The Good Incubus

Chapter 132 (NSFW) Naughty Elder

Chapter 132

Naughty Elder


Recap: Hao Kong x Fen Ru Chao x Gong Qiu Yu x Xie Jie

Yan Zhu x Chu Ling

Luo Bai x Zhou Tu

Xie Jie looked around the Leaders cave at the beautiful men relaxing in each others arms, and said with a smile, “would anyone like soothing?”

Yan Zhu’s head shot up, then remembering he had been released by Dun Guanlian he sagged, his powerful body really didn’t need to be healed.

The Elder’s movements didn’t go unnoticed and Xie Jie said with a flirtatious smile, “my dear Elder would you ‘like’ some soothing?”

Hearing his incubus’s intonation, Yan Zhu nodded shyly, he knew his body had already relieved the strain in his rear, but he really wanted to feel Xie Jie fill him up.

Smiling knowingly at his cute ethereal Elder, Chu Ling swapped places; holding the older man lovingly in his arms, he carefully positioned him for soothing.

Yan Zhu’s tanned cheeks blushed a deep red, as his previous disciple turned him over and lifted his bum into the air for all to see. He buried his face into Chu Ling’s neck as he felt himself getting aroused by the many eyes focused on his slender exposed behind.

The surprised sensual moan that escaped the Elder’s brown lips as his rump was squeezed, heated up everyone’s minds and loins.

Yan Zhu was amazed; how had their cute young incubus squeezed his butt? His skin was harder than the strongest metal. Turning round he saw Xie Jie staring at his hand with startled surprise.

This time with both hands, Xie Jie held the ethereal Elder’s dusty brown hips and squeezed gently, to his amazement the flesh felt soft and supple under his grasp.

Yan Zhu moaned again, to have his body played with while he was unbound was a far deeper delight. While bound it was like having his senses dampened, it felt amazing but oddly disconnected, like it was happening to someone else and they were telling him about it. Whereas now, every minute touch sent his mind into ecstasy as Xie Jie firmly caressed his hips and bum.

The others could see Yan Zhu’s pleasure and Xie Jie’s confused joy but didn’t understand what was happening. Holding tight to his highly aroused Elder, Chu Ling asked, “what is going on?”

Firmly slapping Yan Zhu’s right butt cheek, in a way that would have broken even Chu Ling’s powerful hand, Xie Jie said, “I’m not sure.”

The sensation of pain and pleasure tingled up their Elder's spine and he let out a soft moan as Xie Jie continued, “my body seems to be adapting to my lover’s strength. It’s a very strange sensation but it means I can do this.”

Raising his hand, Xie Jie quickly brought it down on Yan Zhu’s right buttock with enough force to send it red. The energy wave emitted was so powerful, that Luo Bai and Gong Qiu Yu had to use their bodies to shield Zhou Tu, Hao Kong and Fen Ru Chao.

Xie Jie looked sheepish as the tall Leader glared at him, he hadn't expected that much power to be expelled by one slap. Luo Bai felt his lover's guilt just as Yan Zhu let out a deep erotic moan.

The Elder had seen the men slapping each other’s butts during sex, and been a little confused by the action, but now he understood. The sensation of pain that morphed into a naughty pleasure was intoxicating, he wanted more, lots more.

Leaning up in Chu Ling’s arms Yan Zhu carefully kissed his soft lips, then grabbed Xie Jie gently round the waist, and they were gone.

The others were shocked for a moment, even Chu Ling had been unable to follow the Elder’s fast movements, then they all felt the powerful energy waves start to emanate from above.


Yan Zhu had taken Xie Jie to his spiritual cave. The cave where the Elder had spent a little over 100 years in seclusion, was designed to withstand the energy of an Elder ascending. Due to all Elders having lost their emotions by the time they enter, the 7 foot high roughly round cave was completely empty dull barren rock.

Xie Jie didn’t care that there were no comforts, he had eyes only for his sexy man, who’s powerful slender body was shrouded by his long free flowing white hair and nothing else.

Put carefully down on the rock floor by Yan Zhu, Xie Jie smiled mischievously up at the older man, “are you ready to take your punishment for what you did to my husband?”

Shyly looking down through his long white lashes and trying to control his grin, the beautiful Elder nodded.

