The Guardian

Chapter 38: Why did she do it?

Chapter 38: Why did she do it?

-Moments before-

As soon as Aurora ordered her system to take care of the others, she advanced towards the place where the other two groups were in danger.

—I have activated their protection plates and have given strict orders for them to stay in their barriers.

Aurora only nodded to her system and dodged a black wolf that sought to trap her in its claws.

Using her fists from which electricity was gushing, she punched the wolf’s stomach, and when she saw it was dead, she continued on her way.

“Put your magical energy into the barrier! Now! Now!”

“Damn it! Keep protecting!”

“The barrier’s going to break! Watch out!”


Along with the screams, Aurora heard the imperceptible sound of a barrier-breaking into a thousand heavy ones.

“Marc! Don’t go alone!”

Aurora watched as Alexey yelled at Marc, but the latter only shielded himself against a powerful punch and was sent flying, hitting the wall.

“GRAAA!” an angry roar rang out as a gorilla over three meters hit his chest.

Its strength, height, and robust build, along with the horn on its head that stood out, clarified that the gorilla was a Rank A creature.

“[Water Barrier]!” shouted Alexey, creating a barrier that trembled, but those who were still conscious supported him with their magical energy, increasing his defense.

But to a giant gorilla, that barrier was child’s play.


The gorilla hit the barrier with his two fists, and while the barrier held, unfortunately, the students did not.

From the noses and mouths of Alexey and the other students bled.

There were only three students left, along with Alexey conscious to support their team.

Aurora’s expression trembled upon seeing that, and she acted.

Putting two bodies of students who were unconscious on her shoulders, she advanced.



The last blow landed, and the barrier shattered into thousands of pieces, leaving only Alexey conscious.

“Hey, I’m here!” Aurora shouted at that moment after dropping the unconscious bodies next to Marc.

Ignoring Alexey’s pale and stunned expression and the gorilla’s crazed expression, Aurora used two scrolls, one for healing on Marc, whose wounds were quite severe, and another to protect Marc and the two students she had carried.

As soon as she did that, the magical energy around Aurora became denser, and she released her desire for battle.

The monsters were aggressive and savage; they were only drawn to fight someone more savage than themselves.

Aurora gave that appearance to draw him away from Alexey and the students.

“GRRAHHH!” the gorilla growled at that challenge and charged towards Aurora.

Aurora wasn’t far behind and ran towards the gorilla.


Aurora watched as the gorilla’s fist passed close to her body, but she leapt into the air and began to walk through the air as she created platforms under her feet, outrunning the big gorilla.

Her target was the group that was unconscious and unprotected next to Alexey.

“Good job holding out,” Aurora commented with a calm smile, as if to reduce Alexey’s fear and panic.

It was a smile she had learned years ago... A smile that soothed the minds of those watching and gave confidence.

Aurora broke two scrolls at once.

A green light healed and stabilize the group while an intangible barrier was generated.

Alexey opened and closed his mouth, but his expression was pale as he looked behind her back.

“It’s okay, I can handle it,” Aurora added with remarkable calm.

Was he already exhausted, or did her words give him confidence?

Alexey fell unconscious, but Aurora felt that he was most likely already exhausted.


The gorilla hit her side and created a shockwave, pushing Aurora away from where the group was.

She had expected that attack and used it to get herself and the gorilla away from her companions.

Could she win?

That question was not on Aurora’s mind; she just reinforced her body with magical energy and ran towards the gorilla.

Her fists released so much electrical energy that she began to visibly circle her fists.

“GRRAHHH!” Roaring in anger, the gorilla charged back at the tiny human in front of him.


Aurora dodged the gorilla’s punch and jumped to hit him with her fist in the chest, but in mid-air, Aurora spun around and, with a spinning kick, hit the black blob that had lunged at her.

A black-furred, red-eyed wolf was hit and repelled, but her movement allowed the gorilla to counterattack.


As it was close, the gorilla swung a punch, but that single blow sent Aurora flying and landing on the ground.


“I’m fine,” Aurora said, interrupting her system as she stabilized her posture.

The barrier reduced the impact of that last blow, but even so, the force was still transmitted.

Aurora looked at her enemies.

Both Rank-A monsters, which were coordinating.

It was rare for two bosses to appear in a Rank B dungeon, but it was possible.

That was the reason Aurora had protected the students with the barrier.

The black wolf was hiding in the shadows, and the gorilla was pounding the ground, proud of his strike.

“GRRAHHH!” Roaring madly, the gorilla ran wildly again, and Aurora did the same.


