The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Queen of Yunxian

Actually, although the second generation of Xiu has a small number of people, but the strength is not a little bit stronger than the opponent, the real conflict is entirely the rhythm of beating the opponent.

When the two parties were about to start their hands, people from the Zhulian Gang and Beikezhai suddenly appeared. Somehow they dissuaded the group battle. Both sides scolded them, but they gave the local snake face, and there was no real fighting.

After lunch, everyone at Vientiane Gate returned to their residences to continue practicing, preparing and waiting for the peak operation the next day, during which they regrouped.

This time, it is Mu Weihuan who led Hualanting, Lin Xianjing, Yi Liunian, and Zhuge Yun to build a talented person. They are more familiar with each other and cooperate with each other; the three of the merchants are in a group, and the Shang Jinshu and the 30-year-old Shang Jinshu Nangong Bupin has the cultivation base of the early stage of Dan formation, and his strength is not weak; Yijun and four female disciples are in a group, and the master of the formation, Xin Qiaoxian, secretly protects, and Elder Zhou Ji takes the puppet Tenglin to travel to support it.

Another morning, everyone at Vientiane Gate came to the teahouse intersection of Shangfeng. The place was already overcrowded, with noisy voices, and occasional noise. Lin Xianjing casually asked a monk to inquire about it. It turned out that the Zhulian Gang and Bi Ke Zhai jointly set up card charges here.

The rules are simple. Those who are cultivators below the alchemy stage will go up to the peak, and each person will receive one thousand lower-grade spirit stones and come with a mountaineering secret book. It’s free and can bring people at will.

This rule made it clear that bullying the soft and fearing the hard, it is natural that there are masters leading the team, and there are always people in the solitary or team at the formation stage and below who are unconvinced and unwilling to hand in this extra spirit stone, so several fights have occurred.

The two gangs had been prepared for a long time, and each had a big man in the town. Although they were all characters who had been forcibly promoted to the early stage of self-refining with the power of pill, they barely suppressed the scene with force. After a while, the order on the peak gradually became more orderly.

There are masters in all teams at the Vientiane Gate, and the rich and powerful do not care about this little money. What Mu Huan was curious about was how the two gangs distinguished the cultivation base of everyone. You must know that each school has different levels of hidden cultivation methods, and masters can control the cultivation base at different levels by converging aura. On the contrary, there are also various secret methods that exaggerate the cultivation base, which can increase the external appearance of one’s cultivation base by exuding spiritual power.

The true power is able to see through the disguise for people whose realm is lower than oneself, and roughly judge the true cultivation level, but according to the level of the secret technique, the average person is often confused and misjudged.

observed for a while, and finally let Mu Weizheng discover a secret.

He found that two great men in the Refining Realm would first judge for themselves. If they were not sure, they would secretly raise their eyes and look at a corner on the second floor of the tea house diagonally opposite. In the corner squatted a big leopard with spots, and a man in black was hidden behind the bamboo curtain, unable to see the whole picture.

Every time when the two of them peeked at them, the piebald leopard would open their mouths and roar silently. After that, the two of them would make their judgments very accurate, and from this, they saw through the methods of the two cultivators.

It is true that there are no wonders in the world. It seems that this spirit beast has the talent and magical ability to recognize the cultivation base of the cultivator. The two families of Zhulian and Bi Ke still have some background.

After remembering the figure of the man in black, Mu Weizhen took a few people to the crossing.

After passing the pass, the people of Shangfeng walked along the back of the crucian carp in groups or in groups, and walked towards the main peak.

On the way, they looked at the mountaineering secret record they presented. The content was vague, but they were finally kind, and provided some information that was difficult for outsiders to know. It was better than the innkeeper said when he first entered the mountain. A lot more detailed.

According to the secret record, it should be true that the spiritual veins are opened every 100 years and the holders of the tokens can obtain spiritual resources. However, due to the long time, the specific circumstances have been obliterated and difficult to investigate. The information includes:

One is the main peak called Yunxianfeng, which was the gate of the Yunxianzong at the time. Although the sect is scattered, it is suspected that the mountain protection formation has not been damaged, is still in operation and has a high level.

