The Healer Leads A Double Life (As A Shapeshifting Demoness!)

1 – Wow, who knew the beautiful goddess of reincarnation would be such a d*ckhead?



I can't...

I can't think. I can't see. There's nothing here. I'm nothing. I'm here. There's nothing here. I'm nothing. I'm here. There's noth-...

"Hmm, all scrambled together, are you? A little put out, are you?" A voice reached out to me. Her impossible levity ripped me out of that eternal darkness and stitched me back together. I was sane again. Sane enough to weep that such a beautiful, perfect creature could despise me so much. The venomous sarcasm in her voice pushed me to my knees.

I saw only the briefest snapshot of some kind of grand hall. Swirls of gold and silver, and a myriad of countless vibrant shades. Monuments to all that was light and life and good in the world, every one of them an artistic masterpiece. A woman of perfect, angelic features sat clothed in glowing white. Her throne stood high and proud above me. Silver hair curled all the way from her crown to touch the floor. The very air was thick with the sweet, sugary sense of her presence.

Then I heard an echoing crack as my skull hit the beautiful marble floor, and my knees gave way beneath me.

Joyous laughter spilled out from between those lips. Each chuckle was bright enough to do the work of ten thousand comedians and a hundred thousand psychologists.

"Ah... you're really... really quite pathetic, don't you think?"

I prostrated myself deeper, smashing my body against the floor.

"Don't you think, Charlie, that it's a little rude to swear that you will defy the gods?"

Wait, was this about my vow to make a life for myself? I didn't mean that I was going to fight a god if I had to. Fuck, I was an atheist! I didn't think they were real!

"Oh, an atheist? What is... hmm. Oh this is too good, don't you think? Somehow a mortal from another realm has made his way to my world. And... oh would you look at that? He insulted the gods... decried our very existence as mere tools for other corrupt mortals to enrich themselves."

I felt her stand up from her throne. Heard her dainty feet as they stomped towards me. Each footfall was heavier, and heavier. I pushed myself even harder against the floor. If I could've spoken I would've done nothing but sing her praises. I would've pissed my fucking pants if I had anything in my bladder. I would've phased through the fucking floor if it meant this unknown Goddess would like me.

Then she was there before me. She plucked me up with two massive fingers. Her skin was impossibly soft, yet her digits were threatening to crush my rib cage into fucking Minecraft fertiliser.

Up I went. Past her heaving chest and fertile hips. Past the furious veins that pulsed down her dainty neck. Up to face her golden eyes. Each orb was bright with indignant rage.

"I don't suppose you know this Charlie, but I am the Goddess Juneia. Everyday, I have to sit here and judge these worthless mortals. Listen to their pathetic mewls and braggadocios tales as they try and sway me. Me! A goddess! It's just so rude, don't you think? But of course, I must give them a just fate. Each reincarnation they receive must be a perfect punishment or reward for their previous life."

Her lips curled into a vicious smile, Her indignant rage melted into a sadistic glee. I could feel where this was going and began to desperately squirm in an attempt to free myself. She let out a delighted cry and lowered her other hand between her legs to pleasure herself.

"But you, dear Charlie, mmm. You're not part of the great system, are you? You don't deserve anything. I can do with you... just, what, I, like."

She squeezed me harder. I felt my ribs begin to crack and let out a silent scream.

"It's a shame I can't keep you here forever, don't you think? The others are bound to figure out I've been harboring a soul, so I will still have to reincarnate you. Still... I know just the place."

Her head tilted back slightly as she let out a cry of pleasure at the thought of the fate she would be inflicting upon me.

"Have fun, Charlie. I think you'll enjoy my gifts. They should help keep you alive a little longer! It wouldn't be any fun if your suffering ended too quickly now, would it?"

The last of my ribs gave way. My flesh followed suit. With a sigh of disgust she pulled back her hand and cast my broken body out of her palace. I soared out through the door at the end of the hall, and immediately began to scream. Only a harsh breath came out from my crushed lungs. I bounced and rolled down tiled plazas and shining carriageways. Down and down I rolled. Merciful unconsciousness only came once I reached the edge of her realm, and bounced out into an endless, all-encompassing sea of grey mist.

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