The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 47: Willow Schnee

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Meet Willow Schnee~


“Welcome, all of you, to Schnee Manor. I am Klein Sieben, the Head Butler here at the Schnee Estate. You lot are here because you passed the SDC’s rigorous background checks and have been gainfully employed by the Master of the House, Jacques Schnee. Do not doubt that you all belong here, every last one of you.”
Hidden up on the second floor balcony by a pillar, Willow Schnee leans against the railing, sipping from her wine glass as she spies on the proceedings down below. In something of a drunken stupor, the Schnee Matriarch does what all expert drunks do to keep from being called out for their drunkenness. She effects an air of disinterest and all around casual contempt for her surroundings, humming softly to herself as her eyes roam the newest hires for their serving staff.
Klein isn’t wrong, of course. The jovial head butler had been with the Schnee Family for quite a number of years at this point. But the rest of the staff… well, they came and went. Jacques had very exacting standards and was also prone to fits of paranoia at times. Or just anger. If things weren’t going well, if the SDC lost money, or even if his meal simply wasn’t cooked properly, Jacques was known to toss their servants out on their staff at the drop of a hat.
The man loved his power plays. He adored being able to take his anger out on anyone and everyone around him. And with the family reduced to just her and Whitley, he had fewer of his family members to yell at and berate these days, resulting in even higher staff turnover.
That said, Jacques wasn’t foolish enough to allow anyone into his home for him to abuse without giving them a substantial background check ahead of time. It was part of why Schnee Manor had so many Faunus Servants. One might think that given the SDC’s trouble with the White Fang, there would be absolutely no Faunus allowed anywhere near a member of the Schnee Family. They’d lost family members to White Fang attacks, after all.
But if a faunus managed to pass the SDC’s rigorous background checks, as Klein had pointed out, then they weren’t White Fang. It was as simple as that. Jacques ran a tight ship… if nothing else.
Though admittedly, it’s not the faunus among the new serving staff that draws Willow’s eye. As she leans there on the upper floor railing, mostly covered by the pillar next to her, her eyes inevitably fall upon one of the new young men. He’s human, she notes… and built out quite spectacularly as well. An impressive male specimen if Willow has ever seen one.
Blond and blue eyed, he’s listening to the Head Butler’s meandering speech at first… until eventually, he isn’t. Suddenly, Willow startles as those crystal clear blue eyes settle on HER of all people. Somehow, he’s caught sight of her. She’s barely visible, what with the lighting on the second floor and the pillar that she’s mostly hidden behind. And yet, the young man meets Willow’s eyes and holds her gaze all the same, refusing to look away.
In those eyes of his… Willow sees something that makes her shiver. Taking a fortifying sip of her wine, she prepares to move away, fully out of view… but then she hesitates. Her gaze trails down the blond’s form again. He cuts a VERY impressive figure in the servant’s uniform he’s wearing. The tip of her tongue traces out and licks at her lips for a moment as Willow finds herself lingering far longer than is appropriate on his… crotch.
“Young man… young man, are you listening? Just what are you-? Oh! Lady Schnee!”
Willow startles, torn out of her moment of reverie by Klein’s voice. The butler had noticed one of his new hires was very much ignoring his speech and started to get upset. Then, he’d followed the blue-eyed young man’s gaze up to her hiding place… which now that everyone was looking at her, didn’t feel so hidden anymore.
She knows she’s drunk. She knows that Klein knows she’s drunk too. He pales a little bit as she leans into full view, all but draping herself over the railing.
“Err… ahem! All of you, bow to the Lady at once! This right here is Willow Schnee, wife to your employer, Jacques Schnee. You will all show her the utmost respect at all times!”
As Klein bows and the other servants follow suit… the blue-eyed boy doesn’t. He stays standing and staring up at her, the corner of his mouth quirked up into a knowing smile.
Meanwhile, Willow finds herself rolling Klein’s words over in her head. ‘Wife to your employer’. Not ‘one of your employers’. No, she was merely Jacques Schnee’s wife. Never mind that SHE was the original Schnee. Never mind that Jacques had married into HER family’s company and taken over. Never mind… all of that. She was just ‘the wife to their employer’.
