The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

Chapter 78: [Chapter —78]

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—*/Depravity685(remove the *)]


It took me a good minute to process what Charllote said and even then I was left confused.

I hadn't thought of Murphy since he deserted.

He did kill two of our people so I could understand, why he did it I could guess but for him to come back is weird.

Thinking back to the original series and what had happened to him I paused.

" Fuck!" I muttered before grabbing my Bow and quiver before sprinting out towards the gates.

I felt Charlotte and Raven following close by behind me.

I saw that the gates were opened and 10 guards had their rifles aimed at someone a dozen metres away from them slowly trudging towards them with his arms up.

I walked up to Miller watching alongside Bellamy, Octavia and Clarke.

" Is that Murphy?" I muttered as I got close to them.

" Believe it or not, yes it is." Muttered Miller.

" He looks awful." Muttered Clarke frowning.

" Well he's about to be dead so it doesn't matter." I told her pulling at my bowstring with an arrow on it before walking forward intent on ending this as soon as possible at a distance.

Having used [Observe] I knew that the boy was infected, I wasn't about to let him in here alive.

[—Name: John Murphy.

—Race: Human.

—Allegiance: Himself.


—Body: 7

—Mind: 11

—Energy: 2

—Sense: 6

—Affection: 26/100

—Feelings: Pain, Tired, Scared

—Status Effect: Bloddy Scourge Virus I

—Skills: Martial Arts[Lv-2], Weapons Proficiency[Lv-1], Languages[Lv-4]


' Fitting name for the virus...' I thought just about to let the arrow go.

" Wait Zek..." Octavia chimed in grabbing my hand while looking at the boy standing a bit away from us.

" Not yet." She said before she walked off confidently in front of me and the guards currently aiming their guns at John.

I frowned and walked behind her, the others quickly followed.

" O?" I muttered frowning walking behind the girl.

" He was captured by them, he must know something of use to us." She said.

" I mean you could be right but it's Murphy we're talking about, chances are he won't say shit." I said back to her with a frown getting closer to Murphy.

" STOP!" Murphy shouted as we got close to him surprising me." DON'T GET TOO CLOSE OR I'LL GET YOU INFECTED."

That had me pausing, he knew he was infected.

' He knew he was infected and yet still came here...'

" Murphy, what are you talking about?" Muttered Raven appearing behind the guard.

To that Murphy looked surprised staring at her which had me curious.

" You-you're alive??!" Exclaimed the boy staring at Raven who froze.

" Finn said he had to kill you to escape though," Murphy said looking contemplative as he stared at Raven.

" Yeah well she isn't, now tell me what you mean that you'll infect us?" I called out wanting to move on from that.

" What? Oh yeah, The grounders while I was asleep fed me something and left the gate open so that I could 'escape'." He said breathing hazardly." Luckily I was awake when they fed me that thing so I heard all about their plan to have me return back to camp and infect you guys and thin you out before they attack."

" And yet you still came to the camp where you could possibly infect us, also can you speak grounder now all of a sudden?" I asked him in a nonbelieving manner.

" I can actually." He replied almost smug catching me off guard.

' So that's why his language skill is so high.'

" And how can you do that?" Asked Bellamy already fed up with this with his gun ready to shoot the boy.

" I met a girl an-"

" Stop." I immediately told him not wanting this to deviate any further.

" Murphy what the fuck are you doing here, with a biological weapon might I add?" I said feeling a bit frustrated with all the happenings lately.

" I came to help." He picked at his words making everyone quiet for a moment.

" In what way?" Miller asked.

" I can teach you their language, I don't know too much but I can understand them fine." He said before continuing." And I know when they plan to attack and how they are gonna attack and I've heard things."

To that, I paused frowning.

" I can help you win this war easier and all I ask is that you help me and don't kill me." He said looking at me and not the others.

I scowled.

Knowledge about the grounders and the fucking day they are set to attack would be great for my war efforts.

" And as a freebie, Finn joined the grounders by the way..." He said with a smile making everyone pause and frown.

" What?" I exclaimed not having expected that part." How?"

" He offered the same deal I'm offering you guys right now." Murphy said with a small smile on his bloody and dirty face.

" I knew I should have shot that fucker in the face when I had the chance." Growled out Bellamy .

' I wish you did.' I thought feeling a bit heavier all of a sudden but I breathed in and looked at those beside me to see their opinions.

From what I could infer from them they were begrudgingly on the side of letting Murphy live as seen by their expressions.

"Oh fuck." I groaned out garnering the attention of everyone before I put my hand in my satchel bag I had on accessing my inventory and then taking out a Potion.

It was an offshoot variant of my health potion better garnered towards purging ailments from the body than anything.

I looked at the green vial and threw it at the ready hands Murphy.

" Ahhhh your famed potions?" He asked catching me off guard again as I gave him a curious look.

Catching this he made to answer in a triumphed but relieved voice.

" The grounders say that a brewer is incredibly rare and the fact that you are one baffled them just as much as you have baffled them in general actually." He answered while taking a swig of the potion.

" A brewer?....." Came Miller's voice behind me.

" *Sigh* Well damn Murphy, you might just be useful for something after all...." Came Raven's voice.

" Hey, I'm feeling better already." Murphy said and a quick [Observe] showed that the status effect was clear but just in case.

" Guards, accompany him to the bath sites and have him wash all that gunk off him." I ordered.

" Yes sir." Came the guard's voices before they led the boy into the camp as I watched from behind with the others.

" I really hope I'm not making another mistake." I groaned out before walking back into the camp not seeing the solemn faces on two of the girls I left while dragging Octavia with me.

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