Second, the Great Array and Spirit Vessels will be opened on the day of the Winter Solstice every 100 years, from noon on the winter solstice to noon the next day. After the time limit has passed, those who are on the peak will be rejected, and those who forcibly stay are said to be able to come out again.

The third is why no one knows the tokens they hold. They only know that there are four entrances to the big formation. The locations are unknown. They may be opened randomly. The time is very short, but there will be strong fluctuations in the spiritual power of the cold attribute.

When the entrance opens, there will be a lot of snowy night fan palm flowers that are rarely seen outside the peak. In fact, treasure hunters do not expect to obtain spiritual veins, but are competing for this flower.

Finally, I remind everyone that the fog on Yunxian Peak will hinder the sight and spiritual sense detection, and there is a miasma, and the thunderstorm and lightning are strong after nightfall, and the spiritual energy is disordered. It has obvious suppressing effect on the cultivation base and the use of spiritual power.

Regardless of true or false, information is better than nothing. This trip to Vientiane Gate did not have a clear purpose, it was just for experience, so the three people decided to go to the north, southeast and southeast respectively after going up to the peak.

After passing the narrow and thrilling carp back, he came to the foot of Yunxian Peak.

When I got here, as stated in the secret record, it was difficult and far to see things in the mist, and the distance of the spiritual sense was also affected. The mountains were covered with heavy snow, and the temperature suddenly dropped a lot. No obvious mountain roads and towering peaks were visible. Also obscured by clouds.

The main peak does not occupy a very large area, but the two or three hundred people were thrown out, and they quickly disappeared in all directions.

The five people from the construction department headed south according to the appointment. After not getting far, Hua Lanting suddenly said to Mu Weihuo: “Mur, I feel a strange feeling when I come in, as if something beckons me in front of me.”

Mu Yanzheng said: “Really? You can feel it carefully.”

Hua Lan Ting stopped and closed his eyes, then walked a few steps and said, “Yes, it came from the south direction, but it was not my feeling, it was the faint fluctuation of the leading cable in the storage space that told me.”

Mu Xiuyan said: “This is strange. In that case, you just follow your feelings and talk about it when you get to the place. It’s better than we spin around like a fly without our heads.”

Everyone became curious, and followed Hualanting to the mountainside.

At this moment in the mountain, there are three other people who have the same feeling as Hualanting.

One of them is the second generation of Xiu, named Chu Mei.

The book reveals that his ancestor was Chu Ping, the eldest disciple of the Wulan Yun Xianzong Wudaoren, who practiced the Wusuo Yunlan Gong and Lingyun Spear Technique.

After the sect of    changed, he came to the west of Xianzhou alone and founded the Lingyun Sect. After hundreds of years, he developed into a family-style second-rate sect. It is a bit reluctant to say that it is a second-rate, but because it is located in a corner of the west to the east, it is able to rule the surrounding area and act very domineering.

The family has been passed down to this day, and the contemporary suzerain is named Chutianmen. His son is the youngest suzerain, Chu Mei, who has a low cultivation base but has followed the family’s arrogant and domineering style since childhood.

The Chu family is one of the people who knew the secret history of the misty cloud fairy sect. Throughout the ages, people have been sent to collect spiritual resources every hundred years, and this is also the basis for the long-lasting prosperity of the Lingyun Sect.

Although for some reasons, the deep level of the Mist Lock Cloud Lan Gong technique can no longer be obtained, but the collection of spiritual veins has been smooth for hundreds of years. Therefore, this time Chu Tianmen did not go out in person. Instead, Chu did not come, and also saved the treasures and gilded meritorious services, which increased Chu’s mind to inherit the power of the suzerain in the future. After all, the various factions in the family sect The fight is fierce.

The people who accompanied him this time were Chu Jiangkai, the third brother of Chutianmen, and three family guards.

Young Sovereign Chu did not only regard this trip as a trip to the mountains and rivers. He knew the way to find the entrance to the formation by relying on the family-renowned Lingbao Lingyun spear, so he followed the induction to the west since he reached the peak, trusting the horse along the way. , Secretly slandered his father’s decision not to let him take his concubine with him.

The third uncle Chu Jiangkai next to    looked at Chu Mei who was absent-minded, but he had another thought.

