The Greatest Architect

Chapter 37

37 p.m. True Repentance (2)


A colorless gas was spilling from the ceiling.

At the same time, the sweet scent tickled the tip of my nose.

I tapped into my inner navel.

Aromatically known to silence elephants in one blow.

If you sleep like that, you’ll never wake up.

It was an attack of sleeping gas containing asonian extract.


The confined space is filled with Assonian aromatic gas.

If an ordinary man were here, he would have collapsed immediately.

It was a great crisis that one sleep would lead to eternal rest.

But here we are.

The two trapped inside the confined steel walls were slightly different.

‘Well, it’s the same as the novel. ’

Lloyd glances around, his eyes wide open.

Meanwhile, his nose and mouth held the deadly aroma of Assonia.

However, his face or eyes did not give a hint of drowsiness.

“Are you all right?”


His lips are answering to Xaviel.

His lips were bitten with a single white leaf.

It was the leaves of Insonia, the only Awakening Herb that neutralized the sleeping effects of Assonia.

‘Pre-prepared. ’

Steel walls and deadly sleeping gas.

It was also written in the article on Novel Blood.

So I was able to prepare in advance.

Every time I saw the Insonian flower for a few days, I left Orc territory and took a leaf.

I collected them and put them in my pocket.

I’ve been biting on my mouth for a while now.

Thanks to this, no matter how much I inhaled the Assonian aroma, I couldn’t doze off.

Of course, it wasn’t very flawless.

‘This is very spicy. How can a spicy can wake you up so hot? ’

It seemed like it.

Insonia was really spicy.

It wasn’t just spicy.

My lips looked like they were burning. No, it felt like it was just being erased.

‘I’m glad I’m Korean. ’

Luckily, he was Korean.

What are Koreans like?

Maybe it’s a poisonous people who dip their dicks into their hot peppers.

Lloyd was the same.

It was hot when it rained, so I ate the chicken.

He said it’s good to sweat when the weather is clear and hot, and filled the soy sauce with vinegar.

It was similar even after the family collapsed and started living in a poor high school.

Even though I ate triangle foods while eating, I chose the spiciest flavor.

Specialized anti-magic powers for capsaicin, raised naturally all my life, have now helped me a lot.

In other words, he was able to keep biting the leaves with the pain of the hot spit.

“Are you okay with that? ”

Lloyd asked as he endured the burning of his lips.

Xaviel rarely yawns slightly.

“Yes. But, um, I’m a little sleepy. ”

“Sleepy? How long? ”

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had puberty. ”



That’s exactly what it was.

I was a little sleepy.

However, he was severely insomniac.

As every sleeper patient regrets, a dream of sleep (?), he tried everything.

Counting sheep basics.

Sleep eye patch is also basic.

I also took a foot bath in the bath.

I also burned scented candles that are good for sleep.

I meditated for peace of mind.

Yoga, which is popular in faraway countries, also struggled.

I even smelled this Aromatic Assonian aroma, which I can’t do.

Nevertheless, I could hardly sleep, so how many nights have I had to spend bursting with a whitewashed, bloodstained stick?

He wasn’t the type to be easily attacked by this drowsiness.

Thanks to you, there was a sad tragedy.

‘Phew…… You’re not sleepy compared to the lullaby Lloyd calls you. ’

Now do I really become a sleepless body without lullaby service?

I felt anxious that I might not be able to escape him forever. On the other hand, a deep, dark magnetism like espresso burst through the air.

I sighed deeply.

As such, Xaviel draws his sword, casting a harsh denial of reality.

It was a good thing they were both safe from the sleeping gas, but we couldn’t stay trapped here forever.

“Steel wall, shall we break through? ”


Lloyd shakes his head at his question.

“You’re not just going to cut and stab, are you? You’re gonna shoot, right? If I do that in a cage like this, I’ll burst into a fresh eardrum. ”

“ ……. ”

Xaviel smiles at you with his sword.

