The Guardian

Extra Chapter 2: The Evil Gods

Extra Chapter 2: The Evil Gods

“Evil Gods, Dark Gods, Chaos Gods, Infernal Gods. According to Terra nova, there are many ‘planes’ or ‘worlds’ with different rules and gods ruling over them. These entities of great power have significant influence in their worlds, but limited influence in ours. This is because of the dimensional barrier, but that does not mean they cannot intervene,” Professor Santulli said with a severe expression.

“You mean the rituals?” A student asked curiously.

“Exactly. Just as the Goddess of Knowledge can interfere in this world, the evil gods are the same. And today, I will talk about those entities.”

“First, I will start with the gods that have a major intervention on earth. That would be Ketzula, the God of Abominations, Desire and Ambitions. This god can empower his believers at the expense of their minds, corrupting them in the process. Acts of terrorism by his worshippers are very frequent.”

“Larzura, the Goddess of Hedonists, Licentiousness and Freedom. A Goddess who corrupts soul, body and mind alike. Generally focusing on the latter, making her cultists and the acts of madness that are performed go unnoticed. Do not be fooled by her titles; this goddess is one of the most problematic because she mentally corrupts her believers.”

“Then there is Barmarak. The God of the Unclean, Lord of Lies and Conflict. This God works in secret, and his sect is the one that causes the greatest worries to mankind because of his occultism. Were it not for the European civil war a decade ago, his cultists could still continue hiding in the shadows and acting in the shadows.”

Professor Santulli looked at the students and stated. “That’s the names of the most well-known gods so far, but there is no doubt that other entities act quietly and secretly.”

Walking slowly to the front of the students who were paying attention to her, she continued.

“Knowing their names and titles is of utmost importance because their powers may be related to those titles, in many cases being their domains,” Professor Santulli revealed, and looking at her students, she added softly. “As I said their influence is limited. That just means that their ‘domains’ are limited, and their influence can only be through their cultists, but these gods among all the entities known to Terra nova are the least dangerous.”

Some students would put on surprised expressions.

The cults of some of these three gods were quite well known on earth, and their constant actions were always dangerous.

“The real entities that cause terror are the ones that rarely act. A clear example is the Infernal Gods. These entities have a stranglehold on people’s base desires, on the ‘deadly sins’, if you want to call it, but not only that, they have one or several worlds under their command and other subordinate gods.”

Noticing some stunned expressions, his expression turned serious.

“In the First Hell Lust, Gluttony ruler of the Second Hell, Greed the greedy ruler of the Third Hell, Sloth the peaceful death of the Fourth Hell, Pride the proud lord of the Fifth Hell, Envy the ruler of the Sixth Hell and the conqueror of worlds, Wrath of the Seventh Hell.”

Professor Santulli counted and, with a smile added. “Impressive, isn’t it? Well, under his command are the seventy-two Demon Worlds.”

“...” No one could say anything.

It was hard to talk about gods so quietly and call them rulers of worlds.

“A fantasy story, don’t you think?” Professor Santulli asked.

It was indeed a fantasy story.

In the course of humanity, there were people who did not believe in gods, and before Terra nova, the increase of ‘non-believers’ was enormous.

Even after Terra nova, after the intervention of ‘Gods’, there were some people who thought like them as ‘entities of great power’ instead of ‘gods’.

And more so when several of them fell under the hand of players in Terra nova.

Now, to talk about those entities and rulers of worlds, it certainly seemed like a fantasy story.

“Unfortunately, it’s not a fantasy story; it’s reality. Gods exist, and if you don’t want to believe in them, then you can call them ‘entities of great power, and it will still be the same,” Professor Santulli commented with a solemn expression, and observing the students, she added. “I am not telling you about these evil gods to make you believe in them, but to let you know that these entities have such power that you would not realize when you may be dancing in the palm of their hand.”

Ignoring the students, Professor Santulli stated. “You have to know how to stay away from these entities; beware of them. You cannot think that you can deceive them by believing that you can get significant benefits; for these entities, you are nothing more than toys.”

“Such is the example of the Infernal Gods. These entities create ‘spectacles’ of wars, conquests, the rise of empires and heroes, also their falls... All for the amusement of the being they serve,” Professor Santulli said, and seeing the surprise of the students, declared with a solemn expression. “The Empress of Hell, the Immortal Devil, the Primordial Goddess of Destruction, the Destroyer of Worlds, and hundreds of other titles... That existence that these beings serve.”

Standing still watching the students giving varied expressions, she nodded as she saw that they treated her words with the correct solemnity.

“This existence raised empires and heroes, but it also saw their downfalls. It conquered and destroyed worlds for fun. Its last great spectacle was with the ‘Enemy of humanity’ at its center on Terra nova, in which kingdoms fell, gods died along with millions of innocents,” revealed Professor Santulli, and with a solemn expression, she declared. “Don’t be fooled by stories of becoming powerful because you caught the attention of an entity of great power. Neither believe that power has no cost... There is always a price, and if you mess with the wrong entities, that price will not only be your life, but those of your family and friends.”

Her tone was heavy and complex.

The youth who were not in Terra nova was the most susceptible to get carried away by the stories of that fantasy world, thinking that after getting an item, weapon or simply meeting an entity of great power, they could become the ruler of the world.

A large portion of the players still thought the same thing, and it was that portion that created great destruction and got carried away by their desires and madness.

But the reality was more complicated than it seemed and more complex than that.

Professor Santulli as a former player, knew that fact, and that was why she was seriously warning about the reality of the matter.

“When we come back from vacation, we will focus more on the rituals of the evil gods in the ‘Dark Arts’ class and everything referring to that unknown part,” Professor Santulli commented in a simple tone.

Looking at the students and noticing that some of them were recording the class, Professor Santulli didn’t bother and stated. “This is the end of classes. Have a nice vacation.”

With those words, the students left happy... The vacation had begun.

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