The Good Incubus

Chapter 115 (NSFW) Master Fen Ru Chao

Chapter 115

Master Fen Ru Chao


Slightly shocked by all that had happened, they stood still for a moment in the field. Then they all saw and felt their incubus’s sadness, and crowded round him in a hug.

Held close by his men, Luo Bai asked, “what did Elder Song mean about ‘see us at the next mating flight?’”

Knowing what was coming, Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong blushed, while Xie Jie simply said, “when an incubus or succubus goes into heat, it sends all other incubus or succubus in a large area into a sexual frenzy, and we are all drawn to the same spot; where we fly for the right to mate. It can get dangerous, so the strongest from each harem come to protect their lover in case they get injured.”

Held in their embrace there was no way Xie Jie wouldn’t feel their concern, so he added, “but you don’t need to worry about that yet, I won’t be drawn into any mating flights until I’m at least a hundred, and I’m unlikely to go into heat till I’m two hundred and fifty.”

“My dear that is based on a normal incubus’s growth rate.” Said Gong Qiu Yu, his voice full of concern, “you grew your wings within a week of your 21st birthday, from what I’ve read it can take years if not decades normally.”

Shocked by his words, Xie Jie stared at Gong Qiu Yu, for a moment not sure what to think. He was not ready to take part in any mating flights, let alone be in heat!

Gently kissing his cheek, Luo Bai said, “don’t worry, we will all take it as it comes, but as of tomorrow I’m teaching you to defend yourself. My sweet love I’ll teach you every non lethal move I know.”

They all relaxed a little knowing their Luo Bai would help their young lover stay safe.

In a thoughtful tone Dun Mírén said, “it is possible brother horn could help you resist being drawn into mating flights.”

When Xie Jie repeated the shackle’s words out loud, they all relaxed further, but then Gong Qiu Yu said, “you need to go get the horn part, you can’t leave him there any longer. Which unfortunately means your training will have to wait.”

They all fell into thought for a moment with mixed feelings on what was the highest priority.

Breaking their malaise, with a dreamy look Hao Kong said, “it would be kind of nice to have a cute little Xie Jie running around when the time comes.”

“You can have children?!” asked Chu Ling for them all. Hao Kong and Gong Qiu Yu nodded while the rest stared at Xie Jie in surprise.

“My female form is not just aesthetics,” replied Xie Jie with a little chuckle, “I have both sets of reproductive organs.”

In a slight panic Chu Ling asked, “then should we have been more careful before? I came deep inside of you while you were a lady.”

Fen Ru Chao’s eyebrows looked like they were trying to fly away, he was so surprised to hear his usually reserved Leader speak so graphically.

“There is no need to worry,” replied Xie Jie with sadness in his tone, “I can only mate with others of my kind.”

“Oh.” Said Chu Ling relieved, then he realised the implications and his voice turned sad, “Oh.”

“There might be a way you could mate with us.” said Gong Qiu Yu. Lost in thought he completely missed everyone’s surprised expressions turning excited. “There is a legend of a magical ring that can help couples of differing species, who truly love each other, to conceive. I never thought it much interest to research it properly before, but if you would all be interested, I could see what I can find out.”

Looking at his beloved around him, Xie Jie said shyly, “I would be interested. If you think it would work for us.”

Blushing to his toes, Gong Qiu Yu kissed Xie Jie’s lips and said, “it would work my dear sweet love, but it may take a very long time to find it, if it ever existed in the first place.”

Via Xie Jie Dun Guanlian said, “it definitely did exist, that is where incubuses came from. They are a mix of two of the first races.”

“My delightfully inquisitive scholar,” said Xie Jie, “it might be better if you wait till we get the horn part, so you can talk directly.”

With a self deprecating laugh Gong Qiu Yu agreed, “your right, I’m going to talk to the Dun’s for days when I can.”

“In which case we had best enjoy you while you are still focused on us,” Xie Jie said with a cheeky smile, “I was going to say ‘if you don’t want me to take advantage of your bodies, you had best dress again.’ But now I don’t want to waste a moment with you.”

As one the Leaders and Zhou Tu turned to retrieved their robes from the ground, making the others all pout. Seeing each others looks, they grinned at their like mindedness and hugged a naked man each.

Fen Ru Chao hugged Chu Ling, Xie Jie hugged Gong Qiu Yu, Yan Zhu hugged Luo Bai, and Hao Kong hugged Zhou Tu.

Each of the naked hugged men turned in their man’s embrace and kissed their lover.

As they all pulled back from their kisses, Xie Jie blushed to his toes and shyly said, “I think we should return to our home.”