Looping his tail round into a spiral Xie Jie used it as a stool and sat down, then pulled his unresisting man over his knees, sandwiching his huge cock in between his pale thighs.

At Xie Jie’s request, Dun Guanlian stretched out his chains and created a thick pillar of links to support the Elder’s chest.

Dun Xinyi encased Xie Jie’s legs, but as the young incubus squeezed his thighs together and Yan Zhu moaned in appreciation. The ancient wonder felt his metal strain against the power borrowed from the beautiful Elder and retracted back into his belt.

After making sure his man was secure, Xie Jie’s hand came down hard on his right buttock, the powerful slap contained a little of his sexual energy to heighten his lover’s senses.

Yan Zhu cried out in pain filled pleasure and the distorted sound echoed back at him off the rough rock walls.

Again Xie Jie’s hand came down, again slapping his right dusty brown pert buttock. Each smack pushed Yan Zhu’s hips down with the force of the hit, his cock sliding between his incubus’s tight thighs, his balls being pleasingly squeezed between the top of their legs.

Another slap and Yan Zhu’s mind became hazy, as the sharp pain fuelled pleasure surged up his spine. With a loud whack another hit landed on the Elder’s quickly reddening right cheek.

Taking a moment to appreciate his handy work, Xie Jie gently stroked the beautiful red cheek, then raised his hand again and brought it down with even more of his borrowed power.

The gentle loving caress in between made the slap all the more potent and arousing, making Yan Zhu cry out again with an intoxicated moan of joy.

Again Xie Jie’s pale hand came down on the Elder’s right cheek.

Breathing deeply, Yan Zhu put his head to the side and snuck a peek at the beautiful incubus who was administering his punishment. At the erotic sight his blood thumped in his ears almost as much as his right buttock. His young man’s countenance was serene yet mischievous as he raised his hand again. Tears came into the Elder’s dark eyes as his man brought his hand down with tremendous speed.

The happy grin spread even wider on Xie Jie’s face as he spanked his man’s left cheek for the first time, and he heard his Elder’s sighing moan of relieved delight as his other cheek was finally smacked.

The warm feel of Yan Zhu’s sexy body across his lap, the almost unperceivable shiver each time his hand made contact and the sensation of his hard member becoming slick with precum between his thighs; all of it was thrilling Xie Jie beyond his wildest dreams.

Before he had met Hao Kong, Xie Jie hadn’t thought anyone would love this darker side of him. Yet here he was, enjoying this beautiful sight of his loving man’s rump turning a spectacular dark red.

“Please give me more!” moaned Yan Zhu, as Xie Jie paused to look at the beautiful red bloom on his dusty brown arse.

“Oh? Have you been that bad a boy?” Asked Xie Jie teasingly.

Fidgeting slightly on his incubus’s lap, Yan Zhu replied coyly, “yes, I’ve been very bad Master Xie, please show me the error of my ways.”

The smack sounded like a thunder clap as Xie Jie’s hand came down hard on his left butt cheek.

Yan Zhu’s head came up as his hips pushed forwards, his tongue hanging half out of his mouth and tears running down his cheeks, as he moaned incoherently. Soothing sexually gratified energy surged out of Yan Zhu, filling the cave and everything beyond, while he made a hot white mess between his incubus’s thighs.

Now with more control of his powers and with the strength of his Elder, Xie Jie only absorbed a little of the immense sexual energy, leaving the rest to dissipate through the peak.

Gently, Xie Jie stroked his Elder’s red bum and said soothingly, “you have done well my little one.”

The older man’s head turned up to his young incubus and he looked up at him through his wet lashes, his long white hair hanging loose was stuck to his light sweat around his flushed face.

“Oh you can’t look at me like that and expect me to hold back from having more fun with you.” Said Xie Jie in a naughty erotic tone.

Yan Zhu, who had spent the last nearly millennium in a position of power, dropped his eyes down shyly and then looked up with pleading, trying to entice Xie Jie to play with his body more.

To the powerful Elder, Xie Jie was normally as weak as a kitten and as slow as a tortoise. However, while their bodies were connected, he seemed to possess his speed and strength.

In a fraction of a second, Yan Zhu was held up under the thighs and his back was slammed against the cave wall. The tough rock cracked under the impact and the air was knocked from his lungs, as Xie Jie roughly pushed his small wet cock in through his ring, in an only just controlled fit of passion.

