t let you suffer any grievances.” Zi smiled, and his heart was cold.

The female worm who made this kind of film walks on the road and is dragged by the worm to be the female dog to satisfy the male dog. No worm will sympathize with him, but will only say, “Don’t look at the bad bark, I don’t know what it will be like.” If so, does he have a future?

After struggling for a moment, the entertainment reporter agreed. He didn’t want to be maimed by the Male Insect Protection Association. At this time, An was also watching the live broadcast. He looked at his former subordinate, and shook his head slightly, and he was completely useless.

The hero is a naked conspiracy. It looks good that the punishment is halved, but in fact, it is exchanged for dignity and future. The hero wants to let go of his son, and the foundation of Che Piaomang is the so-called love son.

Whether it is for love or for profit, Zi will eventually leave. If Zi escapes and goes directly to the battlefield to stay, for at most 20 years, who will remember this matter, but Zi’s choice is to put himself completely It was tied to the car Piaomang’s body.

The so-called love emerges endlessly, and there are bugs doing this kind of thing every year, but this kind of film is the most widely circulated and deeply rooted in the hearts of the bugs. If you want to leave now, it will be ruthless and unrighteous at most. If you want to leave in the future, you will really not be able to leave.

Chen Junhua doesn’t care what Zi thinks, but no worm needs to feel guilty for other worm’s choice. Since all three have agreed, there is nothing to say, so let’s do it.

Chen Junhua is the bitter master, and the compensation is also given to him. Since he agrees to halve it, it will also be halved. As for the sincerity of the apology, it does not belong to the jurisdiction of the court. , so the judgment was issued.

After Chen Junhua left the court, he couldn’t wait to pick him up. He would be tired if he ran from both ends every day. And Andu has come back. Although he said that he can’t eat his mouth now, the problem of rubbing and rubbing is still not big.

When Chen Junhua took An to the aircraft, An asked, “Master Xiong, do you know that Zi is my former subordinate?”

An shook his head, “Fortunately, I was going to use him as a successor to cultivate, but now it seems that I can’t stand it. Lord, since you don’t know that he is my subordinate, why are you showing mercy to him?”

Chen Junhua said, “I have no mercy, I watched Che Piaomang’s video, and Zi is actually very passive. He should not be involved in the calculation of our affairs. If that is the case, then give him a chance.

Moreover, Che Piaomang doesn’t know how many female insects have been bewitched. Before, there were insects in the army female who were lured to believe him. Take this opportunity to let those female insects know that this is a liar, but don’t believe him because of his words. committed suicide. ”

An said, “He hesitated before, although Zi stood up, but it should be enough for those females to find it, what should I do if I can’t find it?” Chen Junhua replied, “Does your hero look like a fairy?

It is impossible for me to save all the worms. If I can wake up after tossing and waking up, I will toss and wake up. If I can’t wake up after tossing, forget it. I have a chance to try again. “

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