She dodged the gorilla’s mighty fist, but instead of jumping, she continued to his leg and then landed a mighty blow.


The roar of pain spread, but Aurora rolled to the side, dodging the wolf’s claws that cut through the barrier of her combat suit.

As the barrier was recovering, and she was regaining her stance, the gorilla had already turned, and its two fists descended.



Aurora spat blood as she shielded herself from the gorilla’s mighty blow.

This time she had withstood it with her own body, a body whose resistance had surpassed that of a B-Rank fighter.

Before she could retreat, she again had to dodge the wolf's claws, and after succeeding, she was kicked by the gorilla with enough force to send her flying.

Rolling on the ground as if she were a ball, such movement helped to reduce the impact.

Her barrier protected her again, but the pain remained.

Still, Aurora got back up.

Why did she do it?

That question came to her mind, and Aurora charged back at the gorilla, who was angrier than ever.


Dodging the gorilla’s blow, Aurora charged at the black shadow who thought he was well hidden and, without hesitation, punched the wolf’s face.


Her blow had just enough to let out a sound, but more lethal were her powerful lightning bolts that burned a part of the wolf’s face as it was sent flying.

Aurora barely stabilized her stance; she turned to meet the gorilla’s fist with a punch of her own.


She was sent flying and rolling on the ground because of her opponent’s strength, but after spitting out some blood and taking a healing potion to soothe the pain in her arm, she got back up.

Why did she do that?

The question echoed in her mind again.

Aurora could draw her sword and end this quickly.

She was a swordsman, that was always her weapon, and she was skilled... Very skilled.

But she didn’t.


With an overflowing rage at seeing his enemy get back up, the gorilla attacked madly, using brute force.




Blow after blow, Aurora dodged as dust and rocks were kicked up by the gorilla’s punches on the ground.

The constant blows reduced the gorilla’s energy, and so it slowed to attack, but Aurora didn’t counterattack, and following her instinct, she dodged the wolf’s claws that attacked in the middle of the dust cloud.

Those claws pierced her barrier and spread a small cut on her skin, but Aurora just jumped at the gorilla, dodging its gigantic hands and when it climbed on her shoulder, she grabbing the gorilla’s horn, started her combo.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Seven blows one after another in the gorilla’s eye.

His skin was tough, and Aurora’s attack power was much lower, but thanks to her electric fists, the gorilla’s eye was bleeding as it burned a portion of his face.


As the gorilla roared in fury, Aurora wanted to jump to run away, but a large hand caught her leg, and she was sent flying, hitting the wall.


“Ukhh...” Holding back her moan of pain, Aurora wiped her lips stained with her own blood.

She was expressionless despite the pain, but that didn’t mean she was immune.

She had a powerful body and was faster than her enemies, but only that.

Her attack strength was low, and she couldn’t take them both down.

However, Aurora got up.

Why did she do it?

Why did she get up again?

Why didn’t she use her sword?

Aurora knew the answer.

As a child, she wanted to be a heroine and trained for it.

She picked up a sword and fought.

She faced monsters, creatures, magical beasts, and always got up to keep fighting.

But while she was fighting to save people, humanity was fighting each other...

Corrupt politicians, skill users who oppressed people and thought themselves superior, psychopathic players, and adventurers.

‘Reality’ had hit her.

She tried to ignore it, but when nothing changed, she tried to fix it... And her sword was stained with blood for her goal.

Unfortunately, nothing changed, and everything remained the same.

Someone took the place of the one she killed, and the world remained as chaotic as ever.

Even at that moment... When her hands trembled at the touch of her sword, when she had dreams that told her that everything she did was useless, she rose.

She went to a continent the world had forgotten and used her fists as weapons.

“GRRAHHH!” the gorilla roared and advanced towards Aurora.

With furious, untechnical punches, Aurora dodged them repeatedly until it left an opening that the wolf used to attack.

Aurora only turned around and caught the wolf’s jaws with her hands.

“GRRRR!” With a roar from the gorilla, Aurora watched out of the corner of her eye as the gorilla’s fist approached.

Her magical energy strengthened her body to the point that beneath her feet, the ground was cracking, and before the gorilla could hit her, Aurora lifted the wolf’s body and used it as a shield.


The gorilla’s punch hit the wolf, but she too suffered the remaining force and rolled back onto the ground.

Aurora spat the dirt into her mouth and got back up.

There was a reason she got up.

She got up when she couldn’t grip her sword years ago.

She got up when she saw unprotected people in the middle of a continent inhabited by monsters.

She used her fists as weapons and helped.


Magical energy began to condense, and in Aurora’s fists, an intangible aura took shape.