Instead, Lloyd holds a shovel of steel.

“Let’s just dig down. I’ll make oysters. Come with me. ”

“I understand.”

Lloyd starts shoveling.

On the other hand, I did not forget to activate the exclusive option of the Aslahan Deep Jurisdiction skill.



[Aslahan Deep Jurisdiction Option, Energizer is triggered.]

[The efficiency of double circles is extremely high.]

[Never tire for 10 minutes.]


Puck! Puck! Bam!

The steel shovel dances dazzling.

Every time I hit the ground, a bucket of soil spreads out.

Suddenly, a hole appeared on the floor.

At first, knee deep.

Next time, down to the waist.

Deeper than the height later.

Lloyd, who had dug a hole that vertical, immediately changed the direction of shoveling.

This is how we open the dungeon! ’

The Energizer option had 10 minutes.

It was enough time to dig a tunnel through the steel wall.

Lloyd advances with a dazzling and fierce shovel.

Meanwhile, Xaviel follows behind quietly.

I looked at Lloyd’s shoveling back and thought,

‘You look like a mongrel. ’

You have to remember it and use it next time.

If Lloyd makes fun of himself one more time, we should counterattack him with this.

So I put my determination in the memo and looked around.

In case the Black Wizard attacks from above the dungeon.

A few more minutes passed in that state.


You hear Lloyd’s call.

“Come forward. Then stab upward at the edge of the blade and shoot. Okay?”

“Are eardrums going to be okay? ”

“Yeah. I’m not hitting steel. ”

“I understand.”

Xaviel nods.

Now that you’ve dug a hole in the ground and passed through the steel wall, it’s time to go up.

Of course, he could not climb up the ladder quietly.

That would make a good target for the Black Wizard.

“Step back.”

Right after I saw Lloyd retreating to a safe distance.

Xaviel raises his sword.

I pulled it.

I stabbed him.


At the same time, the three circles that encircled his heart revolved at high speed.

The angle of the rotating circles was twisted.

Two circles collided rapidly.

There was a fierce collision.


The shock wave spread through the heart.

I rushed down the vein.

It was further amplified while reaching the end of the muscle.

I climbed on his elbow, wrist, and finger and fell into the sword.

I stretched as far as I could along the path of the sword.

It exploded.


From the cave upward in an oblique direction.

A 10-meter range evaporated from Mana’s explosion.

Along that range, an elongated tunnel is created.

“Let’s go! In a heartbeat! ”

Lloyd, who was blocking his ears, cries out.

The two quickly exit the tunnel.

You sprint out like two predators escaping the zoo.

The Black Wizard’s eyes widen into a flashlight.

“Huh? Wh-what! ”

It was a defensive posture of a dungeon that I believed to be secure.

But it’s so easily disabled.

I looked at it, but I couldn’t believe it.

‘Nonsense. That silver-haired guy ran away because he couldn’t get through the entrance a few days ago. ’

In fact, the Black Wizard has been keeping an eye on things around the dungeon for the past few days.

It was because of Xaviel, a silver-haired knight who tried to enter the dungeon a few days ago.

He’s been trying to break in for a long time.

You step back from the magic camp near the entrance, but it doesn’t feel comfortable.

It was because they didn’t die even after being bewitched.

That’s why I thought of the Black Wizard.

I think he’ll be back soon.

‘That expectation did not go wrong. ’

Of course, being a black wizard, I wasn’t just sucking my fingers in between.

After the Silver Hair Knight retreated, the dungeon’s defensive posture was reinforced for several days.

You have doubled the number of enchantments.

Then I was somewhat relieved.

I thought this dungeon would be safer.

Earlier, I suddenly noticed a silver-haired man and a trembling creature who had never seen the deepest parts of the dungeon.

Even without touching a single magic wand from the entrance!


I was really surprised.

I didn’t know they were coming this far because they didn’t touch the magic faction.

The bewildered Black Wizard has set a final defensive trap.