Something hot and angry blazes to life in the Schnee Matriarch’s chest. She’s not used to feeling such emotion, but in this moment she’s pissed off. And because she’s pissed off… she acts rather… impulsively.
Lifting up a limp hand, Willow curls back her fingers with great focus and points at the blond boy with his crystal clear blue eyes and his incredibly chiseled physique. In response, he just cocks an eyebrow at her. Of course, Klein finally notices he’s not bowing and begins to bluster and growl. Truth be told, the man had a really good heart. One of the better men Willow had ever met. Certainly the best man in her life at this point, and that was saying something.
But at the moment, she didn’t care about all of that.
“Young man, you will-!”
“I want you.”
Willow’s words cut through Klein’s bluster like a freshly sharpened scalpel. Silence falls in the foyer as Willow makes her desire clear. The Schnee Butler turns to look up at her again, his bushy mustache wiggling back and forth as he tries to find the words to say and can’t quite manage it. Willow, meanwhile, is dead set on getting her way in this.
“I am in need of a personal servant, Klein, as you well know. He will do.”
Indeed, the latest round of fires that Jacques had initiated had caught Willow’s personal maid of the past five years up in them. At first, Willow had been enraged and indignant. She’d even thought to maybe go to bat for the poor girl. But when she’d tried, Jacques had shut her down. And afterwards, looking into it further… the girl hadn’t even done anything wrong. She was just friends with one of the other servants who were accused of stealing company secrets and presumed guilty by association.
It was then that Willow had felt her latest attempt at caring about anything shrivel up and die on the vine. Realizing that Jacques had dismissed her personal maid most likely just to hurt her and make her all the lonelier, rather than for any real reason… well, it was what had led Willow to where she was right now, leaning over the second floor railing, drinking her fifth glass of wine for the day so far.
And yes, it wasn’t even past midday yet. So what?
“Lady Schnee, I… surely…”
Willow just shakes her head, cutting him off.
“No. Him.”
She doesn’t dare speak any more than that. She’s very aware of how drunk she is. It’s a wonder that she managed to get that one sentence out earlier without making a mess of it. Coherency is not her strong suit when she’s wine drunk. But she’s at least able to make her desires known.
In the end, Klein’s shoulders slump and he bows his head in agreement. Willow gets her way, and the young blond man, who hasn’t looked away from her once this entire time, ascends the stairs to where she’s waiting for him, while Klein leads the rest of the servants into another part of the estate.
Once he’s stood in front of her, Willow pushes off the railing and turns to face him, soaking in his appearance even further. She licks her lips more brazenly now, drinking deep of his physicality. This right here is a real man. The sort of man who could bend her over and fucking WRECK her.
He’s perfect. Of course, when he opens his mouth to speak, she’s quickly there with a finger against his lips.
“Hush. I don’t want to hear it. Follow me.”
For the first time, his brow furrows in consternation a little bit. Willow doesn’t care. He can talk all he wants once he’s blowing her back out. She won’t be in a position to stop him then, not if he’s fucking her properly. Until that time? He needs to keep his trap shut.
Turning, the drunken Schnee Matriarch leads her newest servant back to her rooms. Her personal quarters are on the opposite side of the manor from Jacques’ bedrooms of course. They haven’t slept together in the same bed for longer than Whitley has been alive at this point.
And if Willow has HER way, they never will again…
Jaune has to admit, this is turning out to be easier than he thought it would be. Getting into the Schnee Manor in the first place had been somewhat tasking, but Salem had people on the inside who could forge all of the proper documentation to pass even the SDC’s background checks. With Winter helping out to give them any helpful little tips for how to bypass the SDC’s security, it was simple enough in the end, if a bit time consuming.
Two weeks. That’s how long it had been since Winter and Weiss had come into Jaune’s care. He assumed that was why Willow was drinking so heavily. Sure, the Schnee daughters had told him their mother was a bit of a drunken lout… but she had to know by now that her girls were presumed dead. She must be a wreck.