Her reason for fighting?

Her reason for facing her enemies was simply to help.

It started as a childish dream to want to be a heroine, but it morphed into a way of life.

Fame? Money? Power? Satisfaction?

Aurora wanted none of that and felt no thrill in helping.

It was so natural to her that she didn’t realize it when she started.

“That’s my reason...” Aurora muttered, getting into a battle stance.

Her combat aura manifested, covering her fists, and her aura changed completely.

Aurora understood what her master had told her.

She could feel how her combat aura covered her fists and spread through her body, increasing her strength and agility significantly.

Aurora was not surprised; she felt no delight or any satisfaction.

She only looked at her enemies, who sensed her change and watched her warily.

Sensing the other party’s wariness, Aurora smiled and immediately moved forward.

With a speed that surpassed her previous state, her feet created cracks with every step.


The gorilla growled in acceptance of the challenge and advanced towards Aurora.


Their fists collided, but this time, Aurora wasn’t the one who retreated.

She had been at B-Rank as a fighter for several years.

Her combat aura began to spread throughout her body, and not caring about the gorilla’s disbelieving gaze, Aurora turned around at the oncoming attacker.

“GUHhh...” the wolf shrieked as Aurora’s kick hit exactly in its jaw, managing to break one of its fangs.

She had had great agility before she was a B-Rank, and her experience was such that she could take on an A-Rank, all by herself.

But now it was different...

“Come on!” Aurora shouted and leapt towards the gorilla’s chest, leaving a crater behind.

Her strength was such that the gorilla fell on his butt when Aurora hit his chest, but she didn’t care.

Without giving him time to react and using her speed that had surpassed that of the gorilla and the wolf combined, she performed a combo on the gorilla’s chest.



Her punches were strong but fast, and this time, it wasn’t electrical energy that she generated; but instead, she used lightning charms.

The lightning spread throughout the gorilla’s body, and even though it had natural resistance to the elements, it still suffered magic damage from the lightning.

Before the gorilla could do anything, the wolf silently charged Aurora, and she rolled across the gorilla’s chest, kicking the black giant’s rib and backpedaling with a full spin in the air.

With her increased speed, her body could perform movements that she had previously found difficult.


Aurora was not satisfied.

She just waited for the wolf attacking her with its jaws open, wanting to devour her, but that was the move she expected.

Using her hands to catch the wolf’s jaw, she used her magic energy that was overflowing to supercharge her lightning charms on her gauntlet.

“GGaa...” The wolf shrieked as lightning extended from Aurora’s hands, covering not only her body but the wolf’s.

That lightning and electrical energy didn’t harm her in medium amounts, but with an overload, her barrier activated to protect her from the extra damage she could take.

Without waiting for the wolf to flee, Aurora slammed it to the ground and then kicked it in the stomach, throwing it against the gorilla that had gotten up.

Now her whole body was reinforced with her combat aura, and both her strength and stamina had increased, making all her movements performed with surprising naturalness.

The already enraged gorilla just punched the wolf away to the side and charged towards Aurora.

“GRAAAA!!!” Growling with a rage, which was overflowing, the gorilla used all his strength in his punch.

Aurora didn’t hit back just positioned herself in the most practical way possible and took the punch.


Her power was so strong that it created a crater in Aurora’s feet as the force was transmitted to the ground, but that was her goal.

She just made use of the best possible position to adjust and make the force of the blow not so lethal to her.

Then, Aurora grabbed the arm of the gorilla that was trying to crush her, and when her opponent least expected it, she just stepped aside and let the gorilla pass with all its strength.

The gorilla fell to the ground rather foolishly; the principal reason was caused by the paralysis in his muscles that did not allow him to move fluidly.

Aurora, without wasting a minute, jumped and hit the gorilla’s head, burying it in the ground with her feet; then, without hesitation, she ripped the horn with all her strength, and when the gorilla grunted in pain, she just stuck it in its head, making the movement cease completely.

With a heavy breath, Aurora fell onto the gorilla’s back and, with a smile, asked. “Did you have fun watching?”

Alice, who had been there since she manifested her combat aura, nodded honestly.

Although she wanted to interrupt as she realized bruises on Aurora’s face and the slashing wounds on her body, Alice resisted it, as her friend had everything under control.

“Are we done with this?” Aurora asked after drinking a reinvigorating potion and a healing potion.

Her gaze turned to the demon that had caused the creatures in the dungeon to go berserk.

That demon had arrived at the same time as Alice, and though he wished to attack her, he could do nothing as he saw that Alice’s shadow had descended at her feet and was covering the floor and ceiling.

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