Chu Ling and Yan Zhu instantly disappeared with their men and then shimmered next to the other pairs; before the others realised what was happening, they were all stood in the Leaders spiritual caves.

Yan Zhu’s eyes went wide and he grabbed Chu Ling’s wrist, “Chu Ling your speed is incredible, why haven’t you been using it?”

Fidgeting slightly Chu Ling replied, “I didn’t want to be treated differently because I got so strong. That is the second time I’ve moved at 100 percent of my speed, and it was still nothing compared to the way you move.”

“That was only 40 percent of my speed.” Said Yan Zhu, his dusty brown lips curving up into a sad smile, “other than you, no one here could survive even 60 percent of my speed.”

Equally excited Luo Bai said from the other side, “Chu Ling you’ve gotten faster!”

Shocked, Chu Ling turned his mind inwards for a moment and Fen Ru Chao took his other wrist.

Both men’s eyes locked as they looked astounded, Fen Ru Chao asked, “how have you gotten that much stronger since yesterday?”

In Xie Jie’s and Chu Ling’s minds, Dun Xinyi said in a deep sexy tone, “we would happily show Fen Ru Chao if he would like.”

Blushing Chu Ling gently took Fen Ru Chao’s hand and said, “I... last see, all the energy you felt...”

“It’s alright my dear Chu Ling,” said Fen Ru Chao while gazing lovingly up into his flustered Leader’s eyes, “you don’t have to tell me everything right away. Although from the amount of energy you released I can sort of guess.” Dropping his eyes from Chu Ling’s, Fen Ru Chao added shyly, “I hope next time I can join you.”

Just as he opened his mouth to agree, Chu Ling felt the arousal of his lovers and said, “I would love to do everything with you, as long as you know we all come together...” realising what he had just said, he clarified, “all of us are together, so if you want to be with me, it means being with my lovers too. Are you alright with that?”

Fen Ru Chao’s heart ached to be with Chu Ling, but he was not foolish enough to lie to be with him, “I love you Chu Ling, I have for a very long time. In that time I have never thought of being with anyone else, but then I never believed I would be able to be with you.”

Disappointment squeezed Chu Ling’s heart and his turbulent eyes dropped to the floor, the idea of losing his disciple made it hard for him to breathe.

Taking his Leader’s chin between his long slender fingers, Fen Ru Chao tilted it up locking their eyes once again, “that doesn’t mean I am a blind man, your lovers are as beautiful and wonderful as you. I don’t know if I love any of them yet, but I have kept my heart closed for so long, how could I know?”

From their side Xie Jie said seriously, “Fen Ru Chao please may I test your energy?”

The others gave Xie Jie reproachful looks, thinking of how he had tasted their energy through deep kisses. Ignoring the looks around him, Xie Jie continued, “I believe with my new powers I can open your heart, and help you feel all of your emotions fully.”

“I would be honoured for you to try your new power on me.” Blushing a deep red, Fen Ru Chao held out his hand to Xie Jie, thinking he would feel his pulse.

Before the others could object, Xie Jie took Fen Ru Chao’s delicate black hand and brought it to his lips, giving the back a soft kiss.

There was no change to Fen Ru Chao, but they all heard Xie Jie’s sensual moan and saw the look of delight in his eyes.

Startled by the erotic sound, Fen Ru Chao’s mouth dropped open. He had never made another person make a noise like that, it stirred a deep delight in his heart and robes.

Still holding Fen Ru Chao’s hand, Xie Jie sensed the man’s new desire, and looking into his dark eyes he sighed in delight, then said to his men, “I agree with you all, Fen Ru Chao is a wonderful man inside and out.”

“You can test someone’s energy by kissing their hand?” asked Luo Bai excitedly, “That could be really useful to defend Snow Mist Peak.”

Guilt shot round their link and Xie Jie said, “actually I could of just stroked his hand to lightly test him; with that kiss I sensed all of him, I could describe his Qi if you like?”

They all had so many questions, but Fen Ru Chao got there first, in a disappointed rush he asked, “does that mean you can’t open my heart?”

A charming smile raised Xie Jie’s lips and he said, “for that I would need a real kiss.”

The words had barely left his mouth, when Fen Ru Chao sealed their lips together.

The Master Healer gently wrapped his strong slender arms round the young incubus’s neck. He had been charmed by Xie Jie's goodness helping the sect, and now his heart hadn’t stopped racing since his soft moan, he had an overwhelming desire to hear it again.

Their lips moved seamlessly together; Fen Ru Chao only had one kiss with Chu Ling, but with a life time of experience understanding others movements he could easily follow Xie Jie’s expert kissing.

Moving slightly back, Xie Jie licked Fen Ru Chao’s lips then used his tongue to push his lips apart and delved into his mouth.