It’s a trap that blocks, imprisons and silences intruders with deadly gases.

‘But… I can’t believe you got through that! ’

Two intruders soaring above the dungeon now.

It was not a normal bet.

If you are careless, you will get hurt.

The Black Wizard immediately put his hands together.


The hands gathered in front of my chest had a special shape.

A Demibeast made of bent, outstretched fingers.

According to the Demibeast, Mana flows.

Flowing Mana was rearranged with specific laws.

A 10-centimeter-sized black magic circle was created in front of the Black Wizard’s gathered hands.

He reaches out his hand forward.



The sorcery has been trembling.

Magic spills a mysterious liquid like vomit from the stomach.


The murky mucus extends straight out.

They attacked Xaviel as he was.

At that moment, Xaviel’s sword split the space.


Bottom to top.

The blade flutters vertically.

A whirlwind rushes along the path of the thrilling sword.

The liquid that was attacking him splits vertically in the whitewind. It was divided into two trunks. I was pushed by the pressure, but flew both ways.


A boulder covered in liquid melts away as it boils.

In the meantime, Xaviel has already been charged.


“ ……! ”

The Black Wizard’s eyes are startled.

The magic you cast was the release of a highly acidic poison.

Of course, it was an unstoppable attack.

Especially with a sword or shield.

No, I believed I should.

‘But you broke it? Just the wind pressure created by swinging the sword? ’

I can’t believe it.


That Silver Hair Knight is clearly a madman.

Are you telling me you’re a sorcerer? ’

I thought maybe it was.

That was a different level than the Sword Experts he knew.

But that didn’t mean I was just going to get away with it.

Poison in the Black Wizard’s eyes.


You kneel on one knee with a blasphemous battle.

I turned my arms wide open and downward.

Your palms are on the ground on either side.

The cracked fingers dig through the ground.


The order of Mana changed again, depending on the degree of bending of each finger and the depth of digging in the soil.

The changed Mana arrangement engraved a new magic circle on the ground.

Glug glug!

The Black Magic Cube shudders.

I started pounding on the ground.

At that moment.

Bang, bang!

A gray palm protrudes from the ground.

You grabbed Xaviel’s ankle, which was rushing towards the Black Wizard.

“ ……! ”

It wasn’t just that.

While Xaviel staggered for a while.

Dozens of fingers pierced the ground and rushed out like a hunchback.

At first, it was a handful.

Wrist down.

Soon my forearms and shoulders.

In the end, a half-rotten face rises.

“Cough! Cough! Grunt!”

A bloody appetizer to devour the flesh of a living human.

It was a ghost.


Around Xaviel, the ghoul rises at a staggering pace.

That number reached 50 points.

Xaviel stops charging for a moment and is surrounded in an instant.

The Black Wizard smiles in repentance.

“Hahahaha! This isn’t just a ghoul!” It’s not like a normal, slow-moving ghoul without intelligence! These are literally pieces of work that I’ve made with hundreds of reagents and enhanced magic, day and night. Skin as hard as granite! Move like the wind! Even the thoracic epidemic, which absolutely obeys my orders and slaughters creatures! Not only is each one comparable to Desknight, but a weapon that can be dealt with by dozens of fancy Sword Experts……. ’


It was before the Black Wizard’s laugh broke out.

A cool flash flashes around Xaviel for a moment.

Then came the fountain of ice winds.

All 50 reinforced grills rushing towards him stopped.

And they all made the same sound together.


That was the end.


All 50 ghouls were cut off.

My head fell to the ground.

Behind your arms and legs.

Waist and torso.

I was cut in turn.

The chunks of meat, once called reinforced ghouls, crumble like broken Lego pieces.


The cold silence flowed.

Xaviel turns his head in silence.

His frostbite gazes at the Black Wizard.

“I have more friends to call. ”

“ ……. ”

At that moment, the Black Wizard saved.

Oh, I’m dead today.

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