The Golden Invincible of Basketball

Chapter 31 - "Assistant Coach"

4 to 2, Georgetown University once again took the lead.

Cajon got up and walked to the sidelines, his expression was not easy.

He originally hoped to use Tang Tian’s speed advantage to make up for defense. Tang Tian also played very smart, but because there was an absolute gap with Monroe, he did not achieve the desired effect.

For the offensive of Kang Kang University, Walker still failed to make a mid-range jumper after the breakthrough, and Monroe then received defensive rebounds.

Menlo was too deterrent in the penalty area, which forced Kangda to dare not break through, and could only concentrate more of its offensive in the middle and long distance.

But it just feels bad to catch Walker.

After looking back, Monroe fell directly to the low post, receiving a pass from his teammates and hitting Oriarch.

After continuously turning around and hitting the ball, Oria Archi suffered too much from confrontation and gave limited interference.

The ball hit the ball into the box, and Georgetown led 6-2.

The score is actually not rising fast, but because of the presence of Monroe, the difference is still pulled away a little.

This is like a grinding disc. There is no sharp blade, but it can be smoothed and worn away a little bit.

In the first half of the game, about ten minutes, Georgetown led the University of Concordia by 17-9 with 8 points.

There are not many scores and the difference is not large, but they just can’t catch up.

Since the opening, Georgetown University has been overwhelmed by Kang.

Ji Kang shouted a pause, and Kahong held the tactical board for a while and didn’t speak.

He prepared a lot before the game, including Tang Tian playing the starting four, including 2-1-2 defense, but in front of the absolute strength gap, these things did not work.

“Father, why don’t you double up with Monroe?” Ollie asked Kahun and said nothing.

“Monroe will pass.” Kahun shook his head.

If it is just a powerful inside player, he has a hundred ways to deal with it, but Monroe and Georgetown’s predecessors, like Ewing and Monin, are all-round centers that can attack and pass. If you trap him, the whole The Georgetown offense was completely alive.

最好 The best way to defend Monroe is to have a man who can withstand it, but unfortunately UConn does not.

Oli’s opinion was refuted, and Kahun didn’t speak. This suspension of Kangda looked so wasteful.

“We can play threes.” Tang Tian said at this time.

The words of him immediately caught everyone’s attention.

The coaches are discussing tactics. Players are generally not allowed to intervene. Intervening is usually the core of a team like Walker.

But when looking at Tang Tian at this time, most of them are not to blame, but to question.

Tian Tian has more or less demonstrated his talent in coaching, whether it is for Marquette University or Washington State University.

“Are you saying you want to play a new tactic?” Cahong understood Tang Tian’s meaning.

虽然 Although he didn’t speak before, he actually considered it, but it was just because the new tactics weren’t skilled and the risks were not small.

Tang Tian nodded. Menlo Qiang was just inside. He couldn’t prevent the three-pointer from coming. Under the circumstance that Monroe ruled the penalty area, three-point tactics were the best choice.

But the only stable three-pointer in Kang Da is Tang Tian. Both Walker and Lam are unstable, so only new tactics can be played.

“But this still cannot solve the problem of defense.” Oli reminded.

“Three points are always one point more than two points, isn’t it?” Tang Tian said with a smile.

Kahong nodded after listening. Now in this situation, do n’t try it is just a chronic death. Try it. If the outside three-pointer can be cast, Kang Da still has the opportunity to get back the initiative.

Paused back and neither team made adjustments to the lineup.

“It seems that Kahun can’t take Monroe anymore.” After explaining that Kangda did not make substitution adjustments, he couldn’t help saying it.

“A clever woman is hard to cook without rice,” the commentator said with emotion.

The situation was unfavorable, and the on-site DJ also started to drive the audience to cheer for the team.


“Come on! Connecticut!”


“Come on! Connecticut!”

The audience’s shout is still useful, and it can be clearly felt that the fighting spirit of the UConn players has improved a lot.

Tang Tian’s pick-and-roll to Walker in frontcourt, Walker faced the opposing power forward after removing the ball.

Georgetown University has no defense, and let Walker break through. They have absolute confidence in Monroe.

However, at this moment, Kangda launched the second wave of tactical offensive.

Tang Tian moved along the three-point line to the right bottom corner, and Lam, who was originally in the right wing, suddenly came over to make him a ball-free pick-and-roll.

In this gear, the players who replaced Tang Tian were blocked.

战术 This tactic was launched suddenly. Georgetown University was a bit unresponsive. The defender didn’t keep up. Tang Tian was already empty when he fell to the bottom corner.

Walker shakes the hand to pass.

Tangtian didn’t hesitate to catch the ball and cast it directly.

As soon as the shuttlecock was shot, the audience’s eyes were attracted to it.

This is the first three-point tactic of Kang Da since the opening of the game.


A sizzling sound echoed in the arena.

Tang Tian’s open three-pointer, directly into the net!

Cheers suddenly burst into cheers at the scene.

This three-pointer is so thirsty!

Kang University reduced the point difference to 5 points!

When Tang Tian returned to defense, he slapped with Walker.

The open three-point skill is dead, but the person is alive. Although his off-ball running position is not as good as Thompson, but with tactics, he can still have a chance.

Even if Novak ~ ~ arrived at the Knicks, after coach Mike D’Antoni designed tactics for him, he also hit the peak of his career.

This ability eats tactics, but with tactics, there will be killing.

Not to mention he runs much faster than Novak.

Kahong couldn’t help but reach out and make a fist at this time. Tang Tian really did not only do well in the training class, but he could also do a great job in the arena!

Georgetown University’s offense, UConn still does not double-team, let Monroe singles.

Monroe hit the basket and was directly blocked by Ori Achi’s foul.

Because of a foul between 7-9 times, Monroe was directly sent to the free throw line to perform a 1 + 1 free throw.

The scene is full of noise.

Yemen Luo dribbled and took a deep breath before shooting.


He only made more than 60% of his free throws in the season and was not stable.

Ori Archie grabbed a defensive rebound, and Georgetown’s attack was tantamount to failing.

The cheers of the fans at the scene exploded.

After returning from the pause, they saw the possibility of the team getting up.

Walker pushed the ball to the front court, reached out and made a new tactical gesture.

Kahong laid out tactics during the timeout, and there was more than one, in order not to let the opponent find out at once.

Lamb started inserting from the bottom right corner, Tang Tian and Ori Archi made him a double pick-and-roll.

Entangled in the basket, Lam abandoned the power of nine cows and two tigers and finally ran out.

But when the defense of Georgetown was attracted by Lam, Tang Tian suddenly turned and ran to the right wing at 45 degrees.

At this time, no one noticed him at all, and when he ran to the three-point line, he was still a big open!

Walker waved the ball for the first time.

Tang Tian catches the ball and then shoots.

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