Enjoying every part of kissing the inexperienced Master Healer, Xie Jie let out a soft moan that vibrated the full lips of Fen Ru Chao.

Knowing how to help the lovely man in his arms, Xie Jie let Fen Ru Chao’s pleasure run through to his men. While the pair’s tongues entangled, the linked men all let out a sensual sigh as they were stimulated by their Master Healer via their incubus.

The linked men’s eyes went wide with confused surprise, then they all luxuriated in the wonderful sensation of Fen Ru Chao’s precise feeling energy.

Upon hearing the erotic noises around him, Fen Ru Chao’s lust hit new heights and he went rock hard, that was the sound! He couldn’t get enough of these sexy men moaning.

He briefly wondered what Xie Jie had done to him, then realised with a start, this cute incubus had done nothing but kiss him.

Pulling back from their kiss, Fen Ru Chao said, “you’re one smart man Xie Jie, thank you.”

“What did Xie Jie do?” asked Chu Ling, he was concerned that they were pushing his beloved disciple too fast, “are you alright my dear?”

Smiling lovingly, Fen Ru Chao replied, “I’m wonderful my lovely Chu Ling, Xie Jie did nothing but kiss me and let me hear your sexy voices. It was all of you who have awoken my lust.”

Saying this to his honoured Leaders was embarrassing and nerve wracking, but Fen Ru Chao’s heart trembled at the thought of missing this opportunity to be with these wonderful men. With a stunningly sexy look at them all, he bravely held his nerve and while trying desperately to not blush said, “I hope all of you will take responsibility for the state you have put me in.”

Chu Ling swallowed hard, and he was not alone, Fen Ru Chao had a dark handsome face; from his broad nose to his full lips, his almost black eyes to his high cheek bones. Every feature was perfectly positioned to entice the eye of the beholder; then there was his intelligent, stern yet passionately caring personality. They all wondered how they hadn’t known they were in love with him sooner.

No one moved for half a heart beat, then as one they stepped towards the beautiful healer. Pausing in confusion, they wondered how they could enjoy him all together?

“You can’t all enjoy him at once,” Xie Jie laughed at his men, “and for his first time you need to be gentle with him. I as always will enjoy watching our sexy Chu Ling being taken.”

At Fen Ru Chao’s startled look of, ‘I couldn’t possibly do that to my honoured Leader’, Chu Ling gently pulled him round into his arms. The Master Healer gulped as he felt his Leader’s huge lower half.

Feeling Xie Jie was right, Luo Bai said to Zhou Tu, “would you like to cultivate with me like we did last time?”

Seeing Zhou Tu instantly nod in agreement, Luo Bai kissed his young man on the lips and deftly undid his robes. Slowly he slid his hands inside the white fabric and gently ran his fingers down Zhou Tu’s slender light brown chest. Moving his strong hands to the sides, he tweaked his man’s little brown nipples and was rewarded with a sexy moan of delight.

This was not how they had cultivated together last time; but seeing Fen Ru Chao start to slowly undo Chu Ling’s robes in the same way, Zhou Tu understood his Leader's intentions and enjoyed the feel of his lover’s fingers, while letting out another sighing moan of delight.

His hands shaking slightly, Fen Ru Chao softly ran a finger over Chu Ling’s bulging muscular chest, the skin felt warm and firm under his touch making him tremble a little more. When he got to his man’s sexy brown nipple he lightly stroked it, while looking up at Chu Ling’s handsome face that he had dreamt about for decades.

The feathery touch on his chest and nipple was all the more stimulating for its lightness, making Chu Ling let out a deep sigh of appreciation.

Fen Ru Chao’s eyes shone; the sound of his beloved being aroused was making him lose his reason. He wanted to make love to Chu Ling this second, but he also wanted to savour every noise, every reaction.

Glancing over at the other pair, Fen Ru Chao saw the incredibly sexy Luo Bai, who he had always been jealous of. Now he saw his Leader as if for the first time; not as a love rival but as the handsome charming man he had always been.

The tall Leader slowly pulled Zhou Tu’s robes fully off while kissing his neck and shoulders. Being shorter than Chu Ling, Fen Ru Chao knew he couldn’t reach to do the same, so instead pulled his Leader’s robes fully off and licked one of his pert deep brown nipples.

Chu Ling’s back arched as the sensation tingled up his spine, after a night of being played with, his body was feeling incredibly sensitive.

Fen Ru Chao understood what the others had discovered, Chu Ling’s body was a true delight to stimulate. Sealing his lips to his Leader’s toned chest, Fen Ru Chao sucked and licked Chu Ling’s tender little nipple, enjoying the feel and sound of his man’s arousal growing.

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