The second person who has the same feeling is the little girl with freckles in the cafe. Her name is Yu Luli, and Shu Rong, a cold-faced Taoist, is her master. The ancestor of the two was Leng Qiuyan, the fourth disciple under the seat of no Taoist, who had obtained the inheritance of the Liuyun Sword.

Leng Qiuyan did not start a school after the decline of the sect, but established Liuyun Temple on the nearby mountain, and later left Wulan Mountain due to insufficient spiritual energy in the mountain, and then collected disciples and passed it to Shu Rong.

Liuyunjian is a single pass, and only accepts female disciples. Leng Qiuyan had been emotionally frustrated, so she hated men in the world, which led to the fact that most of her underlings were single women who were pretentious to men regardless of their morals.

Yu Miao carp is an orphan adopted by Shu Rong. He is not high enough to cultivate at a young age, but he has excellent qualifications and clever mind. Shu Rong is very fond of him.

is a century-long period, and the descendants of the Liuyunjian who also mastered the secrets of the sect naturally went up the mountain to get the treasure. The entrance of the Liuyunjian induction has always been located on the east side of Yunxian Peak.

The third person who felt it was not the direct descendant of Wulan Yunxianzong. This person was also a young man named Qu Liushang, a disciple of Beiyue Xianzong, a school in the northern part of Shuxuan Xianzhou. At this time, he was walking on the mountain road leading to the north of Yunxian Peak with his accompanying elder Fang Qingzhan.

Qu Liushang was very excited. It wasn’t until after the peak, when he personally noticed the fluctuation and guidance of Izumo’s halberd in his arms, he finally confirmed that the information he had obtained before was true.

Qu Liushang has been living a very depressed life. His branch belongs to the Beiyuezong collateral line, and because of its weak power, it is always suppressed by the direct line and the big collateral branch. Although he himself has good aptitude, his cultivation is even more diligent, and the limited resources he can allocate are pitiful. He has always been in a situation of being ignored, making him feel that his future is neither helpless nor hopeless.

Until the eighteenth-year-old adult’s birthday, seeing that he belongs to the side of the sect after all, the director of general affairs finally found a storage ring from Zongku to reward him.

Like a treasure, he accidentally discovered that there is another mezzanine space in the ring and found a spiritual treasure level Euphorbia in it. There is also a manual next to it. The name of the halberd is stated in the book. Izumo, and recorded how to use Izumo halberd to obtain spiritual resources from Wulan Mountain.

He was surprised and delighted. After thinking about it again and again, he did not dare to mention it to others, and knew that his strength was too weak to support him. Finally, he found the only elder Fang Qingzhan in the clan who was able to take care of him because of his grandfather.

Fang Qingzhan is a man of indifferent nature and has no ambitions in the clan. He belongs to the list of elders at the end of the ranking. Normally, he is the only one who can provide some care to Qu Liushang. After hearing this, he felt like Qu Liushang this was an opportunity. The two hit it off, so he found a reason to come to Wulan Mountain to explore the secrets. When resources are available, whether they are used to improve their own cultivation level or dedicated to Zongzhong’s meritorious service, the current situation of the two can always be greatly improved.

The only pity is that the storage ring may have been left unused in the warehouse for too long and neglected to maintain it. One corner was damaged, causing part of the Izumo halberd to be damaged. They only got the Izumo halberd but no corresponding halberd. , In this way, it is impossible to enter the second layer to obtain the fog-locking cloud-lane technique as stated in the manual.

The two did not care too much. If the ring is intact, not only will it not be the turn to be awarded to Qu Liushang, but Qu Liushang may not find that there is a mezzanine in it. Everything is God’s will.

Yes, everything is God’s will.

What the four of them didn’t know was that this was a year in which all four entrances would be opened in five hundred years after the Spirit Vessel was opened for the first time. During this period, only the Western Lingyun Spear and the Eastern Flowing Cloud Sword appeared. The Azure Cloud Rod that opened the southern entrance and the Izumo Halberd at the northern entrance have been missing for a long time.

This is exactly how thunder and lightning appeared in the Wulan Mountain, and Yunxian Peak was foggy.

If you want to know what is going on, let’s listen to the decomposition next time.

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