Getting her to single him out had at least been relatively easy. And now she was leading him somewhere private where they could talk all on her own. Honestly, it was perfect.
As they step into what must be Willow’s personal bedrooms, the Schnee Matriarch holds the door open for him and then closes it behind him. At which point, Jaune turns to face her, fully planning on telling her exactly what’s going on here. He just has to-
His eyes, currently blue thanks to Salem’s magic, go wide as Willow suddenly kisses him. The drunken older woman has set her wine glass down and thrown her arms around his neck in one surprisingly smooth motion, standing up on her tip toes and laying a big, wet, sloppy, drunken kiss on his lips. Jaune’s hands automatically go to her hips in order to support her, even as he sets himself in place to keep from being bowled over by her enthusiasm.
He’s still Grimm under Salem’s spell though of course, so there wasn’t really any chance that Willow would actually manage to move him. Indeed, she even mentions it as she moans against his lips and pulls back for a moment.
“Mm, solid~ I like that in a man…”
Blinking rapidly, Jaune frowns and pulls back as Willow goes in for another kiss. He lets go of her and steps away, shaking his head.
“You’re drunk, Mrs. Schnee. You’re not thinking straight.”
Willow blinks at that… and then scowls.
“First rule. Don’t call me that. I don’t want to be reminded that I’m married.”
Jaune peers at her. Seriously? She was making rules? He finds himself being side tracked as he shakes his head in bewilderment.
“Oh? And what am I supposed to call you then?”
Still advancing on him, the drunken MILF forces him to continue stepping back, until his legs hit the edge of the bed. Her face red from the wine, her eyes blazing with lust, Willow grins wickedly.
“Whatever you want. Slag. Whore. Slut. Fucking bitch, if it makes you happy. Just not ‘Mrs.’”
“You- no… this is ridiculous. I’m not going to fuck you, Willow. I’m not here for that.”
The Schnee Matriarch doesn’t even pause. Finishing closing the distance between them, she runs her hands down his chest, scoffing at him pointedly.
“You’re not? Because you were, mm, certainly fucking me with your eyes back in the foyer. You can’t give a woman a look like that and expect not to get ridden raw young man~”
… Seriously?! At least she’s not trying to kiss him again. Instead, she seems quite enamored with his buttons… which of course she’s now undoing. Sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, Willow begins to unbutton his uniform, stripping him down. For a moment, Jaune is so caught off guard that he actually lets her. Then, halfway through the buttons on his jacket, he remembers why the fuck he’s really here.
Reaching up, he grabs Willow by her wrists, stopping her dead in her tracks by yanking her hands away from his chest. He growls at her… something that makes her shudder and quiver in delight, rather than afraid.
“Oooh. Finally taking charge, big boy? Go on. Throw me down. Fuck me. It might be your only chance to cuck the great Jacques Schnee. Don’t you dare fucking hold back.”
Willow Schnee… is a ruined woman. Jaune had gotten the gist of her mental state from her daughters, but only now is he realizing just how bad it really is. Winter and Weiss had their own opinions of their mother, colored through the lens of their own experiences and biases. But now, looking at Willow with his own two eyes, Jaune can’t help but pity her. This poor woman…
Still, he needs her cooperation for what’s to come.
“I already said I’m not here to fuck you, Willow Schnee. I’m here to talk to you about your daughters.”
Willow freezes up at that. The Schnee Matriarch tenses in his grasp, for the first time trying to tug out of his hold and pull away. When that fails however, she quickly gives up and just goes limp in his hands as she pouts at him mightily.
“What… what about them? What? Am I not good enough for you? You want to take the younger models for a ride? Well you’re shit out of luck, boy. They left and they’re never coming back. Don’t… don’t care about them. They abandoned me. Don’t want anything to do with me.”
… She didn’t even know Winter and Weiss were missing and presumed dead, did she? Jaune stares at Willow Schnee in abject shock, suddenly not entirely sure what to do next.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Give Willow what she wants, maybe a direct infusion of aura on top of fucking her will sober her up - 34%
[X] Try to get the drunken Willow to understand what the fuck is going on instead of giving in to her demands - 66%

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