Having learnt more about his enhanced body, Xie Jie had reduced the size of his cock to little more than his middle finger.

Barely holding back the Elder’s immense borrowed strength, Xie Jie slammed his pelvis forwards, making his lover’s butt cheeks an even deeper red. Every time he thrust forwards, Xie Jie grew his cock a little bigger and it plunged a little deeper into his man.

Yan Zhu was struggling to catch his breath, to be dominated physically and sexually while at his full strength was overwhelming his senses, his mind was quickly becoming lost to the pleasure of their bodies.

The long forgotten feeling of pain, now mixing with the intense pleasure of his inner walls being pushed open deeper and deeper with each thrust, made the Elder moan into his lover’s ear.

Held in his incubus’s strong arms, Yan Zhu felt the love of each deep thrust. While Xie Jie kissed and nibbled up his neck and along his jaw, leaving little powerless marks in his wake, his strong pale hands lovingly supporting his Elder’s weight as he was careful to not slam him too hard against the solid rock.

Xie Jie’s breathing became heavy as he felt himself building towards climax, the man in his arms was beyond sexy, his face and body were one thing; with their perfectly symmetrical features and beautiful toned muscles. But then you added on top his aura of strength and goodness, and Xie Jie almost felt like he was making love to a benevolent deity.

He desperately wanted Yan Zhu in his harem, but he didn’t want to rush this wonderful man and he didn’t want to endanger his other men, the difference in their power was just too much.

Lust filled Xie Jie’s voice as he said to his lover in little more than a whisper, “I can’t mark you safely yet, but please mark me, I want to be yours my lovely Yan Zhu.”

A euphoric delight brightened the Elder’s bliss hazed ethereal eyes and he bit down hard on Xie Jie’s shoulder.

Xie Jie felt no pain as Yan Zhu’s healing energy flowed into his body, the feeling of being marked by his lover was a rapturous pleasure that made his cock swelled to almost Chu Ling's size, pulling his man’s ring tight and filling him perfectly to capacity.

Energy flowed into Xie Jie from Yan Zhu’s bite, and he vaguely wondered if this was what it felt like to be marked by an incubus. But those thoughts were forgotten like a dream as their mark forged and he fully felt the sensations of Yan Zhu’s body mix with his own.

The depth of feeling that came from Yan Zhu’s heightened spiritual senses made Xie Jie dizzy. This being the Elder’s first time being taken while unbound, every thrust along his soft inner depths was a new delight, that was threatening to overwhelm his recently regained emotions. It felt like a mountain of pleasure being dropped on Xie Jie’s young system.

On the other end of their connection, the feeling of Xie Jie’s carnal delight was far richer than Yan Zhu could believe, and his mind went blank in an instant as he tried to control it.

Both men were quickly overwhelmed by each others sexual bliss adding to their own; crying out with deep guttural moans of delight, they came as one.

Xie Jie had never cum so hard in his life, his seed filled his lover then spurted out round his cock soaking both of their balls.

While Yan Zhu gripped onto his cute incubus’s shoulders for dear life as his body shook and convulsed on it’s own, his hot seed hitting Xie Jie in the chest and running down his abs to his pelvis.

The goodness of Yan Zhu amazed and delighted Xie Jie; at the height of his passion filled climax, Yan Zhu clung on to enough of his senses to tinge his dangerously strong energy with healing. The second massive wave of power followed the first and flowed out of his cave to cover Snow Mist Peak.

Their breath mingled as they held each other close, this was nothing like when Yan Zhu had climaxed before; the pure unbridled delight of a safe unbound orgasm made him feel light as a feather, he was so relaxed his mind felt like the inside of a fluffy cloud.

Softly Yan Zhu held lovingly onto his smaller man’s neck and let his head drop comfortably onto his shoulder, in a low whisper he said, “Xie Jie my love that was amazing.”

Feeling drunk with sexual ecstasy, Xie Jie pushed his Elder’s long white hair back from his face and kissed him on the cheek, while whispering back, “our bodies are a true delight together my lovely Yan Zhu.”

Holding his Elder close, his huge cock still inside his ring, Xie Jie used his borrowed speed and took them back to the Leader’s spiritual cave.

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