The Genius of Naruto Naruto

Chapter 26 New Missions

Chapter 26 New Missions
Not long after Naruto let Sasuke leave, Kakashi appeared. Faced with Kakashi's question, Naruto didn't speak, and Kakashi probably guessed the outcome of the matter, so the two returned together without asking further questions. Go to Konoha Village.Sakura also had deep feelings for Sasuke, and his departure was a big blow to Sakura, but finally got better under Naruto's embrace and comfort.Shikamaru's first mission after being promoted to Chunin was regarded as a failure. Fortunately, the members of the team did not suffer any major losses, and most of them suffered a little injury.

Facing Tsunade, who was the first Hokage, Shikamaru and Naruto reported the mission process together. Just when the two were about to leave, Tsunade said: "Naruto, you stay." Seeing Shikamaru leave, Tsunade After closing the office door, he solemnly glanced at Naruto and said, "Naruto, you must know something about the current situation in Anbu. Very limited. Now Konoha Village is in an extraordinary period. After Orochimaru attacked Konoha, all the villages are eyeing Konoha. Among them, Raikage of Yunyin Village is the most radical. Danzo asked him to handle the matter of Yunyin. But I am worried about his handling method, although I have not agreed to him for the time being, but if there is no suitable candidate, I can only "

"Grandma Tsunade, do you mean that you want me to go and solve this problem according to your wishes?" Naruto said
Tsunade was silent for a while, frowned slightly, and said to Naruto: "You have just joined Anbu, and you shouldn't have been given such a dangerous task, but I just took up the post of Hokage, and even Anbu who is directly under Hokage may not always obey My arrangement, it is very likely that even if I send someone to carry it out, Danzo will interfere in the end, and at present, besides Jiraiya, there are not many people I trust the most, and there are only a few in Anbu you."

"Grandma Tsunade, don't worry, I won't be killed so easily, and the other party doesn't have much information about me, so no matter what the task is, leave it to me to complete it," Naruto said firmly.

Hearing what Naruto said, Tsunade also nodded, and said to Naruto: "What we already know is that Raikage is preparing to take a big action against Konoha, but the specific content of the action is temporarily unknown, and I The task I want to give you is to organize Raikage's actions against Konoha at all costs, and not let anyone know that our Konoha people did it, but don't kill if it is not necessary, so as not to cause conflicts between countries It would be better if the conflict could be resolved peacefully."

Naruto heard what Tsunade said, and thought, this should be added later is the reason why Tsunade didn't want Danzo to do it.

Just listen to Tsunade and continue: "I will send three other members of Anbu to act with you on this mission. You will form a team of four to carry out the mission. You will be the team leader for this mission, and the other three will be under your command. The mission will last for one day." Yue, if you can complete this task, then you will be the squadron leader in Anbu, and this scroll contains the information of the other three members, go to the secret base of Anbu to gather the team members for this operation."

Naruto opened the scroll given by Tsunade, and saw that it said, the team members dazzled, and the team members took photos. Both of them are Jnin, good at hiding and assaulting assassinations. The relationship between the two is brothers, and they usually adopt joint attacks. With the cooperation of ninja swords, the battle can often be ended quickly and retreated quickly. As for the name, it is a special name in Anbu.The two Naruto felt that their strength was not bad, but the key was that the means of quick attack and joint attack still had some effect in this mission.

Naruto then looked down, "Yamato" turned out to be Yamato, unexpectedly Tsunade sent Yamato to his team.The following is Yamato's introduction: "He is good at using Mudun, and can use a variety of offensive, defensive and auxiliary ninjutsu." Although it is only a short sentence, just seeing Mudun is enough to attract people's attention. The first generation of Hokage is good at Needless to say, the wooden escape used is very famous.Almost any ninja with a slight status in Konoha has heard of the legend of the first generation of Hokage. Although Naruto has never seen Mutun's ninjutsu, he still knows something about it. This is the blood that Naruto himself is very jealous of. Continue to limit.

Naruto asked Tsunade, "There is also a wooden ninja among them, may I ask?"

"Do you want to ask how it compares to the first Hokage?" Tsunade interrupted Naruto.

Naruto nodded, although he knew a thing or two about Yamato's Mutun, but Naruto still wanted to hear from the granddaughter of the first Hokage.

Tsunade sat down and said: "Yamato is not a descendant of the first generation, but a test product produced by Orochimaru through the first generation cells. Although he has Mudun, the chakra and the first generation of Hokage are not at the same level at all. The control of Mudun It is also far inferior, and its strength is much worse than that of the first generation of Hokage. But, after all, it is Mu Dun, and the power of ninjutsu is even stronger than that of ordinary blood successors.

Naruto thought Tsunade's evaluation was very objective, and then Naruto put on a special black outfit and came to Anbu's secret base. Several team members have been waiting here for a long time, and they should have received Tsunade's message a long time ago. Mission gone.

"Dazzle, take a photo, Yamato, I have met the captain, may I ask what the captain's code name is?" The three of them reported their names respectively, and at the same time Dazzle also began to ask Naruto's code name.

In Anbu, many team members have to hide their identities, so almost everyone has to use code names, and each wears a mask. In addition to physical characteristics and ninjutsu, identity codes and some secret codes must also be used to confirm their identities .So, now Naruto also needs a code name, Naruto thought for a while and said: "Thunder".

Immediately afterwards, he took a picture and asked: "May I ask what kind of ninjutsu the captain is usually good at. In order to facilitate future tasks, we need to have a certain understanding of each other."

Naruto knew that what the picture said was indeed reasonable, the team members must have a certain understanding, and at the same time, as the captain, he must have the ability to convince the team members, otherwise, as a Jonin, Anbu might not be able to truly obey.

Naruto said: "The ninjutsu I am good at is Water Dungeon, Earth Dungeon, and Thunder Dungeon, among which I am the best at Thunder Dungeon. Then in order to understand your respective strengths, dazzle light and take pictures, the two of you will attack me, and let the two of you attack me. I have a better understanding of your strength.

After Naruto finished speaking, he turned on Thunder Dun, and powerful lightning surged from his body, which was already very close to Raikage's appearance.The two brothers saw the chakra on Naruto's body, and knew that Naruto had a high achievement in the nature and form changes of the thunder attribute.A large number of chakras began to emerge from the ninja swords of the two, and with the special pace, the two cooperated as if there were more than a dozen knives looking at them at the same time.

Seeing this, Naruto's figure appeared behind the two in a flash, and the two reacted quickly and attacked behind them. Naruto sent two lightning bolts from the Thunder God sword to knock them into the air, and the ninja swords of the two also slashed. Naruto, but blocked by the Chakra on Naruto.

Yamato didn't move during the whole process. It seems that Yamato is relatively easy to talk, just as Naruto understands.The other two also got up from the ground and said: "As expected of the captain, it is just as Hokage-sama said, the strength is very strong." Hearing what the two said, Naruto thought that these two people should also recognize me as the captain, Then the next step is to rush to Yunyin Village.

(End of this chapter)

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